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4 hours ago, Saravendi said:

So I love this AO seq. Is it a dance? Also, how did you manage to post such a long gif? I can’t run more then 2 sec and I’m blowing through 4.8mgs?

~ Sara

This is a dance that's in the chair. LOL

I've tried Gyazo (hate it) and other methods. Then I remembered that I have this old GIF animator app called GIF Brewery that can convert video and allows you to set the start and end times, crop the video, set the frame rate (this is at 12 FPS) - and resize and even set the color space (this one is at 48 colors). To get the video I used the X-Box app on Windows 10. When in your viewer press [Windows Key]+G - it will ask if you want to enable it. Choose "Yes, it's a game". 

Then, whenever you want to screen-capture video, press [Windows Key]+G and the little dashboard appears - you begin recording and stop when you want to. It saves the MP4 video into your documents folder. Then I imported the video into GIF brewery (macOS app I did on my Mac Laptop - certainly there are apps like this for Windows) and created this file (you can go as long as you want) - the reason this one is 30 seconds is that is the animation loop time.

OH! And I put all my pictures and stuff on CloudApp (getcloudapp.com) - and link to the "direct download" version. Not as automatic as Gyazo, but having the control is far better (for me, anyway).

Being able to create the GIF using these settings it came out to just less than 3MB. :D

(For readers who didn't see my original post, I'll post the GIF we talk about here:)


Edited by Alyona Su
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4 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

This is a dance that's in the chair. LOL

I've tried Gyazo (hate it) and other methods. Then I remembered that I have this old GIF animator app called GIF Brewery that can convert video and allows you to set the start and end times, crop the video, set the frame rate (this is at 12 FPS) - and resize and even set the color space (this one is at 48 colors). To get the video I used the X-Box app on Windows 10. When in your viewer press [Windows Key]+G - it will ask if you want to enable it. Choose "Yes, it's a game". 

Then, whenever you want to screen-capture video, press [Windows Key]+G and the little dashboard appears - you begin recording and stop when you want to. It saves the MP4 video into your documents folder. Then I imported the video into GIF brewery (macOS app I did on my Mac Laptop - certainly there are apps like this for Windows) and created this file (you can go as long as you want) - the reason this one is 30 seconds is that is the animation loop time.

OH! And I put all my pictures and stuff on CloudApp (getcloudapp.com) - and link to the "direct download" version. Not as automatic as Gyazo, but having the control is far better (for me, anyway).

Being able to create the GIF using these settings it came out to just less than 3MB. :D

(For readers who didn't see my original post, I'll post the GIF we talk about here:)



And the chair that contains that cute dance sequence would be ??????

And thanks for the detailed explanation.  I've used the Windows 10 X-Box to do a recording in SL, but then wasn't sure how to edit it down to what I wanted.  I'll poke around and see if I can find something fairly simple that is similar to the Mac app you used.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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4 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

And the chair that contains that cute dance sequence would be ??????

There are many, here's a basic search on MP: https://bit.ly/2GJn58S

This *specific* chair is created by Hendrik Schroeder and called "Burlesque Chair III" - His profile adverts "Henimations" s, which I remember WAY back ; it's been around forever, so he may be the creator of those :) So if you want this specific chair, maybe check that place out in-world - BUT I'm not sure he's still in world (MP says Henimatiojns is "We're sorry, but this store is no longer available." - Not sure if it's because it's dead or he just took it down.

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5 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

And thanks for the detailed explanation.  I've used the Windows 10 X-Box to do a recording in SL, but then wasn't sure how to edit it down to what I wanted.  I'll poke around and see if I can find something fairly simple that is similar to the Mac app you used.

This web tool can convert MP4-files into GIF-file. The converted GIF-file can manipulated in various ways: Resize, crop, optimize, split, effects, etc. And then you can save the GIF-file back to your computer.


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2 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

Where is this? You find the coolest places.

The funniest thing is this place is where you wouldn't think to find it! - First, an answer to your question: It is in Bedstraw region (Heterocera Atoll continent).


Long-winded part follows for those too bored to do something better than reading this...

What the "Bedstraw Project" is: I love to play with trains, not because I'm "into trains", but rather I love playing with them as they are played within SL (I had zero interest until I tried a demo of a new GTFO-equipped train, which I had no idea you can do GTFO on trains! LOL)

So I fell in love with playing with SLRR (SL RailRoad) - and it appears to be making a resurgence. So an AMAZING vehicle scripter and a long-time SLRR advocate got together and, long story made short, bought up an entire sim to create a full-blown railyard and truck "depot" - a small part of that sim is made into a fun, well-designed little hamlet. Because I love my choo-coos and also have this creator's trucks (best-driving road vehicles in SL, ACS be damned) - I had to rent a track platform (to leave my train out) and stuff.

Well, along with the requisite police station and greasy-spoon diner, the sim owner laughed at adding a dance studio. And I have been planning to use it for this for a month!

As for finding places, I often get ideas for a photo-shoot before I find the place. Once I have the idea I kind of get a foggy vision of what I want the picture to look like. Then I'll sim-hop all over the grid to find what I'm looking for. I look for the visual of the place (for background and foreground look and if I can get a good angle) - then I'll play with "natural" SL windlight lighting if I don't like the default. Then I'll play with hundreds of poses to see what looks best.

Though these last couple were full-blown animations and they are HARD to do because Viewer snapshotting is sluggish as molasses so I'll snap 10 to 15 shots then review for the best ones. If it's a "frozen" pose then usually only one, sometimes two shot per angle. Though to be fair, I did professional photography with my dad for a few years so I've learned the techniques for creative-thinking in terms of photography - and it's a learned skill, so anyone can do it. it just takes some time and effort and the will to learn it. I just apply that to my SL snapshotting. :)

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9 minutes ago, Panteleeva said:


I'm "Back in the Room"...........that's a reference to what hypnotists say............  :) after my enforced Christmas break...........

Anyway, what's apparent is that over the holidays, the standard of these images has improved dramatically! Especially yours Pantelleva!!!  Really nice image!!



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14 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

I'm "Back in the Room"...........that's a reference to what hypnotists say............  :) after my enforced Christmas break...........

Anyway, what's apparent is that over the holidays, the standard of these images has improved dramatically! Especially yours Pantelleva!!!  Really nice image!!



yay, thank you Belinda:*

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