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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Pretty much this and only this for me. To derender is to wear the Emperor's clothes; all that stuff and avatars are still there, still pretty solid and will block your way. Maybe derendering the reason for those people who look like they're in lag-hell constantly walking into that wall? Though I will derender the sky at my mainland parcels like a psycho.
  2. An insult is the weak man's imitation of strength.
  3. Are some listings set to ADULT? Are you set to view ADULT-rated listings? Also be sure all your listings are set to ACTIVE.
  4. Keep your ban lines and security orbs. I, for one, will always leave my place open with object rezzing by anyone, and 60 minute auto-return. SO THERE! Nanner, nanner!
  5. I know little bit Hawai'ian also LOL Not really conversational, though.
  6. Yes, I often post "OH FUN! Write today, read tomorrow!"
  7. 你比这里的许多人更善于理解.
  8. Yes - I love Maddy, I really do. She complained at first also LOL But fair is fair: I see a post with a bunch of words and no clear intent then they are all fair game. To expect us to play detective through previous posts is unrealistic and rude. It's like creators who create crap and demand you turn up your LOD so it isn't crap (lipstick on a pig).
  9. How does one question become sarcasm? <- is this sarcasm, too?
  10. It will be resized to 800x800 after uploading it. And resized to 512x512 in-world. As for the image file itself, I think the maximum resolution is 1024 (longest side) - could be 20348, but not sure, file size at 1MB. Though it WILL be resized down to 800x800. So if you are playing with it in Affinity Photo or GIMP or something, you may want to resize it down manually. If you usually export files as PNG - it will be better to save as JPEG at 70% quality for profile images.
  11. I would think this to be a good test. You know how group chat can start lagging like crazy when there are a lot of people? Or even open chat when there are a lot of people? I've always thought it had to do with a lot of people, maybe it's the chat system itself? Full disclosure: I am a GENIUS at knowing just barely enough to be dangerous.
  12. One question: Do you use *anything* Google?
  13. What's your business type and budget? Not even going to attempt to contact you unless even that is worthwhile.
  14. I believe it is 800x800 pixels.
  15. Careful. Beast of Bellisseria is in there, now we know why. ~laughs~
  16. Yes, this exactly. Which is why when the pickup line "How old are you?" my reply is usually "Let me check my profile" - and not a lie! LOL
  17. Oooh! Happy Rez day, older sis! (Mine is the 18th) - but we have one a little older (my alt was in June LOL)
  18. I'm pretty sure I found the Beast of Bellisseria's home cave... Sunken boats, toppled lighthouse, a building... Its that a church? All next to a spooky, expansive underwater cave with a single entrance. I may be brave enough to venture in to see if I can get. picture. Someone cover me!
  19. I just hit my 13th Rez day. I'm wondering if that's something to celebrate or not. LOL
  20. A report does not a policy make. I've just done two conversions, one yesterday morning and one on Saturday with no issues. I would say that unless Linden lab or a Linden employee states that the policy has officially changed, then these reports should be considered glitches in the system or otherwise just hearsay.
  21. When there is impasse, let them have the last word.
  22. This is true; and even stronger to leave no response at all because silence is argument by another means.
  23. Ahah! If you own the land or in a group role that llows it, you can right-click on an avatar and choose to "freeze" (locks them down; they cannot move) or eject, etc.
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