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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. you should be able to expect your readers to do some work!
  2. I'm getting a script error at the second bracket in this snippet: timer() { if(index<llGetListLength(links) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llList2Integer(links,index),[PRIM_COLOR,ALL_SIDES,<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0]); ++index; } and I can't work out why!
  3. Oh dear! I've done this numerous times! There is no easy way... go to worn tab and detach things one by one. New things -which were perhaps queuing for a free attachment point?- will attach. Keep going until nothing appears attached. Now relog - do not expect the nightmare to be over!! Things will keep re-attaching for a little while yet. I have a huge clothing folder - it's taken me 1/2 hour and perhaps 3 - 4 relogs to detach everything. Oh and log into a quiet region like Pooley to do this without further strain on your system from rendering surroundings. Good luck and here's a little hug from me. Emma
  4. You could try Ali And Alli (Alli and Ali?) - she did convert to mesh some years ago, but I have fairly recently seen that she still has some older flexi hair instore. Emma
  5. there may be another way... but this is what i would do: in your viewer - its under tools in mine - check "select only my objects" next, go into edit on one object of yours and select it now, holding down the SHIFT key, draw with the cursor around the skybox still holding the SHIFT key, on the object tab, select the group to set it to (it may take a little time for this to set - if it greys out, select the group again) do this a couple of times until you are sure you have all the items set to the group hope this helps Emma
  6. Typically got all those HUDs on screen. Usually fiddling with something and talking to friends at the same time. And of course, eternal inventory sorting!
  7. If the particles are from a particle system, there is a workaround "ParticleSafe" by Debbie Trilling here: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/54/fa/260031/1.html#post1996465 I have used it recently and it works. However, every time an owner touches a scripted object there is a particle burst. This, as far as I know, can't be eliminated...
  8. Message received when clicking Place Your Order on Marketplace - The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved. This is not an address I typed in myself... so confused. Anyone know what's happening there?
  9. They are no modify no transfer, Wulfie. BUT yes if they were modifiable one could do that:) The Ruth and Roth bodies are modify however. I believe there are furry (?) bodies which are also modifiable.
  10. It's called "TakeMyWay". It is L$150 to join the group and L$1 to purchase the BOM body - I will warn you he has reddish lips which can't be changed. It may be worth looking at Skell's blog - https://virtualbloke.com/archives/3931. There is also The Shops! male meshbody (L$1) - which is a BOM compatible but functional demo version of their male (older - I think) meshbody - here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Shops/28/22/500. Clothes are a little tricky for this body... I think TMP fits, but hardly anyone makes for that size now... Good luck!
  11. As far as I know the MAX body is not BOM enabled or Omega compatible. BOM will put textures worn on the system body on your meshbody, including alphas. Omega will apply textures to your meshbody using an applier which has to be installed into the meshbody, if it does not already have it. (I think Altamura have a free or L$1 BOM enabled male meshbody that is - you may have to be a group member however to get this gift.) All you can do is use the MAX HUD to set alphas. And yes, the body does not remember the alpha setting for this outfit. Other meshbodies have "savesticks" or "presets" to give you that ability.
  12. If the many years should be over 5 years, see this for information: https://modemworld.me/tag/sl-marketplace/ Also see this discussion and in particular Dakota Linden's comment:
  13. Try MOVE! and Paragon. Both have inworld shops with demo dance pads.
  14. Oh cold shivers - this reminds me of one of my obsessions - houses with windows you cannot find from the inside - especially if someone is standing there looking down on you. And windows you find inside that aren't there from the outside... And then there's the question of what's under the stairs... the little space you cannot get access to... But I digress! I love the new stilt houses and if I hadn't spend my premium allowance on mainland I would so be refreshing furiously to get one!
  15. I have occasionally - much less recently. I use Singularity viewer. 99 percent of the time, going into CURRENT OUTFIT and detaching one (prim, sculpt or mesh) item I am supposedly wearing, fixes the issue. Maybe this will work for you too. Good luck! Emma
  16. In my viewer, Singularity, I can use VIEW > BEACONS to see sources of sound indicated. Also I use TOOLS > PATHFINDING > LINKSETS, then filter to my name to see objects on my land.
  17. Haha. Not a fisher as such nor part of a fishing game. A seat on the dock I tried earlier had given me a fishing rod which I kept on when sitting by fire. And the idea to use it to get the marshmallows came into my silly head!
  18. Too lazy to get up, she is using her rod to get the marshmallows from the fire.
  19. changed eyes and skin as well? did the character test? i sometimes find that taking off an item I am apparently wearing on CURRENT OUTFITS pops me into view... logged off, turned off router, waited 1 minute, restarted router, logged in again? Good luck!
  20. Wondering if anti-aliasing would help smooth the edges? on my viewer its in graphics > hardware...
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