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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Linden Lab have announced an official SL text-client in the works for iOS. I mention this because that is also a "gateway" to a macOS-native client, perhaps? A long way off, sure, though still a plausible thought. Just thinking aloud.
  2. Absolutely. Though it is clear that the comment was written with passion at the height of frustration; strong appearance of a completely knee-jerk reaction. This is clear by the number of expletives and wordy, verbose descriptions, rather than a pithy statement. It all comes across as a shrill shout. Don't raise your voice when you should reinforce your argument. I must give credit to that commenter for the "I'm tired..." potions of statement because they make it clear it is their own opinion, which is a major absence from most comments made (in forums and everywhere else) as they come across appearing to be proclaimed as fact (when they are, in fact, opinion.)
  3. If my comment makes me seem "peeved" then that impression is what you project into it. The information about salary, schedule time, work hours per week/day, etc. These are requisites for "job postings" before expecting anyone to do the *work* of filling in application forms, etc. I, as someone who may be interested in one of the *role-play* (read: playtime fun, not WORK) "jobs" shouldn't't be asked to do non-role-play *work* then find out the return on my investment of time and effort are a complete waste. I will give kudos for posting , what I believe are strict-for-role-play, rules the applicant must follow. I say strict because they seem a bit ham-fisted for a simple role-play scenario by the way they are presented (i.e. "you MUST, rather than "you should," or "we request," etc.,) which is why it gave rise to the question whether this is a non-role-play "for real" job in SL (which DO exist) because, to me, that's the only explanation for it. See? Genuine, legitimate question that you perceive as a disgruntled comment. This is why you should never inject your feelings into something written by another.
  4. I could have been more clear, I'm not entirely-meaning the layout, prims, etc. The fancier places (example: Blueberry style layouts and aesthetics) were a lot more rare. Most places, that I recall were sales boxes, or single-item vendors (JEVN was one of the first, if not first "networked" vendor and just beginning its popularity when I first came in world.) - My main point: No such thing as redelivery, a "demo" was extremely rare, often "information notecards" were not available; all you got was what you see in the advert picture, etc. That's the part of the experience I was alluding to. Not necessarily the *look* of the place :LOL The biggest thing was: you didn't have to scrutinize anything for compatibility; everything was compatible and worked. The biggest annoyance these days is: "is it compatible with my head, body, applier, etc." I actually STILL have my complete JEVN system in my inventory! I should set it up in-world, it still works.
  5. It should be designated by Linden Lab as an SL National Historic Landmark, like the Galaxy Ship. Edit as I want to add this: It is literally frozen in time and nostalgic to me. If anyone wants to actually immerse themselves into what SL was back in 2006-2008, Grendal's Children is the typical experience we has for shopping and what a typical mall and build looked like and worked. There was no Market Place (there was SLX - run by an SL user, not LL and wasn't't that "big" yet, most didn't't use it at the time). It's great place to just wander and peruse... like a museum. LOL Except you can still buy that stuff.
  6. Are you sure? Definitely this. Never presume on the side of err. Even though I am map-watching the Trailers theme being built, even though I know they still have ten or more regions to even start on, I *still* auto-refresh my LL Home selection page. Partly because I am seeing how amazingly faster they are getting at constructing those regions and I also know that once the message is posted in @Patch Linden's "LL Homes News" page, they will already have been officially released and the mad rush will already be going strong. I am taking the trigger-finger, always prepared Girl Scout approach. (Yes, "Always Prepared" is a Girl Scout motto first and the Boy Scouts stole it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)
  7. Here, let me fix that for you. Wouldn't that technically be "[A]in't nobody..." Just Saying LOL
  8. Unlike Avalon and many others, the truly amazing thing about Grendel's Children is that it's also still in the same place, with the same layout and build, and many of the avatars that were available when I first found it 13 years ago are still there AND still awesome. Many of them are genuinely timeless.
  9. Please tell us what you really think. So much angst, such wasted passion and forceful aggression. Somewhat like turning the furnace on full-blast to heat the house in the middle of Summer. If you're "tired of..." then remove yourself from it. Always remember this: For all of us, the only people who care what you think is you and others who don't think for themselves.
  10. Is there RL $ U.S. pay for this? Based on the application the rules and requirements sure insinuate that. If not then I suspect you'd get a lot more takers if you drop that application nonsense and cover those rules and requirements during a personal interview, the same way it's done in real life. You won't scare-off most people that way.
  11. Viewer tags were removed because many (most from my perspective) Emerald (Firestorm ancestor) users were belittling, berating, bullying others choosing not to use it and trying to convince every new user in SL to use it, creating support headaches for LL. I fondly remember and believe Second Life was so much better before they open-sourced the viewer. The grid has gone to crappola ever since - not because of third-party viewers, but rather because of everything else like BOTs and other things. As for any viewer (or anything else): Most popular doesn't mean best.
  12. I agree, and it still will take another month or two or three, etc., before all the viewers are updated. And it will be six months to a year before BoM is well-adapted by many, not most, creators. Then there is the question of all the stuff that exists today that we've spent huge sums of money on that may or more likely may not be upgraded to BoM. Perhaps in a few years, BoM will become the way of the world. It's going to take a long time before it becomes mainstream.
  13. The incorporated policies to not specify further anything regarding conduct based on region maturity rating. The F.A.Q. is there for example and even in those example the it states the same thing: "make available". You can take the paranoid approach if you want, there's nothing wrong with that. In the 13+ years I've been in SL I have been told by others that I will be Abuse-Reported countless times. Most of those may have been idle threats, I couldn't't care any less, though I know and understand the all the terms and conditions and have never, even once, received a notice about any kind of warning, caution, or anything other than marketing from Linden Lab, and yet I have owned land on the old Teen continent and had adult furniture out, on the porch, in the open on my G-rated parcel. But also with avatars hidden, sound restricted to parcel and security set tp group-only and no security orb or ban lines. My RL job requires me to read "licenses" and "terms of service" all the time. One thing I have learned is that you must take them precisely as stated, you cannot inject alternate or "expanded"meanings into them or could find yourself in a court of law. Fortunately, the Linden Lab terms aren't about licensing from them, but that's really the only difference. Go figure.
  14. Well, we must admit there is World (Queen's) English and there is bastardized-American English, so that may be a thing, too.
  15. Wherever your from does not count. (I mostly reference official publishing style guides, but it was more joke than anything else. The grey bit, wherever you're from still doesn't count, no matter wot, acuz I say so!!!)
  16. Do you mean gray? Grey is a surname, not a color.
  17. Which is their issue, not yours. So keep on keeping on, wenchy biotch! (See, speaking plainly tends to be taken as anger for some weird, odd, strange reason. Go figure.)
  18. Yes, which is not using BoM - Omega is appling BoM ability to an existing 4-layer mesh body. But still - if using the Omega BoM relay then you are not using the standard Omega relay, and vice-versa - so it is *still* all or nothing, isn't it? One or the other, cannot use both at the same time. If you mean to use BoM for skin and appliers for everything else... uh... Why would you want to do that? Totally unnecessary.
  19. If this comes from the "Knowledge base" - which is just an F.A.Q. then so what? The Terms and Conditions trump any FAQ and the TAC makes it pretty clear. Most importantly, never take anyone else's words for what the TOS, TAC, or CS say, read them yourself. Additionally, do not read into them, read them word-for-word as written, never try to "interpret" basic, simple language. Because the end, in a court of law, each word will be taken by definition, word for word; nothing is supposed to be "interpreted".
  20. Hahaha! "Problems" and "Mediocre hardware" - yes, "wishful thinking" of the negative. LOL How about we run a "real" app, same app, for example Adobe Premiere rendering the exact same content on comparably-priced hardware running any version of MS Windows versus macOS. I need not say any more because those that have actually run these benchmarks have already proven the result. I have no intention to make any attempt to persuade you as what you think you know or what angst you may hold agains any brand name, etc, is no skin off my nose. Though the fact of the matter is Linden Lab either adapts with technologies as necessary in one way or another or lose a big chunk of their clientele, a big chunk of those contributing to their bottom-line in one way or another.
  21. The good-faith effort is the key, here. If you are *trying* to follow the rules, Linden Lab understands the best you can do it try. They aren't stupid. Okay, sometimes it may seem that they are, but not generally so. LOL
  22. Yes on the window-size thing. LL Viewer (and Kokua, I think) has the HDPI thing fixed, but remember if you turn that on you're quadrupling (at least) the number of pixels to draw - I keep mine turned off because with the Retina display already looking amazing, I'm not seeing as much performance hit. Though Snapshots can be at RL Building-Sized Mural size! and I mean stupidly-high resolutions (I've experimented and we're talking gigantic resolutions here.)
  23. I've thought about that also - I suspect Camper will release either before Squishy Pickle completes or simultaneously with the conclusion of Squishy Pickle, because I've been watching the Camper zone build progress (Every login I map the area LOL) and they are actually making very quick progress. Though it seems they are completing the progress up to a certain point then stopping - so I am thinking they are bringing the entire camper zones to the same point in build process, then when ready they will complete the last few steps in a single day for release the following morning. (Just a theory, perhaps @Patch Linden will plonk me for how far off I am.) LOL. Though at last guesstimate on my part, there are still about 15 regions to go that aren't even started yet (looks like they are on SSP278, 294, and 310 as I write this) - and that would be 20 if they do those below the SLRR tracks to the south.
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