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What are some of your pet peeves?

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3 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:
3 hours ago, Candice LittleBoots said:

Doors, commonly at the entrance to a store.

OMG, I absolutely HATE most store doors.  The best ones are phantom and you can just walk or fly right through.  Pretty much any other kind are just plain horrid.  I do not need SL to mimic RL that much.

Kinda why the opening to my giant club is a big, gaping hole.

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2 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:
3 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Is the orientation based on the creator's orientation when they created the LM


Well maybe I'll start messaging store owners about that when I end up landing and facing away from the store.  Tonight I TPd to a store's new location - via the new LM they sent out.  I landed exactly in between two stores, with my back towards the store that I was trying to go to.  I was already inside the other store before everything fully rezzed and I realized I was in the wrong store.

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3 hours ago, janetosilio said:

My favorite are the ones with huge windows all over the place. You start hunting for the door and it turns out it’s a tiny opening somewhere in a corner or it’s just a space between the glass.

Oh my. Now that you've said that, I realise this has been irritating the hell out of me since my return to SL a few months back. I've been shopping a fair bit to update my av and yes, this has  been driving me bonkers. 


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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Well maybe I'll start messaging store owners about that when I end up landing and facing away from the store.  Tonight I TPd to a store's new location - via the new LM they sent out.  I landed exactly in between two stores, with my back towards the store that I was trying to go to.  I was already inside the other store before everything fully rezzed and I realized I was in the wrong store.

That's why I tend to move away from the LP a bit and wait for things to rez enough that I can "see where I am going". And sometimes I get lazy and use the DD stepping feature in FS. 

Gah. Now I"m gonna have to go look up what it's currently being called...

Oh yeah. Progressive Draw Distance facepalm.gif.78e5a628c232319d75c3335d6bdee04b.gif


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13 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

I just seen a group of girls in the L'Etre group off about this

The conversation was:

[13:59] A: Hello!I accidentally bought a skin on a man's body(((((
[14:00] B: never a better time to make a male version of yourselrf
[14:00] B: *yourself
[14:00] B: lol

[14:00 😄 Just dress nicely.  Don't be one of those shirtless, shoeless men.
[14:00] 😧 ohh boy that sucks ;-;
[14:01] A: I'm not interested.
[14:01] E: lmao
[14:01 ]F: haha i know of a few of those

This sort of thing is why I mute all my shopping groups now. The peanut gallery never fails to impress me with just how wide a range of totally useless suggestions they can come up with.

If someone has a specific problem they'd like help resolving, then either help with that problem or shut it. Too many people will throw out irrelevant garbage so they can feel like they are helping people, when in fact they just make things worse.

Exhibit A: I had a problem with an applier HUD. It was a simple case of one of the options applying the wrong applier to another part of my body, so I didn't notice; already fixed, I just needed a redelivery. I asked if anyone else had noticed a similar problem in chat, and these were the suggestions I got:

  • Buy a Belleza body instead
  • Buy another brand's applier instead
  • Clear cache
  • Cover up the applier area with clothing
  • Just don't use the applier at all


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20 hours ago, anniepany said:

Or groups that you have to pay and there is absolutely NO notices, NO gifts and NO chat option and the group owner NEVER answers your IM OR notecard. I mean why have a group????

To collect fees, of course.  This is probably a more subtle form of the scam where you pay a large join fee, then an hour later you get kicked from the group.  If they never kick you out, how can you complain it was a scam?

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Talking of groups, I too silence most and also do not show groups in my group list, which I hide anyway, just for good measure.

The pet peeve .. Groups by a store where they have lucky chairs .. Someone kindly posts the current lucky letters (if being cynical, I might suggest they just want others to hurry the letter changes along) ..

Then, some lazy, bone-idle 'member' wants a TP as well 😫

Would they like me to unpack it and organise the item into their inventory too?! 😖

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20 hours ago, anniepany said:

Or groups that you have to pay and there is absolutely NO notices, NO gifts and NO chat option and the group owner NEVER answers your IM OR notecard. I mean why have a group????

Adding to this (although it's more perplexing than it is a pet peeve) stores who have groups that you need to join in order to get group gifts (regardless of whether there's a join fee or not) but who never use the group to announce new releases, even though they release a lot of stuff. One well-known store does this: enormous group with a no-fee join to get group gifts, frequent new releases, but they never ever use the group to announce those releases. There's no secondary group or Subscribe-o-matic for release notices (that I've noticed, anyway) and it's puzzling as to why they even have the group. If people don't need to pay to join, but they need to be in the group to get the gifts... why not simply make the gifts free to anyone, since they're effectively free anyway, and the store isn't using that large group membership for any kind of promotion of their full releases?

That one's had me scratching my head for quite a while.

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4 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

who never use the group to announce new releases, even though they release a lot of stuff.

Then there is the opposite side of the coin - the ones that send a group notice every hour or so with the same message & notecard each time and the notecard itself only changes once or twice a week.  I stay in some of the groups because I do like the merchandise and the group benefits are really nice and the join fee is high, but I hate having to turn off group notices and then manually check them myself just to keep from getting the same notice over and over ever few hours.  

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Then there is the opposite side of the coin - the ones that send a group notice every hour or so with the same message & notecard each time and the notecard itself only changes once or twice a week.  I stay in some of the groups because I do like the merchandise and the group benefits are really nice and the join fee is high, but I hate having to turn off group notices and then manually check them myself just to keep from getting the same notice over and over ever few hours.  

I was just about to write this. I end up muting them and leaving the group. It’s like textbook, how not to get sales stuff.

Instead of spamming people,  make me some more leggings!

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And then there was the group that I joined for a store that allowed all the other stores on the sim to send notices via that group -- most definitely NOT what I signed up for.   I don't care if the store owner owns the sim and rents to those other places.  The group was not noted to be a sim group, but a store group, and thus I don't want to get any notices from the other stores.

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5 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

To collect fees, of course.  This is probably a more subtle form of the scam where you pay a large join fee, then an hour later you get kicked from the group.  If they never kick you out, how can you complain it was a scam?

Never thought about that but you're right, it IS a scam!

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5 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Adding to this (although it's more perplexing than it is a pet peeve) stores who have groups that you need to join in order to get group gifts (regardless of whether there's a join fee or not) but who never use the group to announce new releases, even though they release a lot of stuff. One well-known store does this: enormous group with a no-fee join to get group gifts, frequent new releases, but they never ever use the group to announce those releases. There's no secondary group or Subscribe-o-matic for release notices (that I've noticed, anyway) and it's puzzling as to why they even have the group. If people don't need to pay to join, but they need to be in the group to get the gifts... why not simply make the gifts free to anyone, since they're effectively free anyway, and the store isn't using that large group membership for any kind of promotion of their full releases?

That one's had me scratching my head for quite a while.

OMG yes! Everyone is in the group proclaiming how great the group gift is and so you go back to the notices and it's not there, how in the world did you find out about the gift and where can I find it!

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2 hours ago, BelindaN said:

Getting stuck in a corner or under the floor and despite struggling, finding the only way out is to tp.

AND as somebody already said........arriving on a sim underwater.


This is an easy one, Belinda, just cam up to the floor, and double click on a spot and it'll take you right to the spot. 

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Just now, Donna Underall said:

I didn't know this.  I was having a lot of trouble with this at the huge LL sale event.

There is a button that you need check in preferences in order to do it, I'm not inworld right now but I'll look for it when I do go inworld 

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5 minutes ago, anniepany said:

This is an easy one, Belinda, just cam up to the floor, and double click on a spot and it'll take you right to the spot. 


2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

if you have enabled double-click-move-to-target.

And if the location does not have a forced TP landing, which just happens to still you back in the wall or floor


ETA:  Does the SL viewer have the 'double click move to target' option?

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I'm no particular order,

-Non standard characters in names. Readability aside, these characters mean something in their respective languages, and it can be confusing when you know said language.

-Grotesque appearances. In particular, I cannot stand looking at avatars with gigantic butts, thighs thicker than my shoulder width, or baby t-rex arms. Most of these people seem to want a fairly realistic appearance, yet clearly haven't seen what a human being looks like.

-Adult only non-adult content. It drives me crazy how hard of is to find roleplaying opportunities as a preteen child avatar. Nearly every similar I find is adult only but doesn't advertise it as such, and entire genres of play are always off the table (like cyberpunk for some reason, or anything with fighting).

-People who insist that SL is a social media and not a game. Sorry, but this just stinks of pretentiousness. It's a video game. Get over it. But why is rhat a bad thing?

-Baby talk. This is incredibly annoying and many, many levels, and no one seems to get why people hate baby avatars. I think the biggest problem child and teen avatars face is how much people hate being around baby avatars. They're hard to understand, upsetting for those with reading problems, they tend to abuse gestures, and many baby avatars act like trolls, using the excuse "I'm a baby. That's what my character would do" to try and justify it.

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