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A Conversation with Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg

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This is where you can ask your questions for the April 20th Town Hall meetings with Linden Lab's CEO, Ebbe Altberg. For more information about the Town Hall meetings, visit this blog post.

In the meantime, post your questions here and we will select as many as we can to have answered during the events.



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Ebbe, could you give us some sort of timeline on your plans to move Second Life sims from the server farm over to the cloud, and could you give us some idea of how much cheaper SL land would be once that change is implemented? 

(waves hello, it's Ryan Schultz from Sansar)

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And... Do you see Second Life lasting for another 15 years, becoming a long-lived virtual world like Active Worlds, which is now over 20 years old and still going?

Or do you ever forsee a situation where you could migrate Second Life users and their inventories from Second Life to a successor virtual world, perhaps Sansar?

Inquiring minds want to know ;-)


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Facebook is how people connect with friends and family in First Life. It is a great way to share what you do and where you are. Second Life has something similar, "my.secondlife.com". But its implementation is just very very bad. Most residents, especially Firestorm users, don't even know what it is and where to find it. I think it would be very beneficial to upgrade this to a full scale social network. People could use it to post pictures of their inworld adventures, post their location or announce events. Friends can comment and like posts. This servíce should be very visible inworld, for example there should be a button to open the Feed which every resident gets as a default in their toolbar.

This would also be a perfect way to connect people across Second Life and Sansar via one platform.

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One of the potential key benefits of moving Second Life to a cloud infrastructure is the reduced cost in having to operate server hardware 24/7 in favour of an "on demand" scenario - regions are potentially only spun up when there is a demand for access.

However, on demand comes at the cost of persistence. If a region isn't spun up, it will not be visible to neighbouring regions - something which could become a visual issue for Mainland areas and / or larger private estates of multiple regions (if the region isn't spun-up, it isn't seen), and you've previously suggested that some regions will remain always on.

Can you give any clearer idea of how these two  models - "on demand" and "always on" might operate together?

  • Will region holders with private islands have the option to have there region run "on demand" and only spun-up when access is required, or opt to have their region(s) always on?
  • Will you in fact offer a choice? If so, will it be based on a specific product type, or might users select product type (.i.e. Homestead / Full / something else) and then opt for the tier they would prefer ("always on" rate or "on demand rate")?

(I'm also assuming here that Mainland will remain "always on" simply to offer the continuity of experience there.)

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Sorry. I know that this threrad is for questions, but I just can't go away leaving the following garbage uncorrected:-

14 hours ago, Stephan Gaudio said:

95% of all people hate Windows

Absolute and total utter rubbish.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Since January 2018, Linden Lab has unveiled a number of Sansar experiences - Aech's Garage Aech's Basement, The Intel CES Booth and the Intel 8th Generation Core tour.

All of these point to a developing synergy between Linden Lab and industry clients  - Warner Entertainment and Intel in these cases - which seems to focus on Sansar Studios as a design house.

  • Could you provide more insight to how Linden Lab is working to promote Sansar for "business" style user cases - perhaps offer some insight into Sam Distaso's work as Sansar's Manager, Strategic Business Development? 
  • Is it fair to say the Sansar Studios presents Linden Lab with a possible revenue generator, providing expertise in the design and execution of tailored experiences to paying clients? Is this something the Lab is pursuing, or planning to pursue as Sansar matures? 
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Mr. Altberg,

  1. Can we get a clear Positioning Statement on the future of Second Life vs Sansar including Target Audience, Content, VR Support, etc?
  2. Will moving SL to the AWS Cloud provide any opportunity for VR Support in SL or the migration of assets from SL to Sansar?
  3. Are there any plans to improve the tools and integration offered by SL, such as using Google Docs, instead of NoteCards, Google Sheets to Sort & Manage Inventory, etc?

Last, but not least, why, with a burgeoning choice of 'Virtual Worlds/Platforms' to choose from, including Sansar, High Fidelity, etc., should existing or new users invest Time, Talent and Treasure in SL going forward?

  What's the Compelling 30 Second Elevator Pitch for SL's Value Proposition as an Entertainment, Social or Business Platform of the future?


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Linden Lab have stated that they discontinued support for VR implementation on SL because of the relatively implausible technical requirements for SL to be run smoothly enough on VR, however as hardware get relatively cheaper and exponentially more powerful, is there a possibility that LL would reconsider their stance on this matter in the future? Since pretty much all the current "smooth enough" VR platforms are isolated, tailored experiences, unlike SL's free and open virtual world, won't it worth the investment to continue supporting VR for Second Life and wait until the hardware catch up to get it "smooth enough"?

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Hello! Ever accidentally buy something in Second Life? In fairs and events we can make a mistake and click buy instead of click cancel. Would it be possible to add a new feature in the official viewer so that the resident has to confirm their purchase before their lindens are automatically deducted from the account? I think this would be a way to protect the resident / customer from any mistakes when buying. Thank you.

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1 minute ago, JaneS Crystal said:

Hello! Ever accidentally buy something in Second Life? In fairs and events we can make a mistake and click buy instead of click cancel. Would it be possible to add a new feature in the official viewer so that the resident has to confirm their purchase before their lindens are automatically deducted from the account? I think this would be a way to protect the resident / customer from any mistakes when buying. Thank you.

a simple "lock/unlock wallet" button would be just enough =^.^=

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  1. Do we get a real first person mode in Secondlife ?
  2. Are there plans to make secondlife so that we get a more stable higher framerate
  3. Why does the official secondlife viewer not have the very usefull vector copy in edit mode ?
  4. A smaller chat window in the official viewer would make it more usefull. take exampel at the firestorm viewer, that still have compact mode. Or just let us move like asked before. move the chat window to a second screen.

And it's more a whish. It would be very nice if we can move chat window and edit window Outside the viewer to other screen. So you start to see soemthing from the secondlife world. Now a chat window covers a corner.


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4 hours ago, KT Kingsley said:

How do you sustain a business model in which users don't pay for your service?

Someone has never used SL.

3 hours ago, Stephan Gaudio said:

2. 95% of all people hate Windows. Please provide a working Linux Viewer again!

3. When will there be grid-wide experiences?

I've actually been shopping for a Windows system after a decade as a Mac user. My only complaint with Windows these days is that I don't know the keybinds well... But I rather like Windows 10. I run Windows 10 on my Mac... and it performs better and faster than running Mac's OSX on that same machine...



My first several questions:

1. We hear last names are coming back, you you give us some details for the rollout of that? Will we be able to freely make a lastname or will we be given a pre-made list?

2. Will LSL ever support arrays?

3. Will LSL ever support reporting avatar complexity? The current function actually returns the now obsolete ARC score. With event sims now starting to restrict access based on the results of this function - it would be useful if the function actually returned a proper value. Or failing that - have it return null so it cannot be used to do automated access monitoring.

4. Can we get 'redelivery' for anything 'copy' built into Marketplace?

5. Some of the old mainland continents have places where land just 'ends in a void' - can we get sailable water placed around all of the continents to close up these gaps?

6. Currently an object scripted as a 'vehicle' has it's scripts shut off and essentially 'breaks' when it hits a ban line - but will bounce off of a prim harmlessly. Can we get this "fixed" so that it will just bounce off of a banline as if that banline was a prim?

7. This might be a loaded grenade - but could we do something about the placement of M and G sims when side by side? There are places on old mainland where graphic adult art has been placed at the sim border of an M sim to view into the neighboring G land. It's not realistic to expect sims to have their rating changed to avoid side by side 'this late into land ownership' - but perhaps making it so that you cannot see objects on an M or A sim when standing on a G sim would help?


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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4 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I would like to know more about Sansar.  Is it being adopted at a reasonable pace? What new features are in the works and when do you think they will be implemented?


I am unsure if A Second Life Town Hall will be open to questions about Sansar.  There is a section here on the Forums for Sansar where it may be possible to receive more information from those who are in and using the Sansar platform.


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4 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

My first 2 questions:

1. We hear last names are coming back, you you give us some details for the rollout of that? Will we be able to freely make a lastname or will we be given a pre-made list?


Here is, gathered together in one place, all the information I currently have about the new last names feature in SL, from various Linden sources:


I am updating this blogpost with more information as I get it. It should answer a lot questions. For example, I have read somewhere that Linden Lab will be allowing one free name change to each resident, but I have not heard that officially and I doubt it is true. I would expect something around the US$20 range. Linden Lab has not yet said how much it will cost.

Edited by Vanity Fair
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32 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

5. Some of the old mainland continents have places where land just 'ends in a void' - can we get sailable water placed around all of the continents to close up these gaps?

6. Currently an object scripted as a 'vehicle' has it's scripts shut off and essentially 'breaks' when it hits a ban line - but will bounce off of a prim harmlessly. Can we get this "fixed" so that it will just bounce off of a banline as if that banline was a prim?

7. This might be a loaded grenade - but could we do something about the placement of M and G sims when side by side? There are places on old mainland where graphic adult art has been placed at the sim border of an M sim to view into the neighboring G land. It's not realistic to expect sims to have their rating changed to avoid side by side 'this late into land ownership' - but perhaps making it so that you cannot see objects on an M or A sim when standing on a G sim would help?


I second those questions as well 

In fact I would love to see all mainland continents to be connected one way or another. 


Edited by Yeya Zuta
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Linden Lab has announced an upgrade of the Marketplace and increases in the Mp and LindeX fees. Is the MP upgrade intended to increase the total revenue enough to compensate for the higher fees or will the merchants have to expect lower net income?

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Hello forums and ty to Linden Lab & Residents for making SL more than a platform.
  • Will a town hall video or transcript be available?
  • When can residents host Glytches?
  • Any plans to upgrade regions beyond 65,536 m²?
  • Mainland homestead and openspace regions, possible?
  • Premium members received tier discounts how about estate owners?
  • Can premium members be charged USD 30 per month and request a mainland region land impact upgrade from 22,500 to 30,000?
  • Are there any upcoming features/functions geared towards the SL business community?
  • What financial benefits can be offered to real world businesses to invest in SL?
  • Besides supporting the economy and paying tier, are there other methods for residents to invest in SL including real world?
  • When can residents buy SL t-shirts/merchandise for the real world? (subject to review and trademark permission, I could arrange a small resident team to develop and implement under a real world business)
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