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If you could create something ...

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Oh I have a massive list of things I'd like to be able to create-a good portion of them already exist inworld created by countless(to me) other people. But that doesn't change the fact that *I* want to be able to create them :D

Sigh, those are first world problems, though, eh? 

But, if you want an actual product, I have a pipe dream product I'd love to be able to make, though I never will, and I doubt anyone else ever will, at least not optimally (whether that's merely a limitation of sl capabilities, or individual capabilities is debatable...and more likely a combo of both coupled with issues on LL's end). Also my pipe dream product could put a load of folks out of business if not done with them in mind too, and I'd never want to do that to them...so that's just another reason why it can't. and doesn't exist in sl. 

I would love to create an inworld tool that allows others to make mesh products, of all sorts, to their heart's content, inworld, in a similar manner thta our inworld building tool allows for product creation via prims-except different and way better. The mesh would be optimized (including LOD, LI, quality, functionality, etc..etc.) for sl use, no matter the actual skill or even understanding of optimization of the person doing it, would always be under the creator's name, would allow for proper texture creation based on the item itself, things like that. It also wouldn't cost an arm and a leg, making it affordable for most people. Sure it might have a bit of a learning curve, but, good documentation and tutorials can help combat things like that. Oh I could go on and all day about this pipe dream product, and its specifics, though I know it would never and could never exist in sl, as it stands today, or the foreseeable future., for all kinds of reasons, one of the biggest being the impact it would have on full perm mesh creators.-which is something I'd never want to do to another creator. 

Yes, I know, there are tools like this...but they aren't *exactly* like this, especially the optimized part, or even really all that close to it in other areas either. 

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a court-like group dance machine. Where you change partners during the dance

i think about making this sometimes. It just keeps slipping down my list of everything yet to make. So if anyone else is up to making this (if it hasn't been already) then it would be good. As I think it may help to ameliorate the shy wallflower effect

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If I could...

First I would create a viewer with an interface intuitive enough you could focus on the scene rather than the controls and a camera position that allowed you to feel like you were a part of the scene rather than just a watcher in the sky.

Then I would create a rich, varied landscape where you could walk or drive for miles without having the immersion broken by lag, render delays, tps, scenes that looked like they were made from random objects heaped up, disintegrated meshes and all the countless other illusion breakers built into SL. And I would make it so people could enjoy it even if all they had was a regular off-the-shelf laptop or desktop computer.

In other words, if I could, I would make the virtual world SL promised but never delivered. And then, when the fundamentals had been sorted out and the basic structure was solid enough, I would start looking for great shinies to enahnce it even more.

Edited by ChinRey
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16 hours ago, ellestones said:

a court-like group dance machine. Where you change partners during the dance

i think about making this sometimes. It just keeps slipping down my list of everything yet to make. So if anyone else is up to making this (if it hasn't been already) then it would be good. As I think it may help to ameliorate the shy wallflower effect

It's possible to do this now with a tool like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MetaHarper-Show-Tools-547-Stable-BOX/7435908
There is also a beta test version of it for only L$1: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MetaHarper-Show-Tools-BETA/14773129


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18 hours ago, ChinRey said:

If I could...

First I would create a viewer with an interface intuitive enough you could focus on the scene rather than the controls and a camera position that allowed you to feel like you were a part of the scene rather than just a watcher in the sky.

Then I would create a rich, varied landscape where you could walk or drive for miles without having the immersion broken by lag, render delays, tps, scenes that looked like they were made from random objects heaped up, disintegrated meshes and all the countless other illusion breakers built into SL. And I would make it so people could enjoy it even if all they had was a regular off-the-shelf laptop or desktop computer.

In other words, if I could, I would make the virtual world SL promised but never delivered. And then, when the fundamentals had been sorted out and the basic structure was solid enough, I would start looking for great shinies to enahnce it even more.

So you would make every other building MMO on the market?

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I love knees.

If I was capable I'd make more knee related items. Knees don't get anywhere near enough loving.

Not things which begin or end just above or below the knee, that's become more than boring, but things which begin or end ON THE KNEE. That means; halfway up the kneecap. Boots, legwarmers, socks, skirts, dresses, strings, straps etc., which all begin or end halfway up the kneecap. I'd call my shop "Kneecap Cutters" to ensure all knee lovers know what it's about. I cannot stress enough the lack of half-knee-cap focused items.

It depresses me at times why SL fashions are either incredibly ordinary or ridiculously way out. We need more middle ground, especially for kneecaps.

In over a decade of SL usage, which has included some serious searching and wading through knee-listed items, I can count the genuine mid-knee-cap items on my thumbs.

".. but it's difficult to avoid collision with the leg when it's bent" I hear them say. Let me worry about that!  I spend more time upright than in positions with my knees fully bent.

Knee Love Forever!

p.s. I love knees.

Edited by Candice LittleBoots
knee tremble
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4 minutes ago, Candice LittleBoots said:

I love knees.

If I was capable I'd make more knee related items. Knees don't get anywhere near enough loving.

Not things which begin or end just above or below the knee, that's become more than boring, but things which begin or end ON THE KNEE. That means; halfway up the kneecap. Boots, legwarmers, socks, skirts, dresses, strings, straps etc., which all begin or end halfway up the kneecap. I'd call my shop "Kneecap Cutters" to ensure all knee lovers know what it's about. I cannot stress enough the lack of half-knee-cap focused items.

It depresses me at times why SL fashions are either incredibly ordinary or ridiculously way out. We need more middle ground, especially for kneecaps.

In over a decade of SL usage, which has included some serious searching and wading through knee-listed items, I can count the genuine mid-knee-cap items on my thumbs.

".. but it's difficult to avoid collision with the leg when it's bent" I hear them say. Let me worry about that!  I spend more time upright than in positions with my knees fully bent.

Knee Love Forever!

p.s. I love knees.

Every reply I have for this is a joke that will get me banned from the forums.

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On 7/30/2018 at 2:40 PM, ChinRey said:

If I could...

First I would ...

have megabucks to hire me a dev team

then I would tell my devs that I want them to make me an avatar. An avatar that is fabulous to look at in every way. I want it perfect. Then I want it brought to life. I want fabulous hair and clothes that float, breathe and move without clipping. I want my avatar to move flawlessly without clipping also

then next I want a companion avatar as flawless as the first. I want them to be able to touch each other, I want them to be able to hold hands, to move together arm in arm, all without clipping

think of nothing else my devs until I have these magnificient beings

then when I have my avatars and only then do I want you my devs to create a world for my avatars. A world that makes sense when seen thru the eyes of the avatar. Forget about the users my devs. This world, my world,  is about the avatars

when we make such a world my devs then my users will see the world through the eyes of an avatar, not thru their own eyes, and go woooah! I like very muchly! Or they will go: Why is this not about me? and eject themselves and go play Second Life or go take selfies on their phones or something :)



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