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ArgontheDevil Ormega

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Everything posted by ArgontheDevil Ormega

  1. I have a number of parcels because I like to build, including my stratoscraper in Bay City and my land in Zindra. In the old days it was useful to have a number of parcels so you could jump around and avoid the restarts.
  2. Upload a pic of a Ouija Board, put it on a prim. Put the prim on a wall and use your mouse pointer as the planchette. That will direct you to a reliable psychic, or not.
  3. I believe the proper phrase is, "When Hell freezes over." No one gives a hoot about Kazakhstan.
  4. It is easy to deal with. Encase everything in a box that is opaque from the outside but invisible from the inside. That way you have your view and fulfill the TOS requirement at the same time. This also gives you the opportunity to make the box really ugly because it is fun to annoy the neighbors.
  5. And here we all thought that the Lab had just had an internal contest to see who could come up with the silliest name.
  6. And everyone on Zindra says, "There goes the neighborhood."
  7. Being a bad neighbor can be fun if you have a neighbor who is a pain in the ass. If you have nice neighbors, that is different but there are few things more fun that responding to a neighbor who terraforms so you have one side almost facing a cliff with a large prim towering over his land. I always put a fence up around my lands, not to keep people out but to make sure I don't build over onto anyone else.
  8. Have some fun with it. Set your land to allow damage and then shoot them. Organize bot hunts with your legitimate tenants. Make a contest of it. Who gets the most kills gets a free rent period.
  9. "It's funny how the people who get ahold of this fantastically expensive land and never sell any of it, or if they do, sell it for a fantastically high price, and then forever after provide rentals, are never scorned as greedy, scummy, no-show landlords and land barons in SL but are conceived of as "community builders". Funny, that! " We have the land and rarely sell it because we use it. Next stupid question? Bay City is unique in that because just having land there requires an actual monetary outlay. It means that people there have an investment that they want to use and a desire to see the community prosper. Oh, and there is the little matter that we actually enjoy each other's company. The beauty of Bay City is that we have taken what the moles provided and actually did something with it on our own, without any rulers from on high, be they estate owners or Lindens instructing us on how to do it. It works a lot better that way.
  10. Not having a business I can't say but I would think having a place where people who buy something can rez it but not add to the LI count on your own land would be a benefit. I have a rez zone next to one of my lands and it has not been a problem in the 9 years I've owned the place.
  11. Those of us in the Chicago Diaspora have long had a solution for the ever present hearts and flower. We celebrate Massacre Day, in honor of the loyal minions of St. Al Capone doing execution upon the deceitful and vile sellers of bad beer beer, the Moran gang.
  12. Better than the first batch, but that was so bad anything would be better.
  13. A lot of landowners in Bay City know each other because we meet at different events and even we don't know each other well, we recognize the names, so if you have been around for a while the seller may already know you and cut you a deal. I have a feeling this is something unique to Bay City and may not apply so often elsewhere.
  14. Buying land in desirable regions is often a waiting game combined with being online at the right moment. I was renting a nice parcel in Bay City but I don't like renting in SL any more than I like it in RL so I made a point of checking parcels for sale on a regular basis. The only problem was, and is, that over a 100 grand for a 1024 is going to put you in the area of spending real money. My inner Scrooge McDuck rebelled at such a notion. In spite of that, the cost of the rent was adding up to the point where it made better long-term sense to buy and as I was looking around while gritting my teeth I discovered that some good person had put up three adjoining 1024s for less than 50K each in a moderate region as I do try to follow the rules if I can. I immediately hopped over to the middle parcel, (A bit of strategy, if you buy the middle parcel you prevent someone else from acquiring a block and thus leave the possiblity open for future expansion of your own, a strategy that was ultimately rewarded in a couple locations.) took a look around, 2x protected and not oddly shaped, easy to put a building on with land left over. Thus in a matter of minutes I moved money out paypal, upped my tier and grabbed a house out of my inventory to mark the land. Patience is rewarded.
  15. I wish I had room for that in this mess of an office.
  16. Being as perfect as I already am, there is nothing to resolve.
  17. One of the joys of Mainland is not having to live in Bellisaria which makes me think of something spawned in the deranged mind of Disney. I avoid their damnable covenant, the architecture I cannot stand and having neighbors whose one joy in life is measuring the height of people's trees so they can AR them. I'm also a total hard ass when it comes to property lines. I work very hard to keep from intruding on the neighbors and I consider it simple courtesy for them to return the favor. If my land gets intruded on, no matter how elaborate the build, by so much as the turning of a hair, any, merely a quarter of scruple, back it goes. And if they are dumb enough to try blocking me in, have they never heard of teleport? They are preventing nothing and I will be there long after they have sold and left. I have lands that face protected beach and waterways. The rare parcel that does not is no handicap so such people are easily ignored and outlasted. That fun stuff being said, I have had good luck with my neighbors with only a few exceptions.
  18. As of yesterday all of my parcels have moved to the cloud and none of them have caught fire, so by the standards of SL it seems to be working quite well.
  19. I was seven and I saw my parental units piling my presents under the tree. I learned later that Santa had been shot down by the Air Force over Canada after being mistaken for a Soviet Bomber.
  20. If all goes well, meaning our governor does not have a fit of megalomania, my wife and I will do our usual holiday stuff, eating at a local restaurant on Thanksgiving (not having to cook is the only reason to be thankful) and a few presents on Christmas eve and then Christmas dinner at the same restaurant, hopefully avoiding any contact with family for the duration. Personally, the holidays are a pain in the rear end and only an excuse for the lazy bums in the postal service not to work those days. On the other hand, I get to say, "Are there no prisons?" to everyone with their paw out for my money.
  21. If you are on the mainland you can build to any height under 4096 as long as you don't intrude on the neighbors parcel. If the the neighbors don't like it, sucks to be them. They aren't paying your tier.
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