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Are You Showing Support for Black Lives Matter in Second Life?

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42 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

And people wonder why I carry two guns and married a really big Samoan..


A lot of that is me kidding,with some seriousness in there..


Other half is Umatilla/MacLeod of Harris/Swedish (LOL), 6' 3" around 250 lbs. No one messes with me. :D

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2 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Other half is Umatilla/MacLeod of Harris/Swedish (LOL), 6' 3" around 250 lbs. No one messes with me. :D

I would say my husbands size, but it would sound like I was trying to out do you..hehehehe

I'm almost 5ft,so when they start getting up that tall, they all seem the same to me..hehehehe

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Soooooo... today Atlanta announced murder charges against one single police officer for shooting a black man in the back from 18 feet away, fully aware the man was not armed (the taser had been fired twice. It can only be fired twice), kicking the man instead of rendering aid after shooting him in the back, shot into another car where people were, you know, just sitting in the Wendy’s drive-thru waiting for their Baconators, and pretty much the entire Atlanta PD walked off the job tonight in protest of a murderer being charged with murder, but the police aren’t racist?

Nah, they’re totally racist. The sad thing is that over half the dept are POC which shows just how deeply insidious the systemic racism runs. They’ve turned them on themselves.

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4 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I would say my husbands size, but it would sound like I was trying to out do you..hehehehe

I'm almost 5ft,so when they start getting up that tall, they all seem the same to me..hehehehe

I'm 5' 4" (120lbs) which means he is almost a foot taller than me. I finally learned to avoid looking up when standing close. It really isn't fun looking up someone's nose all the time. 🤪

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17 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Changes take time to implement. It's not a matter of x party votes for it and then magically it is implemented through society. It can take years for those changes to successfully filter into all aspects of society.

i want to pick up this part. You are right.Is not easy. and it takes time, lots of time sometimes

anecdotally my own circumstance. For 4 general elections in a row 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 I campaigned, advocated, agitated and voted for change. 1st go: Lost. 2nd go: lost. 3rd go: lost. 2017 the candidate I was helping as campaign volunteer was going to lose again - by not winning the candidate election nor winning 5% of the party list vote. So I voted for my candidate and switched my list vote to the Green party.  A tactical vote which helped enable a Labour-led coalition to secure the government benches. Sometimes we have to change ourselves to bring about change. Is now 2020, general election in September. I will have another go at helping my candidate win the seat. Hopefully the Greens can get their act together and secure their 5% without my list vote this time


just also want to add on about the Australian experience with aboriginal people

i notice that the Australia National Indigenous Australians Agency was reformed in 2019: https://www.niaa.gov.au/who-we-are/the-agency

a thing about this kind of agency is that it is a government department. This department directly administers and controls the income from minerals extracted from aboriginal-owned land. The tribes have to apply to this government agency for their own money

by comparison a NZ example - Te Ohu Kaimoana  https://teohu.maori.nz/governance-structure/  

this body, set up under statute, administers the process for distributing income to the tribes from seafood extracted from the maori-owned part of the seas. The board of Te Ohu Kaimoana are not government appointments, the board is elected by the owner tribes

if you were thinking about what else could be done for aboriginal people in Australia then what could be, is to advocate for aboriginal people to have control over their own destiny, same as every other australian has


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12 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

There are conservative Aboriginals and conservative Blacks in America. Surprise!  A conservative will generally focus on the individual as the solution to a problem, while a liberal will focus more on society as the solution.  It's both!  So both of you need to stop making this into an either/or proposition.
Black and white thinking, where a solution has to be all one way or the other, is for dumb people and toddlers!


I forwarded an article, I didn't say I agreed or disagreed or anything about what I personally thought of it. I see no reason to stop sharing pertinent information, esp if it highlights that there is more than one way to view a situation. Dichotomous thinking is indeed unhelpful. 

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To answer the OP's question my answer is no I am not nor will I ever show support for Black Lives Matter or any other segregated based groups based on race, sexuality, or anything else for that matter. I believe in All Lives Matter and I don't believe in x,y, and z rights, I believe in HUMAN rights up to and including the rights of all living things which should be respected and honored as well too. I thought the NAACP was bad back in the day, but I am noticing a disturbing increase of witch hunts from people flying under the BLM flag such as for example the firing of Hartley Sawyer who plays The Elongated Man on the CW's show The Flash over 7 year old alleged racist tweets dug up from Skai Jackson a so called BLM activist and regardless of how successful is still an 18 year old child btw which makes the firing even more messed up that grown adults are taking drama rants from a kid this seriously. I read the tweets and the reality is the worse thing the man said was that he implied he may be a racist. His poor attempts at humor 7 years ago had been dug up for the sole purpose of targeting a successful white man with no other agenda other then to smear his name over some stupid comments. 

Which even if he was a racist realistically speaking right or wrong that is well with in his freedom and rights to be one if that is truly his choice. I honestly don't think he is, but still it's his choice as well as anyone's choice really. Take that away you dishonor the freedoms our American military vets fought, suffered, and died for. Everyone has a right to choose what they wish to believe in without fear of persuasion for it. The fact that he was persecuted basically is a slap if not a direct spit in the face to those very freedoms. That alone is reason enough not to support such an organization that endorses such destructive behavior to our country.

As for his so called misogynistic tweets let's be real honest here. He didn't say anything no more or less stupider then any and every other young heterosexual man on the planet has said at least once in his life time when joking around. Show me a man who says he didn't and I'll show you a man who is both a liar and what we call a Yes Man. lol That's just the hard reality and truth of it. Men make jokes and women do to. Nothing wrong with it. Been that way since the dawn of time. It's not gonna change. They call it The Battle Of The Sexes for a reason folks. lol The real fun begins when you become a parent and catch your kids making jokes because now you have to correct them and get them right while keeping a straight face and trying not to laugh so they know your in fact serious about it. Then later you can laugh with your wife/husband about it and say your not gonna believe what bit of stupid just came out of their mouth today and what I had to deal with. lol Asked them where they learned it from and they said school. lol Tax dollars at work. lol 😎

Now what I find hypocritical about this unfortunate incident all jokes aside that irks me when it comes to the issue of equality is that a black man can stand up and talk about murdering white kids out right and no one bats an eye about it and some even laugh at their lame jokes told such as what Chris Rock exactly did on his horrid Netflix show that wasn't even remotely funny or entertaining. So in the interest of equality using their own logic and sticking with it by all rights Chris Rock should no longer have a job in Hollywood or Eddie Murphy for that matter. We should even ban Richard Pryor's content as well if we were to use that type of narrow minded logic. So when I see things like this it makes it hard for me, a person of ethnic heritage to take such an organization seriously because all I see is ignorance and I've already seen ignorance enough in one life time. So I think I will ignore the next generation of stupid until people learn to get it together. Because it just doesn't send a positive message of equality and equal rights and the value of life for all to me.

Now I get lately a big part of it is that folks got all fired up with what happened to George Floyd. I admit even I did. What got me fire up though wasn't just what the cops did. It was the mass amount of people who stood by and did absolutely nothing to save this man. I am not even counting everyone in that either. I am counting the so called GROWN MEN out there who did nothing. The ones who talk the talk, but when the time came to WALK THE WALK they stood by like little *******. They did NOTHING and what? Now they want to cry about it? Get the **** out of here. To late now. Those who did nothing are just as guilty in my book as those who committed the crime. Maybe I am hard and harsh because of my beliefs and my generation or even the fact that I have had training, but I know with out a shadow of a doubt what I would have done because I can't in good conscious let someone murder someone in front of me like that. I don't care who they are. I sure would not want to on the day of my judgement go before God The Father and have to explain why I stood idly by like a coward and did absolutely nothing let alone stand there and video it? I saw the video. That man called for help and no one did nothing. So as far as I am concerned they don't have the right to say a freaking thing or speak on the man's behalf who they let die. I will never understand how anyone could have ever done that.

Daryl Davis has the right idea. When people are talking they are not fighting and they sure as heck are not trying to kill each other. The only way to ever solve the problem is to understand the root of the problem and only then can you with real effort, patience, and understanding make real change.

Now he got the leader of the KKK to quit and change his life. That's as good a starting point as any and one heck of a stepping stone if you ask me. Now just think what we all could accomplish if everyone did this. What a better world we could have if our actions actually once again spoke louder then our words vs everyone playing the hate filled drama crybaby blame game when their actions have been none. Maybe one day the world will wake the fork up. Hopefully in my lifetime. lol😎

Edited by Velk Kerang
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6 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

I ran across an article that fits with what I was trying to say earlier in the thread about invader mentality.



22 Countries luckily already HAD a flag when we turned up!  😡*

It's also just not true! Here's why:
" There’s a little wiggle room to make some arguments with Laycock’s number. For example, he lists the countries based on their current geographic borders and names, and some of the invasions occurred when one or both of those things were different. Some of them even happened before the formation of the British state. “Invasion” is defined pretty broadly, too, and includes raids or intrusions into a territory by British pirates, privateers or armed explorers operating with approval of the Crown. "

In other words, in Laycock's view of things you'd have to remove Sweden from that list due to the fact that me being British and living in Sweden for the last 12 years, he'd consider it "invaded"! 



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Yes, I'm showing support. I created a BLM tattoo for mesh heads using a OMEGA applier. Reasoning? Since there are a lot of brainwash sheep in this world, they might buy this tattoo for this one narrative, one sided race baiting, attention grabbing, tension rising agenda by the left, and democrats. 


More whites are killed by cops every year. That's a statistical study that was done 2015-2016.

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1 hour ago, Velk Kerang said:

To answer the OP's question my answer is no I am not nor will I ever show support for Black Lives Matter or any other segregated based groups based on race, sexuality, or anything else for that matter. I believe in All Lives Matter and I don't believe in x,y, and z rights, I believe in HUMAN rights up to and including the rights of all living things which should be respected and honored as well too.

Alrightie.  Let me just pause here.  (I’m not going to bother reading any further).  While I am not the most eloquent of “public speakers” I will try to keep my passion checked.  

The purpose of BLM, and other minority groups is not to subjugate or alienate those of the majority.  They are founded to fight against the injustices foisted upon them by those in control of society.  Those who enjoy the status quo.  

WASPs do not and have not known the fear of being black, brown, gay, trans or a combination of many.  We don’t have to worry that by being who we are we become targets of hate crime.  

(Skimmed a bit). The NAACP was founded after race riots in 1908.  It fought against Woodrow Wilson trying to make segregation legal.  They were pivotal in pushing Brown Vs The board of Education.  The NAACP worked with Kennedy & Johnson to sign equal rights legislation.  The fought to end “white primaries” in the south that barred blacks from voting.  

(after skimming the rest) Your perspective on what *you* would have done is meaningless.  It’s great that you got “fired up” over the video of George Floyd’s murder.  But why did it take his murder to catch your attention?   This has been going on in America as long as, well, since Columbus brought slaves here.  What have you done to fight against these injustices?  

1 hour ago, Velk Kerang said:

As for his so called misogynistic tweets let's be real honest here. He didn't say anything no more or less stupider then any and every other young heterosexual man on the planet has said at least once in his life time when joking around. Show me a man who says he didn't and I'll show you a man who is both a liar and what we call a Yes Man. lol That's just the hard reality and truth of it. Men make jokes and women do to. Nothing wrong with it. Been that way since the dawn of time. It's not gonna change. They call it the Battle of the Sexes for a reason folks. lol

For this response, I’m going to lay down a little bit of my history for you. When I was 17 years old I decided to go to vo-tech for half of the day my junior year.   I was taking CAD courses.   I was the only girl in a class of about 15 or 16. I’m going to skip over a lot of the stuff that happened.  I didn’t quite understand a lot of the things that were said around me by these guys and some of what led up to the incident.  
The incident was one day after break we all went back to the hallway to wait outside the room because the door was locked and the teacher had not returned. Two of the guys grabbed me & pushed my head down onto their crotches and simulated that I was giving them oral sex.  The others stood around and either cheered them on or stood there and said and did nothing to intervene.  

I had never been on a date, I had never been kissed. I was still a virgin. I had absolutely no idea at the time what was going on or how to react. When I told my parents my father said I must’ve liked it or I would have done something to stop it.   The school got involved because it took place on school grounds.   I was asked if I wanted to make a police report and I did.  Nothing happened for months.  Well.  Almost nothing. some of these guys friends started to accost me and harass me at school.  I gained a reputation that I did not deserve.  Upon Following up with the police why nothing happened -it was actually the county sheriffs department, the detective said that I didn’t appear to really be that upset so they didn’t proceed with anything.  They made a judgment call for me. However it was eventually followed through with and they received sentences for sexual harassment  on their juvenile records that are of course now sealed.  That was 28 years ago.  Just boys being boys!

That entire experience has stayed with me and I will never forget.  I won’t bother with how the entire thing has messed with my head.  
But I will say how dare you be so glib & nonchalant.  About your entire post.  From racism & sexism & your disdain for those who strive to make a change in the world.

I'm going to stop now, and allow you to either block me, give me a laughing reaction or go on to inform me how I must be some man hater &/or bleeding heart.  

Be better.



Edited by Pixie Kobichenko
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22 minutes ago, WinTrain said:

Yes, I'm showing support. I created a BLM tattoo for mesh heads using a OMEGA applier. Reasoning? Since there are a lot of brainwash sheep in this world, they might buy this tattoo for this one narrative, one sided race baiting, attention grabbing, tension rising agenda by the left, and democrats. 


More whites are killed by cops every year. That's a statistical study that was done 2015-2016.

Looks like the short bus with the square wheels has arrived folks!

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1 hour ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

Alrightie.  Let me just pause here.  (I’m not going to bother reading any further).  While I am not the most eloquent of “public speakers” I will try to keep my passion checked. 

All right that is the first initial problem. It is a common problem among people today and a prime example of why progress has not been made over the generations. You did not bother to really read what I wrote or even attempt to gain any insight or understanding to the reasoning behind my point of view so with out that really and truly this discourse would probably go no where productive or positive.

1 hour ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

The purpose of BLM, and other minority groups is not to subjugate or alienate those of the majority.  They are founded to fight against the injustices foisted upon them by those in control of society.  Those who enjoy the status quo.  

WASPs do not and have not known the fear of being black, brown, gay, trans or a combination of many.  We don’t have to worry that by being who we are we become targets of hate crime.  

(Skimmed a bit). The NAACP was founded after race riots in 1908.  It fought against Woodrow Wilson trying to make segregation legal.  They were pivotal in pushing Brown Vs The board of Education.  The NAACP worked with Kennedy & Johnson to sign equal rights legislation.  The fought to end “white primaries” in the south that barred blacks from voting. 

That's all well and good on paper, but when you actually do see what these organizations really and truly do on your own streets in your own neighborhood then you can come back to me and preach to me about how wonderful they are. I already gave one example of such actions which flies in the face of what this country stands for. I don't need to give another.

As for the NAACP I am glad you know what their original founding goal was. That's great. That's perfect. Let me know when they come to your neighborhood with their hand out asking for money like they did mine so many years ago making false promises they never delivered on. When you have had that experience and you have personally dealt with them first hand then maybe you will have a better understanding then just the text book view on their organization. I've actually dealt with them first hand so your not going to school me on anything when it comes to them and I am not going to bother giving a class to someone who doesn't give me the respect of actually reading my words and trying to understand me any better then you have.

Bottom line whether it was The Black Panther Party back in the day to the NAACP to Black Lives Matter today. There is always a group. There is always an agenda. There is always a reason they started. They are ALL always full of the same exact poo. That is just the reality of it. 😎

1 hour ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

(after skimming the rest) Your perspective on what *you* would have done is meaningless.  It’s great that you got “fired up” over the video of George Floyd’s murder.  But why did it take his murder to catch your attention?   This has been going on in America as long as, well, since Columbus brought slaves here.  What have you done to fight against these injustices? 

That is ignorance on your part to think it was only his murder that caught my attention. I can not indulge that. I am more of a man of action rather then words. So by all means please allow me to give you a bit of a background on me as well too. I'll give you the cliff notes version. At 18 I stood up to a gang in school who wanted to go race/gay bashing. Between 18 to 19 I saved another kid I knew from school from being gunned down to death in his own home. At 22 I saved a man from being stabbed to death in front of a grocery store. Later on I joined the Dept. Of Homeland Security when it first formed and at the rank of Lt. I lead a para-military unit, much like S.W.A.T. to give you a visual aid, in search and rescue missions on top of investigative work coordinating with various military and government agencies from the Secrete Service to the FBI on down to even the local authorities and even the Fire Dept.. I saved lives and I served my country. Enough of a resume for you? What have you done to fight injustice?

1 hour ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

For this response, I’m going to lay down a little bit of my history for you. When I was 17 years old I decided to go to vo-tech for half of the day my junior year.   I was taking CAD courses.   I was the only girl in a class of about 15 or 16. I’m going to gloss over a lot of the stuff that happened.  I didn’t quite understand a lot of the things that were said around me by these guys and some of what led up to the incident.  

The incident was one day after break we all went back to the hallway to wait outside the room because the door was locked and the teacher had not returned. Two of the guys grabbed me & pushed my head down onto their crotches and simulated that I was giving them oral sex.  The others stood around and either cheered them on or stood there and said and did nothing to intervene.  

I had never been on a date, I had never been kissed. I was still a virgin. I had absolutely no idea at the time what was going on or how to react. When I told my parents my father said I must’ve liked it or I would have done something to stop it.   The school got involved because it took place on school grounds.   I was asked if I wanted to make a police report and I did.  Nothing happened for months.  Well.  Almost nothing some of these guys friends started to cost me and harass me at school.  I gained a reputation that I did not deserve.  Upon Following up with the police why nothing it happened it was actually the county sheriffs department, the detective said that I didn’t appear to really be that upset so they didn’t proceed with anything.  They made a judgment call for me. However it was eventually follow through with and they received sentences for sexual harassment  on their juvenile records that are of course sealed.  That was 28 years ago.

That entire experience has stayed with me and I will never forget.  I won’t bother with how the entire thing has messed with my head.  
But I will say how dare you be so glib & nonchalant.  About your entire post.  From racism & sexism & your disdain for those who strive to make a change in the world.

I'm going to stop now, and allow you to either block me, give me a laughing reaction or go on to inform me how I must be some man hater &/or bleeding heart.  

Be better.

I am going to respond to this first in two parts. The first part I want to address this is a prime example of not reading my post and understanding the context of it correctly. Had you done so then you would have known I was referring to and only to the fact people make stupid jokes especially when they are young and it really is not that serious nor should it ever be. People should especially not never ever loose their livelihood over it. Especially when it is 7 years down the road. BLM took it there and I can not respect any organization that is that ignorant. Bottom line. Plain and simple. Cliff notes version.

Now for the second part. First I want to let you know I have no reason to block you and I would never laugh at something like that. To even think I would laugh at such an experience sends a message to me of what a low human being you must think of me. I don't think your a man hater and frankly after an experience like that I wouldn't really blame you if you were. And bleeding heart just never entered my mind. So no to all of the above.

What I am is angry if anything on how your own father handled that entire situation. I don't want to be disrespectful, but to try and put this as politely as I can. As a Father myself, I really would like to knock your father on his behind. Call it a Dad to Dad moment if you will. Had he handled it better then perhaps it would not have impacted you in the way that it did or nearly as traumatically. I don't know. As Fathers it needs to be taken seriously when our daughters come to us with things of this nature and it is our job to ensure that it is taken seriously as well. Appalled I think would perhaps be the correct word when I think about this situation and what you experienced and I am so very and truly sorry that you had went threw that. One can only hope that the experience in court was enough of a scare for those young men that they never repeated such an experience ever again. 

Had you taken the time though and actually read my post and understood it in it's entirety as to what I was trying to say then I do not feel I come across as glib & nonchalant as you are seeming to make it out to be. Regardless I stand by what I said. I do dare a lot though. Guilty as charged. lol 😎

Thank you. Be better too. Stay safe and stay blessed.😎

Edited by Velk Kerang
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10 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

your not going to school me on anything

I never thought we would have a meaningful exchange.  You are very succinct that you won’t be swayed. I felt it incumbent, though, to point some things out.   

I did read your post completely.  Maybe I did give the impression at first that I would not- but clearly I did as I continued to address particular points of your post.  

My father is dead, and that issue between us was never resolved. Because he was always right.  And yes, he was a sexist bigot to boot.  But you know- boys will be boys.  Nudge nudge wink wink.  
Except they don’t have to be.  
I pray I raised my 22y/o son to be a better person than I ever was.  

In so far as what have I done with my life towards the betterment of others.

Not enough.

But I sure don’t go about denouncing the efforts of others.



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15 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

The roots of our freedom lie in what a 17th Century Bostonian termed "Galloping Consumption."

"The American Revolution," Breen argues, "was the first large-scale political movement in recorded history to organize itself around the relation of ordinary people to manufactured consumer goods."

I can see how with Capitalistic countries the indigenous people would have no use.  Capitalism could explain the reason the indigenous people are thought of as less important; there is no need for them under Capitalism.

Blacks are large consumers and probably on par with whites in America.  Blacks could have been thought of as not as important as whites in the WASP culture due to the alliance between the United States and England which is still in effect today.   Yes, there are wealthy blacks and there were wealthy blacks after the American Civil war, some were given property by rich slave owners because some slaves were considered personal family, but they may not have been an instrument for a strategic alliance with England and may have been of less importance to the WASP culture if even wealthy.  

13 hours ago, Mollymews said:

not in every part of the country true, but USA has representative recall, primaries/caucuses where the public can vote on who a party's candidate will be. State and county officials election for all kinds of bureaucratic positions, elections not seen elsewhere in the world. Sheriffs, judges, prosecutors, town marshals, etc directly elected also. Binding referenda (propositions) too in some electorates. In New Zealand we don't have any of this

In America, our government works for us.  We enact the laws.  However, it is corrupted, Mollymews.  This is very rich and powerful country.  America is also the world's printing press for money.  

The way our laws start is we need to get so many signatures on a petition.  Once we have enough signatures, the proposition is placed upon the ballot for voting.  This is where the people have the most power - the propositions and the power to enact laws.  However, the propositions should be within the guidelines of the United States Constitution as some propositions I feel are not.  

I have read your posts and see you are an optimist.  I am for the most part an optimist too.  However, when it comes to government I tend to find I am rolling my eyes a lot with a but...but...but THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU PROMISED!   Regarding, the blatant misuse of blacks under the United States Constitution and especially in regards to the GI BILL, I do see as an intentional criminal act.   The laws must be changed.  They will not be changed by a person with promises, not in this country; perhaps a little, but this needs more than people because power seats change; it needs the laws to change.  The problem with propositions and how they enact laws, propositions are state by state, propositions do not go for the whole country.  So, each state must change their own laws and that will take a lot of work.  

I have been misused by the government in America too to where I have sometimes wondered "why was I even born" so I know a bit about how blacks feel.  I have felt like a pawn, a piece of meat many, many times.  I feel to the government, I am a piece of meat because that is how I have been treated.  

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1 hour ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

I never thought we would have a meaningful exchange.  You are very succinct that you won’t be swayed. I felt it incumbent, though, to point some things out.   

I did read your post completely.  Maybe I did give the impression at first that I would not- but clearly I did as I continued to address particular points of your post.  

My father is dead, and that issue between us was never resolved. Because he was always right.  And yes, he was a sexist bigot to boot.  But you know- boys will be boys.  Nudge nudge wink wink.  
Except they don’t have to be.  
I pray I raised my 22y/o son to be a better person than I ever was.  

In so far as what have I done with my life towards the betterment of others.

Not enough.

But I sure don’t go about denouncing the efforts of others.



Well first I want to express my sympathies and say I am so very sorry for your loss. He's still your father regardless of the circumstances. I just wish you two could have resolved those differences.

As for the reading of my post honestly I just thought you skimmed my post entirely like you said and I took that at face value because and maybe it's just because it's in type vs an actual voice conversation, but I felt totally and completely misunderstood. lol I felt like if this was a verbal conversation I would have been understood much better. Sometimes it just goes like that though.

I want to clarify something to you though. I don't denounce per say as you put it the efforts of others unless those efforts ruin lives. Now that is something I can't abide. That's not what this country should ever be about. I'll never stand by that and I am sorry if you can't understand why or that I was just not clear enough about that.

Now that having been said the only thing I did was give my reason I personally do not support the organization. If you support it then fine. That is your choice to do so. I will respect that choice. I will even support you in your choice. I only ask for the same in that my choice is in return also respected and I am supported in my own personal choices for myself. You mentioned the fact you felt I was very succinct that I wouldn’t be swayed. Well one should never start the conversation off with the goal of swaying views in the first place. One should always start off with trying to understand all the views on the table. Then go from there. If a view changes then great. If it doesn't then that is perfectly fine too. The important thing to gain is a better understanding and a mutual respect and build upon that. That's how bridges get made and the gaps get filled and real change takes place.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it just seems to me that you pretty much walked in with the I will shut you down mentality. Yet I have had my arms open to you the entire time and perfectly willing to listen to everything you have said. I don't have to agree with you. Heck you don't even have to agree with me. I will respect you though and respect your point of view on things. We just have to respect each other. People have to respect each other. Some where in the world over time that got lost and we stopped communicating and respecting each other and things digressed. A lot of the issues of today are the same exact issues we had over 20 years ago. History is repeating itself yet again. Why? The answer is simple. Effort to real change is not being made nor has it ever really been truly made. When I was a kid 2020 was the future to me and the future in the movies looked more promising then the reality that has actually taken place. I see these things in the world and I ask myself how long will it take for people to finally grow brains? How many people got to die before it stops? The answer is until the day when people stop fighting and people start actually talking and respecting one another regardless of their personal views and beliefs it will always be a rinse and repeat of history over and over again.

Now I am going to clue you in on a bit of a secrete here because you actually did something I did not like. It's the only bone I have to pick with you. Can you guess what it is? You didn't give yourself enough credit. I get it, but I almost feel like you downed yourself a bit here and that bothers me. So I am going to pat you a bit on the back my darn self. You are a Mother. You raised a man. As a parent I can totally relate to how hard that in itself can be and actually is. If we can't relate on anything else I bet we can relate on that much. lol Don't ever sell yourself short for that. Be proud you made it girlfriend. lol That is an achievement in itself. Believe me I know. lol 😎

Another thing. Even if you only ever helped one person in your life. You impacted a positive change for the better. I've in a sense been fortunate enough to see a lot of things in my life given my career choice which was both a blessing and a curse at times in a way. It was not with out a toll and it did exact a heavy price. When I had good days I really had good days and I remembered why I put myself threw what I did in the very first place, but when I had bad days I really did have bad days and it made it really hard for me to keep my game face on and be the rock for my team. I worked with a lot of people during my time and some of my most trusted, my best were Mothers just like you. I'd put my life in their hands anytime. Some of the crisis situations I dealt with when it came to dealing with civilians more often then not it was the Mothers just like you who kept it together. I'd see Mr. Tough Guy shaking in his boots over to the side, but Mom, Mom would gain this calm and straight out say tell me what I need to do. Needless to say I was impressed. So much so that it is moments like that and how people can come together during a crisis that stay with me and give me hope for the future when I think of my time on the job. So the moral of my little history story is this. Don't ever sell yourself short because when the poo hits the fan you just might surprise even yourself.😎

Edited by Velk Kerang
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32 minutes ago, JanuarySwan said:

I can see how with Capitalistic countries the indigenous people would have no use.  Capitalism could explain the reason the indigenous people are thought of as less important; there is no need for them under Capitalism.

Blacks are large consumers and probably on par with whites in America.  Blacks could have been thought of as not as important as whites in the WASP culture

WASP culture, as you call it, is highly motivated to keep People Of Color in their place - it does not want society to see who is actually running off with most of the money in America. By keeping economically poor Whites battling People Of Color they are enacting a kind of 'divide and conquer' strategy which keeps the focus away from the true causes of poverty.  When the economically poor Whites in the US understand it's the wealthy causing their poverty as opposed to People Of Color stealing their jobs and money we will see poverty and racism lessen.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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Just in referencing most of your recent post to me @Velk Kerang:  

-Oh I can see formatting for me will be a mess & I can’t stick the screen shot in the middle of my response.  Your statement garnered my reply.  

In closing, I am 44.  No one refers to me as “girlfriend” in passing.  Not in 25 years, at least.  Especially not a stranger on the internet.  It comes off as disingenuous &/or pandering.


Edited by Pixie Kobichenko
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18 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

'Capitalism' is highly motivated to keep People Of Color in their place - it does not want society to see who is actually running off with most of the money in America. By keeping economically poor Whites battling People Of Color they are enacting a kind of 'divide and conquer' strategy which keeps the focus away from the true causes of poverty.  When the economically poor Whites in the US understand it's the wealthy causing their poverty as opposed to People Of Color stealing their jobs and money, we will see poverty and racism lessen.

The world has changed, Luna, pre-COVID-19 many jobs the last few decades lost and to places where people can make one dollar a day.  It's a global job market now.  

Post COVID-19 the dust hasn't even settled as to what jobs will still be around as it's not known which businesses will fold altogether.   Trump is proposing a 1 trillion infrastructure bill to rebuild America and especially to expand the infrastructure in rural areas.  This is a good idea and needed now but it's mostly male dominant jobs except for those such as accountants (desk jobs) for example, as building America's infrastructure will take a lot of brawn.  

We are all pawns for the rich, it's not just people of color.  People are a means to an end and expendable when profits come into play.  What end is not always known; it may seem profits only but it rarely is profits only.  There are other reasons for exploitation of the workers in a corrupted society.  

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6 minutes ago, JanuarySwan said:

We are all pawns for the rich, it's not just people of color.  People are a means to an end and expendable when profits come into play.

Yes, of course, and I stated poor Whites are also used to funnel more wealth to the top.

The whole point of the paragraph you quoted though was to focus on the actual root cause of racism.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yes, of course, and I stated poor Whites are also used to funnel more wealth to the top.

The whole point of the paragraph you quoted though was to focus on the actual root cause of racism.

I felt it was a little out-dated and not up to par with really what is occurring in the 21st Century.  I'm sorry, but what you wrote seemed out of touch with today as we are all colors in jobs now and all colors are losing jobs in America.  

However, you are right as far as the stepping stones...we need to improve the equal rights for all minorities including equal education, jobs, housing.  

How are we going to do that?  

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5 minutes ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

Just in referencing most of your recent post to me @Velk Kerang:  

-Oh I can see formatting for me will be a mess & I can’t stick the screen shot in the middle of my response.  Your statement garnered my reply.  

In closing, I am 44.  No one refers to me as “girlfriend” in passing.  Not in 25 years, at least.  Especially not a stranger on the internet.  It comes off as disingenuous &/or pandering.


If we weren't in the middle of as global pandemic I'd say you really need to get out more. lol I mean I thought we pretty much covered this already. lol Your just focused on that one thing aren't ya? lol Like a dog with a bone you just don't seem to be letting that go any time soon. lol As for me using the term girlfriend sorry if that was offensive to you. It is neither disingenuous &/or pandering, but I guess if I had just called you friend or mate I would have been accused of that as well too because it really is no different then either of those terms either. So since I can kind of already see where this is going then this is where I am going to respectfully bow out and grab a bite to eat. Time to take a station break. lol I sincerely do wish you all the best. Good luck. Take care now. Have an awesome and blessed day.😎

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21 minutes ago, JanuarySwan said:
25 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yes, of course, and I stated poor Whites are also used to funnel more wealth to the top.

The whole point of the paragraph you quoted though was to focus on the actual root cause of racism.

I felt it was a little out-dated and not up to par with really what is occurring in the 21st Century.  I'm sorry, but what you wrote seemed out of touch with today as we are all colors in jobs now and all colors are losing jobs in America.  

However, you are right as far as the stepping stones...we need to improve the equal rights for all minorities including equal education, jobs, housing.  

How are we going to do that?  

I was explaining what I thought the root cause of racism is -- this battle between poor Whites and People Of Color, causing poor Whites to Blame Blacks, egged on by the wealthy so they can run away with most of the money.  You and Fairre were suggesting  that racism is caused by POC not being good consumers for Capitalism, and I was countering this notion.

It doesn't matter that there are "colors" in all jobs now, or that we had a Black president for that matter. All statistics demonstrate that Black people are still at a major disadvantage in all areas measured, and under-represented in government and the higher-paying jobs.  Racism still exists.

How to get society to give up a scapegoat for all their pain in life?  Yes, we have a problem.


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11 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

You and Fairre were suggesting  that racism is caused by POC not being good consumers for Capitalism, and I was countering this notion.

That's not what I said nor Fairre said.   I said, and Fairre said, as far as indigenous people in a Capitalistic society, it's seems logical; Capitalists would have little need for indigenous people.  This doesn't mean there is no need for them, but Capitalistic governments may see it that way.  As far as blacks, both said there is no reason as blacks are on par with whites as far as consumerism in a Capitalistic society.  So, I suggested, with the WASP culture, it's the strategic alliance between the United States and England in the wealthy WASP culture that has made whites the favored one because as far as consumerism, we are about the same.  


11 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It doesn't matter that there are colors in all jobs now, or that we had a Black president for that mater. All statistics demonstrate that Black people are still at a major disadvantage in all areas measured.  Racism still exists.

Do you believe the only reason for this is their color?  I'm not so sure it's just a color of skin.  Something else may be causing the favoritism.  I suggested perhaps it's the alliance of the United States and England because color of skin is not a deterant to consumerism as we can both see.  

However, Luna, I'd like to see you start proposing some vehicles for change instead of using phrases like "poor white".  Some of your ideas, as I have eluding to before, seem to be stuck in the 1950's.  But, I feel you have some hatred towards the "poor whites" with the way you phrase things.  

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3 minutes ago, JanuarySwan said:
13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It doesn't matter that there are colors in all jobs now, or that we had a Black president for that mater. All statistics demonstrate that Black people are still at a major disadvantage in all areas measured.  Racism still exists.

Do you believe the only reason for this is their color?  I'm not so sure it's just a color of skin.  Something else may be causing the favoritism.  I suggested perhaps it's the alliance of the United States and England because color of skin is not a deterant to consumerism as we can both see.  

Have you considered aliens as the possible cause of racism, or perhaps excess fluoride dumped into the water systems of the South?

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