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Been watching the X-Files actually. Season 7, can't remember which episodes, but one was about a few teenagers who could move faster than the human eye could see and the other was about a man who was deemed the luckiest man in the universe, but his luck came at the expense of others around him.

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On 10/29/2020 at 7:28 PM, Rat Luv said:

Got off at the third station...might save the rest of the journey for Xmas in case we're all locked down again :)


there is a channel on roku that does this.. I seen it one time and was like, what? So I added it and watched like 20 minutes or so of it thinking it's going to be more than just like riding on the front of a train, but it was just that..

It was actually really soothing, especially when it started raining..

This was like,when we first got Roku.. I was like, wow if this channel is on there, there has to be all kinds of possibilities for any kind of channel to be on there..

I started finding things like the rain channel and all kinds of neat ones after that..

I think they are really neat, plus they work really well for when you are going to sleep.. just take a trip or listen to a storm or anything like that.. they work like a charm. :)

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