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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. It's too bad that I don't really like any of the 'tones' at WoW because they are having an awesome sale right now.
  2. Mine actually had the 6th as the beginning of the date range at the top, though usually it is just the current date. So I just changed that back to today and that fixed it.
  3. Find a new club to hangout in. Block the person inworld so that they cannot communicate with you. Get a security orb for your house - or if him knowing where you live really bothers you then move. Otherwise, completely ignore the person.
  4. Ahh - I thought you meant the main header was out of sync with the item status below it.
  5. I already do lots of hunts - I like them a lot. And I buy something pretty much every log in. I'm going to make myself a Bingo board for the forums, though not sure just yet what I'll do when I get Bingo.
  6. Someone must have heard you. There are now 2 items marked as 'Under Maintenance' to match the banner - though no indication as to what exactly is going on with Chat and Phone Support.
  7. For the big holiday parties (halloween, new year's eve) we used to do a full 12 hours in order to cover the different timezones. Now days, for the parties, it is just up to whomever decides to have one. As to just general gatherings, that is real hit or miss these days, even during US prime hours.
  8. I have to say that I never thought bling was cute. I always turned it off for all my jewelry and threw out anything that wouldn't turn off.
  9. Usually it is almost instantaneous. Check your spam filter. You can also go to your dashboard and you should be able to see a link directly to your house. Click Account on the left, then Premium Membership, then Explore your Linden Home.
  10. Ahhh - possibly the lashes, depending on when they were made and by whom. I found a pair in my inventory that shot my CI up tons - probably because of the alpha textures in them.
  11. Sometimes venting does help. However, the 'warn others' part will likely do not good. Folks seldom come to the forums to read about this quest before they have problems related to it.
  12. The true definition of hell. I always get more when we get down to our last pound of beans. I usually buy 5-6 lbs at a time.
  13. That sounds like something was still attached. I don't have a mesh head yet and I'm pretty sure that when it is just my Lara body, my CI can't be more than 15-20k. My CI when I logged out last night was right around 25k and I had on applier leggings, mesh sweater, mesh hair, and mesh boots.
  14. Hi Threadies. The Flawless sim has a corny but cute little quest going on where you can gather up 14 gifts in about 45 min. You wear a HUD that TPs you to the different stores and then go find a specific product and answer a question about it. After you've finished all 14 stores, you get all the prizes. The 'corny' part comes from the fact that it is done in the form of a Game Show that you have become a contestant on. Anyway, I really liked most of the gifts. TP to the start to grab your HUD is: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flawless/98/154/28
  15. Note that you can also rent land either on the mainland or on a private estate. A private estate will sometimes call it 'buying', but that just means you'll get full land owner privileges with your rental. You do not have to be Premium to do any sort of rental.
  16. I never really cared for the song much until this version of it. I play this one really loud and on repeat sometimes.
  17. No, mesh bodies can still have flexi attachments, though you might have to re-align them and/or resize them. I just mentioned the 'flexi' because having any flexing parts prevents it from being "100% Mesh", which is what it says right under the permissions.
  18. Standard avatars can wear the standard mesh sizes, using the supplied alpha and possibly changing their shape a bit. Mesh bodies skip the supplied alpha piece, but might still have to use their HUD to alpha out parts. If the sizes are simply 'standard' and not made specific to the mesh body, the chances are even higher that alpha cuts will be needed.
  19. I did mis-word my response a bit. I was not implying that she was Hadley's alt, but did figure she was someone's alt sticking up for Hadley since her only two posts in the forums are in this thread. Usually the only time we see that around here is when someone wants to stick up for someone else but doesn't want anyone to know who they really are. I do apologize to Lexxi for the mistaken 'alt' assumption. Snobby works for me - and I have my days of such. It doesn't affect me specifically as I wasn't considering the roommate aspect. I do have a mesh body, but have not found a mesh head that I like yet and won't go that route just because everyone else thinks it is the end-all-be-all. Conversations about classic vs full mesh vs partial mesh are constantly going on in the forums and generate quite the debate. There are quite a few of us that get tired of the attitude that we are not "as good as" simply because we are not full mesh - thus the 'probably too harsh' response.. I get the part about shared interests and conversations and shopping. None of that was stated in the original post and the reason given really isn't the truth, even if it is Lexxi's opinion.
  20. There are just too many clothing options in SL. Why bother cluttering my inventory if I know that I'll always (almost always) be wearing something from my latest shopping spree. Hell, I can't even keep up with wearing all of my new stuff. I do keep a few basics - a variety of applier pants & tops, basic jeans/pants and a few tops, bras, panties, and nylons. I keep all of my shoes, hair & jewelry and do re-wear those items.
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