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Which Do You Prefer COPY or TRANSFER?


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Regarding non full perm items, which do you prefer...COPY or TRANSFER?

1)  Furnishings. 


With copy you can copy as many chairs as you want for example.  But, with transfer, you could have your own little yard sale when you want to re-decorate or sell your items.

2)  Clothing.


With copy, you can make little outfits with the outfit feature.  With transfer, you can have a yard sale when you are tired of your old clothes.

So which do you prefer?  



Edited by FairreLilette
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17 minutes ago, Dillon Levenque said:

Am I the only one who thinks this has turned into maybe the silliest "Argue With Phil" thread ever?

If I see this right, Phil did business before AVsitter and similar suites. If I want to access all possibilities of my artsy AVsitter furniture I have to have it copy and mod because I am prone to exchange holodeck items, add my own animations, readjust defaults for Non-Glamazons  and add facial animations (And maybe even tails+wings once I found a suitable plugin)... AVsitters makes us go creative and insane in our furniture again, but it wasn't available in Phil's decade...

Some might ask why copy all above reasons are only for mod - well I mess up a lot when I mod stuff that's why I need it copy.

Edited by Fionalein
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2 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

It depends how you define 'greedy'. Nevertheless, I already said that me wanting to make money by selling stuff was probably greedy.

Yes you would, but I don't see what point you are making. In both world furniture sellers sell furniture for profit, and they generally try to make as much profit as they can.

No it's not, and nobody said it was. We all want to save money. Greedy is wanting more for your money than you are offered. It's also taking most of the cakes when others are wanting some too ;) It's not just a desire for wealth and power.

If greedy is wanting more than the seller has,then how can a customer be greedy when the seller made one item one time, that gives them an endless supply?

It's just wanting to hit the same customer more than once for the same work done..it's not a new item from new work..it's the same item they bought before..

Wanting more for your money is considered being cheap. Trying to hog all the cookies or trying to get paid twice for the same work is considered being greedy..

one is trying to hold onto what they have ,the other is trying to get what they have..That's the difference between greedy and cheap.

That's my point.


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15 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

If greedy is wanting more than the seller has,then how can a customer be greedy when the seller made one item one time, that gives them an endless supply?

More than is offered. I should have added 'for the same money'.

It's just wanting to hit the same customer more than once for the same work done..it's not a new item from new work..it's the same item they bought before..

I don't see how that makes any difference to anything.

Wanting more for your money is considered being cheap. Trying to hog all the cookies or trying to get paid twice for the same work is considered being greedy..

What I described I consider as being greedy.

one is trying to hold onto what they have ,the other is trying to get what they have..That's the difference between greedy and cheap.

Alright. We have different opinions, and that's fine.


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6 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:


Not sure why the quote failed..

Anyways,I don't have a problem with how anyone does business..It's a free market with plenty of options for all..

I'm just saying ,because i choose copy ,mod,no transfer doesn't make me a greedy person..it makes me a wise shopper.

As much as i spend in stores in this world,The last thing I am is greedy or cheap.. some would even call me a fool with my money..I know my husband thinks that for sure.. hehehehe

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It depends on what the reason is, Ceka. If it's because you intend to rez multiple copies, then that's why I'm calling greedy, because it's getting multiple copies for the price of one. If it's just as a safeguard against SL vanishing the items, then it's not greedy.

Perhaps I ought to repeat that, when I rented homes out, I too went for copyable furniture - sexbeds - because it saved me from spending unnecessarily. I made most stuff myself though. So I don't exclude myself from my opinion. I'm not saying you are but I'm not. It's human nature to get something for nothing if we can, and if we can't, we'll look elsewhere before buying in singles, unless we really want the item. And insisting on copy items, for the purpose of rezzing multiple copies, is getting something for nothing.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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10 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

It depends on what the reason is, Ceka. If it's because you intend to rez multiple copies, then that's why I'm calling greedy, because it's getting multiple copies for the price of one. If it's just as a safeguard against SL vanishing the items, then it's not greedy.

Perhaps I ought to repeat that, when I rented homes out, I too went for copyable furniture - sexbeds - because it saved me from spending unnecessarily. I made most stuff myself though. So I don't exclude myself from my opinion. I'm not saying you are but I'm not. It's human nature to get something for nothing if we can, and if we can't, we'll look elsewhere before buying in singles, unless we really want the item. And insisting on copy items, for the purpose of rezzing multiple copies, is getting something for nothing.

Only one greedy person here Phil, the one that wants to charge people over and over for the same piece of work, surprised you didnt put in a script to charge them every time they used the item too

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Better, destroys itself after use, you have to go buy another copy. Disposable sex furniture! Sanitary! Genius!

I can hear the sound of phil swearing now as he realises how many more millions of lindens he could have made

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5 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

I did not know you could make outfits with no copy items.

Anyhow, I'm glad I asked because it's good to know.

And, this question really wasn't about Gacha or Gatcha.  Those just are no copy/transfer items.  I'm okay with Gacha, personally.  Though Gacha is a different discussion altogether.

Thanks so much for replying!  


Ok, not speaking of gacha:

Things to rez, copy. Unless it is cheap and buying more than one is easy with a click on MP. Every time something is rezzed, it is a risk. I had an adult engine - a transparent prim to rez over pg beds - and every time I rezzed it, I was nervous if SL would eat it or not.

Things to wear: No need for copy.

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6 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I'm going to step on a lot of toes now :)

Imo, the main reason why people want copyable furntiture is greed. Examples: They want to place a copy in several rooms, or in more than one building, or they want to rez a copy or two for friends if they like it, or they rent homes out and they want to put one or more in each home, but they don't want to pay for them.

There are other minor reason, but that, imo, is the most common reason for wanting copyable furniture.

Of course those are the reasons the word COPY kind of gives away that people want COPIES of the item, lol...

That doesn't mean it's "greed", nor does it mean people aren't willing to pay for it. Though our opinions on monetary value of an item(copyable or not) will differ, I think the broad statements you've made are both unfair, and not true. But, I'm certain that your opinions are at least part of why you chose to no longer be a merchant, so, I'm certain you believe otherwise...and I doubt there is anything anyone could say that would change your mind, lol. :) 

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6 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

It might have been be greed on my part. It probably was. But it wasn't at other people's expense, whereas, if you'd bought a sofa from me and rezzed it twice because you needed two, it would have been at my expense, because you would have bought two it it had been no copy. More importantly, it would have meant that landlords would have rezzed many dozens each, and only paid for one. They'd have been right to that if I'd sold copyable furniture, and I really want them to do that. It worked brilliantly for me :)


Someone having multiple copies of an item you created out, where others can see them is *never* "at the creators expense", that's not even remotely logical. If anything, it's to your benefit due to advertising (unless it's a really crappy item, in which case, it's at your detriment, lol, but I doubt that's the case here). In order for something to be at your expense, it would have to cost you something, and in this type of case, it would cost you literally nothing. The gain you'd have in advertising would be worth far more even if there were an expense to you(but, again, there wouldn't be). 

Your experience worked for you, of course, and kudos on you for it, but I'm not sure someone who has never experienced selling copy items has that great of a grasp on selling both copy and non-copy items. You're merely basing your opinion on what you experienced, which worked out well for you, but most definitely doesn't represent what the majority seem to have experienced over the last decade(not just the last few years as you seem to believe, this "trend" of copy items was around in 2008, and hasn't slowed)

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9 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I didn't suggest that that's not the case. I gave my point of view. I included that attitudes might have changed over the years. But I'd still never sell copyable furniture.

As I said, if you sell something that people want, and it's no copy, most people will probably suspend their no-copy attitude and buy it.

I just want to point out that most of us were not responding to how he ran his business in the past, as that is irrelevant in today's market.  And that is the point. 

But he has already stated that even today , he would keep his business model.  Which is fine and that is absolutely his choice. It is also our choice, as consumers (including the 'landlords') to buy from designers that will and can meet our current needs...and I am pretty sure, that would be....99% of alllll the consumer's choice.

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2 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

So again we are at;  let the buyer decide.  Nobody is right nobody is wrong.  People just do it their way be it merchant or customer.

*goes to eat her tea*


This. Heck, some sellers still sell two versions: a less-expensive 'transfer' version and often a costlier 'copy' version. Because that creator "gets it", they know different people want different versions for different reasons.

Edited by Alyona Su
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