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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I won't change my head to fit. I'm not big into long styles, but have a few. I always check CI as hair can be a biggie there. I absolutely do not wear pigtails of any sort, though a ponytail is fine. I don't like shaved sides or back. I prefer it not to cover an eye, but not a hard rule -- as you can tell from my profile pic. Long styles must not clip into the body or my clothes.
  2. I checked my settings and I actually still had it enabled. I apparently forgot to uncheck that when I installed things on the new computer.
  3. LL knows who owns groups. They don't always want to break up parcels though. It might work.
  4. Trousers? Oh yeah, I guess there are some pants in that picture. Some pants out here too. /me considers a cool shower.
  5. Yes. That would be the part where I said to find a plot and buy it. You'll have to pay whatever the current land owner is selling it for. That price is always part of the decision on whether or not a particular plot is good for you.
  6. Correct. However, you don't necessarily have to make your alt premium. You can create a new group, with an alt as the other member - just a regular basic account. Then first deed your current sim to the group -- use the "with tier" option. This puts your current sim into the group along with the tier that you are already paying for the sim - and it lets the group benefit from the 10% bonus off of that tier amount. Then donate your 1024 to the group - the donate box will tell you the max that you can donate at your current pricing level. Then due to the 10% bonus, the group will be able to buy a pretty big lot without ever needing a donation from the alt - as Moira mentioned, just buy the land 'for group' with your group tag active. See the info in this previous post I made that shows the numbers: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/419733-thought-of-a-reason-for-an-alt-finally/?do=findComment&comment=1729266
  7. You don't have any 'premium bonus land'. You have 'premium bonus tier'. You should be able to donate any "available" tier that you have. Go to you Dashboard, Account Summary page and see what it says you have available:
  8. Contact your bank and verify. You can also create a PayPal account and verify it with your credit card and then use the PayPal account. On Monday, you can contact Billing: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ Billing team is available from 6am to 3pm PST, Monday through Friday. Local Toll-Free numbers (for Billing issues) US/Canada: 800-294-1067 FREE France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 800-724-4552 FREE Japan: 800-100-3060 FREE Brazil: 800-878-3076 FREE Spain: 90-083-9074 UK: 800-086-9081 FREE Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  9. You don't donate land. You donate tier to the group and the group owns the land. How exactly are you trying to donate something?
  10. The picture from that article is talking about "total land" -- if you look at all of the levels, it includes the 1024 premium amount. The "previous" column showed totals with 512 added in. Many of those levels are not actual billing levels - for both previous and new. The link to the full picture is:
  11. Most "bank" cards are really 'Debit' cards
  12. Is it an actual credit card or is it a debit card or a prepaid credit card. Debit cards and prepaid credit cards will not work.
  13. Option 1 - Keep Linden home and buy a 512: Start searching the mainland - either via the map or can try to use the Land Search function in the view - find a 512 sqm plot that you like and buy it. Option 2 - Give up the Linden home and buy a 1024: Pick up all your stuff at your current home. Click the name of the place at the top of the viewer, which will open the Land window. Click Abandon. Then search the mainland - either via the map or can try to use the Land Search function in the view - find a 512 sqm plot that you like and buy it.
  14. Actually this picture, from the link in the original annoucement shows what I have been saying:
  15. Side note here -- the calculator is a bit borked. If you have a value set below, for the paid tier level, it will assume that anything you enter is in addition to that level. i.e. - the above is for my alt that has the radio button set to 0 because she is not using anything above her premium amount. However, if I change the radio button to 512 and redo the calculation, then it assumes that the 10234 I entered is in additon to the 512 radio button setting: That last bit of my post explains the 512 thingy. Yes it is a bit borked in that regard since it assumes you are asking about donating and acquiring "in addition" to the radio button setting. I once had a long conversation with LL in chat about this screen because it is so wacky.
  16. Are you sure you entered that correctly? I just entered those values and it says the cost is $0
  17. ^^ This, apparently. Go to the Land Use Fees page and put in the values yourself. Or just see Moirakathleen's picture above. Or see my picture from just now doing that. If I donate 65536 to a group to use for a sim, I still have 1024 available.
  18. Good point about the alt not needing to be premium. At that tier level, a group gets a pretty good bonus anyway. Will just a single premium donating the 1024 to the group, the group would still have 65536 + 1024 = 66560 + 6656 (10% of 66560) = 73,216 - 65536 (sim currently owned) = 7680 available for more land - without the alt paying for Premium.
  19. The charges are for what you are using above your Premium tier. Take the 65536 tier that Love is currently using. Subtract out the 1024 Premium. The result is what has to be paid for. In this case, that is only 64,512 sqm - but since there is not a billing level there, then he gets bumped up to the billing level of 65536. The 1024 IS a gift. You always take the total amount of tier that you are using (personally and/or donating) and take your Premium benefit right off the top. The result is what you have to pay for. That is what lets me own 9216 sqm of land but only pay for the 8192 level of billing. If I added another 1024 plot, that would then throw me into the 16,384 billing amount, but paying for 16,384 does not mean I am using it all. Because Love gets 1024 tier w/ membership, but still has to pay for the full 65536 sim price, he does have unused tier. Checking the Account Summary on the dashboard would show that.
  20. They have increase the tier that Premiums get - from 512 to 1024. This means that you can either keep your Linden home and buy a 512 sqm plot and not have to pay anything other than the initial purchase price of the land. Or you can abandon your Linden home and buy a 1024 sqm plot and still pay nothing beyond the land purchase cost.
  21. Actually he has the complete 1024 to play with because of the way billing works. There is not a 512 or 1024 level under the full sim level. If he uses a total of 66,560 - take the free 1024 right off the top and that leaves the 65,536 of a full sim that he is already paying for. Only if the total amount that Love personally uses or donates goes above the 66,560 will he have to pay for a quarter sim additional.
  22. Ugh - I was calculating 1/4 sim for something else Fixed it.
  23. I totally missed before that Love owned a full region (even though I did know that). You previously had 512 sqm free tier w/ your Premium, but since you own a full region, you didn't actually get any benefit from it -- because there is not a billing level that is only 512 under a full region. i.e. You only see a benefit if the free tier is enough to knock you down to the next billing level. If that sim is owned by a group, then you are already donating either 65536 (full sim size) or 66048 (full size plus free 512) to the group. If that land is not in a group and you are just paying tier directly, then you are missing out on the 10% bonus that a group gets. Full group explanation -- If the group has donations of 65536 (for current full sim) plus 1024 (your premium tier) plus 1024 (an alt's premium tier), then the group would have total tier donations of 67584. The 10% bonus would then add another 6758 sqm for a total of 74,342. That then means that your group could buy a plot of 8806 sqm or less, outside of the full sim you already own -- also assuming you have no Linden home. Edited to correct numbers
  24. Not sure what you mean. ALL tier is getting cut, whether the tier is applied to a group or whether it is applied directly to land that you own outside of a group. Before this change, any tier that you either used directly or donated over the first 512 sqm incurred a monthly charge. Now it is only tier used or donated over 1024 sqm.
  25. Yeah, it has to do with the JIRA getting spammed way back when. I think you are correct though that comments here will catch more people and go a long way in getting everyone's thoughts heard.
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