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Anna Adamant

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Everything posted by Anna Adamant

  1. It's an old thread, but when I read it earlier today, I had a strong reaction to it. I dare anybody to call me mentally unstable as it simply isn't true!!!
  2. I agree with the post that Jae Villa made on August 6, 2017. Second Life, like real life, is full of people from a variety of walks of life. Mental and emotional stability varies with Second Life just as it does in real life among individuals. SL has been, and is, a wonderful past time for me. I first came to SL looking for something to do following having to stop work in rl due to disability issues. I could no longer teach in rl, but I soon found that I could be useful in SL and teach a multitude of people about things in SL such as building. Running a sandbox in SL gave me a useful purpose to others and starting a store for selling products I made there gave me a kind of needed fulfillment. It didn't matter whether that need got fulfilled in SL or in rl. The reward was appreciated. I have never given up my rl friends and aquaintances for "living just in SL." However I have found I can move between both worlds. I am not without an education in rl or devoid of social skills. However, I find when physically keeping up in the rl world hampers me, SL can help to fill in the gaps. I love the ability in SL to be creative! I have also met people from all over the world that are wonderful to know and whom I would not otherwise have ever known if not for SL. I consider myself to have always been a very stable person, even to the point of counseling others in both lives who ask for it. I've been through a lot in rl and in SL, and still have come through on the other side with my stability in tact. I have to admit that when I read that one of LL's investors vocalized a theory that the residents of SL were all "losers," it made me angry and my response was that one shouldn't make such broad judgments on an entire population of people that one hasn't even met. I have a very happy rl, but that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy SL too. I know many other people in SL who share my view point as well! Even with the obvious drawbacks of Second Life at times, the wonderful thing about SL is that it holds something of value for everyone if you just look for it.
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