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Who are you? We want to know

Dakota Linden
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Greetings all!

The Make Friends section should be used for discussions about making friends in Second Life, as noted by the forum sub title:

 "It’s easy to make friends in Second Life. Discuss the best ways to connect to other Residents."

To date, we have not been strictly enforcing the types of posts that you all have been creating, but I would like to see more posting about the topic of making friends, than actual ads looking for others. 

To that end, I have created this topic and I invite everyone to post in here with some information about themselves and what types of things you are into in Second Life.

Please keep it G rated, though, since this is not the Adult Section. :)



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I'm old.  I'm so old the Who were among my favourite groups (we didn't call them bands then).  I've been an actor, writer, organiser, roleplayer, charity-team leader, prim builder, mentor, and things I can't even remember.  I'm nearly always PG and like being a Tiny or Biggie.  Having moved on from a few communities I lost touch with a lot of people, and would like a few more friends, but am a bit shy, so though I'm friendly it might take time for me to get to know you.  In the meantime you can probably find me riding a pod on the Linden roads.  :) 

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I´ve always been on the darker side, metal and rock clubs, alternative modelling with colourful hair and tattoos and torn fishnets, spikes, you name it. I´ve had my fair share of RP in dark urban adult sims (even there I managed to keep my clothes on and legs shut most of the time... true story!), dancing and hosting in said clubs, hanging out and trying to fit in.

Now there´s the problem. I haven´t felt like I fit in in years (aside from all the breaks), cos I might come across as funny and open but I´m not really flirtatious or interested in being that ;).I´m not into what some people consider "fun" as in vehicles and the weirdest and funkiest avatars in all shapes and sizes you can imagine. My shape was modelled to match a realistic height difference to most male avatars - before everybody decided to shrink making me look like a giant XD. But I´m slowly getting there. I do take quite a lil pride in the success I had and have with my little fashion blog (luckbox-me , really... idk how this happened ...) and I love to take pics.

Despite my weird taste in music and nerdiness I´m quite shy and quiet. Oh and my timezone being SLT+9 here in Germany doesn´t help either XD.

So long story short: I´m a weird, non-flirtatious, quiet bilingual girl ^^

Edited by Akasha Sternberg
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   I'm young. I've been young for a while. I'll always be young.

   My taste in music is eclectic, so wide in scope and variety that it would be impossible to tell you everything that spins my beanie (that was a hint). As a result, when I go dancing at clubs in SL, I can have a real appreciation for a skilled dj who listens to the audience and what they're talking about, tailoring their set on the fly.. There are songs from my past (still young) that will bring parts of it rushing back with breathtaking clarity.

   I've been lost, baffled, misunderstood, recovered and gently polished. I have been a wanderer, home furnishings builder, clockmaker, mediator, Island Caretaker, and educator. I am patient, a community resident, builder, scripter, writer, glossosynth, partner, texture maker, sailor, mermaid, demon, potter, glassblower, and aspiring flower shop entrepreneur. I'm exploring the intricacies of SL fixed wing aircraft flight and navigation, but strongly prefer sailing as a mode of SL transportation.

   I have always felt the need to have a home in SL, someplace to call my own, to where I can retreat from various storms.

   I have organized some random mermaid sojourns through SL seas, which were fun and rewarding. I intend to do more as time permits.

   If I'm forgetting anything, those who know me, please remind me.

Edited by Ivanova Shostakovich
Because I forgot something.
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OK, why not, here goes... hello Dakota, hello everybody!

My avatar name is Vanity Fair. (Yes, I got lucky; the last name “Fair” was only available for a two-week period back in 2008 and I snapped it up immediately.) I do have alts, but Vanity Fair is my main avatar now. I have been in SL for eleven years now.

Ironically, I was first introduced to the virtual world of Second Life through my real-life work as a librarian. Eleven years ago, I was sitting on a bibliographic instruction planning committee, and we were all brainstorming various ways to teach the undergraduate student population how to properly navigate all the information resources offered by our university library system. Talk turned into how to best turn education into a game, someone mentioned Second Life, and I said I would look into it. Of course, that particular idea went nowhere, but I stayed in SL.

I spent the first ten years of my time in Second Life quietly exploring the grid, serving as a volunteer reference librarian at Info Island. building a house in Bay City and then selling it, going shopping, going out to clubs and dancing, etc. For a couple of years, I even worked as a fashion model for Lemania Indigo, the clothing designer. 

I got lucky again when I was invited into the then-closed beta of Sansar in December 2016. I started a blog about Sansar, formerly called the Sansar Newsblog, in July 2017 when Sansar first opened its doors to the public. Earlier this year, I renamed my blog RyanSchultz.com and I expanded my coverage to include all the newer social VR platforms and virtual worlds: Sansar, High Fidelity, Sinespace, VRChat, AltspaceVR, etc. I also cover the new blockchain-based virtual worlds such as Decentraland and Virtual Universe. So as you can see, I am quite busy hopping from one virtual world to another! I seem to have found my calling as a virtual worlds blogger. There's always a new virtual world to visit and report on!

Frankly, I never, EVER expected to blog about Second Life because there are already a thousand bloggers who are doing such a great job covering SL already! However, I have started a Second Life Steals, Deals, and Freebies section of my blog. If you're not interested in digging through my entire blog just to find the stuff about Second Life freebies, you can go directly to those blogposts via this link: https://ryanschultz.com/category/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies/ 

I have found the best way to make friends in Second Life is to simply follow your interests. There are always communities to join, discussion groups to participate in, and clubs to visit to suit every possible taste in music. If you are friendly and outgoing, people will be (mostly) friendly to you in turn.


Edited by Vanity Fair
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I am still deeply in love with SL as much as I was back when I started. (10 years pretty soon)  I am outwardly gobby but internally shy.  I am a rubbish friend because I never want to be the first one to say Hi in case I am disturbing, apart from with my closest of friends who can tell me to get lost and vice versa when we are busy.  I recently taught myself AVsitter through a lot of trial and error and am working my way through our older products updating the scripts and adding to them to free Ki up to do the more important things.  I like to DJ when I can.  None of your fancy mixing stuff just good old tunes from 50's to now with a special passion for the 80's.  I love a theme I can dress up and decorate for.  I am not much of  a shopper.  I just buy what I like when I need it most of the time though even so my invent is jungle that I can't keep on top of.  

I like to get together with my two sl sisters and we dress up for photos just for fun. Or join them for their DJ sets at our little club in the corner of our store sim.  To chill it has to be landscaping  (ah that'll be the reason for my monster invent)  Though when I go exploring my efforts seem very novice in comparison with the beautiful places around the grid but still, its fun.  Most of my time is spent with my partner, supporting the business in whatever way I can then swapping to our alts to go wander the grid in peace and dancing!  We are lucky enough to be in the same time zone, same city even lol so get to spend lots of hours together every day.   We also have an opensim region to escape to for true peace and quiet.

SLT + 8.. Proudly from Liverpool

*back spaces to clear all the adult stuff and submits reply*

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   Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a fairly ordinary boy, with a fairly ordinary name, who went to an ordinary school and had reasonably ordinary friends around him. But even as this boy had quite ordinary expectations of life, he carried a terrible curse - an extraordinary fascination for the dark and macabre. Spending half his childhood in agony and despair brought on by such an array of mental health issues that no one knew what to do with him - and the other half trying to justify a life so filled with horror and darkness, he grew to become a man whose sole purpose of being seemed to be to unravel the irrational and find sense within the chaos.
   My arrival in Second Life was a bumpy ride; my then-partner thought that we could use it to explore ourselves, each other and all that the virtual realms had to offer. I quickly surrendered to her whim and spent more time, effort and resources on creating a place for us within that world - only to be left behind. For a short time, I lingered, but finally I put it behind me. But the real world can be an inaccessible place, and my thirst for knowledge and my curiosity drove me back. I began anew, with only one friend left in the world to help guide my path. I found a community that I grew a part of, and likewise grew fond of, and there found a reason to remain. As time went on, however, the toll of being one of the only people within that community who was on this side of the Atlantic drove me to begin to look beyond. 

   I came to a rock club, and whilst my withdrawn manner kept most people at arm's length, there were a few individuals that cared to address me; and as with the flick of a wand, I found myself pulled into something new, something dark - a new home, a new family, a new purpose. Time passed, people came and went, I got to repeatedly experience betrayal, lies and deceit, but I soon came to terms with that the pain is passing, and that time will wash away the weak and unworthy, and like stones polished smooth by the stream, those few who remained close have proven their worth where all others have faltered. 
   I have my family here, my aunties, my sisters, my daughters, and whether there even are any people left out there that could achieve that level of mutual trust, only time can tell. Yet, friends, acquaintances and lovers come and go - but I've come to terms with, that this is life; one can't wait for life to begin, lest one shall miss out on it entirely. All who are born, are born to die, and so we do with our time as best we can to ascend to where Thanatos' cold gaze can't frighten us, where we can laugh at him as if playing tag and the catcher is limp, deaf and blind. 

   So. I do my photography, I go to the clubs (although frankly, with Spotify playing what I wish to hear rather than the worn out noise most DJs offer), I play games with my family (though my sister cheats!), I go to events and growl about how pitiful the supply of quality clothing for my gender are these days and how I never was interested in tank tops or board shorts - and that even if I were stark raving madly in love with that style of fashion, my desires would have been grossly saturated many moons ago.

   And then, I'm here. Watching, listening, and occasionally prodding.

   I'm not here for anyone else's pleasure, I won't pretend that I'm a gentleman in shining armour to everyone, to make me appear an attractive friend or partner. Whether one will earn my respect, my compassion, my ire or my spite, is up to whoever wishes to approach. I intend to enjoy my time, and invite anyone who wishes to join that effort to do so - if they dare.

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Oh, WHO am I?

  I’m a Neko Lion, sometimes feral but usually anthro. In SL since 2006, I’ve owned a sim but now own an adult region. I have my RL tattoo in SL, which I’m glad Bakes on Mesh lets me wear with my fairly new Mesh Neko Lion self.  I tend to keep a look for way too long.

  Back in the day, I had an SL “family” - but we were all different time zones so drifted apart.

  I mostly spend time scripting, but lately I spend some time working on my first Alt - Love Xiaoying (or “Love X”), who is female. I also spend time working on my giant club (an expanded Red Genisys). I spend way too much time at club GYC (not mine - a furry club).

  I enjoy RP, exploring, getting to know new people. I rarely log into SL lately, because y’all here on the Forum seem to satisfy my SL needs. Love you!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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Hi, to all of you. I left second life years ago, and came back recently because I wanted to see if I can meet more people. I may seem out going, and energetic, inside im fragile. I would always took up the courage to say hi, but in the end scared them all because I'm probably just too annoying … ? wanting to chat with ppl and maybe hang out with them. But so far I dont regret meeting people here. I've found many cool people by accident, lots of talented people I admire! But hey if u dont mind an annoying friend … QAQ pls give me some of the hugs. 

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28 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

If I didn’t know better, I’d think you deliberately misinterpreted my words! Nahhh..

Nooooo! I struggle each and every day to make sense of all the things you people say and do. And, just when I think I know what you're talking about, someone like you says I've "misinterpreted".

I feel like Sisyphus, dammit.

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6 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Nooooo! I struggle each and every day to make sense of all the things you people say and do. And, just when I think I know what you're talking about, someone like you says I've "misinterpreted".

I feel like Sisyphus, dammit.

Stop griping and get back to work. That rock ain't gonna move itself, ya know.

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11 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Nooooo! I struggle each and every day to make sense of all the things you people say and do. And, just when I think I know what you're talking about, someone like you says I've "misinterpreted".

I feel like Sisyphus, dammit.

You are definitely uncommon and interesting!

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Yay!  Thank you all SO much for sharing. 

It is only fair that I do the same.  I posted a brief in one of the other threads around here somewhere, asking about Lindens, but I will offer more here. 

I started in SL as a user WAY back in December 2006 and by sheer dumb luck, was posting on the old SLExchange Forums where I caught the attention of Kristy, the manager of the site, and was offered part time "job" doing item reviews for L$.  It made shopping much nicer since I could see all of the stuff that the merchants were creating and listed, and I got a few L$ a week to help pay for the stuff I was buying.

We (SLX) went to SLCC in Tampa in 2008 and got a chance to see and meet some of the users and the Linden's who attended.   I guess the Linden's were impressed with SLExchange/Xstreetsl, since by the end of the year in 2008 Jay had been made an offer for the Marketplace, and by the middle of the 2009, Linden had acquired the site and we were folded into the company.

Of the 7 of us who were working for SLX at the time, 6 transitioned to the Lab and only 2 of us remain with the company today.  

There have been a LOT of changes during those years, both within Linden Lab and with the Marketplace. Brooke worked really hard behind the scenes to transition the Marketplace over to Direct Delivery and VMM, and I was sorry when she left the company.  

Grumpity has done an AWESOME job since she took over, and is also working very hard behind the scenes to continue to build on VMM and work through the massive backlog of requests and issues that had to be placed on the back burner during the DD and subsequent VMM change.  

For the longest time (like YEARS), I was the only one handling everything on the customer facing side of the Marketplace. So all tickets, item reviews, etc., landed on my desk, so to speak.  

Recently, as I am sure a lot of you have noticed, tickets are now being handled by a bunch of other employees.  Instead of being a "team of one", I am now on our Customer Accounts team with a group of other amazing people.  

So my job duties have expanded and we now have help on the Marketplace regarding tickets, Flag Reports, etc.

I will eventually retire, and move on from Linden Lab, but I am hoping that I manage to stay around for at least 10 - 15 years before that happens, so you should be stuck with me for at least the next 1-5 years LOL, since 2019 will be my tenth year with the company.

I am a gamer at heart, and when not at work, I am usually playing some type of game,  Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider, Skyrim, WoW (For the Alliance!), etc., but I also enjoy getting outside sometimes (I am not a total hermit), and enjoy taking drives out to the lake (when it isn't full of toxic algae), heading over to one of the local islands and grabbing lunch with family or friends, or traveling, which I haven't been doing enough of lately. 

And..... if you couldn't tell by my Pride Bear Icon, I am part of the LGBT Community.  :D



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9 minutes ago, Dakota Linden said:

the lake (when it isn't full of toxic algae), heading over to one of the local islands and grabbing lunch with family or friends, or traveling, which I haven't been doing enough of lately. 

And..... if you couldn't tell by my Pride Bear Icon, I am part of the LGBT Community.  :D

Oh..Who are we in Real / First Life!!

I am a computer programmer of 30 years experience, 20 years at the now-biggest company in the Tampa Bay, FL area. (Live between St. Pete and Pinellas Park.) I don’t go to the Lakes and Beaches enough here, but the algae (green and red) are in the news lately. 

Perpetually single, I spent most of my RL evenings in my favorite local gay bar, until it closed. I faithfully attend and participate in my LGBT+ church, even though I am also a Hindu. I lived in Hindu Ashram for a few years in the 90’s (near Pigeon Forge, TN).

I am a husky dad (he’s a Red). I walk Tobey 3-5 miles daily, when it’s not too hot. 

My best buddies are Trans, from my church. My parents have passed, but I keep in touch with my Stepmom and Stepbros.

Like Dakota, I’ve got 10-15 years left until I retire. Until then, hope to hang on at this Fortune 150 company..

I’m Pan, but also Demi..thank goodness for husky kisses!

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oooooooooohhhh in FL I´m still a weird silent german girl of 36 (3 days younger than Kasha), I even did a SL/RL side by side blog post the other day...

I´m the proud owner of a screen accurate Star Wars Tie pilot costume which I wear at charity events, conventions, cinema premieres and promo events on...quite the regular basis, I run a monthly SW meetup with my bf and some local fans and costumers, I like to craft, am into bullet journaling, started to sew and I love my 2 cats dearly (Arya and Daenerys). As I can´t work I spend much more time in SL.

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