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  1. I'm really disappointed in the lack of SFW hang outs for Furry and Anthro people. Any of the ones I do find are completely dead. I'd really love to find a chill place to hang out where everyone doesn't their naughty bits all over the place. Any suggestions?
  2. Yeah, really sucks. It's the Reason I buy my own land and stopped renting. But gave it a shot again and here we are lol
  3. Yeah, that does kinda suck. I hope you find the place you want soon enough, even if it is going to be a toss in the bucket each time.
  4. I did sadly. It's sad this type of thing happens.
  5. I know Second Life has some pretty off the rails policies and basically, if you don't like something / someone you just block or go away. BUT, my friend was recently banned from a land for some very vague rule breaking without any warning. The rules of the land say they don't give refunds for any reason, but is this actually legal on Second Life? Should they be giving him and ME and refund? Because after they did this to him, I don't want to be there either any more and I don't want to give my money to a place like this. Is there anything we can or should do?
  6. I see! I once had my stuff organized via brand as well. I might go back to it, maybe? I think I've been to dead focused on trying to organize all parts of my inventory in a similar fashion.
  7. I like that idea! I think getting the décor settled in one job and the clothing is a way other one ha ha! Especially with so many bodies and mods. I love to organize with people as well, it's a lot of fun, and I find it easier to concentrate when doing something like inventory organization, with other people. 😄 I took a look at that CTS Wardrobe in someone YouTube video and it seems a but much to me? I don't minding spending 10 L to save a pic for my Wardrobe in the SL Outfits sections, so it seems like a lot of work from what the video showed? And it's not entirely ON SL so that was a big turn off from using that. 🫠
  8. YEAH ;A; I think I try to organize ***** to hard into like hyper specific folders lol It's driving me nuts ha ha! I'll try to condense the Titles / Themes. I thought I was getting somewhere when I decided to make "Halloween" and "Christmas" Oh gosh, I use to do that and then I realized I deleted a lot of stuff I did want years later ;-; Why am I so picky! But thank you for your feed back! Every bit counts and helps me figure things out ha ha!
  9. WOAH! I looked it up! That looks insanely awesome! I see there is more then one, which do you use?
  10. Hello everyone! I'm back again with another ask from the SL community. I have been trying for YEARS to organize my inventory. But my problem is the amount of different things I own. Some issues I come into a problem with is the following... I own massive amounts of decor. I own massive amounts of landscaping things. I own a ton of clothing, accessories, etc. I own a lot of different bodies and thus a ton of different clothing for EACH body. My inventory is always getting new things of all different types, it's insane. I've tried organizing from Themes, to Colours, to bodies, to WHATEVER, but I always end up not liking how the organization goes and I still struggle to find stuff, or know what I have. Here is an example of something I have started, but now I hate it because I still feel lost. Or maybe just the fact I have so much stuff is the REAL crippling blow to my desire to organize LOL LORD SEND HELP! I want your ideas and examples, PLEASE! So I can maybe collab all your ideas into something I can do LOL
  11. Thank you so much! Yes, she reported him and if he continues we will just block him. I'll give the Policy a read! Thank you.
  12. Okay! I wasn't sure. With the state of things now off Second Life, I see people get banned off of platforms for simply saying or doing something on another. It's kind of scary. I will keep this in mind. so far everyone replying seems to have the same general stance or advice. Thank you :3
  13. Yeah, I do enjoy that LL DOES believe in, "Just Block them." Because a banned person is a banned customer LOL Totally get it. I would as well! My understanding is sharing DMs IN Second Life is not allowed, but I'd love to know the official policy on sharing stuff OFF SITE.
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