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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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I bought this add-on from Teegle. I think it is new or almost new. I saw it a place when I sailed around, set the boat to moor and zoomed in. I took down the Winchester. This is for Adams. I added the pergola and the deck.


This is the plot I give up when the stilt houses are coming. I do not have time for a ton of homes. I decided to have a bit fun and try a new house model while I wait for the new theme.




The add-on comes with a HUD and only the default textures. It is separate faces, so I added my textures instead. The main difference is that there was a wall and door where the orange tiles start. I did not want a closet, so I took it off to get a longer bath.





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15 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I bought this add-on from Teegle. I think it is new or almost new. I saw it a place when I sailed around, set the boat to moor and zoomed in. I took down the Winchester. This is for Adams. I added the pergola and the deck.


This is the plot I give up when the stilt houses are coming. I do not have time for a ton of homes. I decided to have a bit fun and try a new house model while I wait for the new theme.




The add-on comes with a HUD and only the default textures. It is separate faces, so I added my textures instead. The main difference is that there was a wall and door where the orange tiles start. I did not want a closet, so I took it off to get a longer bath.





I love that add-on. I got to use it for a little under a month before my alt's premium expired, and bought it immediately after she put it up(she knew I was waiting for it, lol). Truly lovely.

You always have such a great concept of decor. 😃 That livingroom feels so incredibly cozy.

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I never really felt at home in my coastal Vic (though I still suffer the occasional pang of regret for my riverside one) and decided to get back into GoH with trads and campers while waiting for the stilt houses. This location in Wood was my 4th roll of the dice, and I have to say that I like it so much that I might just stick around. Managing to make it homey using only 163 LI was a real eye opener, so I'm pretty excited about what I'll be able to do with 351 in an almost as small Havana (possibly with yet another alt ;) ) I didn't do any landscaping outside, but as you can see have an outdoor shower and loo. I bought 5 or 6 items for this home, the rest are from my inventory. I figure small boltholes like this are often furnished with odds and ends and castoffs. One item I was hoping to find was a good decor rucksack, but had to settle for a suitcase atop the wardrobe. The only items I've linked are the 6 baskets, but I must have done something wrong as the linked version is still 6 LI. Will have to do a bit of reading here on the forums and try again.













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Warning - Picture heavy post ahead. 😄

Soo.. Since the weather here in germany isn't really "summer-ish" this year, I am craving for some summer atmosphere. The Stilt homes aren't available yet, and I really don't want to waste a lot of time and energy into GoH trying to find a Trad on the beach.
So I've switched from my beloved Verne to the Doyle and made it my little summer vacay place.

Little pool area:



Chill & Party Porch:




Guess it'll do for now... 😄
If you want to come visit for a splash, a cocktail, some ice cream, or just for a chill - You are more than welcome to do so. 😊🍹🍦☀️ (behave like a guest, and you'll be treated as one 💜)

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I must have fun with this place before I abandon it. 😉

I have problems selecting pictures, even if I show only 2 rooms. I could not stop myself from showing 2 different angles.

Even as I edited these, I added more. A tray of utensils and hanging kitchen towels. I have 13 Li left. This is because I set in the double doors in the door opening and closed off that room. (By the hat stand)

The doors is edited off a LH Victorian door set. They work without having a frame, so it is no problem to set them in even if we can't link to the Linden Home.

The add - on I showed previously have bath, bedroom and living room. So I do not need another bedroom. I could pull out some low li furniture, but I prefer to have a few Li left over for attaching beverages, books and other things from furniture.






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Following up with my alts Traditional. I will keep this one, I think, and abandon the other when Stilt homes are released. This is the largest room downstairs in Winchester with a wall. I edited the door off an add - on I had bought. I check if Jubran has textures for sale, if I remember. The blue/white on the floor was only 1 L. Jubran sell the new textures for 1 L a week or so, before they set it to full price. The white tiles behind the laundry furniture is 0 from ProMaterials.

I decided the accent color before I won the hairdryer from a Second Spaces gacha, that was pure coincidence and the last thing I added.






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2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Following up with my alts Traditional. I will keep this one, I think, and abandon the other when Stilt homes are released. This is the largest room downstairs in Winchester with a wall. I edited the door off an add - on I had bought. I check if Jubran has textures for sale, if I remember. The blue/white on the floor was only 1 L. Jubran sell the new textures for 1 L a week or so, before they set it to full price. The white tiles behind the laundry furniture is 0 from ProMaterials.

I decided the accent color before I won the hairdryer from a Second Spaces gacha, that was pure coincidence and the last thing I added.






This is very much the color scheme (and the tongue and groove paneling) I've been envisioning for my hoped-for Havana!

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I have been in the same home since the beginning of the releases.  I checked out the others - just in case, lol - but, I've found being on the water is what matters to me.  Nowwww with the stilt houses coming out, I'm thinking I may be tempted to bring back an alt and check them out.  It would be especially lovely to be able to "catch one" half in and half out of the water and have some land to work with.  I've also watched the "Game of Homes" with curiosity and no little amusement, never imagining I might one day join in!  Lol Oh, and BTW, thanks to everyone who taught how to link objects.  My home feels, well, more homey to me than it might have!


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10 hours ago, Mercedes Avon said:

I picked up a Traditional the other day to work on and ended up with this one. I usually work and then abandon it but I could not bring myself to do that with this one. I abandoned my houseboat instead. This is how it turned out 🙂






Is that the new pool LH Verne add-on? I have tried it for a Traditional too, and it worked really well. I had to make an edge, but that is not so difficult.

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23 hours ago, Mercedes Avon said:

I picked up a Traditional the other day to work on and ended up with this one. I usually work and then abandon it but I could not bring myself to do that with this one. I abandoned my houseboat instead. This is how it turned out 🙂







Awh I passed this house on a boat yesterday, and thought how cute the backyard was!!! great job

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