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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. So, yeah right there under the Permissions is says Mesh. However, if you look closely at the picture words, you'll see that the "100% mesh" is a lie. The picture shows: It is a bit hard to read because they used a low quality image, but the very last line contains the word "flexi". Also, if something says "standard sizes", then that means the 5 original standard mesh sizes: XS, S, M, L - and then either XS or XL. That is another indication that an item is mesh. Oh, and my quick search was MESH AND MALE AND JACKET AND LACE - then filter on Apparel and Men's on the left. With a bit of thought you could possibly add other search terms or take some away if you want to expand the results.
  2. When my son was in middle school, he didn't seem to think he needed to do homework. His reasoning - "I can ace the test, so why bother"? We tried many things, most of which failed. At one point we took all the toys and fiction books out of his room, leaving only the encyclopedia set (yes, that was back in those days) and a few other factual books. He then came down to dinner and starting spouting all the cool stuff he had learned from the encyclopedia books and still didn't do his homework. He has grown up to be a fine young man though.
  3. I will skip the demo if I have had lots by the creator and the items all fit great. For a creator I am not very familiar with, if there is not a demo of the item I want then I'll look around to see if there are other demos. If so, then I'll try on many of them to get a feel for the creator's work. If there is lots of consistency in how well the other items fit, then I'll probably chance it - but probably not for anything more than L$150-200. If there are no demos at all, thus nothing to base anything on, I'll only buy it if I really like it and it is super cheap -- usually L$30 or less, but I've been known to bump that threshold to L$50, but never more than that. I actually have a notecard that I maintain with names of vendors that I trust w/out needing a demo and vendors that I will never buy from again, as well as notes about a few that fall in between. This is critical for me because I keep almost nothing after I wear it once.
  4. Someone mentioned it in one of the picture threads a while back. I've been there a few times, but as of yet have only take a couple of shots there. They definitely have tons of setups.
  5. A super quick MP search popped this one up: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Maximilian-coat-with-hud-for-men/7560083
  6. LOL - I love it so when someone comes to the forums to post on an alt account, afraid of anyone knowing who they really are. If you want to be shallow and only care about looks, then own up to it. Don't come to the forums in disguise and give some bullsh!t excuse for requiring a mesh avi for a friendship or roommate.
  7. I gotta remember not to look at this thread while I'm eating.
  8. Personally I call bullsh!t on that so called reason. I suppose it sounds good, but it is a completely invalid assumption about people's dedication to SL and really is nothing more than a way to justify being shallow about looks. Someone can be very much invested in SL - building, scripting, etc... - but not really care about being up to date on the latest fashions and thus not really needing a mesh body. This definitely applies to a few guy friends that I have. They pretty much always wear jeans and long sleeve shirt, so a mesh body is just not that high on their priority list. Yet they are some of the dearest long-term friends that I have here. And just how much mesh? Mesh body and head, or is just a mesh body or maybe just mesh feet and/or hands good enough? What if they are a furry or hybrid - then how much mesh?
  9. I would like to be able to organize my inventory outside of being logged into SL. Just knowing the name of the item, the type of item and the date acquired would be enough for me to be able to trash it or move it to a proper location.
  10. I would suggest that you create a new thread rather than piggy-back on one that is almost 3 years old and where the title is not specifically what you just posted that you are looking for.
  11. Explain to me why "Mesh" is a requirement for a roommate or friend?
  12. Follow up on something that Lillith said - for the next time something like this happens. Your HUD should have buttons for enabling/disabling the tattoo layer, along with the underwear and clothing layers. You have to turn the applicable layer off or fully clear the layers to remove any applied layer and thus keep it from showing.
  13. Side note -- We are all just other Residents here. If you truly need LL support, you'll need to file a support ticket. LL doesn't come to the forums often.
  14. It is entirely possible that two people could be having sex and a kid TPs in without the sexually active parties noticing (not talking about AFK stuff here). Given how the rules are, it is entirely possible that if said kid avi stays and watches, that all parties, including the adults, could get in trouble.
  15. You apparently have a natural eye then because your photos and sets are always amazing.
  16. Clover mentioned that there weren't really any gifts this time around, though one of her pictures does mention some eyes that someone has for L$1 there.
  17. You cannot totally hide it, but you can come close. You can set all of your friends so that they do not actually see you as being online. In Firestorm there is a setting such that anyone that is not your friend would always see Offline on your profile -- not sure if that same option is available in the SL Viewer prefs or not. However, if anyone IMs you, then they would immediately know you are online because they will not get the normal 'offline' response. There are also scripts and devices that can give away your true online status.
  18. And just what is wrong with a "fresh f*ck*ed" look?
  19. LOL - I remember when she made that. I may have to go dig that out of inventory and go have some fun.
  20. This is the outfit I put together when I found this super high CI gown while cleaning inventory. I had to go back to my Classic body for this. The gown alone was just shy of 2.8 million, but after adding some hair and a necklace, I managed to bump it up to 2,884,620.
  21. The L$ balance shown inworld sometimes gets borked. As Moira mentioned, check your dashboard for the true amount. If your dashboard agrees with the negative balance, then find the transactions in your history that are paying out money in order to figure out where it went.
  22. The thread is 2 yrs old - I'm not so sure the OP is coming back to read it. In any case, I don't think a "pay me" link makes them look lazy or lower than anything - depending on what else is written there. It would raise flags to me because I'd figure that the link was really some sort of scam. By the same token, if I have such a link and someone actually paid me, then I'd figure I managed to score pretty good.
  23. Oh, there are actually a few people that do that kind of stuff. eewww, right /me just shakes her head
  24. ^^ most definitely. My alts get very little time and thus very little customizing. I've been picking up the free and super cheap bodies/heads for them so that they have something somewhat more current and better looking than their super old standard avi bodies. For most of the alts, those bodies/heads have just sat in inventory waiting for me to have time to play with them (or care enough to make time). Only one alt has actually played with the various mesh stuff.
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