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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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5 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Read the story. He tested positive for Covid, was told to go home and isolate and was dead by the morning.

I did read the story. Your suggestion that I did not was both unwarranted and unsurprising.

I also read other stories. Here are some that provide potential explanations for why medical professionals, presented face-to-face with a patient such as described in the article, might not jump to the conclusions you do from afar with no evidence.




My request for evidence stands... unaddressed.


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3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I did read the story. Your suggestion that I did not was both unwarranted and unsurprising.

I also read other stories. Here are some that provide potential explanations for why medical professionals, presented face-to-face with a patient such as described in the article, might not jump to the conclusions you do from afar with no evidence.


My request for evidence stands... unaddressed.


My apologies for not being clearer. It was not my intention to suggest you did not read the words of the story but to look for the clues of what it did not say but needed to be assumed by the reader. The story is obviously trying to make a point about Covid denier/conspirators but leaves questions about how someone who is sick for a week with it to a point of finally breaking down to go get tested and dies within less than a day afterwards. It does not say specifically what sort of facility he was tested at but from the fact that he was tested and got the results immediately, it would have to be assumed it was somewhere with a lab so likely a hospital. 

I did look for more evidence by googling it but 3 pages of links only showed the story from different media outlets in different countries told different ways but all with the same information. That was interesting in itself. All from the same source material. Being just another Covid death it begged the question of why it was being reported so far from Shrewsbury itself. Was it really anymore then a local story or was it an attempt by media to sensationalize a death by twisting it to appear to be because of some who question the  narrative?

You are privy to the same evidence that I am. From there it depends on what we do with the info that is provided.

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7 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I did look for more evidence by googling it but 3 pages of links only showed the story from different media outlets in different countries told different ways but all with the same information. That was interesting in itself.

That is likely the result of one reporter, writing one story. That story was then retold elsewhere. That is neither unusual nor interesting. Journalists are a scarce resource. Conspiracy theories are a renewable resource.

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2 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

That is likely the result of one reporter, writing one story. That story was then retold elsewhere. That is neither unusual nor interesting. Journalists are a scarce resource. Conspiracy theories are a renewable resource.

Conspiracy theories are renewable because fake news is a prevalent resource. Even if the information is true, it was told with such an obvious slant that one cannot fail to miss the obvious agenda.

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I've seen to many sick and struggle with it, and pray no more contract it and have a severe case. Even a friend, healthy, jogger, and never would suspect him, who also wore his masks, but went to one gathering, then got sick  about 7 days later, and was hospitalized and after 22 days or so passed away, and family was barely contacted throughout it nor could visit. I don't want any more to have to suffer on either part of it. 

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

..why? Explain please, so we understand how his story gets some of you wound up?

Well we can all laugh at these crazy Infowars links, but some people are taking them seriously. I don't agree with saying, "Oh, these people are so stupid, let them get infected if they're dumb enough to believe it!" That victim in the BBC article I linked to was probably a decent person who died because of stupid conspiracy theories. The only mystery to me is how this 'Covid is a hoax' theory has become so popular.  

Edited by Rat Luv
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13 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Well we can all laugh at these crazy Infowars links, but some people are taking them seriously. I don't agree with saying, "Oh, these people are so stupid, let them get infected if they're so dumb to believe it!" That victim in the BBC article I linked to was probably a decent person who died because of stupid conspiracy theories. The only mystery to me is how this 'Covid is a hoax' theory has become so popular.  

I don't really think it has become popular.. I think news makes it look much more popular than it really is..

I live in the heart of the bible belt in the U.S...Trump land pretty much..

Other than the retired old men in the gas station sitting around with too much time on their hands..I think I may have heard one time during this whole pandemic, someone say it was a hoax.. That was early on before anyone they knew had caught it. 

A lot may not have taken it serious at first, but that was because our area was one of the areas to get hit harder later on.

I hear so much negative junk about the many people that I know and am around and work with and deal with all the time..

So I take it all with a block of salt and understand that much of it is either a distraction or manipulation..

There are small groups  on each side that make a lot of noise to try and get in our heads to make it look like more people are thinking like them..

Most people just get up and do their own thing and really don't have the luxury or care to spend time on all kinds of agendas like those making all the noise..

For the most part, I run into good people more than I do bad.. I meet a lot of people every week in my job.

People that have time for conspiracy theories, usually have too much time on their hands, so they get sucked in..

That's another bad thing about this pandemic.. it gives many people a lot of extra time to fill.. If they don't keep busy with something, it's easy for them to get sucked in..

If someone has to throw political jabs into everything they say.. Keep the salt block close by  is all I'm saying..




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"If ya wanna be in mah gang... mah gang... mah gang...
ya wanna be in mah  gang.... ^~?


Ummm... no, I don't sorry. And I do mean >EITHER< gang.
The blowhards have as much credibility as GG as well. 🤮
I still say irresponsible media insisting on tainting factual/truthful information with their pathetic personal opinions, (which have never been their own), are wholly responsible for whatever recent outrageous debacle/s you can point fingers at.
I can sympathise somewhat with those caught out by the gross incompetence of modern journalism and media companies "agendas".

I adored journos when I was younger, they were people who set the standards in public speaking, personal integrity and were trustworthy. 

And look at it all now. A farce of desperados, "one-up personship" and parrots all squalking away and fighting endlessly.... 😜🙄😷

Its enough to make a linden bear run naked through Linden Realms screaming I tellsya.


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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

All that salty be makin' me..thirsty.

I have many delicious juice and smoothie recipes.. I have one juice that is made with carrots and spinach and other goodies, that taste just like a dreamsicle, some say even better than a dreamsicle..

That'll quench the thirst for sure and it's good for you.. :)



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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I have many delicious juice and smoothie recipes.. I have one juice that is made with carrots and spinach and other goodies, that taste just like a dreamsicle, some say even better than a dreamsicle..

That'll quench the thirst for sure and it's good for you.. :)



Creepy Lion approves!


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8 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

The only mystery to me is how this 'Covid is a hoax' theory has become so popular.  

It's frightening and restrictive, so many people find it easier to believe that it isn't real. Many of us don't know anyone who has died of it and think that if we had never been told about it, we wouldn't notice people getting ill because we would think it was just a nasty bug going around or not even realise they all had the same thing. To be fair, a few of my friends realise now that they must have had it before the first lockdown, but none of us recognised it. A couple of them seem to have long covid, but one of them only realised this might be it quite recently; she got it before it had all really "taken off".

Of course, none of this actually makes a case for it being a hoax or not serious. It's myopic, ignorant nonsense. But as I sit at home getting fatter, lazier, mentally slower and more and more depressed and broken, I do find myself thinking about rejoining Gor, I mean realising why people might think the Tories like us this way.

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17 hours ago, Extrude Ragu said:

Has anyone else noticed that culture surrounding death seems to just suck.

Like I mean, stopping 90 y/o Grandma seeing their kids in case Grandma dies. What do people think Grandma lives for, do they think she is planning to go skydiving? No the only company she gets is her family. What purpose does it serve to survive a virus if you're already on deaths door and just want to live and enjoy the last part of your life?

And like the same with Hospitals where every death is treated as a preventable tragedy, where doctors would rather put people on deaths door through extreme pain/suffering, loss of dignity, where every living moment is a living hell just to keep them alive for another 30 seconds, instead of accepting death and letting them enjoy their last moments peacefully with the people they love?

Not every death has to be tragic, as long as the person has led a full life and come to their natural time, why not just celebrate that they've lived a full life and that you're there with them to give them company in their last moments, than act like it's some horror show that shouldn't be happening?

There comes a point where avoidance of death is actually you know harmful to someones quality of life and I feel like people don't seem to get that which frustrates me. I hope when I'm 90 and in a hospital bed I'm allowed to pass away peacefully rather than having a full on anxiety attack whilst doctors pump $$$ loads of every drug into my veins and everything is going crazy.


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On 1/28/2021 at 12:29 PM, Ceka Cianci said:
On 1/27/2021 at 1:37 PM, Luna Bliss said:

Wow, who knew the forum members had such knowledge of water heaters!

Unfortunately, yes, my small cellar area (10x12) that houses my water heater has about 18 inches of water in it. The repair person turned off the  water and gas connected to the heater, so at least I'm not floating away or likely to die in a gas explosion. Now to pump that water out -- called one company that wanted 900 dollars to pump out a very small area, and am now trading messages with my trusted repair guy, Juan, who I'm sure won't charge that much for an hours work!

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Well, you know not to ever call that company ever again for anything.. Especially when there is more than likely some sort of pump at a local hardware store that could do it for  under 50.00.. hehehe

Yeah, rip-off, although they did have a fancy truck that could suck out the water straight to the truck without using my house electricity (big electrocution risk in that cellar, so difficult to use a pump that needs house electricity).  I got it done though, and nobody was hurt.  Ahh the joys of hot water...

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On 1/28/2021 at 3:10 PM, Rolig Loon said:

Juan will probably just go to the closest rental place and borrow a pump for a few hours.  No need to buy one.

Good idea, Rolig...I totally forgot the rental option. Luckily Juan owned a couple of pumps.

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On 1/30/2021 at 4:23 AM, Rat Luv said:

The only mystery to me is how this 'Covid is a hoax' theory has become so popular.  

It seems to be tied to which brand of Evangelical churches are in the area -- some believe it's a hoax while others don't. Even the ones who don't believe it's a hoax yet minimize the dangers are causing a lot of unnecessary deaths.

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Wow I didn't know the QAnon cult with their distortions around Covid is a Nazi cult rebranded. There is effort underway to toss them out of government -- I don't understand how they were ever elected.



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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yeah, rip-off, although they did have a fancy truck that could suck out the water straight to the truck without using my house electricity (big electrocution risk in that cellar, so difficult to use a pump that needs house electricity).  I got it done though, and nobody was hurt.  Ahh the joys of hot water...

Yea you wouldn't use the electricity from the room in that case.. you'd just use an extension cord and have the pump plug and extension plug out of the water getting power from another room.. that or just have a hose down there pulling the water out with the pump outside..

But yea, like Rolig said, the other guy can probably rent one or has some of their own.. I know we have all kinds of different pumps around the farm for all kinds of different situations.. Water is always getting sucked out from one place and tanked up and put somewhere else.. hehehe




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Nothing to do with the topic, just something to make the Americans feel better for no reason.

Remember how y'all had Trump and we had Trudeau and you looked to Ottawa were all "why can't we have THAT?"?

Well, now y'all got Biden and in the meantime Trudeau's a lil tarnished and we look to DC and hide a twinge.

(Hey, can the US Vice President become the Canadian Governor General at the same time?)


Edited by Qie Niangao
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