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Are You Showing Support for Black Lives Matter in Second Life?

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29 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

Well I have to say if this is what the so called BLM movement is suggesting then I will not be supporting it any longer.


You’re racist AF. I’m not even apart of the BLM movement and I’ve been talking about this stuff before the whole thing blew up like...bruh. You’re a bigot and racist AF and refuse to see it. You’re blind lmao. 

You need to focus on how your country is racist and always has been toward aboriginals. Like boy bye lmao. You’re a racist 😂🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Edited by Ashlyn Voir
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3 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:


frankly i don't give a damn.gif

Oh dear, in such a thread not the wisest choice of phrase: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/gone-with-the-wind-racist-hbo-max-trump-scarlett-o-hara-a9558531.html

2 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

You’re racist AF. I’m not even apart of the BLM movement and I’ve been talking about this stuff before the whole thing blew up like...bruh. You’re a bigot and racist AF and refuse to see it. You’re blind lmao. 

I don't care what you say, ill continue to support native aboriginal rights in Australia and support minorities subjected to racial prejudice in Australia. If wanting rights for all and to solve racism in one go as a whole rather than a select group makes me a racist so be it.

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Just now, Drayke Newall said:

Oh dear, in such a thread not the wisest choice of phrase: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/gone-with-the-wind-racist-hbo-max-trump-scarlett-o-hara-a9558531.html

I don't care what you say, ill continue to support native aboriginal rights in Australia and support minorities subjected to racial prejudice in Australia. If wanting rights for all and to solve racism in one go as a whole rather than a select group makes me a racist so be it.

Then focus on your country and we’ll focus on ours. You’re still a bigot tho 😙🥰

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40 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

Well I have to say if this is what the so called BLM movement is suggesting then I will not be supporting it any longer.

No you don't need to define the term. I know what it is and can say with 100% certainty that I am not racist. To be honest, I also don't care whether you or others believe it or not.

You see, this is the problem with Americans, you love them but they make it hard some times. They really are in a bubble all on their own and don't understand that we (the rest of the world) learn all about American history in depth in primary school and up as a form of learning WHY racism is wrong. We all know in other countries about your issues with slavery, the cotton farms, their mistreatment, the civil war and Lincoln. We are taught about all the racial issues suffered by Blacks during the early 1900's, the manner in which they were abused and hated upon wanting to attend the same schools as white. We know all about the lady that dared to sit in the front of the bus during segregation trying to force change and MLK, the LA riots etc., or the fact that racism has continued throughout the late 1900's and into today. So yes we do have an idea, understand and know the issues they have faced for hundreds of years.

We are also however taught about other countries such as the issues suffered by the Poles, Ukrainians, Muslim, Hindu, Jews, gypsies, and other ethnic minorities etc. We are taught from early childhood over here and in the rest of the world already about all the issues regarding racism and have been taught that for decades so as to change the way of thought and try to move forward in resolving those issues. WE ARE NOT AMERICA.

That said, I bet you 1L that you never learnt about Australian history in American schools. How the Europeans decimated the native tribes or the cases of slavery. I also bet you weren't taught of the stolen generation or those people that were kind and positive to them. How they were given jobs early on and helped the police force as trackers or how they proudly served in both world wars fighting alongside their fellow WHITE Australian mates.  How they were given back vast swathes of protected land (the biggest in the world) so as they can continue with their culture without interference from anyone else. How they were excluded from the constitution but added in after PEACEFUL protests and the populace acknowledged how wrongly they were treated. Given greater opportunities that the rest of the population along with better healthcare or were apologised to for the wrong doings from the government and the populace. Just like I am sure you aren't aware that Australia was the first to give women the right to vote or one of the first to allow women to work after child birth or one of the first to offer equal opportunities to everyone. America has always and still does focus inwards and not outwards. Hence why you get people like in that video posted above that generalise everyone in one race based on one country without knowing facts about other places in the world. 

The reason why there is so much angst with the BLM movement from other countries is, as mentioned, not only does it segregate one race instead of inclusion of all other races having the same racial issues but it also infects other countries that don't suffer the same issues that America suffers and instigates violence and riots where there are diplomatic and lawful avenues (far greater than offered in America) in place to solve such things. I would be able to find numerous cases in Britain, Australia, France, Germany, anywhere where police treat all races with the same disregard or regard to life not just one select group. But the BLM movement still continues to carry on in those countries as if it was America facing an issue with only one race. With the so called BLM movement in those other countries tagging along for the ride but falling to understand those very countries have also tried to help those issues like police brutality by things like removing guns from police officers in favour of tasers, offering better training ore listening to the populace and making changes they suggest etc.

The first thing an officer in almost any other country goes for in a threatening (non gun related) situation is the non life threatening taser, America however the first thing they go to is the gun. As much as you don't want to hear or believe it your (American) society is broken. While the rest of the world has moved on trying to tackle positively and succeeding in attempting to fix such brutalities or racial issues America stagnates living in yesteryear hoping for change, protesting for change but doing nothing to change it. They also then selectively choose which ally or enemy they are going to support and when and as the "keepers of the free world" ignore issues such as posted by January or leave a trail of decimation in their wake such as in Iraq based on false information just to invade a country.

America has issues, always has and from what the rest of the world has seen is never going to change. But don't you or others dare imply like some above that the rest of the world is against removing racism or are racist because they are simply white. If you want to know why other countries of the world land in this forum trashing BLM movement look no further to the insulting posts by people like Ashlyn Voir and you should get an understanding as to why they feel that way.

It's a good post, thanks for sharing all this.

One thing that has been going on in America too though is white influence in the justice and court system.  And, often times that influence could be paid.  This white influence is something that has been addressed perhaps by the song "Hurricane" by Bob Dylan and Jacques Levy.  You may want to give that song a listen to understand the white corrupt powers here, although fascism could turn on any of us as it sees fit but also may see it itself immune.  IOW, it can do whatever it wants, to anyone it wants without fear of consequence.  None of us are immune from it here in America.  If they want a pot smoker out, they want a pot smoker out for example.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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1 minute ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

Then focus on your country and we’ll focus on ours. You’re still a bigot tho 😙🥰

Is this the real black truth and all you can focus on Ashlyn?  

Give us the real black truth in your words or is that it?

It's kind of like saying whites are a bunch of dummies.  Well, if we are a bunch of dummies, then give input as to how these issue should be overcome?

I have a bit of time to read some but I need some time out to do other things and to take a break for a bit.  I have rl sister stuff to take care of right now too.   

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It would be lovely to believe people making that declaration they are not racist are speaking an objective truth about themselves, but to anyone that has been through any sort of racism training in the last quarter century all they are declaring is a lack of understanding of the nature of racism, the opposite of what they think they are saying.

It was 25 years ago when I first came across Implicit bias tests and whilst out of touch with current thinking it still seems prevalent today. Whether we like it or not we all hold negative stereotypes, fears, racist, misogynist, homophobic thoughts generated by our upbringing and society With an open mind you begin to spot these before you speak, and speak differently and learn to speak more inclusively and can become a better person.

Not everyone is a racist in the sense of acting on their racism, but denying your prejudices rather than catching and analysing them to learn from them and to be a better person, is a step along the journey to self awareness and a better society.

From my experience of Human Resource Management, all the big employers and corporations are supportive of these ideas because they make for better companies to work for and to retain customers. This really is old news, I thought it was old 20 years ago, it definitely is now. I speak from a UK experience, I can't help that, but I am really surprised by how little the understanding of racism there is by people on this thread.

Edited by Aethelwine
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This is a very big news story in the UK at the moment


There's a very powerful interview with the five friends who rescued the man here:  


Otokito described the group, who all have martial arts backgrounds, as a “band of brothers”.

“We’re all from similar backgrounds, we’re all from the same community and the streets of London. Same South London background, same morals, same principles. We’re all fathers, we all have our families as well – we’re trying to set an example,” said Otokito.

"The group emphasises that while they were glad to save the counter-protester’s life, it was the ruined lives of his would-be assailants and their loved ones that were at the front of their minds. “My thing was not really saving that man,” said Russell. “It was more saving one of these black kids that was attacking that guy – their life could be gone, as well as the gentleman’s. A wasted life in prison because of those moments of madness.”

"They know little about the man they rescued, but they hope his good fortune will provide a lesson to others. “Maybe it will change the views of racists,” said Russell. “I hope it shows that whatever they think of us, we’re cool, we’re good – we just saved your life.”

"For Otokito, though, every bit as important is the message that he hopes the image sends to the black community.

“As a brother, son, nephew, friend, I wanted to set an example, that it’s our responsibility to take ownership,” he said. “And hopefully it sends a different narrative to how the image of a black man is usually painted.

“Normally, it’s the picture of George Floyd with a knee on his neck. This is a completely different image – the tables are turned: a black man picking up a white man to put him on his shoulders to take him to safety in the midst of a situation that he’s created for himself. Hopefully, it sends a message that we are capable of being great.”

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To say everyone who is white is born racist is far fetch, are they born privileged in certain ways absolutely yes but born racist....too extreme but that is my own opinion.  

I agree with the comment made by @Aethelwine "Not everyone is a racist in the sense of acting on their racism, but denying your prejudices rather than catching and analysing them to learn from them and to be a better person, is a step along the journey to self awareness and a better society."

To also say that you do not stand with BLM just because a person calls you racist is also extreme, if you truly believe in the injustice that is going on stand with the people who welcome your support. Our voice as a whole is not spoken by a single person. 



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2 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Is this the real black truth and all you can focus on Ashlyn?  

Give us the real black truth in your words or is that it?

It's kind of like saying whites are a bunch of dummies.  Well, if we are a bunch of dummies, then give input as to how these issue should be overcome?

I have a bit of time to read some but I need some time out to do other things and to take a break for a bit.  I have rl sister stuff to take care of right now too.   

This person I follow on Twitter said it best:


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29 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

This person I follow on Twitter said it best:


I did some research and brought a lot of things to the table here, but that personal bubble goes two ways.  You haven't brought anything to this thread other than complaints from what I've read.

But, you are also so locked in your "we" thing that I think you have a world of your own.  This is a whole country, people of other colors live here too.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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I have a lot to add here, including regarding @JanuarySwan's incredibly vile rant accusing me... actually, no, calling me a racist, something I never did to her. 

However, I can't stop laughing at the arrogant notion of whats-his-face up there that Australia is a bastion of acceptance. Perhaps instead of this ridiculous insanity about... 

2 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

your movements stop coming to my country and cause issues

... it might be nice to consider that maybe, just maybe, people of color in Australia don't feel quite as adamant as your white butt does that everything is just hunky-dory. 

It's rarely black people, or brown people, or native, aboriginal, and indigenous people, and since COVID-19, Asian people, who say that racism isn't as big of a problem as (black, brown, native, aboriginal, indigenous, Asian) people make it out to be. 

I'm reading about the BLM protests that have happened throughout Australia. Thousands of people are not protesting due to the state of things in America. Y'all got your own racism (and homophobia) to deal with. You've caused your own issues.

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27 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I did some research and brought a lot of things to the table here, but that personal bubble goes two ways.  You haven't brought anything to this thread other than complaints from what I've read.

But, you are also so locked in your "we" thing that I think you have a world of your own.  This is a whole country, people of other colors live here too.  

That right there is why you or people like you will NEVER EVER learn. Maybe it’s because you’re old AF and stuck in your ways, but there are white people who are middle aged and learned to open their eyes. So, maybe it’s just you. 

I never said I don’t acknowledge other races, but right now this isn’t about that. These constant straw man arguments to derail the situation or take the mic away from American black people who are tired of the BS and history of a violent white supremacist infrastructure is why I’m going to call anyone who disagrees with that a freaking racist. 

Asians get treated than we do in this country. Latinos/Hispanics get treated better than we do in this country. Even Native Americans get more respect than we do in this country. And, yeah they might have racial biases aimed towards them, but they at least don’t have people telling them to basically shut the hell up when they speak out on it like everyone does when us black AMERICANS speak on it. And, I implore you to read these articles because people don’t even feel for us at all. You took the humanity out of you to where our words mean absolutely jack ___. So whatever.

I don’t got time to wake up people who don’t want to and pull the fake BS smile in your face and “ooo I want racism to stop blah blah blah” but really don’t want to because they know they’ll lose their privilege. I ain’t your damn slave, you ain’t massa and I don’t have to explain everything to you. That’s that privilege right there. You expect me to go out of MY way to show YOU. Psh.











Edited by Ashlyn Voir
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There was a moving story on the BBC news about a South East Asian refugee from Hmong community who's 19 year old son was shot by the police in the USA in 2006 whilst running away.

Her story and reasons why she is speaking up for BLM, like Black activists did for her son when they tried to pursue a case against the policeman back at the time. One of the police officers charged with aiding and abetting the George Floyd murder is from the same Hmong community, so she initially met resistance from them but has won them over with now over 2000 members of the "Hmong 4 Black Lives" group.

Anyway I thought her story enlightening.


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13 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

However, I can't stop laughing at the arrogant notion of whats-his-face up there that Australia is a bastion of acceptance. Perhaps instead of this ridiculous insanity about... 

I was going to say something about how Australia still has places with the N-word in them, like N-word Rock. But then I figured...should I even bother?


It never dawns on people from other countries their own racist practices. That's why this is becoming a global thing, its bringing a lot of things up in other places too.

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1 hour ago, lHorizonl said:

agree with the comment made by @Aethelwine "Not everyone is a racist in the sense of acting on their racism, but denying your prejudices rather than catching and analysing them to learn from them and to be a better person, is a step along the journey to self awareness and a better society."

There are racists of all colors.  It's called reverse discrimination and/or reverse prejudice.  


1 hour ago, lHorizonl said:

To also say that you do not stand with BLM just because a person calls you racist is also extreme, if you truly believe in the injustice that is going on stand with the people who welcome your support. Our voice as a whole is not spoken by a single person. 


I can understand how some people who live in multi-ethnic communities may not like this concept of Black Lives Matter as it excludes them and their sufferings, along with they don't want division brought into their multi-ethnic communities.  It's not a good idea when you have people of every ethnicity dealing with the same fascism to create divides as it affects the whole community.   I don't want to separate my communities into a category of each us, it's too complicated to do that in regards to fascism and the police.

So, what Ashlyn is saying then is this about something else more than police but this is what the protesters are saying now it is about the police.  Yes, I know statues of what enslaved them years ago are being torn down and I don't care if they are.  But, still at the heart of it all, it isn't about the statues, it's something else.  

Blacks don't feel as important than as whites in America but this is not how all blacks feel.  To say all women feel the same about a male dominant society is true for most but not all women.  

Sadly, though I don't want to see racial divides come out of this either.  If this was Latino Lives Matter...how would you feel?  

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48 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

I never said I don’t acknowledge other races, but right now this isn’t about that. These constant straw man arguments to derail the situation or take the mic away from American black people who are tired of the BS and history of a violent white supremacist infrastructure is why I’m going to call anyone who disagrees with that a freaking racist. 

Okay, I was trying to get you to look at the fascism and the fight here includes us all in regards to the police as it is illegal for the police to have this qualified immunity in the first place and I am the one who researched it and found it is against the Bill of Rights and the 9th amendment for police to have declared this qualified immunity unto themselves which is what the police did.  

So, I did do research.

Plus, I put forth Bob Dylan's song "Hurricane" which deals with the violent white supremacist infrastructure and said it reveals bias, wields corrupt white influence, money channels by white collar white criminals, money that wields power in whites favor, is a type of white organized crime, etc, etc and spoke about it in my posts but I feel nothing is good enough for you.  

Well, I may have not said it in the above post in those exact words, but if you read my posts, that's basically what I said.  

But, it's just not good enough for you and I feel that because I am white you are blaming me for something I never did.  I was just born here just like you.  I call this world a mess-a-piece.  I was just born into this mess just like you.  

And, if I am so privileged and ignoring you, then why do I refer to this world as a mess-a-piece?   White privilege doesn't exist to the degree it used too.  Many of us of all colors don't have health care now and a whole lot of other things including living under a fascist regime from the police.  The police need to change period.  

EDIT:   The Police need to be de-powered here.  Another Black man has been killed TODAY apparantly for resisting arrest.  The Black man freed himself from the officers, began to run and turned and tried to fire something at the officer and the man was shot dead.  

We better start doing something here.  Like what?  The police need to be de-powered.  

June 15 (Reuters) - The family of Rayshard Brooks, a black man whose death reignited protests in Atlanta over the weekend, on Monday said they were "heartbroken" and "tired" of the racial injustice that they said led to Brooks' death at the hands of Atlanta police.

An autopsy conducted on Sunday showed that Brooks, 27, died from blood loss and organ injuries caused by two gunshot wounds to his back, the Fulton County Medical Examiner's office said in a statement, ruling his death a homicide.

"We're tired and we are frustrated. Most importantly we're heartbroken, so we need justice for Rayshard Brooks," his cousin, Tiara Brooks, said at a news conference.

"The trust that we have in the police force is broken."


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43 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Okay, I was trying to get you to look at the fascism and the fight here includes us all in regards to the police as it is illegal for the police to have this qualified immunity in the first place and I am the one who researched it and found it is against the Bill of Rights and the 9th amendment for police to have declared this qualified immunity unto themselves which is what the police did.  

So, I did do research.

Plus, I put forth Bob Dylan's song "Hurricane" which deals with the violent white supremacist infrastructure and said it reveals bias, wields corrupt white influence, money channels by white collar white criminals, money that wields power in whites favor, is a type of white organized crime, etc, etc and spoke about it in my posts but I feel nothing is good enough for you.  

Well, I may have not said it in the above post in those exact words, but if you read my posts, that's basically what I said.  

But, it's just not good enough for you and I feel that because I am white you are blaming me for something I never did.  I was just born here just like you.  I call this world a mess-a-piece.  I was just born into this mess just like you.  

And, if I am so privileged and ignoring you, then why do I refer to this world as a mess-a-piece?   White privilege doesn't exist to the degree it used too.  Many of us of all colors don't have health care now and a whole lot of other things including living under a fascist regime from the police.  The police need to change period.  

EDIT:   The Police need to be de-powered here.  Another Black man has been killed TODAY apparantly for resisting arrest.  The Black man freed himself from the officers, began to run and turned and tried to fire something at the officer and the man was shot dead.  

We better start doing something here.  Like what?  The police need to be de-powered.  

June 15 (Reuters) - The family of Rayshard Brooks, a black man whose death reignited protests in Atlanta over the weekend, on Monday said they were "heartbroken" and "tired" of the racial injustice that they said led to Brooks' death at the hands of Atlanta police.

An autopsy conducted on Sunday showed that Brooks, 27, died from blood loss and organ injuries caused by two gunshot wounds to his back, the Fulton County Medical Examiner's office said in a statement, ruling his death a homicide.

"We're tired and we are frustrated. Most importantly we're heartbroken, so we need justice for Rayshard Brooks," his cousin, Tiara Brooks, said at a news conference.

"The trust that we have in the police force is broken."




Lmao you don't get it and NEVER will.lol girl bye 

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4 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Ill do that when your movements stop coming to my country and cause issues.

I did a rudimentary internet search on the words racism and Australia, and surprise!  You do it too.  Perhaps not you personally but take a look at your statistics for deaths while in custody and sure enough, "It is evident in assumptions that Aboriginal people seeking medical assistance or who are held in custody are affected by drugs or alcohol, rather than seriously ill.  It is evident in laws and policies which apply to all people, but have specific and foresee-ably negative impacts on Indigenous people, such as public order offenses and restrictive bail laws."


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I just want to stop by and say I am appreciative of those from both sides who have shown the maturity and self discipline necessary to maintain a calm and healthy debate who have taken the time to provide their viewpoint to others in a manner that is dignified and respectful, humoring even those who are openly rude, patronizing and even slanderous.

Through their patience and self control, I've learnt a lot of things, read a lot of stories from both sides that I otherwise would not know. Their work, despite the hostile environment in which they have debated is highly appreciated and I think those people should be held up as an example.

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5 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Good heavens, I have to wonder to what they are teaching children in America and also am concerned about the future world after watching that video. So her entire stance is because I am born white in a multicultural country like Australia I am already racist from day one. Great logic that is. A country which provides more benefits and opportunities to its indigenous people than it does its white citizens and a country where laws are already in place to stop anti racial and discrimination. That is to say far better society than America.

You have also 100% proven my point that all Americans live in a secluded little bubble away from the rest of the world whereby they think EVERY place is exactly like America, suffers the same issues etc.

The mere fact she actually generalises the whole white race at the start of the video and justifies her stance of that solely based on skewed statistics in one country known for its racial issues is absolutely laughable.

So sorry I ask again how am I racist as a white Australian when I don't live in America or for wanting racism as a whole to be removed from society and not just focusing on one form of racism at a time? 


5 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

Aww, is it hard to accept you’re a racist bigot? It’s okay, take deep breaths.

Drayke mate seriously, give up! Ashlyn is so riddled with 'white hatred' , suspicion and inability to see anything outdside US borders, that she just reverts to her old "racist" self and throws out constant Grade school insults! Probably p1ssed she was born too late to join the 'black panther movement', I dunno. What I do know is that, like many of all colours, push the right nerve, hit the right trigger, accidently or purposely and each persons personal "racism" just floods out!
Like many Americans, everything is "insular" and anything...as you say "outside their bubble"...they don't know about, don't think about, won't listen about and don't give a flying fk about!
She also calls me "racist" and a "bigot", just like she has you, probably many many others too, and gets upset because she thinks we "expect me to go out of my way to show you?" etc. Ok, we're what you call  us, we're also too lazy to "research and open our eyes ourselves"....so where does that leave things? "No change...carry on folks!" that's where.
She's too bitter and blind to notice that that's exactly what 90% of the whites joining and organizing all these protests in unity with blacks and POC, have done, already opened their eyes and are doing! 
She's too bitter and blind to notice that the moment someone questions her or her motives her hatred erupts like a volcano and shows everyone her true colours!

That right there is why you or people like you will NEVER EVER learn. Maybe it’s because you’re old AF and stuck in your ways, but there are white people who are middle aged and learned to open their eyes. So, maybe it’s just you."
Case in point ^^

In short, she herself has proven herself to be one of the biggest racists and bigots around (after me apparently! lol ) and is the type of person who can easily convince whites to just say "Fk this...leave 'em to it and see how far they get!".....and is part of why NOTHING will ever change where "racism" is concerned!

Thread needs a lot more ASMR talk tbh. 


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3 hours ago, Janet Voxel said:

I was going to say something about how Australia still has places with the N-word in them, like N-word Rock. But then I figured...should I even bother?


It never dawns on people from other countries their own racist practices. That's why this is becoming a global thing, its bringing a lot of things up in other places too.

I think this in part because of the US's soft power -- because of the US' dominance in popular culture, for white audiences world-wide, racism is refracted through the prism of the US experience, which means we can congratulate ourselves that "it's not like that here."     And it isn't, because our history isn't that of the US, but doesn't mean European countries aren't racist -- we were the colonisers, so obviously our societies have developed differently from the way different European countries' former colonies have, but it was the European countries that set up the slave trade in the first place, and established the social and economic systems in the Americas and the Caribbean of which it was an integral component, and provided the various religious, philosophical and scientific justifications for it, and it's as much a part of our societies as it is of our former colonies..

Edited by Innula Zenovka
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23 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:


Drayke mate seriously, give up! Ashlyn is so riddled with 'white hatred' , suspicion and inability to see anything outdside US borders, that she just reverts to her old "racist" self and throws out constant Grade school insults! Probably p1ssed she was born too late to join the 'black panther movement', I dunno. What I do know is that, like many of all colours, push the right nerve, hit the right trigger, accidently or purposely and each persons personal "racism" just floods out!
Like many Americans, everything is "insular" and anything...as you say "outside their bubble"...they don't know about, don't think about, won't listen about and don't give a flying fk about!
She also calls me "racist" and a "bigot", just like she has you, probably many many others too, and gets upset because she thinks we "expect me to go out of my way to show you?" etc. Ok, we're what you call  us, we're also too lazy to "research and open our eyes ourselves"....so where does that leave things? "No change...carry on folks!" that's where.
She's too bitter and blind to notice that that's exactly what 90% of the whites joining and organizing all these protests in unity with blacks and POC, have done, already opened their eyes and are doing! 
She's too bitter and blind to notice that the moment someone questions her or her motives her hatred erupts like a volcano and shows everyone her true colours!

That right there is why you or people like you will NEVER EVER learn. Maybe it’s because you’re old AF and stuck in your ways, but there are white people who are middle aged and learned to open their eyes. So, maybe it’s just you."
Case in point ^^

In short, she herself has proven herself to be one of the biggest racists and bigots around (after me apparently! lol ) and is the type of person who can easily convince whites to just say "Fk this...leave 'em to it and see how far they get!".....and is part of why NOTHING will ever change where "racism" is concerned!

Thread needs a lot more ASMR talk tbh. 


Calling me bitter is racist. I’m not some bitter black girl who doesn’t know about outside of the U.S. But, continue using straw man arguments to silence us. And, I’m also not racist and can’t be. I don’t benefit from a white supremacist system, but you do even in your own country. 

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