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What are some of your pet peeves?

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36 minutes ago, EveniosReturns38 said:

you people are terrible and i am now officially ignoring you (refer to glomgold laugh video above) and im now going to focus on my carefully crafted master plan and one day i shall rule second life! bahahaha!

now im going to log out of these forums and not look back because a) i love how you can disable notifications and yet it still notifies you. and b) i have better things to do then to sit around and argue with a bunch of people who arnt listening to a word i have to say anyways.   its so nice that you can log out of the forums separate from your sl main account.    Rant over...continue bickering among yourselves. 

Thank you for sharing your pet peeves with us. In case you decide to flounce, can we have your stuff?

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(I will be doing quotes the old fashion way because for some reason when I go through the pages, all the progress I have already typed gets deleted )
"- when someone posts their lists of pet peeves and you are tempted to personally attack them for it.

good advice for us all."
But Evenio's I believe you did try to attack me just last night, but let me explain why I think that. Last night around 7:30 PM SLT I was checking my emails and I seen a got a slew of offlines from someone, who I assume seen my latest comment on this thread and chose to contact me inworld instead of the thread.
The offlines were:
(For discretion reasons I changed this womans name to Betty lol)
[20:09] Betty: i got a question for you
[20:09] Betty: how can you "know" when a dom is not really a dom. when in all reality your not even really a sub since its all roleplay to you?
[20:09] Betty: and suprise suprise given your Rl age you likely dont know the first thing about what actually being submissive is.  ;-).

(For context reasons I will state that I am 24 in RL but I still don't get what that has to do with anything lol)

[20:09] Betty: just saying. But hey have fun "pretending" to be a submissive . 😉 off you go.
[20:09] Betty: oh and btw. if you try to respond i will be ignoring you because i can already predict just exactly your responce would be. But thought id say that anyways. Have fun!

my responses to this was: 
[20:10] Ivy RαєBєl Sαrαѕwαti (ivylarae): So.....you ask a question and then proceed in telling me not to bother answering......so what exactly did you get out of messaging me to begin with?
[20:13] Ivy RαєBєl Sαrαѕwαti (ivylarae): I mean, you may be older than me, I don't know at this point and I don't really care, I've met 50 year old idiots before, but it seems highly immature to be like 'I gotta question but I don't actually want you to answer it"
[20:35] Ivy RαєBєl Sαrαѕwαti (ivylarae): But to answer your question ( Yes I am going to anyway to spite you) Yes I do roleplay but to assume I am not a real submissive and to assume that I " Think its all roleplay" when A. You don't know me, you have never even spoken to me before now and B. There is no right or wrong way to be a submissive, he depends entirely on the individuals. What isn't a submissive to some people is someone else's ideal submissive. What a Submissive is to me, is someone who cares enough about someone and trusts them enough, to give them your all, I think in some ways its a lot like dating in some aspects. For one being you love your dom/ domme to some level or you wouldn't submit to them to begin with, its takes a good deal of dedication to make the D/S relationship grow. Of course theres a lot of kink *****ery involved depending on what both are into but you feel safe enough to explore those thing with your dom. In SL I think its a good deal different then it would be in RL, I will admit I don't know because I have never explored BDSM or D/S relationships before in RL, in SL its more what you both are willing to explore within the confines of an online relationship. Now I very much would enjoy having a conversation with you but the level of maturity you displayed (Despite you being older than me I assume) I doubt that will happen. I hope you find more productive things to do with your time online and I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. And welcome back to SL ❤️
[20:47] Ivy RαєBєl Sαrαѕwαti (ivylarae): I don't care if you answer any of the above, but will you atleast tell me where you found me at please? because this was all very out of the blue
[20:47] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.

Now the reason I believe this was Evenios on an alt was something he posted in the loooooong rant a few minutes ago was eerily similiar to something Betty said:

"case in point claiming to know exactly who is a "Dom" and who isnt...when you yourself just roleplay.  Its not real to you. its a game.   To many people here myself included second life isnt just a "game".  A lot of people have disablities or rl situations where they cannot quite have the life they want right now (of course im sure your brilliant reaction would be to call those people "losers".)
yet for someone who likely doesnt have an actual submissive bone in their body how i wonder can you actually determine whos a "Dom and whos not" when yourself arnt even actually submissive?  Blaringly obvious that too. "

Not only that but you also typo on the same spelling they did in your shorter statement when you said:

" but i oh so thank you for your lovely responces.  and i think for the future ill keep my opinions free from these forums lest a group of you make a notecard of every thing i say you dont agree with and pass it around to all your friends (been there too)."
If this is you, I am thoroughly amused that you got on a week old alt and contacted me inworld where you tried to gaslight and belittle me over stuff you seen on my forum and on my profile. If you had actually tried talking to me instead I could of told you all that I do know about being a submissive, but instead you chose to come at me with your mind already made up about me and talk to me like I'm some child your scolding

Edited by IvyLarae
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19 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

But Evenio's I believe you did try to attack me just last night, but let me explain why I think that. Last night around 7:30 PM SLT I was checking my emails and I seen a got a slew of offlines from someone, who I assume seen my latest comment on this thread and chose to contact me inworld instead of the thread.

Now you know why I put Evenio on block inworld. I could see that coming.

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1 hour ago, IvyLarae said:

(I will be doing quotes the old fashion way because for some reason when I go through the pages, all the progress I have already typed gets deleted )
"- when someone posts their lists of pet peeves and you are tempted to personally attack them for it.

good advice for us all."
But Evenio's I believe you did try to attack me just last night, but let me explain why I think that. Last night around 7:30 PM SLT I was checking my emails and I seen a got a slew of offlines from someone, who I assume seen my latest comment on this thread and chose to contact me inworld instead of the thread.
The offlines were:
(For discretion reasons I changed this womans name to Betty lol)
[20:09] Betty: i got a question for you
[20:09] Betty: how can you "know" when a dom is not really a dom. when in all reality your not even really a sub since its all roleplay to you?
[20:09] Betty: and suprise suprise given your Rl age you likely dont know the first thing about what actually being submissive is.  ;-).

(For context reasons I will state that I am 24 in RL but I still don't get what that has to do with anything lol)

[20:09] Betty: just saying. But hey have fun "pretending" to be a submissive . 😉 off you go.
[20:09] Betty: oh and btw. if you try to respond i will be ignoring you because i can already predict just exactly your responce would be. But thought id say that anyways. Have fun!

my responses to this was: 
[20:10] Ivy RαєBєl Sαrαѕwαti (ivylarae): So.....you ask a question and then proceed in telling me not to bother answering......so what exactly did you get out of messaging me to begin with?
[20:13] Ivy RαєBєl Sαrαѕwαti (ivylarae): I mean, you may be older than me, I don't know at this point and I don't really care, I've met 50 year old idiots before, but it seems highly immature to be like 'I gotta question but I don't actually want you to answer it"
[20:35] Ivy RαєBєl Sαrαѕwαti (ivylarae): But to answer your question ( Yes I am going to anyway to spite you) Yes I do roleplay but to assume I am not a real submissive and to assume that I " Think its all roleplay" when A. You don't know me, you have never even spoken to me before now and B. There is no right or wrong way to be a submissive, he depends entirely on the individuals. What isn't a submissive to some people is someone else's ideal submissive. What a Submissive is to me, is someone who cares enough about someone and trusts them enough, to give them your all, I think in some ways its a lot like dating in some aspects. For one being you love your dom/ domme to some level or you wouldn't submit to them to begin with, its takes a good deal of dedication to make the D/S relationship grow. Of course theres a lot of kink *****ery involved depending on what both are into but you feel safe enough to explore those thing with your dom. In SL I think its a good deal different then it would be in RL, I will admit I don't know because I have never explored BDSM or D/S relationships before in RL, in SL its more what you both are willing to explore within the confines of an online relationship. Now I very much would enjoy having a conversation with you but the level of maturity you displayed (Despite you being older than me I assume) I doubt that will happen. I hope you find more productive things to do with your time online and I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. And welcome back to SL ❤️
[20:47] Ivy RαєBєl Sαrαѕwαti (ivylarae): I don't care if you answer any of the above, but will you atleast tell me where you found me at please? because this was all very out of the blue
[20:47] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.

Now the reason I believe this was Evenios on an alt was something he posted in the loooooong rant a few minutes ago was eerily similiar to something Betty said:

"case in point claiming to know exactly who is a "Dom" and who isnt...when you yourself just roleplay.  Its not real to you. its a game.   To many people here myself included second life isnt just a "game".  A lot of people have disablities or rl situations where they cannot quite have the life they want right now (of course im sure your brilliant reaction would be to call those people "losers".)
yet for someone who likely doesnt have an actual submissive bone in their body how i wonder can you actually determine whos a "Dom and whos not" when yourself arnt even actually submissive?  Blaringly obvious that too. "

Not only that but you also typo on the same spelling they did in your shorter statement when you said:

" but i oh so thank you for your lovely responces.  and i think for the future ill keep my opinions free from these forums lest a group of you make a notecard of every thing i say you dont agree with and pass it around to all your friends (been there too)."
If this is you, I am thoroughly amused that you got on a week old alt and contacted me inworld where you tried to gaslight and belittle me over stuff you seen on my forum and on my profile. If you had actually tried talking to me instead I could of told you all that I do know about being a submissive, but instead you chose to come at me with your mind already made up about me and talk to me like I'm some child your scolding

Hmm could it be someone other then myself didnt like the considending rude attacks you made towards my listing of pet peeves when YOUR the one that asked for them in the first place?

So what not content to attack me on the forums you now insist on harassing me via BOTH private message on the forums AND in second life?  Funny how you told that person that "you dont know me" and yet your behavior so far has been 100 percent predictable.  and i love how you just messaged me "HI Evenios" with a smiley face like you actually want to have a friendly conversation after belittling me here.  And apparently sooo unable to take any form of criticism you just HAVE to know if it was me or not.

Im not the only one who saw your responses you know. and since all your going to do is goat me into having a conversation with you just so you can stick your unwanted opinion in my face. Im now officially ignoring you.   Had a feeling youd eventually would (or someone else) harass me in IM at some point.   Move along child.  Nothing more to see here.

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12 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Isn’t there a trick to fix the broken grooves? 

If it's just scratched, depending on how bad, it can be "fixed". Broken, however, can never be fixed.

I use this stuff on my helmet face shields, too, since the 70s. :P


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6 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

If it's just scratched, depending on how bad, it can be "fixed". Broken, however, can never be fixed.

I use this stuff on my helmet face shields, too, since the 70s. :P


Now if I only had a foolproof way to flatten a warped record. Came from Japan “opened” but too warped to play one disk.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Now if I only had a foolproof way to flatten a warped record. Came from Japan “opened” but too warped to play one disk.

It's not foolproof, but gently heat up the record and put it between two flat surfaces. I suggest books.

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22 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Now if I only had a foolproof way to flatten a warped record. Came from Japan “opened” but too warped to play one disk.

I'm so sorry. Warped can't be fixed. Heat is what warped it to begin with. And since ovens can vary in temperature differences I would never recommend that method.  Your best bet would be to use a flat surface and place a heavy flat object on the record for oh say a few.... months. Or weeks. Depending on how warped.


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5 hours ago, EveniosReturns38 said:

now im going to log out of these forums and not look back

The above from 5 hours ago, followed by the below from 1 hour ago



Followed by the following, shortly after



So much for not looking back or being done here.

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