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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. I am a creator - small fry. I have some freebies on marketplace and in the inworld shops. There have been negative reviews on them and I WELCOME those. I am not being generous when I give out freebies. I am hoping people will like them and then maybe buy some stuff from me. Feedback is welcome - I appreciate the time people take to point out issues. It helps me learn and make better stuff. Emma And as to the other point, about not being able to find or get freebies inworld. I WANT people to let me know - I put them out there for people to get them after all.
  2. in my viewer, right click the HUD in inventory and choose ATTACH TO HUD, rather than ADD or WEAR you then get a drop down with options (e.g. Center, Top Left etc) once you have done that, rightclick the HUD in your inventory, choose EDIT and then move the HUD around by the arrows if you can grab them, or use the number under position in the EDIT mode window under OBJECT tab to position the HUD where you want it this is important: detach the HUD, do not replace - it may lose its position information if you replace hope this helps Emma
  3. From what I have read, the difference in item count is that firestorm counts each folder as an inventory item as well, the official viewer only reports folder content. I don't have any idea as to what happened to your Lost and Found folder, I expect you have checked Trash... just in case? I am so sorry you lost valued items and hope you will be able to get them back.
  4. Peeved by stores whose contests are always on Flickr, Instagram and Facebook. Hey, I am in your group too! /me waves Can't we have contests that are in Second Life somehow for people like me who don't want a social media presence everywhere? Please.
  5. Oh that's quite a gap below the left knee - I can't now unsee it ! I am pleased I found the foot deformer so I can wear my SLink shoes still. Finding a BOM fix for hands and toes was a challenge - finally managed with a Sweet's BOM fix for the toe and League for the finger nails. They both had to be tinted slightly - which was hard because the whole upper torso remained blurred while I was in appearance. One of my pet peeves is when things are called FREE that are actually L$1 which isn't returned. I was happy to pay it BUT the PRINCIPLE....!! If I'd known in advance both bodies were the same I could have saved L$1! Hahaha.
  6. A little trick for repositioning HUD's: ADD your HUD. Rightclick the name of your HUD in your inventory. Choose EDIT from the drop down. This opens the EDIT window. Click the OBJECT tab. Use the up / down / left / right arrows in POSITION to move the HUD to a convenient point on your screen. DETACH the HUD - when you wear it again, it will appear in its new position. (If you are in the habit of using REPLACE instead of DETACH and WEAR /ADD it doesn't save the new position sometimes.) Emma
  7. Not silly at all! Possibly a little tricky though as an object may be made up of multiple prims, which may be a mixture of prim versions: prims, sculpt and mesh. These instructions are based on the SL Official Viewer - other viewers use slightly different wording for EDIT LINKED. For a single prim object, rightclick the item and chose EDIT mode. Then select the OBJECT tab: - if it's a sculpted object, you'll see a little rainbow coloured image in the texture window - for mesh, the texture window will be grey - a prim will not have an texture window, but tell you what prim shape it is instead of saying SCULPTED. For an objects made of multiple prims, rightclick as above and in EDIT mode, choose the OBJECT tab and NOW click EDIT LINKED first. Then, while holding down the CTRL key, tab through the individual prims by clicking the > key and look for the information above. The prim you are looking at will be highlighted in your viewer with an outline - yellow for the root prim, blue for the child prims. Emma
  8. I logged into the location posted in your computer specs and found it to be rather demanding in terms of rendering the environment. Perhaps you would try logging into a water sim region such as POOLEY or NORTHSKY CHANNEL where the demands are much lower... Good luck!
  9. are you referring to a gap between the head and the body...? yes i believe that can happen from what i have read on the forum - getting the head neck size to match the body is important... some wear collar / choker type necklaces to hide it some bodies have neck pieces can be tinted to hide the join better setting windlight to CalWL can help - other windlights may show the seam more clearly hope this helps!
  10. Hopefully you'll soon be joining us in SL again:)
  11. For the next couple of days you can still get the free Genus head from their group notices (group is free to join) - look for the notice starting with the words "Support from..." Emma
  12. 7 Deadly Skins still has a male asian skin on her group gifts... Jin and the group is free currently.... (I think) - sorry - as Marianne posted, it's actually 10L$ to join Emma
  13. You need to change the channel number in the Builders Buddy base script, save it, and then change it in the Builders Buddy component script and save that. (I have done that lots of times to stop rezzers interfering with one another.) Emma P.S.: If you are doing that with an existing build, save one component script into your inventory. Then, rezz all the pieces first. Now click the rezzer, and choose DONE from the menu - this removes all the component scripts from the pieces. Change the channel number of the base script within the rezzer prim. Next, change the channel number in the component script in your inventory. Now drop this into each of the pieces, click the rezzer, box, and now go through the recording process as normal.
  14. that sentence - I laughed out loud! only in SL - or maybe what a mafiosi would say... emma
  15. And not to link to a full version is a marketplace violation I believe... Emma
  16. Vielleicht hast du auf der Seite nach "Check-out" nicht nach unten gescrollt? Und da "Place your order" geklickt? Das ist ein bisschen versteckt... Oben auf der Seite steht: Click 'Place your order' at the bottom of the page to complete checkout eventuell auf Deutsch fuer dich:) Emma
  17. Haven't read the whole thread... so apologies if someone else already mentioned it. The head works well with male skins too. I've played around with it for an old man RP character and he looks amazing. Great for older classic skins too as it can very easily be converted to BOM. You may want to use tattoo fixes for the fingers and toes. Emma
  18. so I built one... and sat my avatar on one of the cars... and she is turning around while the car stays in the upright position oops - where did i go wrong? Emma ... tried again just now... this time, she is going around the car prim in the right position but making a 2m or so circle around the car prim... hmm
  19. An SL story... My friend had a lovely pond on his region - and let me share this land... Unwisely, left me to my own devices for some weeks or so. Well, I guess the devil loves idle hands. I turned the lovely pond into the town dump, throwing in shopping trolley, wheelchairs, rusting fridges, washing machines (easy peasy since I love collecting weird stuff), other junk, tree trunks... you get the idea. The water was turned a horribly murky colour by laying a prim, set to phantom, just under the surface. A couple of prims (transparent) turned out foul greeny brown particle clouds. To top it off, I ran a motorway through the pond complete with a disgustingly dirty workmen's loo. Wish I'd taken pictures... Emma
  20. It's possible the light prim was separate from the item you blacklisted, and perhaps transparent. Try CRTL+ ALT+T key combination to give transparent objects a reddish glow and see if you can see something where the flashing comes from. If you do, click and black list it. Doing CTRL+ ALT +T again will remove the reddish glow. Good luck! Emma
  21. You need to remove the name of the store from your post - naming is not allowed.
  22. Thank you - I so appreciate your sharing of your knowledge. Emma
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