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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Only because they couldn't know everything about you for more than five minutes. They dunn-o wot to do then. ~Snorts~
  2. /me grins. Why commas, especially the Oxford comma, can be important: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/16/us/oxford-comma-lawsuit.html (Count me as on the in-favor of the Oxford camp LOL)
  3. Yes, they are MUCH larger than they first look, easily as comparable on the inside to the original LL homes. I walked through the demo area the first time and I was "Meh - too small" - then a week later made another walk through and went inside each and I was just this side of shocked at how roomy they are. I would even gamble that it is a close call in comparison to some (not all) houseboats in terms of internal space. Yes, really. Though only the actual Moles/Lindens who built them can say for sure. But all in all, they are much larger than they appear at first blush. It was this epiphany for me that got me percolating: Dump my house and houseboat, grab one of these, then apply the other 1500 m2 t(tax-free from two Premium accounts) to recreate my playground on Mainland and so I did that. Now, [pinches @Patch Linden in the arm,] I am *anxiously* awaiting the camper/trailer release.
  4. Ugh! Okay, you make a good point. ~Facepalms~
  5. I completely concur. Which is why I try to recognize there has, at least. been a "dent", but it's too early to say it's anything more than that right now. Only time will tell, especially once the other themes are released; some of those who tried and didn't't like may look again once there are more genre selections.
  6. Agreed, though a definite yes to the former and the latter is totally optional.
  7. You are so evil! That is a CYCLONE, not a Hurricane.
  8. Objects will take the most restrictive permissions when inside inventory, including embedded objects or files: Full perms box with a Mo-Modify box inside it will be No-Modify while in inventory. No-Copy box inside a no-modify box that is inside a full perms box will become no-modify and no-copy when that full perms box sits in inventory. So, a full perms box that contains a no-copy box will have the no-copy applied to the full perms box; the no-copy box that contains a no-modify box will have no-modify applied to that no-copy box, and thus, the no-copy AND no-modify attributes of that box is applied to the full perms box - WHILE it sits in your inventory. HERE IS A KICKER: If you rez a box and change the permission - for example: a full perms box change it to no-copy then take it into inventory - then change the permissions while it is in inventory to add "no-modify" that no modify permission will apply while it is in inventory for the next owner (say, your customer) - if they rez it then the PREVIOUS (rezzed) permissions will apply - no-copy, but yes: modify. Not always, and certain cascading things need to happen, but it is common. This is why something that appears to be modifiable while in inventory turns into no-modify when it is rezzed, for example. Make sense? In your example - while the object was rezzed the permissions where no-copy AND no-modify. Then they took it into inventory, then changed the permissions while it was in inventory to turn on the Modify permission. But when you rezz it, the old rezzed permissions will STICK. If the object is supposed to be modifiable, contact the creator as they may not be aware that it does this and it may or may not be their intention. They need to set the permissions of it while it is rezzed in-world, not while it is in their inventory.
  9. Great. Just as I notice my EPICFAIL misspelling of "break". I HATE YOU NOW! LOL 😜 EDIT (the morning after LOL) - I see you fix my SANFU. Thank you, dear! Hahahaa
  10. RuthToo BoM version will be a game-changer over time. Posting this comment here and now for an official record that I can point to when I eventually make a "See? Told you so" thread in the future.
  11. More likely the latter than the former. Bellisseria requires Premium subscription. Though it has given reason for many to get their first Premium upgrades, it is unlikely that it is enough to cause that kind of result: sinking rental estates. Either those estates are not doing a very good job satisfying existing renters and word-of mouth proliferates, not very good at marketing for new renters, or just plain unsuccessful at the competition, it is highly unlikely the new LL homes have caused their demise. The "Bellisseria Effect" may have made a dent or so, but hardly the cause, because "rental business estates" are not sustainable unless you do it right and are in the right location (hence: why those in Blake Sea area are the new "Anshe Chungs" of SL.
  12. Pickup Lines http://pun.me/pages/cheesy-pick-up-lines.php (Best one: "Wow, when god made you he was showing off." LOL)
  13. Ditto. The Chrysanthemum animations are amazing and, for me, better than the ones from Catwa and the others I've seen (the facial expressions, I mean) - and the Dance Expressions HUD is the BEST!
  14. This is one of my picks - is this what you're looking for? https://my.secondlife.com/alyona.su/picks/7d86213c-a8c1-ef4b-1cf7-90392fa83d49
  15. But here's the thing: If it's a private region then LL will not intervene in any way unless the region/estate owner submit a ticket. All you'll get from LL is "Contact the estate owner" and a closed ticket. Just saying.
  16. *I* am a mole also. Though I never said I am a Linden LPDW Mole. Just... you know... mole. I am PMing a giant fudge cookie to you! Yes, but then it would be BO-RING. You should know how I roll by now. ~hold nose, points to title under her name~ .
  17. Ditto this. Even though they cater heavily into the RLV 'collar" and accessories genre, they also make a lot of wonderful things for everyday use. I've also spoken with the creator on a few occasions, very friendly, always responsive, obviously active. And the build quality and texture quality of R.E. stuff is gorgeous.
  18. Sounds amazingly unprofessional. A *professional* organization will always contact *everyone* to let them know their status, whether they are still in the running (process of elimination multiple interviews, etc.) or if the position has been filled (so you don't keep wondering and can move on.) Real Estate in Sl is a dead-simple process: Owner of there "business" creates a group, "Agents" are added to the group in manager roles (and can buy and sell land for the group), everyone else are in different roles of the group. The group dividends are then paid out to the group members (how the "employees" are paid). So the "Company web site" portion and all that? Not so sure that's necessary or how it would be "managed" since most web sites that list SL parcels are autonomous scripts that scrape from an Alt's account dashboard under the "group-owned land" portion. //Just saying.
  19. Affiliate Vendors - they suck (I never, ever buy from them) The same with gacha stuff, except some of those creators are getting smart toward people like me who hate no-copy stuff: they're selling a "hud" or gadget that delivers a copyable version. Some will give copyable versions under too restrictive circumstances that I think most won't bother with them. The worst part about gacha is everything is no-modify. As for the OP concern: you always maintain rights to what you create (including derivatives) - in the U.S. at least. As for the RL model of supply and demand? No, will not work well in SL, it's been tried countless times since the beginning.
  20. You're not logged in on the web site because of what Nalates explains below: In all viewers, including the official Linden Lab viewer (which I'll presume you're using) - when you view your profile you also should see a LOGIN button, click that and log into your account - you full profile and those of others should work just fine, now.
  21. Please do not spread misinformation. Adding last names is easy. Making it so you can *change* names is the hard part. As for what's on their priority list - based on all communication thus far, it's actually pretty high and an ongoing work. As for the most people who want it? 95% of them are of the surname Resident family. 😕
  22. If this is for photography there is a "freeze" function in the standard viewer camera options, it refresh each time you move the camera, so it is dynamic. Also with a "refresh" button once you have your view angle set. If you want this for some other reason then, there isn't any way that I know of and I've been in SL for a little bit. And to clarify: it doesn't actually freeze your animations, etc., but rather auto-grabs a screenshot dynamically. it's the closest way to come to what you are describing.
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