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The Latest on Last Names

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From a May 15th  interview with Ebbe, posted here (https://modemworld.me/designing-worlds-in-conversation-with-ebbe-altberg/#audio1)

"New accounts will continue to use “Resident”; Premium users will, probably with an additional fee to be decided, be able to choose a new last name from a list, and it will not include any names from previous lists. And then they can enter any first name, whatever makes it unique as they wish."


So, it sounds like getting a last name, as well as existing last names changing to another one, will be a Premium benefit.  I wonder where that benefit will sit within their 'tiered' Premium plans.  My guess is, if they are also wanting to charge a fee, then it can't be very high on the plan tier list.


Another comment pertaining to the actual timeline: "It’s probably going a little slower than we’d hoped, because there’s always thing coming up that try to sabotage our beautifully perfect road map plans; but it’ll happen."   Many of us expected this, so it is nice to see it acknowledged.


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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

"New accounts will continue to use “Resident”; Premium users will, probably with an additional fee to be decided, be able to choose a new last name from a list, and it will not include any names from previous lists. And then they can enter any first name, whatever makes it unique as they wish."

So, the flood of crazy single names will continue. Very bad decision. :(

Some examples what names people have created:

etc, etc, etc...

@Ebbe Linden
Doesn't look like pleasant account creation process. ¬¬

Edited by Coby Foden
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23 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

So, the flood of crazy single names will continue. Very bad decision. :(

Part of that problem was propably started when LL stopped charging for extra alts... some folks seem to have them in the dozens - each alt taking away one possible name. Your examples are hopefully alt names.

Also scares away possible future customers... if I can get no useful login name I might as well skip the whole experience... (you can check that yourself LL - no I do not want to see it show it your financial deciders if it is interesting, not me. Is there a significant drop in new accounts created about a year after the start of the resident last name? One explanation could be all names being taken)

Edited by Fionalein
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33 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

So, the flood of crazy single names will continue. Very bad decision. :(

Some examples what names people have created:

etc, etc, etc...

@Ebbe Linden
Doesn't look like pleasant account creation process. ¬¬

As opposed to lovely two-part usernames like those in this JIRA: (Don't forget to read the text file attached to it...)


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3 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

As opposed to lovely two-part usernames like those in this JIRA: (Don't forget to read the text file attached to it...)


Yeah, stupid meaningless first names have been around forever, long before last names went away.  Last names simply gave the idiots a chance to use the same stupid meaningless first name with multiple last names.

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Well I would suspect that there will be a "pick a login name - if you decide to become a Premium Member you will be given the option to pick a first and last name" kind of thing. Some folks obviously didn't understand the name thing anyway.  Things like  garry281990  for example. 

And yes, since they will in theory be making some money off of this it "should" be at the lowest tier level (what we have now ish). 

But not point in bookmarking as things are in constant flux and what actually happens may not be what is planned at the moment. We will just have to wait.   It also sounded like you could get a last name when getting married (so perhaps an exception to the "no old names" rule as there was a comment about changing names more than one time and script folks needed to move away from NAMES (issues there).


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49 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

Also scares away possible future customers... if I can get no useful login name I might as well skip the whole experience

It's quite the opposite. Without last names, the first person to get, say, Phil as a name caused all other would-be Phils to choose things like PlilB,  Phil123, Philxxx, etc. Whereas when last names were around, Phils could get Phil plus a last name from the list, so there would be many accounts with Phil as the first name. So it's when there were no last names that people couldn't get what you call a "useful login name". With last names, useful login names are always available, so nobody would be "scared away" because of the reason you said. On the contrary, people could be "scared away" by having to settle for rotten login names.

It's before your time so you probably won't know, but the disappearance of last names was hugely unpopular. Since then, there's been a consistent call to bring them back. The fact that they are returning was and is great news for most people, and definitely nothing to be found fault with. If I understood your post correctly, you were finding fault with the return of last names, but I may be mistaken.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Out of curiosity I went to look how is the username creation process now (June 3, 2018).

Linden Lab forgot very important information from that window. This is missing:
Please do create a meaningful, good and proper username.
Besides using it for login, everybody in Second Life will see this name on your avatar.

The lack of last names when creating username will make the creation of nice name very difficult.
With last names available it will be a lot easier process.

(Amazingly that name what I put there was still available!
Any takers? It's still available as I didn't create an account.)

Edited by Coby Foden
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32 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

it "should" be at the lowest tier level (what we have now ish).

it would be a quite dumb move to make the current premium the lowest of the new,  lot of current premiums will give a thick middle finger to higher levels and move to private estates... it will be like shooting in their own feet again.

And i don't know numbers, but think quite some of the old double namers are premiums now, some even grandfathered users, those won't move up for their name only, can't imagine they will have to ditch the old name.

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I'd be interested to see actual stats on how the removal of last names affected, or did not affect, the types of usernames people chose.

It's not scientific by any means, but while I remember seeing the occasional Us3RN4m31996XXX type username, they were far less common when there were last names.

On the other hand, I've kept usernames hidden and have gone by display names since display names were first introduced and felt that's worked fine. The main problem is, as others point out, that usernames are part of the account creation process, display names aren't even mentioned. So people are put off by being forced to compromise on what will be, as far as they know, their avatar name. There's a number of ways to rectify that, bringing back last names is only one option.

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33 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

The lack of last names when creating username will make the creation of nice name very difficult.
With last names available it will be a lot easier process.

You're forgetting something: Just about anyone around today who is going to sign up for an on-line service has probably already previously signed up for 20 others. Most of them use a single word for the login name, and people nonetheless have figured out how to come up with decent usernames. If you look at the newbies on the forum, they don't generally have "horrible" usernames - because they understand the process and know quick options if their first choice is taken, like appending the year to their name.

Second Life is the only thing I can think of that used a "Pick a last name from a list" username structure. That process is going to be far more strange and off-putting to someone new.

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All they really needed to do was allow a username to have a single underscore, placed anywhere except the first and last character. Hey presto, any first and last name you want. And if you don't want, just don't use it.

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42 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

 With last names, useful login names are always available, so nobody would be "scared away" because of the reason you said. On the contrary, people could be "scared away" by having to settle for rotten login names.

I agree with most of your post, except this part. The average online user, isn't going to be willing to pay premium-in any fashion-to have a last name. The average online user(which is, quite largely, LL's biggest target audience for new users) also isn't going to know that we have display names, or that the name you choose during the process will be your actual character name. As much as some may dislike people calling sl a game, a lot of people do see it that way, and a big portion of the sl userbase likes games, video games especially, wherein it is extremely common for  a character name to chosen AFTER one signs up for an account. Without more info from LL right out the gate, like right there on the sign up page, not on separate pages folks have to look for. Let's be frank for a minute, few people are going to go look around for info unless they run into some kind of problem on their end, they expect most things to be somewhat straight forward.


I'm not knocking the last names are a premium perk thing, whether or not I like that idea or think it's been fully processed/thought through, I'm just saying, your average online user isn't going to want to pay to have a last name, so the problem with "no useful account names" will continue to persist, especially when coupled with the lack of any useful info on the sign up page regarding names, how to create them, that one should do so with a bit of thought because he/she will be "stuck" with that as a character name (yes, avs are characters to the average online user, lol). People will continue to be befuddled, even scared away, by the lack of useful user names. Some will settle, of course, but a lot won't, because it's annoying to have to pay for something so trivial as a character name-again, to the average online user. 

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22 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

If you look at the newbies on the forum, they don't generally have "horrible" usernames - because they understand the process and know quick options if their first choice is taken, like appending the year to their name.

I regularly go to popular dancing place where there are from 50 to 70 avatars at peak time. Every single time I see lots very weird "not proper" single usernames on the avatars. And most often that is accompanied with almost unreadable "decorated" display name. So it seems that people don't understand the process. Or get tired even to try to create a good name "because all good names seem to be taken".

Last names available for all at the account creation stage surely will make the process creating a good name easier.

(Surely there will always be jerks creating throw away accounts with horrible names. But that doesn't mean that last names would not be needed.)

Edited by Coby Foden
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50 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

it would be a quite dumb move to make the current premium the lowest of the new,  lot of current premiums will give a thick middle finger to higher levels and move to private estates... it will be like shooting in their own feet again.

And i don't know numbers, but think quite some of the old double namers are premiums now, some even grandfathered users, those won't move up for their name only, can't imagine they will have to ditch the old name.

Well from what I heard on the video it sounded like where we are now is pretty much  "the planned bottom"  AT THE MOMENT. I certainly could have misunderstood what Ebbe said (and didn't say) so listening for yourself would of course be the best plan.  I personally don't see a lot of current premiums going back to basic if they are LONG TERM premium members -- not just trying things out. If the fee goes up just a tiny bit (like a dollar a month) I suspect most folks will stay. But yes, if $9.95 becomes $12.50 for the same level of perks and $72 becomes $90 it could end up making LESS money for The Lab.  

Currently WE don't know and it doesn't seem like The Lab has decided exactly how things will go. It's a long time out there in virtual terms so there really isn't much reason to worry about it right now. 

Everyone paying attention knows that things will be shifting in the next six months and beyond ---- so making decisions with that in mind is only smart. 


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23 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

the lack of any useful info on the sign up page regarding names, how to create them, that one should do so with a bit of thought because he/she will be "stuck" with that as a character name

This has been needed since SL inception.  I really don't know why LL doesn't put some sort of blurb on the signup page about the username.

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1 hour ago, Coby Foden said:

Linden Lab forgot very important information from that window. This is missing:
Please do create a meaningful, good and proper username.
Besides using it for login, everybody in Second Life will see this name on your avatar.

That should have been there from the very beginning. I actually remember thinking that i'd be able to tweak my name when I got in but, of course, I couldn't. I imagine that those whose names start with a lower case letter thought the same.

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41 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This has been needed since SL inception.  I really don't know why LL doesn't put some sort of blurb on the signup page about the username.

Lack of an intimate, even remote, understanding of their target audience and userbase.

That's actually the answer to why a lot of things haven't been addressed, fixed, or even attempted to be fixed (that's not grammatically correct, I don't think, but I'm having a bad day, I'll leave it, lol)

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I would do the lastname and the name change thing like this:

1. Fix the name creation window. Tell clearly what the username actually is.
2. Lastnames would be available for all new account creators for free at the account creation process.
Why? Lastnames make it a lot easier to make nice account name. With single names it's almost impossible nowadays. All good single names are taken already. Surely most users who plan to stay in SL want to have good name.
3. All those accounts with "Resident" last name can change their name one time for free. Any consecutive name changes would have a fee.
Why free for Resident last namers? It was a mistake made by Linden Lab to stop giving last names. So they should not punish Resident last namers for LL's own mistake.
4. All others who want to change their name would have to pay a fee.

These features would be available for all - not only as a premium "perk". Invent something more inviting for the perks.
If it would be just as a premium feature then the constant flood of bad single names would continue. Who wants that to happen?

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11 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

"New accounts will continue to use “Resident”; Premium users will, probably with an additional fee to be decided, be able to choose a new last name from a list, and it will not include any names from previous lists. And then they can enter any first name, whatever makes it unique as they wish."

And so...

Yet another of the Glorious Leader's "15 reasons to facepalm for SL15B", is revealed as a pile of worthless Marketing Sith BS...

3 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

I would do the lastname and the name change thing like this:

1. Fix the name creation window. Tell clearly what the username actually is.


3 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

2. Lastnames would be available for all new account creators for free at the account creation process

For free? Dark Gods of the Grid, anyone would think you didn't WANT them to find ways to pay for the increase in unjustified & unsustainable subsidies for Madlands Entitlement Club members...

As for picking "good names" I have NEVER had to add numbers to my account names, or use a random string of letters, or indulge in burger bar sales counter staff style punctuation... "himynameisSuecanItakeyourorderplease Resident".

In spite of this, I still get snotty Lastnamers criticising my name despite it being number free "name" like and pronounceable...

4 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

3. All those accounts with "Resident" last name can change their name one time for free. Any consecutive name changes would have a fee.
Why free for Resident last namers? It was a mistake made by Linden Lab to stop giving last names. So they should not punish Resident last namers for LL's own mistake.

Seriously? You think LL doesn't make people pay for LL's mistakes as a matter of policy? Take the failec experiment that is the Madlands... For an Example...

Create an account, pay for Entitlement Club, get a free hovel in an LL Housing Ghetto, THEN you have to PAY to move to the Madlands proper, that was a damn mistake. Better to have simply given all new entitlement Club members a voucher entitling them to claim a plot of Abandoned Land, free.

4 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

These features would be available for all - not only as a premium "perk". Invent something more inviting for the perks.
If it would be just as a premium feature then the constant flood of bad single names would continue. Who wants that to happen?

Remember another blog post interview not so long ago, with a senior member of the Linden clan, where he said they planned to encourage people to join Entitlement Club by making it "insane not to", by slapping a wide range of Limitations on NON Entitlement Club members,  and were NOT going to "nickle and dime" people...

This is "nickle and dime" time...

"Welcome to SL, your name will Auto-suck, you will be a 3rd class citizen, all the Lastnamers will sneer at you, pay NOW to join Entitlement Club, to gain permission to PAY again for a NON-Suck ID with a PROPER Last Name!"

3 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

If lst names are a premium perk, I wonder if dropping premium reverts your name, or it's kept.

Shhhhh! Don't give the swines ideas, hell they will probably charge people a damn FEE for the compulsory Ex-Entitlement Club "Resident Auto-Suck with random first name" reversion...



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7 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

you pick your last name from a list? P

how you think we got ours :) also not a selfmade one, yep...a list
but hey you cán get your custom name, it's however not used a lot as far i know.

Costs?..yes of course: first year 1000 USD, after that 500 yearly ...



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