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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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The innershell was created with prims that were placed against the trailer walls, flattened, and the stretched into place.

Parts were then tinted, and I'm also using a wallpaper texture from I Dream of Walls, and the Black Wood Rollos texture for the blinds.

The mat and wall images I downloaded from BING.

Furniture & Decor

From the * AR * Sanctum Nordic Set
* AR * - Drawer
* AR * - Frame
* AR * - Candle
* AR * - Box
* AR * - Books
* AR * - Mirror
* AR * - Makeup Set
* AR * - Succulent B
* AR * - Succulent A

+Half-Deer+ Amelia Dresser - Pink
+Half-Deer+ Amelia Bookcase - Pink
+Half-Deer+ Amelia Wardrobe - Pink
+Half-Deer+ Everlight Candles
+Half-Deer+ Monstera Deliciosa - Pink - Small Vase
+Half-Deer+ Monstera Deliciosa - Pink - Framed (All 3)
+Half-Deer+ Book Clutter - Stack
+Half-Deer+ Monstera Deliciosa - Pink - Large Potted Plant

[CURELESS+HOME] Satariel Bed
[CURELESS+HOME] Selene Wall Mobile / QUARTZ

Violetility - Nook [Dark]
Violetility - Court of Love Bath Dark

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Finally settling into my camper for the crisp days and cool nights of fall. Time for sleeping outside, drinking coffee by the fire and reading books by the wood stove. It does help to turn that summer porch into a 4-season room with glass windows, brick stone walls, and a couple of window shelves.





Edited by Eleanor Anderton
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Seat set from KAZZA. It was available during the weekend at 60 L$. The great thing is that now the set is modifiable. I unlinked some things and made the set a bit smaller. The set uses some older AVsitter version: Due to how the menu has been setup it is a bit cumbersome to adjust the sitting animations. I might change AVsitter to the latest version.


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I've been just SO busy and have had little motivation to really work on my homes lately. But autumn always brings a renewed sense of joy and relief of summer so my log home has been getting some seasonal attention.

Just a little sneak peek here :) 

I need more prims for Halloween, however, it's been challenging decorating for the holiday with the limited prim count in the Linden homes.


SLice of Life


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L'havdil, chag someach! 🙂  A different holiday:  Sukkot.  I can't build a sukkah in my rinky-dink apartment complex.  Nor can I, this year, visit friends in the city that have theirs up -- thanks, Covid.  So being able to build a sukkah in SL has been very therapeutic for me.  Thank you, Linden Labs.


Edited by Rabid Cheetah
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12 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:

I need more prims for Halloween, however, it's been challenging decorating for the holiday with the limited prim count in the Linden homes.

If it is any comfort, my land out of Bellisseria gives me 1100 prims to play with, and I still run out of prims. I think both you and I would fill up a huge prim count fast! 😁

Edited by Marianne Little
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