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19 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The food is often excellent, but it is the people that most give it its flavour.

Though I was raised and live in a rural/suburban area, I feel the same as you about life in the city. I lived in Milwaukee during my grad school and dating years. Now I wish I'd delved deeper into the city's social life. I think a lot of questions would have been raised and answered.

I'm reminded of an autumn evening, walking with my ex to dinner with friends at the Al Calderone Club, a pizzaria near campus. The air was crisp, with the crunch of leaves on the sidewalk underfoot. We tried to place the smells drifting over the houses backing restaurant row. Was that Korean, Mexican, Iranian, French?

"Oooooh, I smell Calderone's!"

"Mama" Maria Calderone was sassy and gregarious. She stopped at our table with baskets of hot bread piled on her ample bosom and waited for my ex to take one. A little slow, he was berated with "Take the bread, my boobs are on fire!" For the rest of the evening, he was the target of her mock ire.

Next door was New York Bagels and Bialys, where Morris, who could barely stand as he worked the counter, routinely tried to seduce me with "Run away with me to Gilligan's Island, Sweetheart".

Now I'm hungry for pizza bagels.

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The hubby's been awfully a lot away lately due RL matters. While patiently counting the days, hours, minutes, seconds... until his return I decided to tidy up his house and make sure it's nice and clean. To my surprise I found evidence of him briefly being around...!

Found you.jpg

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10 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Wow that's some extreme piercing you've got there!

   Damn lucky piercing if ya ask me. Not that you did, but if you did, well that's what I would say... 😋
(Still can't get over how great everyone pictures are, or how some of them were even done... like Danielle's for example...)


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1 hour ago, BjorJlen said:

   Damn lucky piercing if ya ask me. Not that you did, but if you did, well that's what I would say... 😋
(Still can't get over how great everyone pictures are, or how some of them were even done... like Danielle's for example...)


It’s a chain stripper pole and I edged up right to it. The chain is going between my breasts and touches up against stomach as well. 🙂

more of same scene in my Flickr same name as here. Thank you all for the comments 🥰🥰


Edited by Danielle Atheria
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3 hours ago, BelindaN said:


   Ok, now why does this remind me of a certain scene in the Black Widow movie...? 😋
   Great shot in either case BelindaN. Very spot on... 👍


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In real life it's been snowing on my mountain for 3 days straight and I've been iced in for 2.  I'm over it. Time for some virtual vitamin D and a fruity drink. /me stows the snow shovel, puts another log on the fire, and basks in the warmth.  Here's to hoping the internet connection continues and the electricity stays on.




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6 hours ago, Aiyumei said:

The hubby's been awfully a lot away lately due RL matters. While patiently counting the days, hours, minutes, seconds... until his return I decided to tidy up his house and make sure it's nice and clean. To my surprise I found evidence of him briefly being around...!

Found you.jpg

LOL, you have such a great sense of humour!!! Love the pic!!!

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9 hours ago, BranScanlon said:

Umm...not sure if you were asking for them? But great composition. Like really really nice. The background perfectly blends to create such a unique mood.

Asking for what? If you mean comments, yes please!!! And thank you!!!

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This is VERY good, Sandor. Nice use of DoF! Personally, I'd up the brightness and contrast a bit, but I think it's an excellent shot, either way!

Thanks Scyll!!! I was literally deep in RL thought, rotating the cam around my AV randomly. I was alone there, wherever I was. I wasn't even focusing on what pics I was taking. I bracketed a bit, maybe by 1 stop wider in each. I like the first new one, but I think it's starting to lose the mood a little in the second.

Toy profile view cropped 2 Sandor adjusted.png

Toy profile view cropped 2 Sandor adjusted more.png

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