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How much time do you spend on Sl

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I was just wondering do you spend a lot of time here or not so much?  I log in after work mostly but do sneak looks at my dashboard at work, and it seems to me that a lot of my male friends spend a lot of time on here. 

Of course this could be because they work from home. I get that. Am sure there are lots of different reasons for time spent , just wondered how people spend their time.

Sl is a wonderful place for having fun, listening to music etc can be obsessive I guess, but to each their own. 

Hope everyone having a great day on here.  


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Ive been running SL in the background almost daily for a variety of reasons. Ive got a few friends who only contact me through SL so i like to catch the dings from chats, and my wifi adapter is a piece of crap that stops working as soon as im not using it, so i keep SL running when im on my computer to keep the wifi adapter working.

So id say like 8 hours a day, but actually playing maybe 2 hours.

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I think I probably log in every day but the length of time differs for lots of reasons.  I have done 24 hour stints (actually active ) when we did charity fundraisers but that was about 5 years ago and a killer.  Some days 18 hours if we are working on a deadline release.  Some days a couple of hours just hanging out with friends and finally log in, answer a query, check IMs , log out 5 mins.

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I log into SL every day, unless I'm traveling, but the time that I stay inworld varies greatly - anywhere from a quick 10 min check on things to many hours. On the weekends I'll actually be logged in almost from the time I get up until I go to bed, but I will be AFK a lot of that time doing various RL things.

Likewise, I am on these Forums daily and I always have at least a couple of forum tabs open, even at work. I actually never log out unless I'm rebooting the computer.  When I'm at work, I will go many hours between times when I'm actually reading and/or posting, but the tabs will still always be there.

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I have short burst with breakfast.  Then I settle into work, maybe check these forums every now and then.  And then I spend the evening with my partner in SL.  She is on a different time zone, so that works best for us.  Maybe 4 hours a day in total.

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It depends,  during the spring - summer (my busy months)  I usually log in every 3 or 4 days and play around for a few hours. However During the winter I am In world a whole Lot more (6 + hours a day)  I live in North Dakota, Our winters are miserable !  Its not uncommon to experience -40 degree weather here. So I try to stay indoors  as much as possible. 

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1 hour ago, Callum Meriman said:

I quote the fifth!

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. "


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I drink the fifth!

I'm usually online for 2 - 3 hours a day. If I'm working on a new region design I'll likely be online any chance I get, so an 8 hour day online would be typical. When I should be working on something that's close to drudgery, such as finishing changing my region over to autumn, I'll find reasons to stay off SL.

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I pop in-world for a few minutes every day or two to pose myself or an object for inclusion in someone else's image and sometimes end up chatting with a friend. At my peak years ago, there were some 20 hour weeks. Prior to my recent burst of photographic activity, I could easily go a month without logging in.

I'm lazy, text is easy, and you kids are here.

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21 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

My roommate drank the better part of the fifth during a college party, resulting in something like this...

Your "roommate" ... uh, huh. That's the picture you were given after you woke up, wasn't it?  ;)

Given your description of your RL self, I think the better part of a fifth (say three-fifths of a fifth) would have put you in the hospital. So roommate it is.

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1 minute ago, Parhelion Palou said:

Your "roommate" ... uh, huh. That's the picture you were given after you woke up, wasn't it?  ;)

Given your description of your RL self, I think the better part of a fifth (say three-fifths of a fifth) would have put you in the hospital. So roommate it is.

I had one glass of champaign during my wedding reception and nearly fell asleep on the dance floor. A fifth would be enough to embalm me.

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I try to login most days, though during the week day hours if I'm in-world, I tend to be AFK a lot, or if not AFK, at a minimum, keeping an eye on what else is happening in my living room in RL, so I tend to only do things around my own parcel, or things where I can send myself home very quickly when I need to tend to something in RL (like grandkids - so I'm up and down and away from my desk a lot :) ).  I'm also usually on in the evenings and weekends, when I have more uninterrupted time and can do things that take more concentration or active participation.    I may be a bit obsessed, but I also don't neglect things in RL that need to be taken care of. 

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I probably log in at least once a day weekdays, although the time length varies greatly. Anywhere from logging on for a few moments to quickly go somewhere to getting involved with exploring and photography.  I don't log on until at least 7pm since I'm at work the rest of the day.

Weekends can easily be hours, especially if Ghosty is busy with schoolwork (he's a full time student).  I have a homestead I'm putting together and it's quite time consuming.

In days of yore, I pulled a few all-nighters for sure.  That hasn't happened in years. 

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