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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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@Marianne Little A little self-pity is ok. It's rough dealing with chronic illness. I bet many here can relate to one degree or another. I've had periods in my life where I've been debilitated for long periods of time and it's pretty miserable; I have empathy for what you're going through.  I actually think speaking up does a person more good than hiding what you feel. You release energy in doing so and plus, educate those around you and that's always a good thing.

FYI, like Leora, I'm thrilled for the balcony you gave me. It's made a huge difference for the property I just got in Lostbell - it affords me a fantastic view from the 2nd floor from 3/4 of the house now over looking the best part of the region and it fits the Winchester really well. Kudos and thanks! 🤗

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@ Marianne Little

Just a little thank you from me for all the lovely things you post, your decorating, tutorials, updates on your blender adventures, Bellisarian experiences - and I am sorry to hear of your health issues. Hope you'll feel better able to manage soon.


Emma :)


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My new home in Axim I furnished roughly ... The details will come once I finally decided where to settle down, but I allready like it a lot. The best thing about it is the view from my balcony you can see here ... and the inside I kept about 100% like in my old home ... So what is new is the outside and the garden ... here are some impressions ...

Axim01 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr

Axim02 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr

Axim03 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr

Axim04 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr

Axim05 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr

Axim06 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr

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So I  started redoing my kitchen which mostly means I took up everything and put down the new mini-kitchen unit. BUT --- and this is a biggie. WHAT do I put on top of the fridge?  I don't want to make more cabinets really. There will be a sort of table-bar area in front of the cabinets as you look at the photo with stools. Modern and casual.  Maybe some plants and "clutter"?  Open to ideas for sure.  Thanks. 


I have about 30 li to work with. 





HOHO. I just realized I have two fridges now. Oops.    



  Don't tell anyone but there is a mini- hot water heater in that old "fridge" area now LOL.  Actually I had one of those in a house once. Really nice to get that hot water FAST. 


Anyway idea welcome.    

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2 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

So I  started redoing my kitchen which mostly means I took up everything and put down the new mini-kitchen unit. BUT --- and this is a biggie. WHAT do I put on top of the fridge?  I don't want to make more cabinets really. There will be a sort of table-bar area in front of the cabinets as you look at the photo with stools. Modern and casual.  Maybe some plants and "clutter"?  Open to ideas for sure.  Thanks. 


I have about 30 li to work with. 




I'd go for a spider or ivy plant (something that sprawls a bit), maybe a wicker basket or two - the kind/style that you might put a cloth in and use to serve out a pile of buns or something.

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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'd go for a spider or ivy plant (something that sprawls a bit), maybe a wicker basket or two - the kind/style that you might put a cloth in and use to serve out a pile of buns or something.

Have some new wicker baskets so that's a start. Thanks :D.  Maybe I just have brain fog today!!!!

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I uploaded my first ever mesh today -- meshed the bath/closet divider that I had created before with prims.  I used the Mesh Generator to create the initial model.  After uploading and checking carefully - I thought - in the beta grid, I then uploaded to the main grid and only then noticed that I apparently had a small seam issue between two of the prims (which I confirmed when I looked closely at the original).  I haven't yet taken any time to clean it up in Blender, so I'll fix the seam issue when I do that. I was too excited to get it uploaded and placed and make sure it still looked okay.

It was pretty neat to actually get the conversion done - and it took the LI of that part (without the doors) from 7 to 1.  With the doors put back on the entire thing went from 10 LI down to 4.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I'm putting most of my work (and prims) into my garden at my Adams home. Here's my work on the back yard so far, I've gone for a cottage garden with the plants. I have a path running to a back shed, and a frog pond as well as the bird bath. I still need to fill in a few spots so I will be keeping an eye on this thread for ideas.




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9 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

So I  started redoing my kitchen which mostly means I took up everything and put down the new mini-kitchen unit. BUT --- and this is a biggie. WHAT do I put on top of the fridge?  I don't want to make more cabinets really. There will be a sort of table-bar area in front of the cabinets as you look at the photo with stools. Modern and casual.  Maybe some plants and "clutter"?  Open to ideas for sure.  Thanks. 


I have about 30 li to work with. 





HOHO. I just realized I have two fridges now. Oops.    



  Don't tell anyone but there is a mini- hot water heater in that old "fridge" area now LOL.  Actually I had one of those in a house once. Really nice to get that hot water FAST. 


Anyway idea welcome.    

Cat 👍

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3 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

I'm putting most of my work (and prims) into my garden at my Adams home. Here's my work on the back yard so far, I've gone for a cottage garden with the plants. I have a path running to a back shed, and a frog pond as well as the bird bath. I still need to fill in a few spots so I will be keeping an eye on this thread for ideas.




Gorgeous cottage style garden.

I always have the worst time holding back on my landscaping also. I start there and do the interior afterwards. I like LUSH

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10 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

So I  started redoing my kitchen which mostly means I took up everything and put down the new mini-kitchen unit. BUT --- and this is a biggie. WHAT do I put on top of the fridge?  I don't want to make more cabinets really. There will be a sort of table-bar area in front of the cabinets as you look at the photo with stools. Modern and casual.  Maybe some plants and "clutter"?  Open to ideas for sure.  Thanks. 


I have about 30 li to work with. 





HOHO. I just realized I have two fridges now. Oops.    



  Don't tell anyone but there is a mini- hot water heater in that old "fridge" area now LOL.  Actually I had one of those in a house once. Really nice to get that hot water FAST. 


Anyway idea welcome.    

If you were going for realism,

in my rl houses, in forever, the cereal packets live on top of the fridge... :)

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19 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

So I  started redoing my kitchen which mostly means I took up everything and put down the new mini-kitchen unit. BUT --- and this is a biggie. WHAT do I put on top of the fridge?  I don't want to make more cabinets really. There will be a sort of table-bar area in front of the cabinets as you look at the photo with stools. Modern and casual.  Maybe some plants and "clutter"?  Open to ideas for sure.  Thanks. 

I have about 30 li to work with. 


Anyway idea welcome.    

I have a Crock pot and a file box of recipes (that I hardly ever use) on top of my RL fridge, lol.

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23 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

So I  started redoing my kitchen which mostly means I took up everything and put down the new mini-kitchen unit. BUT --- and this is a biggie. WHAT do I put on top of the fridge?  I don't want to make more cabinets really. There will be a sort of table-bar area in front of the cabinets as you look at the photo with stools. Modern and casual.  Maybe some plants and "clutter"?  Open to ideas for sure.  Thanks. 

I have about 30 li to work with. 

HOHO. I just realized I have two fridges now. Oops.    

  Don't tell anyone but there is a mini- hot water heater in that old "fridge" area now LOL.  Actually I had one of those in a house once. Really nice to get that hot water FAST. 

Anyway idea welcome.    

Two fridges? One is for beer and wine surely... isn't that what everyone has in their second fridge?

As for on top of the other fridge... isn't that where your radio should go?

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Had  a fun time with the remodel. Hard to believe it has been almost six months in Belli. Definitely time for a spruce up. Most of the other areas I am happy with though. Would like a different bed but so far none has "called" to me LOL.  


Here is the Fall 2019 Kitchen.  Textures not loading all that well for me today (maybe that "cloud" thing? ) but these will give you an idea.  I did add the cat and plants ended up on the fridge. I was going for a "city" look so the baskets didn't really work. IRL I have nothing on top of the fridge but a fire alarm.   Not much of a "clutter' gal when I have to actually DUST things.







Edited by Chic Aeon
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Some more flowers extracted from the "TMG Sunlit Meadow" (good LOD only 1 Li each) for my lush garden in Axim:


It's fully furnished and I still have 47 Li left!


PS: just in case you want to copy it: only the ones in the middle of the picture (next to the house) are new and from "Sunlit Garden" the others I had allready  - extracted them from "Under the Oak" ... allways pay attention to the LOD ... some of the TMG plants are very good - some very bad.

Edited by Leora Jacobus
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20 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:





Is separating the toilet area from the rest of the bathroom like that a common European thing?  In the US, "if" the toilet is separated at all (and usually it is not), it is typically just a smaller room inside the main bathroom.


* Just curious about cultural differences


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20 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Is separating the toilet area from the rest of the bathroom like that a common European thing?  In the US, "if" the toilet is separated at all (and usually it is not), it is typically just a smaller room inside the main bathroom.


* Just curious about cultural differences


We have both - usually the toilett is in the bathroom. But if this bathroom is upstairs there is usually a little "guest toilett" on the groundfloor. aswell.

In this case I had an addon by @Blush Bravin - that is the one you see. The small room is supposed to be a wardrobe, but as I do not need that (and have nothing to fill it with) I used it for a seperate toilette. I liked this addon because there is a tiles texture I liked - nice and oldfashioned and beige - and you could tile the floor aswell.

The other addon by @Trinity Aironaut is all one room but I did not like the shape and the door and the pattern of the tiles as much as in this. So it has not so much to do with cultural differences but with different addons ;)


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On 9/27/2019 at 6:43 PM, Coby Foden said:

Sunset colours.
This Evening Star houseboat is my favourite one at the moment.
I like the huge windows on both sides and in the front, even though they make the furnishing inside rather challenging.


That little boat (on the lower LH side) is ADORABLE. (Love the flag, too...)

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On 9/30/2019 at 10:22 PM, Marianne Little said:

I made an add-on. Just now I am writing a list over all that must be fixed. But it is more fun to put in furniture and ignore the small flaws, and the one big. Bigger opening for the stairs.

I must take it back in Blender and fix on it a bit.

The mix of oldfashioned windows and big modern ones is something I never liked. But I tried it, and I don't hate it. I am very fond of symmetry, but I can break the rules.

The bathroom has windows only against the street. Only the gable walls are big enough for the colonial grille windows. It is a strange add-on. A bit like real life maybe? Changes and add-ons in many small steps, not the whole house in one go.







That looks fantastic! I love the scale of your textures - they look just right. So many builders use textures on a scale that, to me, is just too big, but this is great scaling.

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On 10/1/2019 at 6:49 PM, Marianne Little said:

Yesterday I was sure that I should open the MP store and put some of my work there. I even thought that this is good enough, I just have to fix the stair issue and some minor cosmetic flaws.

Today I came home from the Rehabilitation Centre where I get physical therapy treatment for my Fibromyalgia, and said to my husband "I feel much better". Less than an hour later, I was hit hard with the symptoms and had to get in bed. I have been there since, it's 6 hours now. After I finish typing, I am going back to bed.

I am very "on" and "off" when it comes to what I can do. Maybe I should stop posting my builds (< --- self-pity) because I can't finish them. The hard limit is having functional stairs.

I set up a Marketplace store a month ago? When I made some wall shells. I then got a wave of anxiety, and didn't go further with it.

I have had a flare of worse symptoms than ever that has lasted over a month. I have tried to see if to much time spent on a computer triggers it. I could not see a difference. So I found out that since sitting here does not make things worse, why not enjoy it. I have so little other things left that i can do. Gardening is out of the question. I used to cook a lot too. Decorating cakes. Taking the family on a picnic. Preparing for parties. Sewing. Quilting. Painting. Homemade decorations. Enjoyed to have 12 persons to Christmas dinner. All things I can't do anymore, because my body says stop. (<--- more self-pity)

I experience periods of elevated energy and agitated when I have an idea about a build. I am driven to finish it, but I loose not only energy, but also interest, before I manage to take it back and do the last finish. Like stairs that work properly.

Fibromyalgia is a b****h.

Your post doesn't come across as self-pitying at all - it's important to be able to vent. Chronic illnesses in general are a horrible horrible horrible HORRIBLE things to be stuck with, especially as more often than not, they are all but invisible, and if you don't look ill, sometimes (often?) people have a hard time accepting you're ill.

Anyway, sending you a million hugs, and wish I could help more...

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