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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I was just getting ready to ask about a secondary card. There should be an Nvidia app on the computer that will let her assign an application specifcally to that card. Have her do that - the latest firestorm install likely wiped out the previous setting for that. In my case, I simply have to right click my desktop and there is an Nvidia Control app to access. Once the control panel is up, select Manage 3D settings and then click on Program Settings. Add the Firestore executable.
  2. Easier if both Love and the Alt donate their tier to the group first. Then either of you can wear your group tag and "buy for group". This also lets you buy an actual 2048 plot, rather than two 1024 plots.
  3. Tell us a bit more about your system. Click Help / About Firestorm in the viewer - copy and paste the info here.
  4. IMO, the change was done to get people to buy up some of the vacant mainland, which I personally think is good for SL overall. Additionally, it might encourage more Premium accounts. Before, two Premium accounts only gave you 1024 sqm tier free and many people thought that wasn't really big enough to do much with and thus not really worth paying for two Premiums. Now two Premium accounts can give you 2048 sqm tier free and if you truly save the stipends from the second account and sell them, then it is only costing you roughly $12/yr for the extra account. This could encourage people to create more Premium accounts and buy larger plots of land. Thus, more land gets owned and LL gets more Premium accounts from it. Not to mention the boom to the economy on all the spending to landscape and furnish those larger plots. Personally, I bought a much larger plot - might add a few more alts to help offset the tier cost some more - and now will be spending tons of L$ to landscape and funish my new location.
  5. Maybe you are actually thinking of the increase in Tier allotment that comes with a Premium membership -- just announced this week. This lets Premium members have a bit more land without increased tier cost. The announcement also included an overall reduction in Tier fees.
  6. Not sure how you came by this info, but it is absolutely false. If I'm wearing a mesh outfit of any sort, I seldom ever have on any system clothing layer or mesh body applied layer. Even before my mesh body, I seldom wore any system stuff under my mesh outfits. Yet I still pop over to The Free Dove fairly regularly and have never been ejected.
  7. While we all have a UUID, LL probably has some things keyed directly on our name rather than the UUID - or maybe they created the UUID off of the username and there is thus a dependency there in some of their algorithms - or maybe for many things the username is a secondary search key and it would cause all sorts of issues if that changed often. Thinking about database and application design, there are all kinds of things they could have done to create a huge dependence on that username. Granted, IMO, that is not the greatest design, but it is what it is.
  8. One note - it will only not show you direct posts by the person. If anyone quotes the person, you'll still see those posts (or at least I think I read that here someone)
  9. The 10L charge is actually for every picture/texture upload. If you already have something inworld that you want to change to, it doesn't cost anything to do the change.
  10. And every now and then, you can get LL to sell it to you directly, rather than going through the auction. Always worth an ask in the ticket requesting it go to auction.
  11. SL absolutely NEVER had that many people online at one time. I'm not sure it ever broke 100,000 concurrent users and if it did, it wasn't by much. The recent changes on Premium tier allotment and tier fee reductions, combined with the increase in prims per 512 a while back, are all actually very good changes that many of us like and will take advantage of. So..... why are you still here? Can I have your stuff?
  12. I have a total of 4 Premium accounts - have had for a long time actually. It used to be that they gave me access to a 2048 while only costing me a bit over time (due to saving and selling their stipends). Now those same 4 accounts give me access to a 4096 for no additional cost other than the initial land buying (and that is partially offset by selling the smaller plot). I'm actually considering a few more to better offset the cost of a 8192 parcel. The trick - which I was really bad at initially - is to truly save all of the stipends, rather than spending them on the alt or transferring to the main to be spent. If you spend the stipend, then the cost will be the full $72 yearly per alt.
  13. This leads me to believe that either the one person has friends where it matters or LL decided to go grab a bunch of JIRAs that could be implemented really easily and put them in. It would be similar to the 'low hanging fruit' concept, except in this case it wasn't actually something that would score big with the customers.
  14. On my Firefox, with whatever the default skin is for that, at the top of each forum, it is a huge orange box but at the top of each thread is simply a grey link to click
  15. I've created one alt since the drop of last names and that was sometime last year. I didn't hang around to check out social island, so didn't have any of that *fun*. Not sure now if that is a good or bad thing.
  16. It is only associated with your main account if you give any shared info, but you don't have to. They could have different emails and different payment info (if the alt has any payment info at all), etc..
  17. If you own the land without it being in a group, your cost will automatically go down because the new tier of 1024 will apply automatically to whatever you own. If the land is in a group, pull up the group profile, go to the Land/Assets tab and increase your donation from 512 to 1024.
  18. I use Firestorm and I cansee the property lines, though some of them seem a bit fainter than usual. One thing that I have done to help see the property boundaries is to turn on "Land Owners". It won't help with seeing the lines between multiple pieces of adjancent properties that you own, but it will distinguish your land from others'.
  19. Had to add a comment here - you do know that a locked door is completely worthless in SL, right?
  20. Hmm - It worked for me day before yesterday (after the various changes & fixes were rolled out). I did a normal 'buy for group'.
  21. Your TIER allotment is being increased from 512 to 1024. You are currently using 512 of your TIER allotment for your Linden Home. The Linden homes are not being upgraded to 1024 size. You can either: 1) Keep you Linden Home and ignore the additional 512 tier. 2) Keep your Linden Home and buy a 512 piece of Mainland to apply the additional 512 tier to. 3) Abandon your Linden Home and buy a 1024 piece of Mainland.
  22. As far as I understand things, No. You can have one Linden Home. If you want more than that, you either need to buy a Mainland parcel or rent from someone else (which as you already know, does have its pitfalls).
  23. I personally don't think they will ever put out larger Linden Homes.
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