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Why crowded venues suck

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So, I was just at an "elite" dance place that had 73 people in it. A manager approached and IMed me:

 hi Ms Rasere..so nice to have you with us this evening. the gown you have on is allowed, but only if panties are worn under it because of the high split and the way the dress is made, if panties aren't worn you show things that aren't allowed to be shown here.

Well, I was flabbergasted! Aside from swimsuits, I always have my panty layer turned on. As you can see from my HUD, most of the crotch region was alpha'ed out so my hips/pelvis would not poke through my dress.

The manager claimed they didn't upskirt me, but to see my va-jay-jay. you have to do that. It's way above the dress slit. I don't wear it on my thigh!

Managers need good computers to render SL fairly quickly. Before  I got my new computer I would regularly see naked and grey avatars all the time as my computer struggled to render it all.

I left shortly afterward. I felt insulted :/

Edited by GoSpeed Racer
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The "elite" place of which you speak really stinks anyway. it's always so laaaaagy that I only pop in to perv profiles if I'm really bored, lol. Imo, they HAD to upskirt you, or do they say that to EVERY avie wearing a similiar gown? (smh) Sucks that you had that happen, but not shocked because of where it happened ¬¬

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I swear, I will burn their place down in my next novel! >:(  xD


Seriously, before my computer upgrade I'd average 6FPS and now it's 21FPS and everything rezzed within 3 minutes. 


Edited by GoSpeed Racer
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2 hours ago, GoSpeed Racer said:

I swear, I will burn their place down in my next novel! >:(  xD


Seriously, before my computer upgrade I'd average 6FPS and now it's 21FPS and everything rezzed within 3 minutes. 


if somebody asks I didn´t see anything....Who do they think they are? We need to get rid of places like that one way or another, seriously xD  They so do not know what they sent away...and who xD

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3 hours ago, GoSpeed Racer said:

I left shortly afterward. I felt insulted :/

that's your right to do... but being insulted is a bit much, you have the choice to follow their rules...or not.

i'm not going to put a judgement on to place, nor on you, but if they have a dresscode they are allowed to ask people to dress like they want.

Your own view on your appearance isn't really relevant there. The owner, as everywhere, can make his own rules.


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You said you had a panty layer on, so why were you even approached?


Did you have on an attached Object?


Is your AO very fidgety making you always bend down to fix a lace or stocking?


My biggest worry in a sim of 70+ people is all the floating brains turning them into horror scenes from some weird Medical documentary because we're all okay with blood and gore but not the imagery of a Human Beings outwards anatomy. :|




I'd never know if you had panties on or not as the brains usually irk me out enough to leave pretty darn quick.




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i would like to clarify a point here, and no i am not making any judgements. (except its their venue, they can make the rules.)

there is a script or a text viewer or something similar ( i do not know what it is called) that can detect if an avatar is wearing a system clothing(not mesh) underpant layer. 

The free dove clothing store has this and if you are not wearing this system clothing layer it will eject you.

BUT... if your avatar had panties on,  who knows? did you have panties on in RL ?

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I’ve been on occasion IMd by venue staffers who informed me that my clothing wasn’t within rules. I either changed or, if I couldn’t / wouldn’t, simply left.

I’ve never felt insulted, mostly because none even remotely said, “you f****** idiot, your clothes are inadequate here!!”. They just made a statement, and I took action upon it. No fuss.

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1 hour ago, kathyparnes1 said:

there is a script or a text viewer or something similar ( i do not know what it is called) that can detect if an avatar is wearing a system clothing(not mesh) underpant layer.
The free dove clothing store has this and if you are not wearing this system clothing layer it will eject you.

I went to check this claim in Free Dove.
I had my mesh body and head on, mini mesh dress and full system body alpha, no system clothes on. I was not ejected.
I took off the full system body alpha. Even then I was not ejected.

So it's obvious that there no such script in the Free Dove store.
And I wonder does such script even exists, or is it one of the SL myths floating about?

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8 hours ago, GoSpeed Racer said:

The manager claimed they didn't upskirt me, but to see my va-jay-jay. you have to do that. It's way above the dress slit. I don't wear it on my thigh!

Managers need good computers to render SL fairly quickly. Before  I got my new computer I would regularly see naked and grey avatars all the time as my computer struggled to render it all.

I can think of two possibilities which wouldn't require up-skirting. One is that your dress was slow to render and your body showed up before the dress. The other is that an animation rearranged things temporarily.

I guess your next paragraph accepts the first possibility as likely and wants to dodge it by blaming the manager's computer. But really, shouldn't they be seeing something close to what their customers/clientele are likely to see?

Altogether this sounds a bit like a demand that everyone has a fast computer and keeps its cache clear to accept your texture/mesh data so you can wear what you like. I hope that's not what you mean.

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3 hours ago, kathyparnes1 said:

hiya coby, free dove actully did have this a few years ago when i was a young avatar, but i havent been there recently, they must have removed it.

these "what an avatar is wearing" items do or at least have existed in secondlife.

There are those things, I even have one HUD which tells all the items what an avatar is wearing. But all those items are attachments.
It does not tell anything about system clothes. So I still wonder can any script detect avatar's system clothes because those system clothes are just baked textures on the avatar mesh.

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On 3/17/2018 at 7:30 AM, Coby Foden said:

I went to check this claim in Free Dove.
I had my mesh body and head on, mini mesh dress and full system body alpha, no system clothes on. I was not ejected.
I took off the full system body alpha. Even then I was not ejected.

So it's obvious that there no such script in the Free Dove store.
And I wonder does such script even exists, or is it one of the SL myths floating about?

It is a partial myth.

It isn't possible to do this with LSL alone. There is no method to detect appearance data with LSL.

The truth in this however, is a bot can download the appearance data and check for the appropriate layers in the appearance XML. (Because I know  someone will bring it up, This is not in violation of the TOS, it is also how the viewer works) This was incorrect, as pointed out by Qie Niangao, I had forgot completely about Project Shining which bakes these layers. Bots are unable to see this except for the bake layers which do not include any of this. However the next part is correct.

It is also possible to use LSL to get a list of worn attachments and go through each one and check for the word "body". However this is both horribly flawed as not every mesh body has the word body in it, and is also easily defeated by wearing a cube named body.

Edited by Chaser Zaks
Correcting sleep ramblings
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 As far as my clothing is concerned, my outfit was conservative compared to a lot of attendees. The only way you'd even notice if I had panties on or off was to cam up my dress. No AO or gesture would cause my privates to be exposed. Lastly, it is not unreasonable to claim that a manager should have a decent computer and fast internet connection if they are going to police a dress code in a crowded venue. It's bad customer service to chastise someone who is not breaking their posted rules.

And yes, blah blah blah, they can do whatever they want, it is their place. Stating that doesn't make you wise.

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7 hours ago, Ipecac Burnham said:

My biggest worry in a sim of 70+ people is all the floating brains turning them into horror scenes from some weird Medical documentary because we're all okay with blood and gore but not the imagery of a Human Beings outwards anatomy. :|

A floating brain is pretty much a dead giveaway of a laggy person... if you're using a brand of mesh head that has modeled a brain inside the head that is not supposed to even ever show... you're walking around lagging up the place.

As for the venue objecting to a visitors undergarmets... Frankly I don't care if it's their "right" under the TOS to dictate that, they are still out of line and rude.


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5 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

So it's obvious that there no such script in the Free Dove store.
And I wonder does such script even exists, or is it one of the SL myths floating about?

There is no code in LSL that can analyze your layers of system clothing.

This is a bit like my recent rant in another thread over meters that measure 'avatar complexity' - there is no function in LSL to measure that either... people use a bit of code that measures ARC and then tell you it's complexity, but that's like serving you pasta and saying "enjoy the espresso".

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8 hours ago, kathyparnes1 said:

there is a script or a text viewer or something similar ( i do not know what it is called) that can detect if an avatar is wearing a system clothing(not mesh) underpant layer. 

The free dove clothing store has this and if you are not wearing this system clothing layer it will eject you.

Not sure how you came by this info, but it is absolutely false.  If I'm wearing a mesh outfit of any sort, I seldom ever have on any system clothing layer or mesh body applied layer.  Even before my mesh body, I seldom wore any system stuff under my mesh outfits.  Yet I still pop over to The Free Dove fairly regularly and have never been ejected.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Back in my days, you saw a grey body before the textures came in, and it loaded quickish.

Nowadays, you either have a cloud of body parts, or a case where you cannot tell whether or not they're nude on purpose or the clothes simply havn't rendered in yet. Aren't mesh bodies fun?

Also, for really crowded events, I have some low complexity stuff just so that I don't lag people out.

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still blown away that someone thought that wearing that (lovely) dress is somehow inappropriate for this event. I know some events have very strict dresscode, but really when a manager only sees this as inappropriate, then I question his ability to manage an event and I wonder its more an excuse to kickout anyone but the regulars.



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What I took from this, is that in really crowded places which have dress codes, they need to allow enough time for an arriving avi and their clothes to fully appear and snap into the right locations, and see how the clothes behave once the avi starts moving around, before they IM someone about not meeting a dress code requirement.  Also, that they may need to modify their guidelines a bit to take into account mesh bodies and alpha cuts.  Sometimes it's just easier to alpha-out the area instead of wearing panties (even applier panties) - and if applier panties were worn before turning on alpha cuts, the applier clothing doesn't appear either in those sections (so you could be wearing applier panties, but if the entire pelvic area was alpha'd out, no one would know that). 

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4 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

A floating brain is pretty much a dead giveaway of a laggy person... if you're using a brand of mesh head that has modeled a brain inside the head that is not supposed to even ever show... you're walking around lagging up the place.

Oh I get it, believe me, I don't wear the brand for very good reasons, the gorefest isn't what stops me buying it.


Although to be entirely fair, I average 40-60k complexity for a quite modern Avatar, most sit around the 80-120k at the moment which for 2018 is pretty darn good, some events are kicking for 50k perversely but in almost every single scenario those heads always rez last, and usually not for a long time on my system as they are pretty darn dense even with "single tri face" lod's.


While sure those verts, tri's and texture maps are 100% waste that should never ever be visible on an internal organ we should never ever see, there's far FAR greater evils on the lag stakes than they, yet in terms of "decency" we blur that stuff on our televisions, for science, and learning documentaries, because it's far, far creepier than an Avatar who forgot a layer.


And turns more stomachs.

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If this message came shortly after you arrived you weren't given enough time to rezz plus the person would've had to have been intentionally camming you your dress is modest enough you can't tell what undies or alpha you are or aren't using without camming. Being a crowded location this elite dance place really needs to modify its dress code to allow people a few minutes to fully rezz before any comment is made about an outfit

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