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2009 to 2019... WOW so much changed

Serena Howley

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Hi all


This is my first post in the forum actually.

I left SL in 2009 after about 2 years due to me moving abroad and taking with me only an old laptop that really couldn't handle the viewer.

A few days ago I logged back with my current laptop - out of curiosity. I have to say OMG this has changed dramatically to the point that I am completely confused and feel so lost!

First the avatars. What are Mesh avatars? What are mesh clothes, what is rigged vs non rigged mesh? What is bento? What are maitreya, Slink etc? I have my old avatar which I then decided to give up for one of the standard avatars you get as a newb. To be honest it's not a big loss because all my clothes and beautiful outfits from the past are prim heavy and don't really work anymore. I want to go buy new clothes but I'm confused about the mesh thing, I got some demos from shops but they don't fit and I understand things are non mod to make bigger etc (or i'd suck at it anyway)

Second, sims. Where is everyone? Of course I didn't expect my old favourite hangout spots to still exist but I can't seem to find a lot of sims anymore bar the sex ones. Where are all the communities, the popular hangouts, it seems so empty, but maybe because I'm like a newbie again I suppose? When I left I had about 140 friends, I've only seen 1 logged in regularly, and I've also noticed that group members from groups i belong to had not logged in for years. Is SL dying somehow?

Third, roleplay and meter based fighting. Is CCS dead? I've seen a few CCS called sims but are they really? My hud and meter return errors, where has this gone? Are people not really using SL for combat anymore? I saw bloodlines is still there though, damnit! lol 

Anyway - it's like I'm lost, really, and gutted, so if anyone has any newbie documentation to explain avatars, all the new things like mesh etc vs the old school SL, and any other resources to bring me back to speed I'd really appreciate it, either in world or here, I'd be very grateful. Thank you for reading (my frustration)





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42 minutes ago, Serena Howley said:

Hi all


This is my first post in the forum actually.

I left SL in 2009 after about 2 years due to me moving abroad and taking with me only an old laptop that really couldn't handle the viewer.

A few days ago I logged back with my current laptop - out of curiosity. I have to say OMG this has changed dramatically to the point that I am completely confused and feel so lost!

First the avatars. What are Mesh avatars? What are mesh clothes, what is rigged vs non rigged mesh? What is bento? What are maitreya, Slink etc? I have my old avatar which I then decided to give up for one of the standard avatars you get as a newb. To be honest it's not a big loss because all my clothes and beautiful outfits from the past are prim heavy and don't really work anymore. I want to go buy new clothes but I'm confused about the mesh thing, I got some demos from shops but they don't fit and I understand things are non mod to make bigger etc (or i'd suck at it anyway)

Second, sims. Where is everyone? Of course I didn't expect my old favourite hangout spots to still exist but I can't seem to find a lot of sims anymore bar the sex ones. Where are all the communities, the popular hangouts, it seems so empty, but maybe because I'm like a newbie again I suppose? When I left I had about 140 friends, I've only seen 1 logged in regularly, and I've also noticed that group members from groups i belong to had not logged in for years. Is SL dying somehow?

Third, roleplay and meter based fighting. Is CCS dead? I've seen a few CCS called sims but are they really? My hud and meter return errors, where has this gone? Are people not really using SL for combat anymore? I saw bloodlines is still there though, damnit! lol 

Anyway - it's like I'm lost, really, and gutted, so if anyone has any newbie documentation to explain avatars, all the new things like mesh etc vs the old school SL, and any other resources to bring me back to speed I'd really appreciate it, either in world or here, I'd be very grateful. Thank you for reading (my frustration)





Welcome back.  Forget everything you learnt 10 years ago and just start off as if you had never been here before.  The forums search, the knowledgebase and just a regular search engine should answer a lot of your questions/.  Youtube has tons of second life videos too.  Take it slow

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Mesh. Well, rather than being stuck with just prims and sculpted prims, we can make pretty much any shape we want, albeit it using an external 3D modelling tool like Blender or Maya.

Mesh avatars, or rather bodies. As we can make any shape we want, one of the things a lot of people want is a better body than the standard SL one. Enter mesh bodies, of which Maitreya and Slink are major purveyors.

Rigged mesh. To make a mesh body or mesh clothes work they have to bend at the elbows, for example. Rigging is the process (part of making the 3D model) that moves parts of the mesh shape in sync with the underlying SL avatar skeleton. Fitted mesh goes a step further in that it conforms to the body shape sliders of the underlying SL avatar.

Bento is an enhancement of the SL avatar that provides many more bones than the original, so you get things like wings that can be animated, and, perhaps most frequently seen, hands that have fingers that can be individually animated and heads that can have fine control of their shapes and expressions.

Mesh clothes. These are now mostly rigged and fitted, so they bend with the SL avatar and conform to the body shape. But rigging is tricky, and there are few clothes that'll fit perfectly. So in came a new clothing layer: alpha layers. Alpha layers make parts of the avatar body invisible (remember invisiprims?), so your elbows are no longer seen to poke out of your jacket.

It gets more complicated. Alpha layers don't work on mesh bodies, so most mesh bodies come with a HUD that'll let you hide those inconvenient body parts. Also, you want to be able to use a skin of your choice on a mesh body, so we have appliers, scripted objects that apply the skin of your choice to the mesh body of your choice. And, of course, appliers can be used to apply "painted on" clothes (like the original system clothes) like underwear. But...

Just recently introduced: Bakes on Mesh! BoM lets you put the baked avatar body textures (the combination of skin, tattoos, underwear, shirt, jacket, pants, etc.) that you'd see on your system avatar onto a mesh body. Mesh bodies have been made with several skin layers (the onion skin model) so you could apply a skin texture to one layer, a tattoo layer to the next and clothing textures to yet another (for example). Eventually, BoM will let mesh body makers do away the the extremes of the onion skin model, and do away with the need for appliers. Eventually. Maybe.

Hope this helps.

P.S. Rather than be gutted at how much has changed, see it as a new learning opportunity. Look forward to those moments when you suddenly twig what something's about and revel in the joy that brings!

Edited by KT Kingsley
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Hi Serena, and welcome back!

All these changes are a lot to handle all at once, I admit.  But they are all really just add-ons to the SL you remember.

Anything "mesh" is something that's created in an external 3D modeling program like Blender or Maya, and then imported.  Since these programs offer the ability to make much more detailed objects than we can create with prims, the use of prims for building (at least, building things for sale) has declined.  Mesh body parts, and now entire mesh bodies and heads have become popular.  These are attachments that are worn over your "classic" avatar body.  The classic body is hidden by an "alpha mask".  Alpha masks are a special clothing layer; they have the inventory symbol of a shirt with a grid pattern.  You can wear multiple alpha masks (and indeed, multiple clothing layers, and multiple attachments on a single attach point) by using the ADD command, instead of "Wear".

Mesh clothing may be made for specific brands of mesh body (Maitreya, Belleza, etc).  They may also be made for the "classic" avatar.  If that's the case, the mesh clothes will come with an alpha mask to hide the bits of you under the clothes.  With mesh bodies, you have a HUD that controls which part(s) of the mesh body are made transparent, so a specific alpha mask item isn't needed.

To better fit into mesh clothing, there are free "Standard Sizing" shapes available on the Marketplace.  If you wear a size M standard shape, the theory is, that you should fit mesh clothing in a size M (not always the case!)  The alpha mask should take care of most of the remaining issues with fit.  (Mesh clothing made for classic avatars is generally provided with multiple sizes in the box...L, M, S, XS at least, and sometimes XL and XXS.)  However, fewer creators are selling clothing for "classic" avatars.  You may want to bite the bullet and get one of the popular mesh bodies.

Strawberry Singh did a LOT of video reviews of mesh bodies and heads over the past couple of years, before she joined Linden Lab as an employee.  Find them on her blog or on YouTube.

Mesh hands and feet are available, and look WAY better than the classic avatar's hands and feet.  If you buy a mesh body, they generally come with hands and feet, but you can change them out for another brand if you prefer.  The best thing about mesh hands is that you no longer need separate prim nails...they come with no, short, medium, or long nails controlled via a HUD.  Thousands of third party manicure texture HUDs are available to work with these built in nails.

Bento is really cool.  LL added some bones to the avatar skeleton.  These permit the actual animation of fingers and facial expression.  They also permit the addition of animated wings and tails and nonhuman avatar animations.  Heads, hands, and other body parts advertised as "Bento" can make use of these new animations, which are found in some AOs, dances, etc.

There are almost no shoes available for the old avatar feet.  Shoes these days are made either for a specific mesh body's feet, or for popular third party mesh feet like SLink or N-core.  But you'll love them, they look SO much better than the old shoes and feet.

Don't throw out all your old clothes yet.  Mesh skirts and mesh hair can look stiff, while flexiprim skirts and hair can blow fetchingly in the breeze.  Besides, we now have a very new capability called "Bakes on Mesh", or BoM.  You see, the old clothing textures we applied to our avatar bodies don't work on mesh body parts...because those are attachments, not avatars.  To put a clothing texture on a mesh body, you needed an "applier"...a little one-button HUD that painted a skin or clothing texture onto your mesh body or body part.  But BoM allows you to use those old skin and clothing textures on a mesh body (if the mesh body is BoM compatible).

You may want to visit some of the "newcomer friendly" sims, especially those with tutorials for new folks, like NCI, Caledon Oxbridge University, or New Resident Island.


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43 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Welcome back.  Forget everything you learnt 10 years ago and just start off as if you had never been here before.  The forums search, the knowledgebase and just a regular search engine should answer a lot of your questions/.  Youtube has tons of second life videos too.  Take it slow


Ten years is a long time to be away. Surprise! SL is still alive! And some of us ancients are, too. insanity.gif.a7f327d6e42b088de28cf5cec9406ac1.gif



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3 hours ago, Serena Howley said:

First the avatars. What are Mesh avatars? What are mesh clothes, what is rigged vs non rigged mesh? What is bento? What are maitreya, Slink etc? I have my old avatar which I then decided to give up for one of the standard avatars you get as a newb. To be honest it's not a big loss because all my clothes and beautiful outfits from the past are prim heavy and don't really work anymore. I want to go buy new clothes but I'm confused about the mesh thing, I got some demos from shops but they don't fit and I understand things are non mod to make bigger etc (or i'd suck at it anyway)

Let's see if I shed a little light on this. 

  • It was already explained what mesh is although, simply put it's 3D modeled content. The next logical step after the introduction of sculpties.
  • Mesh avatars are avatars made of mesh, although usually they are a selection of body parts (usually a head and a body, the latter usually comes with hands and feet) from different creators.
  • Mesh clothes are clothes, made of mesh. Back when mesh was still new, the clothes would be made for standard (system) avatars in several more-or-less standardized sizes. However, with the advent of mesh bodies, most creators make mesh clothes for one or more specific brands and/or models of bodies. 
  • Rigged mesh are mesh items (like hair, shoes, or clothing) which is made to automatically fit just right to your specific (usually) mesh body. The side effect of this is that you will not be able to resize the item. If you want to be able to reposition or resize the mesh item, you would need the non-rigged version, but most creators do not provide that by default.
  • Bento is an extension on the classic system body. The body can move because it has some virtual bones which  can be animated with custom animations (like dances, or an AO), but the number of these bones were too small to allow for some fancier stuff. Enter project bento, which added more bones, for example to give the face custom expressions other than the few that LL provided, to allow your fingers to move, have a swishing tail, wings, extra legs, etc. The movement for these bones are being controlled by animations but often require an attachment (usually mesh) to make these movements visible. 
  • Maitreya, SLink, etc are brands of bodies. There are many of them, some more popular than others and also price differs between these brands. I would also like to mention Belleza, Tonic, eBody, Altamura, and Ruth2.0/RuthToo (this last one is free, but not very well supported by other creators. Still good to play with if you are not sure yet). 
  • You can, actually, use your old system clothes again. Thanks to project BoM (Bakes on Mesh) which allows you to wear your system clothes, and see them projected on your mesh body, provided that you have enabled BoM on that body which involves the applying of a couple of "magical" textures to your body or body parts. Many body and body part creators have already enabled this in the HUDs that come with their body parts.
  • When buying new clothes, you need to keep in mind what I said earlier. Most clothing is made for specific mesh bodies. Unless you know that the creator made the clothing (also) for "standard sizes", you will not be able to wear the clothes on a system/Linden body without bits and pieces of your body poking through or looking oversized.

As for starting on a new wardrobe, pay a visit to the Free Dove for some decent, free mesh clothes, shoes, hair, and even a body just to get you started. You can always upgrade over time, no need to spend an arm and a leg right away. Find your feet, get familiar with the stuff and find out what you like and hate before investing in something which may or may not be right for you. You can also find events (like the LL Shop and Hop event) where you can pick up some really nice free gifts. 
I like freebies and cheapies, can you tell? 🙂


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4 hours ago, Serena Howley said:

Third, roleplay and meter based fighting. Is CCS dead? I've seen a few CCS called sims but are they really? My hud and meter return errors, where has this gone? Are people not really using SL for combat anymore? I saw bloodlines is still there though, damnit! lol 

I've never used CCS, but it does sound vaguely familiar. It's likely there are still combat roleplay regions, and some may even still use CCS. (If so, one would expect any associated scripts to need updating after ten years.) Every once in a while some newbie posts to the Scripting forum expecting to create a new combat system (and often, weirdly, wanting help scripting a "turret" whatever that is) so I gather there's still some interest.

Bloodlines may still exist but I ignored it when it was popular and haven't heard anything about it in years.

You may find some things recognizable from your past SL experience -- nostalgic, even -- but I'll be honest: It would be kind of depressing if those same things were still the reason folks use Second Life today. @Cindy Evanier makes a good suggestion, I think: "start off as if you had never been here before" and find the stuff that's interesting to you now. You, too, may have changed some in those ten years.

Edited by Qie Niangao
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4 hours ago, Serena Howley said:

Hi all


This is my first post in the forum actually.

I left SL in 2009 after about 2 years due to me moving abroad and taking with me only an old laptop that really couldn't handle the viewer.

A few days ago I logged back with my current laptop - out of curiosity. I have to say OMG this has changed dramatically to the point that I am completely confused and feel so lost!

First the avatars. What are Mesh avatars? What are mesh clothes, what is rigged vs non rigged mesh? What is bento? What are maitreya, Slink etc? I have my old avatar which I then decided to give up for one of the standard avatars you get as a newb. To be honest it's not a big loss because all my clothes and beautiful outfits from the past are prim heavy and don't really work anymore. I want to go buy new clothes but I'm confused about the mesh thing, I got some demos from shops but they don't fit and I understand things are non mod to make bigger etc (or i'd suck at it anyway)

Second, sims. Where is everyone? Of course I didn't expect my old favourite hangout spots to still exist but I can't seem to find a lot of sims anymore bar the sex ones. Where are all the communities, the popular hangouts, it seems so empty, but maybe because I'm like a newbie again I suppose? When I left I had about 140 friends, I've only seen 1 logged in regularly, and I've also noticed that group members from groups i belong to had not logged in for years. Is SL dying somehow?

Third, roleplay and meter based fighting. Is CCS dead? I've seen a few CCS called sims but are they really? My hud and meter return errors, where has this gone? Are people not really using SL for combat anymore? I saw bloodlines is still there though, damnit! lol 

Anyway - it's like I'm lost, really, and gutted, so if anyone has any newbie documentation to explain avatars, all the new things like mesh etc vs the old school SL, and any other resources to bring me back to speed I'd really appreciate it, either in world or here, I'd be very grateful. Thank you for reading (my frustration)





Welcome back. 20 years ago it was all the ´who moved my cheese´ lobbox :) 10 is 7 lifetimes here. Alive and kicking but honestly there are bits of the last 10 years I have trouble with. Go with Selene, Fritigern, KT and Cindy here =^^=

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Following on Fritigern's post, one nice thing about SL2019 is that most things have a Demo version, for free. Absolutely, before you buy a mesh body and head, Demo loads of them!!!! PS: Also Demo clothes and hair and anything else you can!!!!

A couple other random but essential tips wrt mesh bodies and heads:

  • If you get a head that comes with a dedicated shape, use that shape! If you don't, your head will almost certainly NOT look like the vendor's photo of the head. Also, wear the alpha, or the system head will show through. You can make tweaks to the shape to adjust the facial features, but some sliders will not work, and most will only give good results over a small range around where they were set on the vendor's shape.
  • If the head includes eyes, or if you buy mesh eyes, you will need to alpha out the system eyes.
  • Do the body second, still using the shape that came with the head. Be sure and use the included alpha. Adjust the sliders to give the shape you want. If you can find people with the same body you are using, and like how they look, they may be willing to share their settings with you to get you in sort of the right range. As with the head, many of the sliders will only take so much adjustment before things start looking bad.
  • Btw, you cannot detach the system body, eyes, and several other parts, including the skin, even if you add a mesh head and body and other eyes or apply a skin to the mesh head and body. The various alphas cover the system parts. Some heads come with an all-in-one alpha that covers everything, instead of having to use two or three different alphas
  • Demo the heads and bodies, adjusting them to try to get the look you want, and pick the ones that suit you best. Keep in mind that the selections of skins and make-up and hair and of course clothes vary  vary widely with the different body and head vendors, and factor that into you choice. For example, it is easiest to find clothes for Maitreya bodies, but skins and make-up and hair for Catwa heads. But though I have spent a massive amount of time trying to get a Catwa head to look like I want, I have never been able to, and the heads I like are far less supported by skin, make-up, and hair vendors. Also, some bodies and head have options other don't, such as the ability to apply physics to your butt or expressions to your face.
  • Finally, ADD not WEAR everything you can. I don't understand why Wear is even an option, or at least why it is the default on double-click. Wear will put thing on the same places, and will displace something else already there. Add will choose a new attachment point (you can even select it if you like, but I never find the need to do that) so that something else does not get displaced.

This is just really a high-level intro. As others have mentioned, there is applying skin and make-up, alpha-ing out parts so they don't show, deciding if you want hands and feet from a different vendor than your body, and so forth. Honestly, the only way I got through it all was to get help from friends who had already figured it out, usually from friend of theirs. Probably most of us would be happy to help you in-world, if we can arrange our schedules with yours. Pretty much everything with SL is a fragmented, complicated, confusing mess, though.

Caerolle :)

Edited by CaerolleClaudel
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1 minute ago, Tarina Sewell said:

So many posts and no reply from OP, perhaps you have confused her enough to uninstall SL and never return.



It's only been five hours, and about that many replies. But honestly, uninstalling SL and never returning is probably not bad advice, unless she is willing to put in quite a lot of time and effort and most likely a lot of money to get up to speed with SL2019. :)

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In 2009, if you searched "BDSM" you got actual BDSM places, some of them just themed dance clubs, some mostly for sex hookups, but quite a few serious communities based on mutual respect, learning, and relationships.  Now, 6 of the top 10 search results are AFK sex places, and not one seems to be a serious "community" oriented place.  I don't remember that even being a thing back then.

Yeah, SL's progress has been the same sort of progress you see in  "Idiocracy".


Edited by Tolya Ugajin
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8 minutes ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

In 2009, if you searched "BDSM" you got actual BDSM places, some of them just themed dance clubs, some mostly for sex hookups, but quite a few serious communities based on mutual respect, learning, and relationships.  Now, 6 of the top 10 search results are AFK sex places, and not one seems to be a serious "community" oriented place.  I don't remember that even being a thing back then.

Yeah, SL's progress has been the same sort of progress you see in  "Idiocracy".


Same with lesbian. Somehow lesbians must want to have sex with well-endowed black men, too.

Back in the day, there were several serious women-only BDSM sims. I almost never left a certain one for a couple years. Now they are pretty much all gone, and nothing really around to replace them, at least that I can find using Search. Not many women-only sims period, now (no pun intended, lol), especially for the US Eastern time zone, and the ones that are there pretty much only play rock or country, and there is almost no conversation.

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6 hours ago, Serena Howley said:

Third, roleplay and meter based fighting. Is CCS dead? I've seen a few CCS called sims but are they really? My hud and meter return errors, where has this gone? Are people not really using SL for combat anymore? I saw bloodlines is still there though, damnit! lol 

Search for "zCS".  zCS is a very popular combat meter. 

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9 hours ago, Tarina Sewell said:

So many posts and no reply from OP, perhaps you have confused her enough to uninstall SL and never return.



Hahahah - no I'm in GMT hours and it all happened overnight :) And yes I've sparked many more responses than I expected. wow. 


Thank you all for the excellent replies. 

So I'm not gutted so to speak, if anything gutting is the amount of stuff in my wardrobe that is irrelevant today - which I had paid for. Suppose everything is still useable, that being said, for some reasons when I try to wear something that was a jacket layer (you know in clothes you have the undershirt, shirt and jacket layer right?) everytime I try a jacket clothing I crash. Actually when I try a full outfit from the old days, I crash. So I'll need to do more shopping if I want to have at least another option in addition to the new avatar standard clothing. 

By the way - do "classic" and "system" refer to the standard SL avatar? 

Other than that I agree, I have to unlearn everything and relearn again, I suppose. I'm not sure I'll go really geeky about all the avatar thing but I guess a minimum just to have some options. I never spent a penny in SL because I had a job and I was building at the time (when it was still prim based and lots of ok scripts where available for free) but with no real commitment to spending hours in SL anymore, that doesn't seem like it's going to be an option. Oh well. 

Info on mesh etc seems quite clear, thank you all. Now it's on my end to do the reading homework. I went to get a demo Maitreya body, then tried a demo trousers for Maitreya shape, yet it didn't fit (i.e you see patches of skin outside of the trousers, you know what I mean) There's surely more I need to learn, unsure why it did that. Unless I need to put the alpha on my legs? lol. 

RE: Roleplay, I'll check zCs - sounds probably like something similar nowadays. Thank you! I've never been into BDSM or sex in here so not really relevant but i've read about RLV lol lol that really took it to the next stage. I hope there are still people who come here for something other than their darkest deviances. Who knows I might be a dreamer here :) 

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4 minutes ago, Serena Howley said:

By the way - do "classic" and "system" refer to the standard SL avatar? 


4 minutes ago, Serena Howley said:

I went to get a demo Maitreya body, then tried a demo trousers for Maitreya shape, yet it didn't fit (i.e you see patches of skin outside of the trousers, you know what I mean) There's surely more I need to learn, unsure why it did that. Unless I need to put the alpha on my legs? lol. 

Not sure if its in the demo but you get a hud with a tab for the alphas to hide whatever is needed for clothes.  A lot of designers have it scripted to have the pants auto alpha for you but theres time for you to work on which designers do that for you later :) 

Glad you aren't put off then by the amount of info in the replies here :)   Don't throw anything away yet from old stuff.  There is a chance you can still use some of your favorites

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1 hour ago, Serena Howley said:

I hope there are still people who come here for something other than their darkest deviances. Who knows I might be a dreamer here :) 

I have a nice 2003 dress with system skirt and painted on system shoes that I wear sometimes. It sends the message that I am not here to breed. Wearing the antiques is an option that you have earned; newer avatars can't get away with it as easily. 

1 hour ago, Serena Howley said:

By the way - do "classic" and "system" refer to the standard SL avatar? 

Yes, "system" and "classic" means exactly that.

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Where are all the people? Many are in Bellisseria, busy decorating their homes. It is a subforum called "Linden Homes". It has suddenly become attractive to have a Linden Home, due to the new landscaping and homes.

You don't have to have a home in Bellisseria to be a part of the community. You should join the group "Bellisseria Citizens" and say you have been 10 years away from SL, and will someone show you the new homes? People love to show how they have decorated.

This group also post events like parties. You can find a rez zone and rez your boat, aircraft and things like that, sail, bike, fly, ride around.

This is only the north part, but it is a place to start. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bellisseria-Linden-Rez-zones-map/17166108

Even without the gadget over, you can open the map and type in Coral Wates. This is an air strip. Or Bellisseria Fairgrounds. There is a ferry taking you on a short tour. It is also a railroad in Bellisseria (still under construction). Launch a boat by every lighthouse and other places. It is one in Kuga, just an example. The roads also have rez zones marked.

Bellisseria has no ban lines. It is also not allowed with zero seconds security orbs. 15 seconds let you retreat out of their personal home and into public ground. It is easy to explore.

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11 hours ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Somehow lesbians must want to have sex with well-endowed black men, too.


I noticed that as well - although apparently it's well-endowed black shemales based on what came up in search ;)

I wonder if it's just that the SL search engine sucks even more than it did 10 years ago.

Or maybe it's just that too many serious people have left SL and it's now mainly people pounding their puds to pixel porking porn.

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1 hour ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

I noticed that as well - although apparently it's well-endowed black shemales based on what came up in search ;)

I wonder if it's just that the SL search engine sucks even more than it did 10 years ago.

[ Or AND  maybe ] it's just that too many serious people have left SL and it's now mainly people pounding their puds to pixel porking porn.

There, I fixed that for you.

Edited by Alyona Su
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