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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. That is why I used to leave them rezzed inworld, and currently inside my inworld work platform.
  2. I am really sorry to hear about your lost and missing items, Chic. It's something that worries me a lot. One thing that could work... like the old marketplace boxes that we used to have to keep rezzed - may be to box up the stuff from your inventory and leave it out inworld somewhere... I stuff duplicates of my marketplace items into my work platform haha. When I had some sims in other worlds, I used to do that all the time with my whole inventory. Inventory losses were rampant there, items rezzed out would be saved in OAR files and these seemed reasonably stable in comparison. What other ways do people use to back-up? Emma
  3. I have to agree with the poutiness. (Have not played with the shape much yet though...) Lips with a 7DS skin - I didn't feel they were looking too chapped and shiny...?
  4. It's at the Altamura Mainstore - you need the Teleport Hub group. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Altamura Store/135/116/33 Emma
  5. Thanks for the heads up Chic! I've paired him with another 7DS skin - 7 Deadly s{K}ins - FEBRUARY/2015 guys gift and shape - 7DS NOAH DEF shape ears - modded by me for the Altamura Max avatar a gift hair with hairbase - MINA Hair - William - Essentials MINA VIP group gift @Marianne Little- you could use the head only, by using an alpha for the body - however, you wouldn't be able to use a BOM body then... and I am adding yet another meshbody wouldn't help lag... Anyway here's my version finally...
  6. Second that! Hurts my brain to look at feet in high position - and it makes my lower legs look too long... Emma
  7. I am so sorry to hear about your troubles! I have done this pesky thing more than once and it's taken me way more time to detach everything again with a much larger inventory... The grid appears to have some rezzing issues at this time, so hopefully once those problems are resolved, your alt will be ok. Otherwise - and I am really am no expert on this - I wonder if the procedures to go through on Firestorm for a corrupted inventory or items missing from inventory would help you... I believe they include manually deleting your inventory cache from your computer, allowing the asset server - once it's working properly again - to reload it. Good luck! Emma
  8. /me mutters red-facedly... too right you were! Haha Emma
  9. @Whirly Fizzle - any reason LipstickSuccubus had issues running Firestorm on her laptop? (Whirly knows everything about Firestorm and more!)
  10. You can try Singularity Viewer (RLV enabled by default) - I have been using Build 8193 which is a Singularity Beta version with no issues since February. There are later version but I have not updated because I was told there is an issue with offline notices which is not yet resolved. (Apologies to SIngularity's team if I got this wrong!) I am sorry to hear about your laptop woes. To be honest though, I really doubt Firestorm messed with your laptop - from what I hear, a huge majority of SL residents use it and there would be a huge outcry if it corrupted people's devices. It may help if you post your system specs here to get advice - there are some very knowledgable people amongst forumites here. Good luck! Emma
  11. Thank you Jordan! I get so frustrated when bloggers have arty (tempted to add rhyming word starting with f) pictures that do not even attempt to show off the clothes that I thought they were meant to be showcasing. Recent examples - model in deep full or partial shadow incl night shots where all detail of clothing is lost - poses that actually hide most of the clothing item - shoes under water... I have to stop - I am foaming at the mouth! Emma
  12. Oh I like to get a clickable name - thank you ! Emma
  13. Thank you, Innula and Kyrah - I appreciate your explanations and additions very much. I will experiment with those. Emma
  14. default { touch_start(integer start_param) { llSay(0,"Hello, your display name is " + llGetDisplayName(llDetectedKey(0)) + " and your user name is " + llDetectedName(0) + "."); llSay(0, llGetDisplayName(llDetectedKey(0)) + " touched the box"); llSay(0, llDetectedName(0) + " touched the box."); } }
  15. Singularity Viewer, inworld shots, not cropped or processed outside of Second Life Post Process Effects: PyFX Vivid V1_001 Advanced Sky: Free's Sunset Advanced Water: Default HOT AIR BALLOON TRIP AT SUNRISE Post Process Effects: Default Advanced Sky: [PyFX] night bright Advanced Water: Phototools Gallery HOT AIR BALLOON TRIP AT NIGHT
  16. It's probably the image squeezed on the thin side of the prim - I typically set all 4 of the "thin" surfaces to fully transparent. Occasionally, it's an artefact at the top of a texture, then making the texture a little less that 1.0 (e.g. 0.99) works. Emma
  17. It sometimes takes ages for it to come to life... but in my experience it always eventually has... I have clicked in the general area where the three lines leading to the BOM screen is - and sometimes that jogs it. I think I also toggled the media settings on and off. But I agree - it's a frustrating part of the HUD - plus the tiny icons - even on the bigger HUD. Good luck! Emma
  18. Didn't want to reply to an old thread - but I was impressed by the tone and knowledge displayed in that discussion. Back on topic, please meshbody makers, read that thread !!! (wish my rl skin cracks could be fixed in a program too)
  19. i like 7 Deathly Skins - they have BOM skins, group currently is 7 Linden to join and generous MM and lucky letter boards plus monthly group gifts.
  20. post removed as I am not sure my problem was with the same skin
  21. Sometimes I still say "hello" in local but it's very very rare that anyone answers - so over time I am doing that less and less. In the past I feel this lead to conversations more often, but also depending on the place you were in. Particularly Chakryn Forest and The Junkyard sandbox at Ponkotsu stuck in my mind as places where I met lots of wonderful people. Now I most frequently meet people via my shop and still occasionally from conversations in IM when I am commenting on something about the other avatar or a venue. Pet Peeve: Group gifts that are no mod(ify) - and are not available to buy mod either - when all the shop's normal sales are mod.
  22. if you want to use the CLASSIC body BUT without using BOM and with your system head, use the alpha i sent you inworld if you want to use tattoos (BOM or system layer) you need to enable BOM on the meshbodies - for eBody there is an applier to use (probaby available in the shop for free) - for the CLASSIC body you need to click something on the HUD - this article - near the end - contains a picture of where to click https://ryanschultz.com/tag/classic-meshbody/page/2/ hope you get it sorted! Emma
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