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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. This was me. I've been periodically looking for larger land for the past couple of months. The increase in tier benefit simply gave me more incentive to look a bit more seriously. From some of the prices out there now, it does look like this change has caused a bit of a spike in prices (at least temporarily), so I'm glad I was able to find something and buy rather quickly last week. At that point, most 1024 plots (unless next to water, road, etc..) were still running L$0.6 - L$1.5 per sqm. Most are quite a bit more than that now. The large plot next to me that is for sale has already jumped in price just since I purchases mine - and it is still owned by the same person, so not someone that bought trying to flip for profit.
  2. Yeah, what Clover said. The url directly to the store list is http://bepsl.com/st-patricks-day-hunt/. It runs until either this coming Fri or Sat - the web page does not say, but I'm pretty sure the dates are noted on the sign in the stores. The store list is kind of long and the hunt item is a bit hard to find in a few places, but many of the prizes are really nice. There is the occasional 'shamrock mug' and stuff like that, but not quite as much as you get in the normal themed hunts. Since the store list is a bit long, the first thing I did at each place was just cam around a bit to see if I even liked anything in the store. If not, I didn't bother trying to find the pot of gold. I was really amazed though at the number of stores that I'd never heard of before. Granted, I don't go to a lot of the big events very often, and when I do I still don't pay attention to store names unless I actually see something that I want. So that combined with the fact that many of these stores aren't involved in most hunts is probably why I've not heard of some of these stores.
  3. Hell, I need to jack up the price of my old plot that I'm selling then.
  4. The Finders, Keepers, St. Pat's Day hunt was awesome. There were tons of stores that don't usually participate in hunts and thus I discovered all sorts of new places to spend L$.
  5. I had no problems buying a new parcel earlier this week. And my old land is for sale right now. If you really want land, contact me. Additionally, I still see tons of yellow for-sale parcels all over the map.
  6. You don't necessarily have to change anything on the web page. I actually verified this just last month. The only thing that radio button does is set the point at which you will get that 'tier increasing' warning. You are not ever charged for more than you are really using. Once all of the land is in the group with the appropriate tier, the rest of the tier is no longer being used and won't be charged after this current billing cycle.
  7. Deed both parcels to the group (the same group) and use the deed 'with tier' option. Once the same group owns them both then you can join them. UNLESS the second parcel is actually in another sim - then you'll never be able to join them, even if they are next to each other. The reason that it took you up in tier was because when you sold it to yourself, the associated tier was still donated to the group. Thus you needed more tier to apply to the land that you owned personally. For future reference, you can remove tier from a group, letting it go negative, if you are going to sell it directly to yourself. That way you'll have the tier yourself for the purchase. Groups are allowed to be negative on tier for short periods of time.m In this case though, the better option would have been to deed the piece that you personally owned to the group - deeding to group with tier.
  8. No - the L$300 is yours to keep and do with as you wish. The 'tier' benefit that you get is that they just do not charge you for the first 1024 sqm of tier if you own land. They take nothing from you for it. If you own more than 1024 sqm of land, then the extra tier due would be billed monthly - against your payment method that is on file.
  9. Buying the land is not covered in any way by your Premium benefit. When you own land, you have to pay monthly tier on it -- kind of like a monthly tax - based on how much land you own. Your Premium benefit will cover the monthly tier on land that you own up to 1024 sqm in size. Thus, you first go buy land and then the Premium benefit kicks in to cover the monthly tier that will be due. If you buy more then 1024 sqm of land, they you'll have to pay for tier for the amount of land that is over the 1024 sqm size.
  10. Linden Homes only come in a 512 sqm size. You have two options: Keep the Linden home and "buy" a separate mainland 512 sqm parcel. You will have to pay to buy the land, but then your monthly tier will be covered by the Premium benefit. Or you can abandon your Linden home and buy a mainland 1024 sqm parcel. Same thing - you must pay to buy the land, but then the Premium benefit will cover the monthly tier amount.
  11. My profile does say that I'm from Colorado. I have had a few people say "I'm from blah-blah Colorado, which part are you from". A couple of those folks were within 60 miles, but I don't know them.
  12. ^^ This. I know the RL name of exactly 5 people from SL, not counting my RL mother whom I brought to SL and was here for a few years. Of those 5, three were SL relationships that went just enough into RL to consist of emails and calls/texts - and 2 of those 3 I am RL Facebook friends with. The other two were casual female friends in SL. I visited one in RL and I am Facebook friends with the other one. That is the extent of my RL knowledge of people over the 11 years that I've been here.
  13. Since this is a brand new premium that has never used any tier, the Account Summary currently shows no billing date at all.
  14. Making this alt premium - one that had never been premium before - reminded me of something else: They get an L$1000 bonus after 45 days. Cashed out it isn't much, but it is another few bucks to help offset the cost of the alt.
  15. Well, I had already considered bringing a couple more of my accounts into Premium in order to offset a bit more of my tier. I'll pop one to Premium today, but not donate his tier until sometime later in the week and then see what the billing date ends up showing.
  16. I wonder if they changed the way this works at some point. If I was a brand new user and signed up to Premium today (the 17th), but then did not actually use my tier until the 15th of next month, I'd probably get really upset if I was billed for a month on usage on the 17th of next month instead of a month from the 15th.
  17. The reason I was guessing it was when the tier was first used/donated is that one of my alt has her tier date as the same date she become premium (the 17th) and with her I did donate her tier to the group the day I made her premium. With another alt, I bumped her to premium on the19th, but didn't actually donate her tier until a few days later and her tier billing date is showing as the 22nd of the month. My third alt also is showing a tier billing date of a couple of days after the premium billing date.
  18. As Lindal said, you could try a Support ticket or Live Chat, but Live Chat will not be available until tomorrow morning SLT and nobody will deal with a Support ticket until then either. Thus if it is not transferred by the time Live Chat opens tomorrow, I'd jump on that channel and talk to them.
  19. Your tier billing date will show at the bottom of you Account Summary date - even if you have never actually been billed for tier. Three of my alts have never paid for tier - they simply donate to the group. My guess is that if you've never been billed, the date is set based on your first usage/donation of the tier. Also, you will always pay for an entire month even if you only used the tier for a single second. And you won't pay until the end of the monthly billing cycle. So if you've never used tier and then you use some on Jan 15 for one second, your billing date becomes the 15th and your first bill is Feb 15th for the preceeding month of Jan 15 through Feb 14. If you then don't use any tier for six months and then use it again for a single second, you will be charged at the end of whatever billing month that usage falls into. If you use tier momentarily on the 14th of a month, you'd be billed for an entire month of usage on the 15th. If you use it momentarily on the 16th, you'll be billed on the 15th of the following month.
  20. If you won an auction, the land will immediately transfer to you as soon as your payment goes through. If you show that it is paid for, but not actually yours yet, then you'll need to talk to LL Support.
  21. Yeah, this is something that many do not know / understand / realize. The money you pay for tier is for "your" use of tier and that use is defined by either applying it to land that you own directly or by donating it to a group, whether actually used by said group or not. I do think that there are many aspects of land ownership and tier usage that LL needs to make more clear and they need to put that info out there in a much more "in your face" way to help minimize mistakes around it.
  22. That dress is way to nice for that barbaric environment.
  23. Whoever currently holds the high bid probably gave a really high top limit on how much they'll pay. If you bid above their current amount but under their top limit, their bid will immediately adjust to whatever is needed to beat yours. So, no bots involved, just a really high bid limit.
  24. If there is no demo, I will not buy it - for any amount of money - because styles fit and look so different, even from the same creator. If I don't like the reddish colors in the color HUD - or can't try them because the demo doesn't offer all colors - then I won't buy it unless it is modifiable.
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