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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Posting here and requiring a reply in-world is your first misstep. Even a request for a Private Message here on forums would have been better. It gives the impression that you are an elitist. Just saying.
  2. I did this for a friend who lurked in his system avie for 10 years Most used, best creator-supported: Signature Gianni Best head by creator-support (including skins): Catwa (Daniel head seems most popular from what I see, but that's just my perspective) Skins: This is relative, but in our case he tried Stray Dog - hated it (and couldn't get the neck seam to go away), tried Navro (I think it's called) - same deal. But when he went with Sessions it looked great (high quality) and ZERO neck-seam, I mean you have to look *hard* to find it - but that's also HIM, everyone will have a different experience. As for outfits: Just pop "Gianni" into market Place search and prepare to grab thousands of demos. AND DEFINITELY DEMO. A lot of stuff proclaiming a fit (just like with us ladies) doesn't always FIT. However, Gianni HUD has the best alpha slices I've ever seen (compared to ALL my bodies, including Maitreya, Belleza, EVE, Slink and Tonic) and it also has the Auto-Hide ability that he can set-up himself (again: referencing the Gianni body) There's my input for what it may or may not be worth.
  3. I saw six houses and two housboats yesterday. Already two houses today. But no Campers, yet. 🙏
  4. I'll try to be a little more helpful... A Catwa head for 900L$ is the old style static head. You can buy add-on facial poses for it (they call them animations, but they are not animations - they are facial poses). These heads have been around nearly since the introduction of mesh into Second Life. The way the "animations" work is through a HUD, you usually have to manually select the expression you want on the hud, then the face will mimic that expression. Truly-animated faces are accomplished with BENTO mesh heads. I won't go into detail about what BENTO is as it relates to SL, but to say that it is the "newest feature" specific to mesh attachments, including the Avatar face. For Catwa heads, those sell for $L5000 (L$5010 on Market Place) - and competing heads ranged from $L3000 to $L6000 and even higher. If you choose to get a BENTO mesh head, shop around, grab every Demo you can find try them, scrutinize them and so on.I am sure there are some low-cost and free heads out there. I'll leave that list to others in the know.
  5. BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front LOL): I'm not saying you're wrong, you aren't. What I'm saying is that I believe your comment is more or less outdated now. I'm not so sure about this. I believe what "drives" people from the mainland is cancellation of their Premium accounts. My theory is that most renters don't have premium accounts so they obtain land by renting with L$ rather than paying real legal tender for land-use fees to Linden Lab at any tier. As for the rest of your comment, much of mainland isn't that way at all any more, albeit there still are pockets of what you describe. Any of the free "lag meters" can be worn as a hud for spot-checking and most on Heterocera, Sansara, and Jeogeot are pretty clean and have great performance throughout.
  6. Don't bother with ANY vendor system until you've outgrown the built-in SL system for trading and selling stuff. First and foremost: set up a Market Place store... The first step is what Chic says here: Also important, if you want to make quick and consistent sales, create a demo version that people can try. As for an in-world store: there is ZERO need for this whatsoever. Most people I know don;t bother "window-shopping) at in-world stores, it's just faster, easier, and more convenient to shop on Market Place. However, if you do want to create an in-world shop then buy to rent a location. I recommend you *BUY* a mainland parcel because this requires being a Premium account (which tells others you are not some fly-by-night creator) and also your shop will likely stick around for a while. Then put each product into a box or whatever packaging you want - but use prims, not mesh. And keep "vendor pictures" small, like 512x512 resolution - not need to go higher, you want fast-rezzing. In the EDIT window, give the box a very descriptive name, usually starting with your brand name. Then turn on the "For Sale" tick box, set a price, tell it to sell CONTENTS (which will create an inventory folder the same name as the box with the contents of the box placed into it). Also set change the "click action" from the default "Touch" to "Buy" (or Sell or whatever, I forget what it's called right now). Then choose SELECT FACE, click the front of your box and change the texture to the "advertisement" picture you've created. Ta-dah! All done without spending a single Linden Dollar (virtual land notwithstanding). And with a Premium account you can own up to 1024 square meters of virtual and and never have to pay land-use fees or rent (the first two tiers are waved for premiums) and no one can ever kick you out if you own it. Good luck and do it. You may even make enough money to help support your SL.
  7. Your screengrab is apparently the wrong one. You must put your items into a folder, drag the folder on the My Marketplace window. That folder (the product folder) is placed into a "master" folder. Right click the Master Folder and choose Create Listing. Then right click and choose EDIT. Fill-in the blanks, select "ACTIVE" near the top of that form. When you save the form you're listed.
  8. I suspect a lot of abandonments, also. There will be a lot of people who will bail on their existing homes (and even houseboats) to grab a trailer. There also will be another batch homes homes and houseboats released along side with the trailers as I understand it.
  9. I know some guys whose voice would be very ambiguous over the phone and I have met some old-lady, life-long smokers that sound very manly. *Age* has a lot to do with also, you forgot that very important ingredient.
  10. I see it differently... These designers are not "uniques" because they are creating for the most prevalent body, meaning an exponentially higher chance you'll go to the party dressed the same as someone else. LOL The established ones still support all three B's, which is good thing; GAS, Blueberry, countless others. And there still are literally thousands of items that already have been created over the years. So really, it's no loss.
  11. This is done in land properties. You have to turn on the "Show in Search" checkbox - it's L$30 per week. As for keywords - a proper description is better. Either way, those are added to the parcel description. If you do this, you also should create a PLACE PAGE where you can have a full SL web page to advertise and give more information and it will appear in PLACES and also on the SL Web Map search box. I'm not going to bother reposting this comment to your second thread - not sure why you created two.
  12. I saw them working all weekend. There are still a sim or two in the northern area (SSPE84?) to go. But it's looking like release is becoming imminent, perhaps around the end of the month or early next month. Edit to add: You can see where they're expanding to build next: Also SSP100 looks this way. I suspect they may also go with SSP278 and 279 before they're done. Possibly even more, though I'm hoping not, because anticipation. LOL
  13. Yes. And a HJ is nothing like tea-bagging. ~cough, cough~
  14. Prank Movie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2064905/
  15. /me laughs! Okay, then we'll call macOS and Apple hardware the Tesla of personal computers. Your words.
  16. It is. It's because they apparently stress over what other people think and they tend to hang around people who care greatly about your RL sex because they may just buy a plane ticket to fly across the giant ocean to come sweep you off your feet and fly you away to some Shangri La to live in luxury. Well, this is the only explanation I can think of for demanding anyone be "verified", right?
  17. Let me clarify this for you: "...Android is just plain better for me." Fair?
  18. Wow. Not really. It's about the experience one receives. You can drive a Ford Escort or you can drive a Cadillac. Sure, for some it's the name Cadillac for others it's about the luxury of the car. In this case, they may go with a Lexus, or Infinity, Or Mercedes or whatever; there are many to choose from. When it comes to computing experience, options are extremely limited. You have the experience of MS Windows or macOS on the software side and it's similar on the hardware side (Unix/Linux notwithstanding). You can shop on price or you can shop on quality, nothing wrong with either method, but you do get what you pay for. It's about priorities, not brand-names. For some it may be, for most it's not. A good and proper way to look at it: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/tech-tips-and-tricks/pc-vs-mac-the-big-debate.html
  19. I had NO IDEA the road went through an under water tunnel in Seoraksan region (Jeogeot Continent)
  20. Beast of Bellisseria spotted at the Saturday Barge Party. No reports of missing partygoers, though local mermaid population haven't been sen in some time. Cause and effect?
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