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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. Oww my head!!!! I will never get radians. Give me degrees anytime (... Bsc, MSc, PhD... hehehe). Your explanation at least makes sense to me. And that's saying something!! I guess I will just head over to the Wiki page for llVecNorm to see if I can wrap my head around that. Again, thank you so much, Qie. Emma
  2. That does exactly what I wanted - thank you so much, Qie. And yes, the script is in the root prim. Your explanation is much appreciated. I really had to crank up the float spinrate (to 23.0) to get anything resembling the original speed. I wonder what the reason for this is? Emma
  3. 1. My head has trouble getting around rotations. 2. I may not be using the right terminology. I have a multi-prim rotating object which uses llTargetOmega in its root prim. Works fine with tweaks to vectors in llTargetOmega as long as the rotation is at right angles (0, 90, 270). Goes wonky, weaves as though drunk (<< technical terms) when it's anything other, e.g. 95 degrees. Can I make it rotate nice and straight when, say, its Z axis is at 95 degrees? The script: integer switch; default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { if (switch) { llTargetOmega(<0,0,0>, 0.0, 0.0);//OFF llStopSound(); switch = !switch; } else { llTargetOmega(<0,-7,0>, 0.36, 0.3);//ON llLoopSound("sound_UUID", 1.0); switch = !switch; } } } Maybe what I want can't be done with llTargetOmega? Should I be using llSetPrimitiveParameters for the rotation instead? Maybe a function that updates the rotation according to the root prims rotation? An example would be much appreciated! Thank you for pointers in the right direction. Emma
  4. She's gorgeous - and learnt flirting at the same school I think!
  5. Thank you Nika, I picked up a bug this morning ! As SL's worst driver by far, I especially appreciate being able to set gear speed (dead slow) and the cruising mode - awesome. Emma
  6. I don't use Black Dragon, so I don't know how Search works on there. It was an issue for me with both Singularity and Official Viewer. And yes, sim restarts fixed both of those occurences.
  7. Not sure if it is the same thing, but I have had this happen twice recently on 2 different occasions and different sims and a sim restart solved the problem. Good luck!
  8. Does anyone know of a place that might sell couple Ballet dance animations? They do not need to be full permission. Thank you! Emma
  9. At last - I can post a picture of Princess Emerald aka Emmy. Sexiest beast I know.
  10. But do avoid Tarot... and the amazing Tarot thread! You'll be scared... OR giggling!
  11. You mean you haven't conveniently flattened the top of your head for her as behooves a responsible cat slave owner?
  12. I laughed - not at yours or Jordan's insomnia I hasten to point out, but the cat sitting on your head! Mine also does occasionally. But my PET peeve is her clawing the carpets trying to tunnel her way under any closed doors in front of her.
  13. I hadn't realised this! Thank you for your comment, Silent! I would agree that anyone considerate would seek to modify their voice pitch once they understand it is an issue for others. Emma
  14. Seems there's maybe a bit more wrong with Marketplace. Just received 2 emails, 2 different customers, telling me of their purchases - one item from me and emails disclose everything else the customers bought in those purchases as well. Oh dear Linden Lab.
  15. Aww I'm sorry that didn't work! Good luck sorting it! Emma
  16. Leora, unpack the delivery box again and try wearing the head from out of that - it should have the original skin on it? Alternatively, i just thought, isn't the head BOM out of the box, so what you were seeing was possibly the skin your avatar was already wearing...? Emma :)
  17. Sorry!!!! I meant to come back to the thread... The land was restarted after I did a ticket to SL support and all was fixed.
  18. eBody is BOM compatible, as is the TMP (Meshbody CLASSIC) - BOM converter information for eBody is kept in their group notices. As for the other one, it can be hard to find - scroll down to around 2/3rd of the page here for a visual - https://ryanschultz.com/2020/04/17/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-the-meshbody-offers-free-versions-of-their-classic-mesh-bodies-for-men-and-women/
  19. Sorry guys, but I feel really uncomfortable about the tone some posters have taken here. Here's a young woman who is enthusiastically starting her journey in SL - and by her own admission having a great time. And clearly wanting to come back and find out more... And it makes me glad. I don't care what her voice sounds like, how she likes to make herself look etc etc - can we not just let her be? Less of the personal criticism please, let's be nice to each other.
  20. This has just started - relog hasn't fixed it. Land is deeded to group, I am wearing the group tag. I see the can't rez symbol when i hover my cursor over an inventory item and can't drag it to the ground (a prim, not mesh). I can't delete stuff that I was able to rez. I have 223 prims available and the item is 2 LI. Any suggestions? Thanks !
  21. Also make sure the script is running... It may have been a reason for things not working for me... but I am not admitting anything!!
  22. i am so enjoying your funny replies! thank you for a much needed laugh ETA: Forgot to mention: People's great questions & I loved Horus story of the geese! Please ask the cards - will I ever find a mesh head that looks like "me"? Thanks!
  23. A truly Halloween Birth of Venus! and here the original Emma
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