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When did you last see a Bellessarian home available?

Nika Talaj
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Just saw two houseboats a few minutes ago; 12:43 a.m. (or thereabouts) AEST.

1 minute ago, Cinos Field said:

So, having been trying to claim a home, every new drop of them sells out in approximately three seconds, and that's not an exaggeration; I was refreshing every second, and claiming a home takes approximately two (mostly due to the site loading), and by that they're fully sold out.

Just to give you an idea of how fast you have to be to get one right now.

Last week one went in 3 seconds. Another in 7 seconds. Even Patch Linden was amazed how fast they were being snatched up. But it's not impossible. SOMEONE is getting them. It's just a matter of luck, of being online and ready when they are released, and of course being quicker than others.

Don't forget that houses are still being abandoned in between releases so there's always a chance you may just snag yourself one of them. 

1 minute ago, Crash Claven said:

I saw 2 , missed both of those... 3rd time was a charm though !!! Got my house about 35 minutes ago, finally... :)

Congrats on your new home! :D 

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6 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Folks with the fastest connections and computers definitely seem to have an advantage. You will likely do better with a "full release". Next up trailers in maybe August?   OR refreshing the page at times before or after the official rollout. 


Oh, it's not that, I am one of those folks with a really fast connection and computer. The SL servers actually can't serve the pages as fast as I load them, and I'm still not having any luck.

But yes, it does seem like I'll be waiting  I just wish they'd release a few more houses at once. My heart can't deal with this teasing of seeing a new home and it already being gone when I click the button. :P

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10 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Folks with the fastest connections and computers definitely seem to have an advantage.

It's still luck though, I have a fast pc and connection, but I actually got my home on an outdated very slow android tablet using intermittent wifi!

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2 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Folks with the fastest connections and computers definitely seem to have an advantage.

I doubt this. I been able to snatch up 3 houses so far. On a old laptop, barely good enough to carry SL itself. My connection isn't all that either. I guess you have to be lucky enough to be at the right clicks at the right time...

It been already said in another topic, my advice is to ONLY run the auto-refresher to know when a release starts, then stop the auto-fresh and go manual. Make also sure you have the name already filled in and you have to be with your nose on the page. If you inworld chatting with your bessie, you will be too late and too distracted. Most important, do NOT stress out :)

Cleary this is just my own experience, hope it helps someone else.

Good luck!

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1 hour ago, Phideaux Mayo said:

OK  I got a Bellissaria selection  then I got a message I don't have enough free land ???

Can someone explain????




Have you donated any of your land allowance to a group? If so, then you won't have enough left to claim a house. Your entire 1024 must be free for use before you can claim a Linden home.

If you have not donated and do not own any land, you'll need to contact Support.

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51 minutes ago, iBrat said:

I doubt this. I been able to snatch up 3 houses so far. On a old laptop, barely good enough to carry SL itself. My connection isn't all that either. I guess you have to be lucky enough to be at the right clicks at the right time...

I was only speaking about that 3 second planned releases, not the ones people give back. That I believe was the point from the person I responded to.  In three seconds it does have to be luck for sure.  When I was trying (short time) I found some and clicked through and my connection isn't that fast although my computer is still fairly good. But there is no way I can get things in 3 seconds. Hence why so many of us where having issues at the beginning when the houseboat atoll opened. I eventually got two when there were fewer people trying. Didn't keep them though. 

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1 minute ago, Chic Aeon said:

I was only speaking about that 3 second planned releases, not the ones people give back. That I believe was the point from the person I responded to.  In three seconds it does have to be luck for sure. 

That the ones I am speaking of too. Got a home in jamesborough and raccoon run.

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Is there any notification on twitter when they come available.  I know it sounds crazy, but this girl actually has to work and can't watch auto refresh for 24 hours.  It's too bad it's being rolled out like this.  There is so much frustration on everyone's part. It's a shame they don't have a lottery system that people enter and are selected with 24 hours to accept.

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its all  confusing ,,,,,,  I tried and kept getting the all sold out but then other ones showed up several more times and i kept getting the all sold out each time  ... now here is the nutty part ,,,, i  just went with the  older generation but was sent back to the  one i just abandoned ,,, and then i abandoned that and was sent back to the past two so something is a bit  weird ,,,,and being sent back to the old three my allowance to move is now slim for the next 24 hours ,,,,,   

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27 minutes ago, AmelieMarcoud said:

I've had auto refresh on and didnt hear anything. Do you have to click the drop down menu?

Which auto-refresh you using? If this one https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/refresh-monitor/

you have to move the volume slider of the addon before you start, or you never hear the sound, make sure it enabled too.

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5 minutes ago, Parijanee Dragonfly said:

One thing that is new , You could put the name of your home before, Now when you hit refresh it not staying  grr...

Put the name in, hit next and then hit the back button, the name will stay

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18 minutes ago, Phideaux Mayo said:

Yes I found I had to an unused group -  I cleared that  but nothing more is coming up on the land site 


Sounds like the daily release has already happened and all of them have been claimed.  So now your only chance is the random abandoned home until the next release.  Since they didn't get one out on Wed due to employee illness and none on Friday due to holiday, they might get a second release out today.  Otherwise, it will be Wednesday for the next release.

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From this morning, Belli CItizens chat.  Resident name blanked just in case, you know, they were supposed to be working or something :)

[07:26] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxx: is there going to be another release today
[07:26] Patch Linden: No

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Today's release has already come and gone?

There is no way this process is "fair and equitable" just because it is random.

Random is not fair, it is RANDOM.

There is no way that supply will ever meet demand. I don't understand why an entire region of houseboats cannot be replicated, just as the old Linden homes appear to have been rubber stamped. Some of you are reassuring the rest of us to relax and wait as our desired dwelling will ultimately arrive and we will be the first to claim it.  I don't believe that at all. If the production is this complex, then it will take so long that it will be abandoned for something else first.

I don't need a houseboat, you could argue. There's a perfectly nice on Marketplace for $0 and I had it rezzed for awhile on Mainland.

Do you know what i really DESIRE??? I want to experience the Bellessaria community! I want to experience it from my own PREMIUM covered HOUSEBOAT!!!! And I want to be on a LIST to get one so I can move on with my SECOND LIFE already.  Please, don't patronize me with promises and lullabies.


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3 minutes ago, emilia Avindar said:

Today's release has already come and gone?

There is no way this process is "fair and equitable" just because it is random.

Random is not fair, it is RANDOM.

There is no way that supply will ever meet demand. I don't understand why an entire region of houseboats cannot be replicated, just as the old Linden homes appear to have been rubber stamped. Some of you are reassuring the rest of us to relax and wait as our desired dwelling will ultimately arrive and we will be the first to claim it.  I don't believe that at all. If the production is this complex, then it will take so long that it will be abandoned for something else first.

I don't need a houseboat, you could argue. There's a perfectly nice on Marketplace for $0 and I had it rezzed for awhile on Mainland.

Do you know what i really DESIRE??? I want to experience the Bellessaria community! I want to experience it from my own PREMIUM covered HOUSEBOAT!!!! And I want to be on a LIST to get one so I can move on with my SECOND LIFE already.  Please, don't patronize me with promises and lullabies.


I totally agree with you, and even though you can join two groups from Bellessaria and take part in the events they do but it's not the same. I've been trying from day one and only a few times have I seen a house or a boat come up, never on a release day and I have auto refresh on 1 second and not one single home comes up. I don't want platitudes, I'm tired and it's a very stressful process. So, I've decided to even stop trying to get one, oh maybe once in a blue moon I'll refresh just to see but I'm not wasting any more time and energy trying to get a new release, it's not worth the stress, so until more then a region at a time is released, I'm done. I wish everyone good luck, because you're gonna need it. 

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6 minutes ago, emilia Avindar said:

There is no way that supply will ever meet demand.

I can pretty much guarantee that there really will come a point when the supply exceeds the demand -- maybe not for a "specific type" (house or houseboat or camper or whatever).


7 minutes ago, emilia Avindar said:

I don't understand why an entire region of houseboats cannot be replicated, just as the old Linden homes appear to have been rubber stamped.

They COULD be rubber stamped, BUT this particular project is specifically about them not being carbon copies.  That is actually what tons and tons and tons of people complained about with the old ones and why so many of them are empty now.


8 minutes ago, emilia Avindar said:

Do you know what i really DESIRE??? I want to experience the Bellessaria community! I want to experience it from my own PREMIUM covered HOUSEBOAT!!!!

When the original Linden Homes were released, there were lots of folks that could not get the exact style that they wanted because some styles were just too popular.  That will be the same with these Linden Homes.  Given that for any continent setup, there will always be more inland area than coastline area, the chances of getting a Houseboat will always be much slimmer than getting any other type of home.  Even when there are enough homes for everyone, with extra, there still may not be Houseboats for everyone that might want one.

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After what seems like a thousand clicks, I have yet to see anything other than Meadowbrook, Tahoe, Elderglen and Shareta Osumai. I've used auto refresh, but I haven't figured out how anyone can filter for Bellessaria.

I don't hover over it now either. I wouldn't expect to hear the ring-a-ding notification and be able to react in time to claim the rare appearance of something new even if I could set it to look for Bellessaria.

This process is absurd.

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