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Normie and Anime Height


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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Am I the only person who is convinced that this is some form of performance art, and finds it absolutely hilarious?

We define art differently...but I do actually find it hilarious, mostly because I am reading it as if my youngest niece is saying it all. She's 8 and knows everything too. I imagine a little hand on a hip, head cocked, that look, the smart little mouth, except she has the intelligence to back up her sass...

most of the time, she is 8 after all, sometimes it's all sass

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With everything said here, I have made my statement and like it or not, it's here to stay.

* If you are a Tall avatar do not expect your choice to be tall deems you the right to decided who will be what height. ( I know this and I do not need sass to back it up)
* If your are a regular, normal, whatever it is you call yourself. You are a different Canvas then an Anime avatar, and a Furry Avatar for that matter. So stop expecting everyone to be you.
* If you own a sim or a parcel and you have rules about avatars, that is your right, no one can take that from you. But from what I see if you do this, then you support separation and superiority and you are exactly the contradiction you spill from your mouth. EX: Ban all Normies from an Anime sim, or Ban all Animes from a Normie sim. Its the same Eth'ing thing.

*You all like to take words out of context, regardless who is saying what.

* You all assume that this is about you, when in fact if you ether do not have a problem with any of this, whiy feel like a victim? I did not call your name, did I? N,o yet you come in screaming and smashing your keyboards in demanding response when someone is trying to explain something in there own nature. I could go on and on in this heartless fire but it's no longer worth my time.

*Your either very rude, or very supportive of this conversation we have had in this past day. Reflect on how you responded. Because I never called any of you out and yet you lashed like children to get your point across. Those that were civil, thank you.

*Remember the only time I truly talked down on you is when you were rude to me for making a point, taking my words out of context, and trying to make a fool of what I have stated in the other fragments of this context.

@Penny Patton Thankyou for setting up and putting in that idea so that it can go across all platforms of Secondlife.

*Thank you for your time, have a wonderful Secondlife, And may the Moonlight of Dimah watch over you in the darkest of forest. Or? creep on you when you are not looking.

*So many of you, are getting an F.

Class dismissed.


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16 hours ago, FuIlM00n said:

*So many of you, are getting an F.

Class dismissed.


I am going to go out on a limb and suggest the perceived rudeness, which I will get to in a second, without bashing you..derives from a serious language barrier. I am guessing English is not your first language-in which case, I commend your use of it, it's pretty damn good, you do quite well with it :) I am also going to go out on a limb and suggest you're from a culture where it is perfectly fine to tell others to sit down...but that is where the problem began ;)

Now let me explain that part, before you get angry. In MOST cultures, paces, etc... it would be considered rude, or worse. Let me give you an example....

If I were standing in front of you right now, face to face, I looked you dead in the face while we were having a conversation about something then I stopped you while/after you were talking and  told you in a stern voice to be quiet and sit down while I educate you on the things you don't know....how would you feel? I am guessing that you probably wouldn't like it, like most people wouldn't, it comes across so rudely, and the intent to BE rude, is there, clearly, even if in word only (everyone has rude moments, right? of course we do).  Now if I asked you to let me explain why I felt the way I did, why I wanted to explain, share my experiences with the issue at hand with you, all the while NOT telling you to be quiet and sit down  and NOT pretending to be your superior, or your "teacher"...you'd probably take that a a LOT better.  That is how it is all over the world. In some places, the way you spoke (typed?) to responses you didn't like, is the equivalent of getting into someone's face, loudly, pointing fingers and telling them to sit down and shut up. That's not tolerated most places, perhaps it is where you're from, and that is where our differences sit and why people took things the way they did. I could be wrong, too, of course :)  

At any rate, I do wish you the best and I do hope people start treating you better, I am guessing you haven't been treated so kind, which would explain why it seems to readers(and the responses to what you have said are clear indicators that people feel this way) that you seem to have some vendetta against anyone not anime, lol. I'm sure that isn't the case at all. I'm sure you're a lovely person, just as everyone else is. Hey, we all do it, no shame there, we all say things poorly, in bad ways, whatever you want to call it..we ALL do it. Perhaps you have someone that can sit down and help you better understand if my words here are coming across more insulting than helpful. They're not intended to BE insulting (not these ones anyway) but rather helpful, without being overly accusatory. Perhaps not...but at any rate, I still do wish you the best, everyone should be able to enjoy sl :)


Ftr..I have my own downsides too, I can come across just as rude as anyone else can, intentionally or not, but I have plenty of language barriers myself that get me into trouble. My language barriers come from being legally blind and mistyping a lot, lol.. They might seem minor to some people, but they've definitely gotten me into trouble a time or two..or few..who's counting, right?  :)  It's ok to not be right sometimes, and it's ok to be sorry when you've been rude. My apologies if my responses to you were harsher than they should've been, sincerely, I was going with your theme of "schooling" others and that whole superiority thing in a joking manner which didn't really pan out either, lol. I should've recognized some serious cultural/language barriers in the first post, but didn't, that's on me.  I still mean what I said, I just could've said it better.

Edited by Tari Landar
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6 minutes ago, elixdude said:

I don't know why you should teach anyone about height while... Second Life gives freedom to put any height you want, from dwarf size to giraffe size. It's up to us to decide whatever our height should be.

The conversation at hand is how people are deciding the factor of age by height. Not about what Height you should be. Its about how to not judge someone based off of height. If you do not do this, then you don't really have to worry about the conversation, it has nothing to do with you.

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3 hours ago, FuIlM00n said:

The conversation at hand is how people are deciding the factor of age by height. Not about what Height you should be. Its about how to not judge someone based off of height. If you do not do this, then you don't really have to worry about the conversation, it has nothing to do with you.

Yes, but it's mostly sim owners who do that.  And, I don't think it really has anything to do with your height.  I think sim owners are trying to cater to whom they think their patrons are.  I'm assuming the sim owners are trying to cater to the immersion-ists more than anything.  They are trying to survive and pay their bills in a very competitive market.  

I am not a sim owner but I own club along with a sim owner and it will be a club for all types of avi's as long as bits are covered.  See my profile if you are interested.  You can be whatever avi you want to be at my club because it's about fun and gathering rather than immersion.  

No events are currently scheduled due to technical difficulties and real life stuff...but SOON events should be happening, and again, it's for all types of avi's just for fun.

Oh, and join SMALL TALK...it's basically for tinies, dinkies and titchies but all types of avi's go to the events from Aliens to Snow White.  Be whatever avi you want to be and join Small Talk inworld.  


Edited by FairreLilette
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I'm not meaning to be contentious with anyone, and I can see where you're coming from OP, but I just don't think you can sway people here with your choice of tone or argument.

You do read as confrontational, even if that's not your intention. I'm sorry things get (and got) so cutthroat here, it's why I tend to abstain from the forums... You just kind of have to leave feelings at the door and, if you do post, be more deliberate and considerate with your word choice. It doesn't help anyone to be heated or condescending.

SL forums, and I hate to say it, can be very opinionated, if not a bit dogmatic. The communications here (imo) are a relic in comparison to other social media sites; conversations here tend to be very formal and to-the-point, with very little use of slang, etc... I've never seen a truly casual conversation here, they all usually boil down to functionality, business models, UI/UX... techie stuff. So if you want to open a conversation I'd honestly take it to general discussions.

If it helps to explain it, SL is not like other online communities where you're catering to an audience -- whether that's by cataloging your art, or showcasing highlights of your "best self", or commiserating on a team win and scaling up the player ranks. SL is more focused on communities building experiences for the individual -- it's a very "my world, my rules" sort of place. People here also put up a lot of barriers and don't really want to connect their RL persona to their virtual one. 

So, when you're coming from other online and virtual communities (whether it be a website or game), where socializing is necessary to navigate or progress, the antithesis in something not so dissimilar can can be really confusing. I wish SL was more communally oriented (socially and otherwise), and it's not that you can't find community or connect here, it's just not the primary aim of the experience.

What I'm getting from your post is that --

  • On SL there is a group of users who have exposure to more recent and modern media, and style their appearances to reflect as such. For them, it's simply a stylistic or aesthetical preference, yet these appearances can sadly lead to being misunderstood or ostracized by some people and groups.
  • On the other end there is a community here of older or unexposed people, and they simply do not see (or understand) the media/artistic influences in an avatar's style, and that the appearance isn't necessarily parallel to age-play -- these people seem to most frequently shut down on realistically proportioned, anime, k-pop, j-pop, visual kei, lolita, etc. style avis because they look to be "too young" or "too short".
  • You personally would prefer people be more open, rather than snubbing others based on the superficial appearances of an avatar. Height standards are an aesthetic preference, they're not a specific indicator or projection of age and/or personality, and people shouldn't be expected to fall in line with a particular opinion on avatar style.

I totally agree with you on the idea that one should judge others in this community based on their character and the quality of interactions, not on appearances...

Again, I understand your point, but I also see why people misread your first post (a bit ranting), and also responded negatively to your incensed replies.

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26 minutes ago, KirinGale said:


I'm not meaning to be contentious with anyone, and I can see where you're coming from OP, but I just don't think you can sway people here with your choice of tone or argument.


The “sit down and listen, I am the teacher and you are the student” approach doesn’t sway your opinion immediately by its sheer chutzpah?

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43 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

The “sit down and listen, I am the teacher and you are the student” approach doesn’t sway your opinion immediately by its sheer chutzpah?

😅 I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, since coming from places like tumblr and twitter statements like those are usually meant to be comical... I think someone before pointed out the whole thread is basically a trainwreck.

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When you made your avatar to be 8ft tall, you weren't supposed to scale up your ego to match.

I think people are missing the primary reason sim owners routinely ban short avatars: because they don't want their sims to be shut down. Every single sim that I've come across with strict height rules has been adult-rated, and the owners of such sims are partially responsible for what happens there; and many are (justifiably) hypersensitive about age-play on their regions. Their response to that is to systematically ban any avatar below a certain height, as shorter avatars with most mesh heads can look child-like or teen-like. It's a "better safe than sorry" policy that will result in plenty of false-positives... and the effectiveness of it is highly questionable. But their motives are simple; it's not "discriminashun", it's a case of "this sim that I have poured time, effort and money into is worth more than the feelings of a few kicked shorties".

And on a personal level, many people prefer a certain aesthetic from avatars that they interact with. For instance, a Katena avatar and myself would look ridiculous in almost any circumstance, because her hips would be five times the width of mine and each one of her boobs would be the size of my entire torso. The same goes for many Aesthetic or Hourglass body users, or anyone else with an exaggerated shape... or if a guy is my height or shorter, or if a girl is a foot taller or shorter than me. In some cases, a combination of avatars can make one look younger than they would by themselves. Take a skinny guy who's around 6ft or slightly above wearing a Signature body, and put him next to a woman wearing Freya with ample curves and who is the same height as him (if not slightly taller), and watch as a man who appeared to be in his mid 20s now looks 15. Many people would understandably feel uncomfortable with that, even though the avatar in question looks perfectly fine by themselves.

None of this ever excuses being an ass about it, of course. Politeness is free, and pretty wonderful.

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7 hours ago, MichaMoz said:

Anyone know where I can get an orb that will eject avatars over 6 feet tall? This kind of discrimination should really work both ways.


I'll do it myself.

This is what I was talking about when it came to height. You were all suppose to learn to not judge others about it. I placed examples and you people took it offense, as if that was the very thing I was supporting.

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3 hours ago, KirinGale said:

I'm not meaning to be contentious with anyone, and I can see where you're coming from OP, but I just don't think you can sway people here with your choice of tone or argument.

You do read as confrontational, even if that's not your intention. I'm sorry things get (and got) so cutthroat here, it's why I tend to abstain from the forums... You just kind of have to leave feelings at the door and, if you do post, be more deliberate and considerate with your word choice. It doesn't help anyone to be heated or condescending.

SL forums, and I hate to say it, can be very opinionated, if not a bit dogmatic. The communications here (imo) are a relic in comparison to other social media sites; conversations here tend to be very formal and to-the-point, with very little use of slang, etc... I've never seen a truly casual conversation here, they all usually boil down to functionality, business models, UI/UX... techie stuff. So if you want to open a conversation I'd honestly take it to general discussions.

If it helps to explain it, SL is not like other online communities where you're catering to an audience -- whether that's by cataloging your art, or showcasing highlights of your "best self", or commiserating on a team win and scaling up the player ranks. SL is more focused on communities building experiences for the individual -- it's a very "my world, my rules" sort of place. People here also put up a lot of barriers and don't really want to connect their RL persona to their virtual one. 

So, when you're coming from other online and virtual communities (whether it be a website or game), where socializing is necessary to navigate or progress, the antithesis in something not so dissimilar can can be really confusing. I wish SL was more communally oriented (socially and otherwise), and it's not that you can't find community or connect here, it's just not the primary aim of the experience.

What I'm getting from your post is that --

  • On SL there is a group of users who have exposure to more recent and modern media, and style their appearances to reflect as such. For them, it's simply a stylistic or aesthetical preference, yet these appearances can sadly lead to being misunderstood or ostracized by some people and groups.
  • On the other end there is a community here of older or unexposed people, and they simply do not see (or understand) the media/artistic influences in an avatar's style, and that the appearance isn't necessarily parallel to age-play -- these people seem to most frequently shut down on realistically proportioned, anime, k-pop, j-pop, visual kei, lolita, etc. style avis because they look to be "too young" or "too short".
  • You personally would prefer people be more open, rather than snubbing others based on the superficial appearances of an avatar. Height standards are an aesthetic preference, they're not a specific indicator or projection of age and/or personality, and people shouldn't be expected to fall in line with a particular opinion on avatar style.

I totally agree with you on the idea that one should judge others in this community based on their character and the quality of interactions, not on appearances...

Again, I understand your point, but I also see why people misread your first post (a bit ranting), and also responded negatively to your incensed replies.

Thankyou for your kind words, at least you understand what I was getting at. I am tired and done teaching about this subject and I am use to negativity.

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2 hours ago, KirinGale said:

😅 I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, since coming from places like tumblr and twitter statements like those are usually meant to be comical... I think someone before pointed out the whole thread is basically a trainwreck.

Places like Tumblr are a self-selective echo chamber. You can get away with pulling the "listen up nerds, time for some truth bombs" approach when you can pretty much guarantee that you'll be preaching to the choir. That's not the case here; none of us chose to listen to FullM00n specifically (or vice versa), the only common interest we share is Second Life. 

Besides, the subsequent displays of raw arrogance from the OP rule that one out, so we're left with "jumped up moron" as the only answer, sadly. 🙁

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1 hour ago, AyelaNewLife said:

Places like Tumblr are a self-selective echo chamber. You can get away with pulling the "listen up nerds, time for some truth bombs" approach when you can pretty much guarantee that you'll be preaching to the choir. That's not the case here; none of us chose to listen to FullM00n specifically (or vice versa), the only common interest we share is Second Life. 

Besides, the subsequent displays of raw arrogance from the OP rule that one out, so we're left with "jumped up moron" as the only answer, sadly. 🙁

*nods* I suppose. I think any community (reddit, tumblr, what-have-you) has its own modus operandi -- and I wouldn't put any one on a pedestal. Anecdotally speaking my experience with those sites was that that type of language wasn't meant literally or with bravado. It was this obtuse honorific; a strange formal announcement of one's presence... But yeah, outside of those communities it doesn't translate as such -- it comes across as aggressive, shallow, and demanding of attention.

It's like when "l0l s0 r4nd0m" mannerisms were a thing -- people just don't realize how immature and off-base they seem to people outside of that very small niche.

The discourse here though can be a bit cold (or just downright snippy) compared to other forums or social media. The bluntness can be a bit jarring to people used to something less-formal. So I'm leaning on that it was just very broad miscommunication on the part of OP.

The approach OP used is a type of expression that's best saved for close friends or your personal discord server. People here just don't communicate in that way.

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