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What are some more of your pet peeves?

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4 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

Intended or not.  Some people will see it as being rude and disrespectful.  So will comment about it as is their right to do so even if you don't like it. 

If you use that feature and  bump into people even on accident you're still responsible.  Using that option doesn't excuse the action in their mind. 

It's the same as being in rl and doing something similar at a store. You're going to get dirty looks and possible comments. 

So maybe instead of just trying to excuse it away.  You could have simply said sorry and moved on.

I disagree.  I think it's far ruder to start insulting people in public chat over something that may not have been helped - either through lag or derendering.  I get bumped all the time and I don't get my panties bunched over it.

And I don't bump into people in RL stores, cos I see them.

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1 minute ago, Jordan Whitt said:

I disagree.  I think it's far ruder to start insulting people in public chat over something that may not have been helped - either through lag or derendering.  I get bumped all the time and I don't get my panties bunched over it.

And I don't bump into people in RL stores, cos I see them.

That is where the problem comes in.  Different values. 

You might not see them if walking around and looking at a shopping list. 

And it could have been helped. By not using that feature there  knowing you might do exactly that. 

Using any feature that a viewer provides doesn't excuse any actions that others may find inappropriate. 

Just because it's there and you use it doesn't simply excuse everything done while using it. 

But we will more than likely have to agree to disagree on this. 

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minor peeve.. idiots who think escorts are prostitutes and have to do everything they say just because they paid for their time. that is not how it works and never was. not even here in sl. and those that defend that sort of behavior or action or thinking...

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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1 minute ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

minor peeve.. idiots who think escorts are prostitutes and have to do everything they say just because they paid for their time. that is not how it works and never was. not even here in sl.

...oh, really now? I've only ever seen the word "escort" used synonymously with "prostitute" in SL. Of course, obviously a prostitute would have limits too.

What other kinds of escorts are there?

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Just now, Cinos Field said:

...oh, really now? I've only ever seen the word "escort" used synonymously with "prostitute" in SL. Of course, obviously a prostitute would have limits too.

What other kinds of escorts are there?

And escort and a prostitute are two different things, often compared to being similar but they are not. look up both terms and you will see the difference.

an escort is a monetary paid companion, that does not have to provide sex as part of that 'companionship'. a prostitute is paid for sex either with money or other goods. two very different things.

most people do not know what a escort is and just think of them as high class prostitutes which is why they are refereed to being one by the individual.

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58 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

And escort and a prostitute are two different things, often compared to being similar but they are not. look up both terms and you will see the difference.

an escort is a monetary paid companion, that does not have to provide sex as part of that 'companionship'. a prostitute is paid for sex either with money or other goods. two very different things.

most people do not know what a escort is and just think of them as high class prostitutes which is why they are refereed to being one by the individual.

Mm. I've never seen the word used in that sense on SL, though. I suppose it's defined partially by the context.

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7 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

Mm. I've never seen the word used in that sense on SL, though. I suppose it's defined partially by the context.

its because most people do not really know what an escort truly is so just use the commonly referenced definition of them being a prostitute. when they are not and never was.

people like to put their own definition on a lot of things that happen here in sl even if they might be wrong. then will defend it to the death saying everyone else is wrong.

but you can clearly look up the word and see its real definition and meaning.

some escorts here in sl are prostitutes but some are not.

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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On 7/22/2020 at 6:09 PM, AyelaNewLife said:

Related peeve: (usually submissive) people who call everyone Sir John or Miss Jane, including complete strangers. Miss me with that. If a particular relationship dynamic makes that kind of title appropriate then that's totally fine, but not as a blanket approach. Just as cringey.

Yeah. I get that. There are some BDSM regions that require that of people. I hate it and try to just avoid saying things to folks. Also "subs have to sit on cushions or kneel (or whatever)"... I attend quite a few inworld D/s, M/s hosted group chats, alone. Either when I have no dominant, or even when I do and the D can't attend for whatever reason. Some random person with a "Sir Master Most High" tag, deserves me to be polite, he doesn't deserve an honorific from me (nor does some random Domme).  I don't kneel for the grid, so given only the option of sitting on the floor usually leaves me standing, defiantly sitting in a chair, or leaving. 

Region owners have the right to set up any rules they like, though.

Some subs have been instructed by their Doms to greet people with honorifics, too. So, I don't mind so much when other people do it. "Whatever." But I really dislike it if I feel I'm forced to be submissve to people I do not know, who are not my Dominant.

Interesting that @Orwar doesn't like the greeting of Hello E/everyone.  See, I was taught that rather than getting into the whole Sir/Miss... yada yada... that this was a polite way to enter the room.

MY pet peeve on this? Having to say "hello" to every effing avatar that shows up for a talk... and watching in chat as 47 people individually say hello to the newcomer, and then the newcomer typing out "hello" back to 47 people! This isn't just for D/s sims. This happens everywhere, music clubs, etc. I get it, people want to be nice, but ugh...

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4 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Disclaimer : have not read through the thread so have no idea if this one has been mentioned or not, but it's really becoming a big one of mine.

Inworld, I tend to keep to myself and speak up only when really annoyed.  I also tend to keep my viewer set to "show friends only" because I hate the lag other avis can cause, and if they don't cause that much, well I just don't like seeing them.  

This being said, I like to TP in to a store, find what I want, buy it and TP home again.  I am considerate enough that I get straight off the landing spot and watching my radar, move to a spot away enough from others and then do my thing.  Now as I am set to "show friends only", I can on occasion bump into people because....well...I CAN'T SEE THEM!  

Here is where the peeve comes into it.  While I get that it is rather rude of me to just run people over, I don't get why they need to make a song and dance about it.  "Watch where you're going"..."Oh gee thanks for bumping me" and my new personal fav (which happened just 10 mins ago) - being called a stupid blind person (in Dutch) followed by "jajajajaja" from her friend.  So being mildly peeved by the idiocy, I just HAD to stay in google translate and politely tell them that some of us use show friends only so we don't have to see fuglies like her.  

Yeah I was feeling obnoxious tonight.  But sheesh, bumping happens.  Put on your big girl panties and just deal with it.  It's not intentional!


Hm. Yeah, I understand the frustration about having someone make a HUGE deal out of it. But I'm afraid getting bumped by people flying blind is one of my inworld pet peeves.  I had one guy who was obviously in "friends only" mode, and he and I just happened to be in the same shopping pattern. Every minute or so he would bump into me, once sending me a fair distance. You'll bet I either typed in local (or more likely I IMd him) to let him know he was routinely plowing through me. He did apologize and stopped.

"Watch where you are going..." is not a song and dance. Going on and on about it would be.

I wish the viewers would remove that feature.

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2 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Hm. Yeah, I understand the frustration about having someone make a HUGE deal out of it. But I'm afraid getting bumped by people flying blind is one of my inworld pet peeves.  I had one guy who was obviously in "friends only" mode, and he and I just happened to be in the same shopping pattern. Every minute or so he would bump into me, once sending me a fair distance. You'll bet I either typed in local (or more likely I IMd him) to let him know he was routinely plowing through me. He did apologize and stopped.

"Watch where you are going..." is not a song and dance. Going on and on about it would be.

I wish the viewers would remove that feature.

or not remove but change it to where it makes people a blob intead.. just a static placeholder that reduces rendering load similar to turning down the complexity level. but in this case the blob does not animate at all except when it slides around from place to place.

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10 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Yeah. I get that. There are some BDSM regions that require that of people. I hate it and try to just avoid saying things to folks. Also "subs have to sit on cushions or kneel (or whatever)"... I attend quite a few inworld D/s, M/s hosted group chats, alone. Either when I have no dominant, or even when I do and the D can't attend for whatever reason. Some random person with a "Sir Master Most High" tag, deserves me to be polite, he doesn't deserve an honorific from me (nor does some random Domme).  I don't kneel for the grid, so given only the option of sitting on the floor usually leaves me standing, defiantly sitting in a chair, or leaving. 

Region owners have the right to set up any rules they like, though.

Some subs have been instructed by their Doms to greet people with honorifics, too. So, I don't mind so much when other people do it. "Whatever." But I really dislike it if I feel I'm forced to be submissve to people I do not know, who are not my Dominant.

Interesting that @Orwar doesn't like the greeting of Hello E/everyone.  See, I was taught that rather than getting into the whole Sir/Miss... yada yada... that this was a polite way to enter the room.

MY pet peeve on this? Having to say "hello" to every effing avatar that shows up for a talk... and watching in chat as 47 people individually say hello to the newcomer, and then the newcomer typing out "hello" back to 47 people! This isn't just for D/s sims. This happens everywhere, music clubs, etc. I get it, people want to be nice, but ugh...

Yeah, I have to agree with you on this. Unless it was negotiated that they use them with others, it is disrespectful to do so and shows their possible lack of bdsm knowledge.

I do agree that the E/everyone is a better approach.

I dont use honorifics for anyone who is not my Master or Trusted on my collar, who is not in a dynamic with me and never will. Just because your a Dom/me, Master/Mistress does not give you any special rights or entitlements towards me and how I have to act towards you. Be disrespectful get disrespected. Dont like it report it to my Master, its his choice what to do about it, not anyone else.

At most they might get a sir or miss from me to be polite, no capital S or M.. that is reserved for someone on my collar that is in a dynamic with me that may have not negotiated a different honorific with me yet.

Most D/s meetings I go to I usually just stand because most of the time my Master does not attend them with me. Usually I stand out of the way because my wings can sometimes in the way of people seeing things if I am sitting in a chair.

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5 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Yeah I was feeling obnoxious tonight.  But sheesh, bumping happens.  Put on your big girl panties and just deal with it.  It's not intentional!

How is anyone supposed to know it wasn't intentional? Has homo sapiens suddenly developed mind reading capabilities and no one sent me the memo?

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4 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

I disagree.  I think it's far ruder to start insulting people in public chat over something that may not have been helped - either through lag or derendering.  I get bumped all the time and I don't get my panties bunched over it.

And I don't bump into people in RL stores, cos I see them.

How do you manage to go through real life without accidentally bumping into someone at least once? You got eyes in the back of your head?

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11 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

How do you manage to go through real life without accidentally bumping into someone at least once? You got eyes in the back of your head?

no I wear a digital camera that records what happens behind me and transposes it over the lenses that are in front of me. technology for the win!

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5 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Yeah I was feeling obnoxious tonight.  But sheesh, bumping happens.  Put on your big girl panties and just deal with it.  It's not intentional!

Well... its maybe not intentional in the sense of planning to bump into people and push them around, but you willfully accept that this will happen a lot, if you constantly derender everyone. And maybe its because the build up to all of this was a whole paragraph about how other people are basically the worst part of Second Life, but this peeve gives up an entitled vibe. I can easily imagine someone having the peeve for people carelessly walking and soveing everyone around, which would lead to them "making a song and dance about it".

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13 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Well... its maybe not intentional in the sense of planning to bump into people and push them around, but you willfully accept that this will happen a lot, if you constantly derender everyone. And maybe its because the build up to all of this was a whole paragraph about how other people are basically the worst part of Second Life, but this peeve gives up an entitled vibe. I can easily imagine someone having the peeve for people carelessly walking and soveing everyone around, which would lead to them "making a song and dance about it".

^^^ that. I think the whole "friends only" crosses into the entitled zone. The "I only give a crap about my experience" thing. Again, I wish it wasn't a feature on any viewer.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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Getting bumped is no big deal to me at all. I just assume they have "Show Friends Only" on and that, to me, is understandable. Unless it was like in Seicher's case where it was constant, in any other case it's not like I'm physically moved irl, it's not like it's a huge inconvenience, and they didn't know I was there.

I wish there was a better way than the mini map to know where avatars are though, that would be cool.

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If it is a single bump, I assume the world hasn't fully rezzed for them yet and the person is doing what I do upon entering a new area - trying to get the heck out of the way of incoming traffic.  If the same person bumps in to me multiple times, then I assume they are an idiot and paying no attention whatsoever to their surroundings or just flat out do not care.  Those people are the ones I might say something to.

My current peeve -- those that take everything as a personal slight against them

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Just now, Magnek Fang said:

I'm on 'friends only' at shopping events, and what I do every time I *think* I bumped into someone is say 'sorry'. I really don't know how much a impact that makes though.

I don't say sorry if I bump into anyone. It's just pixels at the end of the day. No offense, but people who get mad at people bumping into pixels. Really need to not take SL as seriously.

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3 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

I don't say sorry if I bump into anyone. It's just pixels at the end of the day. No offense, but people who get mad at people bumping into pixels. Really need to not take SL as seriously.

There is nothing wrong with saying sorry if you think you bumped into someone accidentally. It's common courtesy to do so. It has nothing to do with taking SL seriously. It has everything to do with being courteous to others as a decent human being.

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2 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

^^^ that. I think the whole "friends only" crosses into the entitled zone. The "I only give a crap about my experience" thing. Again, I wish it wasn't a feature on any viewer.

but but but... say it isnt so!!

I need my flight override and my render only friends so I can make everyone I dont like or agree with or dont know or care about just vanish from my world!!!!

Its my sl.. i run it how I want!!!!

peeve.. people who cant read my mind!!! or didnt get the memo that they can!!!

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3 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

I think the whole "friends only" crosses into the entitled zone. The "I only give a crap about my experience" thing. Again, I wish it wasn't a feature on any viewer.

I'd prefer the setting be "Show nobody".  It is very useful for large events or mobbed stores to reduce lag. Since I don't shop or attend large events with Friends, I don't need it to even check my Friends list before derendering people.  In those cases, yes, I only give a crap about my experience - wanting to mange the shopping with as little lag as possible.



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