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Who are you? We want to know

Dakota Linden
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Hi there! I am Morgana Hilra aka Morgie.

I am a blogger. Have been for ... well... in SL 12 yrs but, my own personal blog is 8 going into my 9th year.

So Hawt SL.

I am shy at first, and I am also quiet and withdrawn til I get to know ppl. 

I think my "flaw" is that I do tend to take things personally but, I don't want to change. I want to be me, and be accepted as such. As I would accept a new friend as themselves.

Does that make sense?

I love....


Taking photos.



Hanging out with friends

Freebie hunting or deal hunting alone or with others.


I love to spend time with my kids (they are my #1 priority, please respect that)

I love reading. I literally have over 9k of ebooks on my tablet. And 3k books between my house, storage and my mother inlaws.

Cooking, baking (same thing really) use to be a passion, and I am working to get back into it.

And I love playing Toon Blast!

So... how are you all?

Don't mind me... I had a wee bit of sugar, and now I am like the energizer bunny...


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21 hours ago, Morgana Hilra said:

I am shy at first, and I am also quiet and withdrawn til I get to know ppl. 

Based on a recent (possibly deeply flawed) scientific study we conducted right here in this forum, you're in good company. A whole bunch of us, including yours truly, scored rather high on the introvert side of things and many could apply exactly what you said there to themselves. It's open to speculation whether SL tends to attract introverts, but that particular study has yet to be done.

In any case, welcome to the forums :-).

Edited by Dillon Levenque
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I'm Bill,

Coming back to SL after a 3 yr break :)

I love in RL and SL : skydiving, flying, skiing, scuba, travelling, meeting new people

Heheh to add from my other post:

P.S. about myself: i'm very very chill and laid back dude in RL and same would be for SL. I don't take offence at all to people unless you betray me (which is hard to do in SL , hence the Ignore option) :) I love life and greateful for its every moment and every person it send me, as I believe there's no experience that's totally bad as everything is a learning path and no person is ever bad as every person is interesting in their own way and every person had a "special" key to open up their true potential! It is fun sometimes to lead and point and motivate people to open up their true potential and make themselves believe in Themselves!

I'm for outmost piece and respect  in this world! Hahaha I know I sound like a Hippie :)


I truly believe in goodness in people. I do know there's certain "Drama" in SL, but all i think it is, is some people are misunderstood and misguided and lack a true friend. If we all learn to look at each other with more kindness I think this world will be better :))

I do hope to make some cool new friends in here :))

Oh and yea, I do belive in Safety so I do know about not giving away too many personal details like a cell number etc :) and I never expect that from someone as well :))


Edited by simplebilly
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Who am I?

I am the shadows near the end of the day.
A lone figure at the corner of your eye.
The wind that howls through city streets.
A cold shiver down your spine at night.

A distant dream of a far away place.
Once treasured moments lost in time.
Faded memories of a life once lived.
The cold heart that beats no more.

The mystery that gnaws at your mind.
Inevitable decay that comes what may.
A brief sigh carried by the breeze.
A forlorn cry under a dark moon.

Who am I indeed.

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18 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Who am I?

I am the shadows near the end of the day.
A lone figure at the corner of your eye.
The wind that howls through city streets.
A cold shiver down your spine at night.

A distant dream of a far away place.
Once treasured moments lost in time.
Faded memories of a life once lived.
The cold heart that beats no more.

The mystery that gnaws at your mind.
Inevitable decay that comes what may.
A brief sigh carried by the breeze.
A forlorn cry under a dark moon.

Who am I indeed.

Very Lovecraftian!

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I'm Matty. British, gay, disabled, I have a long term partner and I work a rather boring office job in the motor industry. I'm a pagan of some indeterminate type not entirely unlike Wiccan. Mostly vegetarian (occasional pescetarian) for reasons of health and personal taste rather than strict ethics. Sometimes-artist, when I have the time for it. I'm a bit a lot of a fantasy-nerd, Tolkien in particular.  Mentally I feel like I'm in my mid 30s; physically I'm significantly older than that.

I originally joined SL in 2006, deleted my first avatar because I hated the name and ended up getting a new one with a name I don't particularly like either.  My avatar was originally based on my favourite Tolkien elf, though lately I change it a lot and am often furry/neko and/or some weird colour.  In RL I look more like a hobbit.  When I'm in SL I'm usually listening to music at some club or other (I like rock mainly, and despair at the playlists in most gay clubs) or shopping for the next themed event I'm planning to attend.  I'm not interested in SL relationships (been there done that, still sleep in the t-shirt) but I do have a very close friend in SL who I love to pieces.

I have no pets in RL but in SL I am a crazy cat-boy. In more ways than one. =^.^= Meow.

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I am Briggs, Nigerian. 8+ years on SL.

A little disappointed about not finding people from my continent on SL. I guess the requirements of a Good Computer and unlimited internet is still a luxury for most.
Fortunately my work-at-home job online (ICT support, Pro-Blogger and now Cryto-asset management/trading) affords me the luxury. 

Gave up trying to meet people on SL and build friendships a long time ago when all the public hangout spots died and got filled with bots. Will love to see all that change or get recommendations to cool places i can people watch lol.
Spend most days on SL finding upcoming events and attending. Extensive music library got me DJing for a club or two - Nothing else has really stuck. Really open to new experiences.

I believe in spending linden on SL earned from SL - if that makes any sense but SL jobs ain't worth the time so my avatar looks like i've been here a week. lol
When i'm not on SL, i'm busy watching netflix, youtube or digging myself out of Bronze 5 in League of Legends. - #VideoGameIsLife even for a 33 year old.
No RL attachments or responsibilities so i guess you could say - I'm a free spirit  

Always wanted a pet - never had one (tenancy agreement forbids it) - so sad right?

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I am originally from Japan. I was so attracted by American culture, its language and its people that I asked my American host parents to educate me as an American when I was in high school in MO, joined a graduate school in Vermont and lived in NYC a couple months a couple years ago. At one point, I had a choice to stay in the US for the rest of my life but I didn’t take it.

In RL, I have to live in Japan atm and I still regret I didn’t take the other course. In SL, I want to live as an American (in a way, the road not taken). So I am looking for an American girl friend / partner who is willing to get romantically involved with me (and we might have a family in SL, who knows) and live that crazy fantasy together. I am ready to make my avatar look nice to enjoy such life. So if u are interested, plz talk (IM / friend-request) to me. I can log on a couple hours a day sometime between 5 am to 1 pm and more on weekends / holidays in SLT.

Btw, I am a week old noob so if I wrote something inappropriate, forgive me.
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1 hour ago, Danny112211 said:
Btw, I am a week old noob so if I wrote something inappropriate, forgive me.

Welcome to SL, Danny!

Regarding Frost's "The Road Not Taken", there's some disagreement over its meaning. I grew up understanding it to mean we should take the road less traveled. That fits with the rugged individual image of Americans. Then I actually read the poem and saw the "sigh", which changed my understanding to one of regret over choices we've made. And then I read it again, and noticed that both paths were equally worn, so there was no less traveled path, and that the mourner had spent a long time deciding.

In the end, I've some to this conclusion... Pick a road, make the best of it, and don't look back. It'll eat you alive to wonder what would have been had you chosen differently. That said, this second life, so you can sorta take both paths. It's a good thing SL came along after Frost's death, or I wouldn't have that lovely poem to hang in my RL home, along with "The Starsplitter".

I hope you enjoy your stay here, and your stay in RL.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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1 hour ago, Danny112211 said:

I am originally from Japan. I was so attracted by American culture, its language and its people that I asked my American host parents to educate me as an American when I was in high school in MO, joined a graduate school in Vermont and lived in NYC a couple months a couple years ago. At one point, I had a choice to stay in the US for the rest of my life but I didn’t take it.

In RL, I have to live in Japan atm and I still regret I didn’t take the other course. In SL, I want to live as an American (in a way, the road not taken). So I am looking for an American girl friend / partner who is willing to get romantically involved with me (and we might have a family in SL, who knows) and live that crazy fantasy together. I am ready to make my avatar look nice to enjoy such life. So if u are interested, plz talk (IM / friend-request) to me. I can log on a couple hours a day sometime between 5 am to 1 pm and more on weekends / holidays in SLT.

Btw, I am a week old noob so if I wrote something inappropriate, forgive me.

Great back-story, very endearing!

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Madelain, a good pointer. I also majored in American literature and I knew it has that issue (but a long time ago so not sure how it is now) so glad to get that reaction.
Yeah, I agree. In a way, whichever road I take, it will happen. But since I live in a country like Japan atm and I am also troubled by the gap between Japanese culture and what I have inside me which clashes with it, sometimes it eats me. Yeah I know what regret does and I wouldn’t have done that if it were not for the internet but since I found Second Life and it might be still fantasy and a lot of things that happen here might not be real, I can at least live the emotions that are pretty much true. So hope I can get the chance to love this fantasy and live the emotions. Anyways, thanks to your reactions and feedback. I feel a tad bold act (this is my first post u know) posting a little bit of the story of my life has already been rewarded.
And Love Zhaoing, last couple of days, I had a chance to look at ur post here and there and I was impressed with your wise statements but I’m happy to get ur comment on my post. Yes, I’m not sure whether I can get the chance or not but this is something that has always been in my mind and I would be happy if I can get the chance to live it though virtual reality it will be (but my soul is in this avatar so as I say emotions and experiences are somewhat real. Lol
btw I’m not really sure how I should reply to the post. Once again sorry if this is not the right way.
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Your reply is just fine, Danny.

I spent a month in Japan in 1986. There was certainly a culture gap then! Maybe you can be a member of the "underground", slowly subverting Japanese society? That's the sort of thing I pretend to do wherever I go.

Do be careful with your "soul" here. SL amplifies and accelerates relationships, often to an unhealthy extent. If you can keep your wits about you, I think you'll find this place filled with wonderful people.

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Glad I understand! Yeah hope I can do that but this is a tough society to upend. Well yes at least I’ll pretend to do that. That makes me feel better. 

And thank you for thr heads-up. I’ll keep that in mind. I have been wondering still it can happen but seems like it CAN happen and it will grow bigger than I think it will be. Yes, I’ll be careful. 

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I came here almost 12 years ago, with a group of friends who became family once we saw how things work in SL.

Mostly I just login to have people to chat to, irl i'm Vegan & a Personal Trainer after years of struggling with how I look myself.

Love photography, which i'm just learning (& once I upgrade the pc i'll do it much better than now!), exploring and hanging out with anyone chatty

I do have a personality disorder tho which can't be left irl, sadly, so can find communication difficult, especially with those who don't understand it

Still, it's not gonna stop me trying to live as normal a life as I can do, and making new friends in here/finding family!

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This is probably the most i have said about myself publicly in like since, i don't know when.  I stepped into SL almost 7 years ago, it feels like only yesterday but at the same time it feels like a lifetime ago. I spent the first couple of years back and forth between here another world & some MMO's, not knowing anyone here and not wanting to leave old friends behind, I wasn't quite sure that SL was where I wanted to be. Eventually i moved over for good somewhere around 2014 i think. I had been creating in this other world since 2010 and there was no denying that the possibilities there had nothing on Second Life. I did drag a few unfortunates with me, including my bestie, most of them couldn't quite grasp the new mechanics of SL and sadly didn't stay for long. Now there's just me left.

I don't go out exploring like i used to, I don't think i could even name half a dozen places to visit that are not connected to work in some way. When health issues hit my bestie and she couldn't be online very much, or at all, I started withdrawing into myself too. She had always been able to pull me out of my shell and without her i felt lost, still feel lost, so i started burying myself in work.

The me in RL is the me in SL. I have very few friends and family in either world, I can't tolerate stupidty or laziness, I don't tread on eggshells around folk, I'll say it as it is except for when its my feelings and emotions and then those are a very closely guarded secret and I'm not the kind to forgive and forget. I know that it's mostly my fault for having few friends, for having no social circle, It's just who I am and who I have been for as long as I can remember. I don't approach people to talk to, and if I'm approached in the wrong way then its over before the conversation has begun. I'm very withdrawn and guarded, and uncomfortable around strangers in both worlds, all too often misinterpreted as cold and snobbish and my head rules my heart too often, a very practical and logical head. It's not all doom and gloom though. I raised my daughter alone for most of her life (and half of mine), and now in her early 20's she has just started her final year at University.

One day I will be that grouchy old woman who lives in the rotten old house on the corner at the end of the street with all the mangy flea infested cats. Until then, I am just practising whilst I play Rift, watch Netflix and dabble in this place that someone once called a Second Life.

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I'm a long time resident, been on and off since my first time here. This is probably my second or third avatar, but it's the one I ended up keeping, I created it because back then there was a World of Warcraft rp sim around and I wanted to be part of it. Sadly when I got there it was a ghost town so I just moved on to explore more and get to know what this virtual world was all about.

Since then I did a bit of everything, nowadays I work as manageer for a clothing brand, take photos and hand as much as time allows me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, 

I am just a week old here in SL. I had never heard about SL before (feel like I was living under a rock) and just came across it when reading someone's blog. I decided to try it and I must say I am addicted to the point that my RL is suffering (I know not a good thing but I know it will get better !). To catch up to what I have missed in the years that SL has been in existence I started reading the SL Wiki. The History of Second Life is an interesting read. Did make me understand some of the terms that are thrown around when inside the Sims like "prim", "mesh" etc. I also saw how SL's popularity went up and down over the years. I have met some interesting people already (some of them have been on SL for over a decade or more). The folks who have been here longer are generally very friendly and willing to help out us noobs. They are the die hard loyalists who have really embraced SL as their true Second Life. 

Things I have been doing inside the sims: 

I love flying over and discovering new lands here in SL. It is fascinating to see these new worlds and the level of detail that the creators have put in them. True talent I must say. While flying solo is fun I would love to explore SL and it's magic with a friend who is keen on exploring as well. I must admit that I have been scared at times to teleport to some dark sims not knowing what to expect.  

As far as interests in RL go I love music and listen to pretty much every genre of music, from classical to Heavy metal and everything in between. I am from the US (East Coast) and in my late 30s. In RL I have two left feet but I have enjoyed shaking my leg in the different dance clubs here and thoroughly enjoyed it. Haven't done any building yet but will probably try that out soon too. I am an avid coffee drinker and enjoy that rush after the first cup of joe. 

Have a great weekend ! 



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On 10/15/2018 at 10:11 PM, Danny112211 said:
And Love Zhaoing, last couple of days, I had a chance to look at ur post here and there and I was impressed with your wise statements but I’m happy to get ur comment on my post. Yes, I’m not sure whether I can get the chance or not but this is something that has always been in my mind and I would be happy if I can get the chance to live it though virtual reality it will be (but my soul is in this avatar so as I say emotions and experiences are somewhat real. Lol

What a nice thing to say! Thank you!  

I don’t mention it much, but I am a Japanophile. I need to take a course and learn Japanese (think I have like 30 books on it). My favorite group is L’arc~en~Ciel, and I have Hyde’s exact tattoo but extended (both real life and SL.) I don’t have any in-person Japanese friends due to living in Florida. Shown picture is Hyde.


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Hi there, my name is Robin. Hoping one day Lindens give us the ability to change our account/legacy/whatsmscallit name. Until then my usernamr on thr fourms is AylinVali, the name of a character who I created and redesigned numerous times. Her current iteration being a support character in a novel I'm working on.

I'm 29 years old, will be 30 in January.

From Northern Ireland, disabled and a non binary trans person whose pronouns are zey/zem.

Been on and off sl for a while but really sticking around now.


In SL I mainly roleplay, shop for pretty things and maybe the odd club or two depending on my mood. Started dabbling in photography but I am still just a beginner to it. Forever looking for more gothic/punk/gothic aristocrat fashion.

In the dreaded first life, I am a introvert and umempolyed due to ill health, the details of which I am not terribly comfortable about sharing in an open fourm.

I enjoy writing, playing video games(badly) and walking, I walk nearly every where.  I also enjoy music and my tastes can go from heavy metal to disney songs in two seconds.I Ieven enjoy rap and some country.


Been trying to get into jewelry crafting with mixed results.

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