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I came here in 2008, 10th of may, at that time I thought I have done everything one can do on the internet, one thing I hadn't tried was playing an online multiplayer game, was looking between the options and saw that SL was free, so I gave it a try.

at first I was confused, didn't know how to act seeing people around me, how to communicate, I thought that maybe I would look for someone that look like a hippie, maybe like @Hippie Bowman, they are usually kind people, they would probably help me to get started.

one of my first experiences was going to a club where they had a contest for the best furry, I was there with my basic avi, just dancing the best I could with my arrow movements, a dancer, Autumn was her first name, asked me if I was not going to join the contest, I said "what for? I'm not going to win", they motivate me and I join the contest anyway, at the end, surprisingly I won, 750 lindens, that act of kindness from that group of people motivate me to stay, they took me shopping for a bit and gave me landmarks to places with free things, since then I have only been away for a few months here and there for rl reasons, I plan to stay in SL for many years ahead.

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1 hour ago, Cindy Evanier said:

before accepting a tp to freebie dungeon.  I went wild there

HAHA!  I wonder if it was the dungeon under Neva's Naughtys.  Not sure if that shop was still around in 2009, but the dungeon orgy room was a huge lol.  I hung out in a corner watching the entertainment.  One dude was on a pose ball in an inner tube happily humping away at the air.  The floor looked very sticky so I kept my shoes (and all else) on. :)  Good times.

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10 minutes ago, Venus Petrov said:

One dude was on a pose ball in an inner tube happily humping away at the air. 

OMG  I was talking about grabbing all the bling shoes and free clothes.  I think that horror of bling shoes is part of why I am barefoot all the time now.  I did get tp'd to some sex dungeon in the first week and then found out I was pregnant and to give birth in 9 days.  Took me a while to discover  those onduty things can work even if someone just walked into you.

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Funny thing, I can't really recall how I found out about SL. Maybe I was just searching for a kind of mmo, as I used to play a few, but this time more openworld and with no real endgame syndrome, when you reach a point that there is really nothing more to do than wait for an update with new quests etc. 

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1 hour ago, Venus Petrov said:

HAHA!  I wonder if it was the dungeon under Neva's Naughtys.  Not sure if that shop was still around in 2009, but the dungeon orgy room was a huge lol.  I hung out in a corner watching the entertainment.  One dude was on a pose ball in an inner tube happily humping away at the air.  The floor looked very sticky so I kept my shoes (and all else) on. :)  Good times.

Oh I have many, many things from NN :D It was def still around in 2009. I have a bunch of group gifts from there still too. 

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I started April 6, 2008. I'd read an article in the Wall Street Journal about the real economies of virtual worlds. That fascinated me. I'd also heard that SL was a virtual den of iniquity, but that's not why I joined... honest! I left SL in 2010, setting my avi adrift on the ocean in a burning raft. As I faded from view, Brenda Connolly said "You won't be able to stay away for even three weeks." I stayed away for five.


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5 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I wandered the orientation area a while.. maybe 3 days of confusion before accepting a tp to freebie dungeon.  I went wild there :D

I don't even know where i first landed in SL but minutes later i tp'd to freebie dungeon having been given an LM. i think i spent many days just in freebie dungeon filling up my inventory with stuff i didn't know what to do with at the time. 

Having heard a lot about SL in the media it was a magazine article that finally got me to try it I first rezzed in 2008 and been here ever since i've never really left SL but when my RL health issues were bad i was only managing at best to get on once a week. I have fond memories of my early years and the great communities i was part of, I can still remember the excitement of getting my first place to live in a tower block on a "free land" sim that got cleaned every two weeks, which led to getting my first 512sqm rental and then my 1024sqm

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   I read about SL in Wired late in 2006, just a few months after I had subscribed. Over a few more months I heard it mentioned here and there. It wasn't until September 2007 that I got interested enough to create an account. Then my journey began.

   The rest is under the cut.

   I rezzed at Orientation Station, part of a collection of five sims that were run by Metaverse Mentors. I spent a lot of time there before I saw anything else on the grid. One of the Mentors gave me a bunch of landmarks and I just started exploring. I spent a lot of time as a nomad, going to freebie markets, building in sandboxes, and just learning how things worked. I remember spending many consecutive days agonizing over the many choices before me at Alady Island. I had a small sum in my pocket, finally deciding on the first iteration of the Iva you might see in-world today. After that, the first friend I ever made Invited me to be a part of one of her Spencer Tunick style photo shoots at Experience Italy. This led to other friends, which led to ever more.

   I attended a couple of U2 in SL events where I made another friend who had an island. He invited me to hang out in it and call it home. So I did, even helping him out with some building projects he was working on. It was an estate that a group of his work friends, for him, had bought a year-long subscription. After a couple of months he went on hiatus, giving me control of the island for the last month of his subscription. That was amazing. I couldn't believe my fortune. It was so fun. This was where I spent time learning about texturing, how sculpts work, using megaprims. This was also where I conceived and began one of my, still-unrealized, photo projects.

   When the island passed into other hands, I spent a few more months homeless and nomadic, wandering and feeling a little lost and alone. Then one of my friends was watching me fiddle with some building I was doing, a chair I think. He asked if I'd like to make more furniture and perhaps create a business. After some thought I decided it sounded like fun. So we did that thing. He did PR and marketing. I did creation. After many months later I decided it felt like a lot of work for small returns. I wish I could say I stood up and said "That's it. I can't do this anymore. It's too much." Instead, I let it wilt and dry up like a forgotten houseplant. He would probably say we both did. But to this day I maintain and update my creation skills.

   Having had the experience of the island and then the group land for an in-world store, I started getting more interested in having my own land. So I did. And I have never regretted it.

   I'm an introvert. Some magical quality of SL allowed me to be more social. As I became more social in SL (this took a long time) I found the effect leaking out into real my space around me, becoming a part of me. I talked to people a lot more. It came more easily. It felt natural and free... unencumbered by self-consciousness. I still need a lot of alone time, especially after being in large gatherings.

   Friends have come and gone. New friends have come. They still do. None of those that I have called good friends, but from whom I have seen or heard nothing for years, have ever been removed from my list. I treat it as a part of my memory, or like a collection of photos in an album... both. A very few friends have been steadfast and constant.

   One of my favorite, funniest moments with a friend was when one of my oldest ones took it upon himself to instruct me in the dangers of griefers and their various tools. He had some sort of gun that was supposed to bump me with things that would fling me across the region, watermelons or something. "Ok.. are you ready?.... This isn't going to damage you or anything. You'll be ok. Don't be scared. Are you ready?"  I was all "Yeah, I'm ready, go ahead."  "Ok." he said. "Here goes.......       "  He vanished. Nothing at all happened to me and he was just suddenly not there anymore. I looked around me.. no sign of him. Ten or fifteen seconds went by and he finally IMs me "TP please?"  "Where are you?" I asked. His reply... "Outer space... lol. You have an orbiter." I had no idea what he was talking about. It turns out that my Mystitool was very effective at self defense. Especially when on an island over which I had estate rights. I didn't even have to configure it to do that. It's much funnier now than at the time, having now a greater understanding of what had happened. Thank you @Mystical Cookie, wherever you are.

   During all this time, I have had a few periods of prolonged absence myself. Due to no reason in particular, that I know of, I've had periods where I just didn't feel like logging in. Maybe they were adjustment periods, me getting used to the new me. I don't know.

   During these most recent months, I have been more social both here and in-world than I have ever been.


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15 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

That initial "orientation area" was rather odd..fifty million(ok probably more like maybe 5-10 at a time, lol) people all looking the same..the basic ruth, lol. I saw very few people actually going through the process, most were messing with their avs...but I was a tad sad I could never get back there. I also found that odd. "Why would they make a place you can't go back to, just look at all the people there that, clearly, need help".  The very first place I went to was...a freebie place, lmao. I think I stayed there for a few days before I even bothered leaving too. Mostly because I had nowhere else to go, and at least there were always people there. There were stores too, but mostly, freebie places (I later learned it was actually a "mall" of sorts..and it no longer exists, hasn't since about 2009, I think.

Good times

It's fun "reliving" people's first days here :D  

They used to have a copy of orientation Island that you could go to and check out..It might even still be around..I went there a couple of times years later..

I think the main reason they never let anyone back is,it would be too tempting for griefers and spammers

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I did not spend much time at orientation island.  
The first two months in SL I was often at the Korea sims. Hanging out with friends, flying around lol, talking about SL and learn a lot :)

I went there this morning. The sims were deserted and nothing had changed there. Still the same builds as 11 years ago.
It looked now as a very boring and uninteresting place to be..haha

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29 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

They used to have a copy of orientation Island that you could go to and check out..It might even still be around..I went there a couple of times years later..

I think the main reason they never let anyone back is,it would be too tempting for griefers and spammers

I'm sure that's the exact reason, we know it would just turn into the typical infohub, "welcome area", ripe with...well..everything. 

I just thought it was odd back then, knowing how confusing it was and how many people were just standing around trying to figure crap out, lol. It would have helped greatly to have at least someone there.."you...go that way..that's how you get out", lol.  Those "signs" weren't all that newbie friendly, at times. 

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4 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

I'm sure that's the exact reason, we know it would just turn into the typical infohub, "welcome area", ripe with...well..everything. 

I just thought it was odd back then, knowing how confusing it was and how many people were just standing around trying to figure crap out, lol. It would have helped greatly to have at least someone there.."you...go that way..that's how you get out", lol.  Those "signs" weren't all that newbie friendly, at times. 

I went to the one you could go back to and found a bunch of people just sitting on the fence where you first come to second life,just hanging out  in their own clique..

The place I really liked going back to and still do at times is,help Island..I just like seeing the new people coming in and hearing all their questions and trying to answer any that I can..

It just feels sort of like going back in time in a way I guess..hehehe

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I started in November 2009 after seeing my then friend playing SL. I vaguely remember seeing a CSI: New York episode, before signing up, about Second Life and thought it looked really interesting but had no inkling of how to even get started. At the time, the most experience I had with a virtual world was IMVU and the two are vastly different. I also remember after starting, there was an episode of The Office (American Version) where Dwight creates second life within second life. xD


After watching someone playing in person, I was so intrigued that I went home and signed up that same day. I must say that I was very lucky to have someone show me the ropes right off the bat. I would have been entirely lost if it weren't for her.



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Hello everyone, 

I saw the SL ad on a website, and I remembered that I had read something about SL a few years ago ... and I thought ... if it still exists after all these years, it should be interesting.

So I decided to give it a try ... that was 19 days ago. :)
I'm still here !!

I was lucky to have met some nice people here, among those... some of my country, which makes communication easier for me.
And so I have fun, talking, going out in search of clothes, dancing ... exploring around ... etc ... etc ..


June Crystal

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I have just accidentally guessed the password to my oldest account. Omg she is so ugly (saw a picture when I logged to my account at the webpage) but I remember being proud of her, especially that was low budget avatar. When I am home tomorrow, I will definitelly do her a makeover. But she is little younger than I guessed, was created in January 2007. Funny coincidence - she and my current one almost share birthday, one day (and 9 years) difference.

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Joined in September 2006 so it will be 11 years for me next month.

I read about SL in Macworld magazine and decided to check it out because there were Star Trek and Star Wars RP groups. Something about the freedom to be whatever type of resident I wanted and the free-form nature of the game hooked me and I've been here ever since.

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On 8/7/2017 at 5:50 AM, Ina Fairport said:

I did not spend much time at orientation island.  
The first two months in SL I was often at the Korea sims. Hanging out with friends, flying around lol, talking about SL and learn a lot :)

I went there this morning. The sims were deserted and nothing had changed there. Still the same builds as 11 years ago.
It looked now as a very boring and uninteresting place to be..haha

I did not even spend a full day there when I joined in 2006. The very friend that had been hounding me to join sent me a teleport to her place and threw folder after folder of free items at me.

Thankfully I did not really need the instruction to be found on Orientation Island and Help Island.

I did eventually go back though and not to the public ones either. I became a Mentor in 2007 and remained such until the closure of the program.

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I remember orientation having us make a new sweater.  And a torch.  Or did we just pull the torch up from the library?

I remember when boxes would end up on your head instead of your right hand.  The real sign of a newbie was wandering around with a torch and a box on your head.

I don't know when any of that was nor the name of the avatar that I used.  I don't guess it really matters.  Second Life before Clover was not a life at all. 

Edited by Rhonda Huntress
I had it right the first time. It's that dementia again.
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I started with female Avatar in  2008. I had found SL through a bondage website that I was very interested in. The owner had an AV in SL and I actually wanted to find her (never did), but got involved in a few things including having Masters and Mistresses and doing everything from sex doll to ponygirl and puppygirl. 

Long story short, had a few unhappy experiences with a Mistress and decided that I was going to play things in SL the other way. So I created Tex, who was the complete opposite of everything the other one was. 

My first AV is still around but not doing very much....I've also started 3 more since then...which makes it kind of tough to keep up with. Either that or I have the worst case of Multiple Personality Disorder since Sybil. 

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On 8/7/2017 at 6:12 AM, Tari Landar said:

I'm sure that's the exact reason, we know it would just turn into the typical infohub, "welcome area", ripe with...well..everything. 

I just thought it was odd back then, knowing how confusing it was and how many people were just standing around trying to figure crap out, lol. It would have helped greatly to have at least someone there.."you...go that way..that's how you get out", lol.  Those "signs" weren't all that newbie friendly, at times. 

I thought I remembered, back in the day, that they had experienced people on orientation island to help show newbies around. Either that or it sent them into a life of prostitution

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