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Briggz Portal

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  1. I could do some 80s, 90s top hits for you.. Or modern R&b, Hip-pop, Pop
  2. I am Briggs, Nigerian. 8+ years on SL. A little disappointed about not finding people from my continent on SL. I guess the requirements of a Good Computer and unlimited internet is still a luxury for most. Fortunately my work-at-home job online (ICT support, Pro-Blogger and now Cryto-asset management/trading) affords me the luxury. Gave up trying to meet people on SL and build friendships a long time ago when all the public hangout spots died and got filled with bots. Will love to see all that change or get recommendations to cool places i can people watch lol. Spend most days on SL finding upcoming events and attending. Extensive music library got me DJing for a club or two - Nothing else has really stuck. Really open to new experiences. I believe in spending linden on SL earned from SL - if that makes any sense but SL jobs ain't worth the time so my avatar looks like i've been here a week. lol When i'm not on SL, i'm busy watching netflix, youtube or digging myself out of Bronze 5 in League of Legends. - #VideoGameIsLife even for a 33 year old. No RL attachments or responsibilities so i guess you could say - I'm a free spirit Always wanted a pet - never had one (tenancy agreement forbids it) - so sad right?
  3. I think this is a really good idea. - Joined! Scheduled activities are cool but a location (SLurl) for anytime hangout to meet other members of the Friendship network would be nice too.
  4. Hey Akashala, I know what you mean. Most public hubs are either empty or cliques having some kind of inside joke/convo. You should add a SLurl to a location anyone interested in hanging out can meet you, maybe we could all have a party.
  5. If you're roaming SL with no mission, no vision, no fun, no friends or any form of "real" interaction/connection with other users for months / years - this would be the best idea to get involved in. I applaud it and would be interested (experienced) but i'm not on much these days
  6. Welcome back - All of you, i'm sure your absence was felt. Adrian, i don't see why you have to start fresh and be a newbie all over again. Could just use the old account like i do.
  7. I think Public Info Hubs are good for hanging out and making new people (especially newbies), although sandboxes are more fun with the right people wilding out. If i'm not busy job hunting, dj'ing, you can TP me. :matte-motes-smile: Briggz.Portal
  8. You're in the right spot. Look through advertised positions on the inworld employment section of this forum and submit some applications if you meet their requirements. Searching the classified Ads section in the Game can help too. Welcome to SL
  9. Don't see many Writing / Blogging gigs around in SL so would be nice for a RL Tech blogger like to me get into this. Sign me up..
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