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Do you notice there are a lot of mentally unstable people on SL?

Aiden Rives

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I know of many people who have been driven mental BY SL.

Imagine someone running  an honest transfer-enabled reseller vendor.

Then a bunch of disgusting trolls attack that person, accusing them of unspeakable crimes.

Imagine the vitriol shared by SL's worst griefers - the prigs, the primheads, the pedants.


Reselling is NOT A CRIME: consult TOS for further clarification!! Those responsible for AR parties should be banned and mocked in this forum, IMO. 


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Well, there's odd, weird, eccentric, crazy, bat***** crazy...and then there's serious mental illness. I've met them all. My favorite bat***** crazy was a heroin addict who'd wander in and out of coherence like an old radio with a broken antenna; polite and completely harmless, but he could fall asleep mid-sentence.

Serious mental illness is another story entirely. These people can be incredibly destructive, particularly to innocents who've never encountered it before. Such people should be eliminated from SL without hesitation. They are poison in the well. Never will I forget one person in particular whose behavior was so outrageous, her language so foul and the path of her tornado so destructive that my only conclusion was that she either had rabies (as in bitten by a dog with rabies and untreated for many years) or suffered from chemical-hormonal imbalances so sever that few drugs could help her. It took years for Linden Lab to finally kick her out. While it may seem heartless, I hope she ultimately killed herself, for only then would she find peace.

SL is full of oddballs, which makes it fun. SL is also full of remarkable people whose wit and intelligence is a joy to behold. I suppose SL represents the same population as the world at large. The only bias would be the large percentage of people from California, skewing the curve slightly toward bat***** crazy.


This forum software auto-censored my post. Like I said, California.

Edited by Deltango Vale
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30 minutes ago, clivesteel said:

I know of many people who have been driven mental BY SL.

Imagine someone running  an honest transfer-enabled reseller vendor.

Then a bunch of disgusting trolls attack that person, accusing them of unspeakable crimes.

Imagine the vitriol shared by SL's worst griefers - the prigs, the primheads, the pedants.


Reselling is NOT A CRIME: consult TOS for further clarification!! Those responsible for AR parties should be banned and mocked in this forum, IMO. 


But, of course, if you COPIED your Beatles CD and sold the COPIES, you'd have the rightsholders spank you like a bongo drum. Because in that case, you're not RESELLING.

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That not very nice if someone has a condition like that, if you're talking about the separation from an  idiot to the person that may have difficulties then I agree there are many Trolls and idiots hell bent on coming into sl to be nasty, but at the same token, I knew of a mental institution that used SL as  positive therapy for those that could not live a normal life in the RL but could in SL.


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First of all EVERYONE has problems. Mentally unstable people are actually common in general. It's not just SL related. I've had my own problems in the past. It can be a big problem indeed. It can be managed in time, however. Even overcome entirely, no matter how bad things are. In my case with no professional help (which of course can help, I just didn't want help in that one area. Unbiased, logical opinions are important regardless). Though of course at the time it might feel like something that lasts forever. Which it does not as long as you don't remain wallowing in self pity and actually try to do something about it (Yes, I know this is easier said then done).

It's also because I've had my own problems that I'm good at helping others with them. Due to the experience.

The mistake a lot of people make is that they think they can "escape" online. But that's just not true. People are still people online. Don't misunderstand me when I say this. I'm simply saying that there's a difference between playing soccer with someone IRL and inviting them into your RL home. Just as there's a difference between hanging out at a sim on SL and living in someones SL home. It's about "being there". To be close or not. Online is NOT an excuse to lose sight of what affects people. If you focus on only the fun stuff I ask if you're here for me in hard times. Which is why I'm there for people on SL when I care about them. It's just simple logic. Yes fear can get the best of people. Yes that sucks. No that doesn't mean making a thread and complaining about it is going to make those people overcome such fears, nor will it help with their problems. If anything I suspect threads like this, that give the impression of "odd", make such things worse. Due to "Being seen as a freak" logic.

The good thing about this is that it leaves plenty of opportunity to be there for people so they can be there for you in turn. Not because you feel bad about each other, but because you take a liking to each other and have each others backs. Which can lead to wonderful opportunities. Even as far as ending up IRL together. I suspect the OP only fears the worst of things though and chose to fixate on the worst of things. Which is EXACTLY the kind of thing that leads to mental illness in the first place. Just saying.

Edited by Taramafor
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On 7/24/2017 at 0:09 PM, Mistic4u said:

         Most people watch television and movies. They watch persons being killed, oppressed, assaulted, and abused.  

In fiction and real life.  Dose that make everyone a psycho or imbalanced . To live in a fantasy world as a animation like Second Life

is safer and more stable and fun.  As for any psycho you can block them and enjoy nice real people's true emotions and desires. 

If not just uninstall Second Life.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I almost find it amusing how naïve the OP on this was. Maybe they live inside a wonderful bubble in RL but, in my experience, there are tons of "mentally unstable" people out here in RL. Go on public transport. Visit a supermarket. Drive a car. The fact so few people seem to spot the fact we are surrounded by nutcases (and are likely nutcases ourselves) just goes to show how inattentive many are. Honestly, I've had to drag my family and friends away from potential fights before because they seemed utterly incapable of spotting trouble signs (I've even left the older male members of my family to be beaten up on one sad occasion as they failed to heed my warnings about a group of people and I had to get my also oblivious partner away from the danger). 

So yes, you do also find plenty of folks on Second Life who are intellectually challenged or suffering from a case of "awful personality disorder". But the great thing is that, unlike in RL, you can get away from those people. You can form social groups free of them. You can live in skyboxes and vet who comes in. You can TP away, block their chat, never have to deal with them again. SL is a place where you can live without these folks.






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  • 9 months later...

I agree with the post that Jae Villa made on August 6, 2017.  Second Life, like real life, is full of people from a variety of walks of life.  Mental and emotional stability varies with Second Life just as it does in real life among individuals.  SL has been, and is, a wonderful past time for me.  I first came to SL looking for something to do following having to stop work in rl due to disability issues.  I could no longer teach in rl, but I soon found that I could be useful in SL and teach a multitude of people about things in SL such as building.  Running a sandbox in SL gave me a useful purpose to others and starting a store for selling products I made there gave me a kind of needed fulfillment.  It didn't matter whether that need got fulfilled in SL or in rl.  The reward was appreciated.  I have never given up my rl friends and aquaintances for "living just in SL."  However I have found I can move between both worlds.  I am not without an education in rl or devoid of social skills.  However, I find when physically keeping up in the rl world hampers me, SL can help to fill in the gaps.  I love the ability in SL to be creative!  I have also met people from all over the world that are wonderful to know and whom I would not otherwise have ever known if not for SL.  I consider myself to have always been a very stable person, even to the point of counseling others in both lives who ask for it.  I've been through a lot in rl and in SL, and still have come through on the other side with my stability in tact.  I have to admit that when I read that one of LL's investors vocalized a theory that the residents of SL were all "losers," it made me angry and my response was that one shouldn't make such broad judgments on an entire population of people that one hasn't even met.  I have a very happy rl, but that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy SL too.  I know many other people in SL who share my view point as well!  Even with the obvious drawbacks of Second Life at times, the wonderful thing about SL is that it holds something of value for everyone if you just look for it.


Edited by Anna Adamant
left out a word
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9 minutes ago, Anna Adamant said:

It's an old thread, but when I read it earlier today, I had a strong reaction to it.  I dare anybody to call me mentally unstable as it simply isn't true!!!  


The OP hasn't visited the forum since Feb 2017 ETA They no longer exist inworld, either.

Edited by Aislin Ceawlin
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I'm not going to apologize for this being a necro thread because I think it's so funny that a late 1800's medical text book included 'novel reading' as a reason for commitment to asylum. So there you have it. We must all be crazy lol.

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5 minutes ago, AviNews said:

OH! is that what those are really for!!!    I thought you girls wore them as Noobie Male protection device!     :D

No, silly... That's what the coiled bullwhips worn on a thigh strap are for...

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