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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Why on earth would you wait five minutes when you can hit the EJECT button insides of three seconds?
  2. I'm not trying to change your mind or edify you. I am explaining for the benefit of all other readers (so they are not misinformed) that they can go ahead and sell their L$ for $U.S. with no worries and without having to "register" with Tilia. Many people do this for paying their Linden Lab bills (I do it when my Premium account is due and used to do it to pay my Private Region bills.) So you can debunk me all you want. The fact is people's "taxable" information (registering with the Tilia site) is not required until they take the credit out of SL/LL by cashing-out (transfer the money *out of* Second Life/Linden Lab into their PayPal/Bank.) ~shrugs~
  3. Hush! Do not give them ideas! And keeping the thread going because to annoy @CoffeeDujour ! (~hugs Coffee~) .
  4. No whoops. It's not my responsibility to decipher your ambiguous contribution because you cannot be bothered to type two words. You have my permission to take the last off-topic word on it. My point is made.
  5. No whoops - the two words where not specified. All I saw was a long sentence and therefore it is fair game which two words I choose. If you (general you) are too lazy to type out your two words and only provide some other media with multiple words, I'll pick and choose from that which I want to use.
  6. You are mistaken. It becomes taxable only after it is removed from Linden Lab's control. It is not subject to taxation while it is still only a a credit in your account. Taxation only applies when you receive the money into your own bank account (including PayPal which is often linked to a bank account). Until then, it is not subject to taxation and, therefore, "registration" with Tilia is not a requirement, even if you sell L$ for U.S. $.
  7. Your Name (Bestest anime ever, at least as good as, if not better than Spirited Away!)
  8. /me Throws up her arms and runs at you obviously intending a giant bear hug, ready to change course toward the direction you duck toward...
  9. This is true. There are though who "get through life" and others who "excel at life". Grammar is nowhere near as important as using the right word to communicate your intended meaning. Though we tend to use context of a sentence to let wrong word choices skate by. And this is how languages change (they do not grow, on the contrary they actually shrink) because the dictionary editors will cow down to the popular status quo. But c'est la vie, right?
  10. I genuinely did not realize it was intended as a joke (Yes, really, honest and for true). Maybe a helper emoticon would have helped. OKAY, then you are forgiven! ~Waves a hand horizontally over your head and mumbles gibberish~ .
  11. Yesss! Haha!~ See? So when I say I am a Fire Tiger, it narrows it down to the not just the year, but also which decade and most people are able to figure out which year in that decade is mine LOL There is a lot more to Chinese Zodiac than just animal year. I hope my joke that started this conversation makes a little more sense now Bahaha! THIS is why I make my forum title what it is, because I suspect I annoy more often than not. 😇
  12. Nooooo, not referencing knowledge of *things*, I'm referring to the words and phrases they use to express those things.
  13. https://www.yourchineseastrology.com/zodiac/tiger.htm This is Tiger, scroll down to find the five elements, etc. Look yourself up and have fun!
  14. Agreed. Though you know the two BIGGIE!!!??? WTF? [more than] $1? I HAVE TO PAY FOR IT? EPICKFAYL!!!! EVERYONE GONNA LEAVE SL!!!! WTF? I have to PAY to be a PRMIUM?!!!! EPICKFAYL!!! EVERYONE GONNA LEAVE SL!!!! We all know it's coming. LOL
  15. Actually it does! I was born in the year of Fire Tiger! There is the decade (fire) the year (tiger) the month (I'm not sayin') and week (Still not sayin') LOL
  16. Among my comebacks: "You raise your voice when you should reinforce your argument." I concur with you that people have so badly watered-down the language and forget that words have specific, clear meanings and the way they are assembled into a sentence creates the full context of the word. Many people have much simpler educations than they realize and that's unfortunate; not their fault. But when a person has a lazy mind...
  17. I believe you may be mistaken (or just that your mind is on one thing and finger typing another - happens to me too) The law is when money is transferred to your ownership, that only happens when you do a "cash-out" - not with the LINDEX Exchange. When you sell Linden Dollars for U.S. Dollars on the L$ Exchange, those U.S. Dollars aren't really yours, yet. Rather they are simply a credit on your account and can only be spent with Linden Lab to cover any moneys owed to Linden Lab. All monetary handling and changing up to this point does *not* require legal personal information or requires that your are "registered" with the system. It all will continue working as it always did. However, if you claim the credit (transfer it from Linden Lab into your PayPal account) then Linden Lab is *paying you* and therefore must have that legal information because they are required by law to send that information to the taxing authorities. Because you are required to pay tax on that *new income*. In short, if you never "cash-out" then you've never owned any of that money; no need to provide RL information (other than what you already have just to sign-up for SL.)
  18. Wait... is that the year of Fire Dragon, Water Dragon, Air Dragon or Earth Dragon? Now I'm confused.
  19. @MaleDomWrestler: This is what I do for a living in RL, so I have questions: Green-screen? Are you looking to use RL photographic elements? If it's SL imagery there is no need to "finance a green-screen". Other than artistic elements (body copy, display head/fonts, synthetic non-talent elements, etc) - do you provide the source material? Specifically: avatar shots, venue shots, other genre-specific imagery from in-world, required logos, etc. Will you require or prefer the designer do the in-world capturing of portraits, venture shots, etc? Will you provide access to the talent, venues, locations to be captured (shot) if the designer prefers doing it themselves? What is the average timeline from Project start (Beginning of planning to final delivery)? How many projects per calendar year (a.k.a.: how many projects per month/bi-month/tri-month, etc)? Do you have a specific look genre S.O.P. (Specific logos and color-sets that are required as minimum inclusion, etc.) I am contacting you here because it is easier and more efficient to communicate than in-world. If you do not want to answer these questions here, then please Private Message me here in these forums. And, to be frank, if you cannot or are unwilling to answer these questions then the level of profession will need to be notched-up a bit.
  20. SL Business rules - and stick to them: Make it easy as possible for the customer to buy from you. (Very detailed description, offer demo, etc.) The customer is NOT king, you can "fire" a bad customer. (Block them in-world, now they also cannot buy your stuff on MP.) If a customer plops a bad review without contacting you first - Contact the customer and ask them what is wrong and how you can help satisfy their difficulty (use that word) Offer to replace, exchange, repair, redeliver *BEFORE ever offering a refund. If offering a refund, give back only what you receive (price minus LL commission). If customer is a "bad" customer, block them in-world (this also prevents them from ever buying anything from you on MP, even free stuff) In ALL cases, always leave a comment to the review and explain (to other readers) why it is a bad review. Explain how you attempted to rectify the complaint and especially "scold" the reviewer for never attempting to contact in-world. FLAG the review if it does not give details, category: competing merchant. LEAVE all reviews there, positive or negative, and never post your own review of your own product, even with an alt, EVER. Bad reviews legitimize you. Always leave comments on reviews, positive or negative - Most smart shoppers who see there is a comment to a review will read the comments. Most smart shoppers disregard reviews on demo items (it's a DEMO for goodness sakes). ALWAYS respond to inquiries, even if offline (delete quoted text in email before sending) - you DO have IMs-to-email set, right!? This shows you are receptive and quick to take care of your customers; you are responsive. This helps bring good word-of-mouth advertising. I'll stop there. I should update my book and publish a third edition on how to do business in SL. LOL (Yes, really - there is a book, but needs to be updated)
  21. There. I fixed your post to show only the important stuff.
  22. I've owned many regions in the past so I feel your pain. Since you also cater to "newbies" then you do need to have the sim accessible, even to one-day-olds, I would think. So the way I would go about it is to set up specific roles for newcomers and role-players and set scripts to group-only (group invitation only; not open-join.) That way you have a chance to vet newcomers to the sim and, if they pass muster, add them to the group in an appropriate role. Beyond that you are stuck with either scripts turns off for all or age-monitor or both.
  23. I suspect: understatement. I feel the same way and though I'm not under-the-hood techknowledgee (see what I did there? LOL) - I know this will be a long-term project, as in: have the patience, it's going to be a while. The funny-in-a-really-sad-way will be the tyrannically-shrill complaints that it's not what they (those using it for the first time) wanted and how "lackluster" or "featureless" it is.
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