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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I was happy when I got the Stix demo last night. There is actually something at the Skin Fair that I want now.
  2. You can let anyone come live in your Linden home, Premium or not. I'm not familiar enough with how the land set is though to know how easy it might or might not be to let them 'set home' there.
  3. There is nothing that the people here on the forums can do -- we are all just Residents like you. Contact Billing via the info above.
  4. This would imply that the cards you are trying to use are either Prepaid cards or actually Debit cards (those types are not allowed). If neither of those are true, it could also be that your card company is seeing the charge as possible fraud - it happens now and then. If you can't figure it out, contact Billing: Local Toll-Free numbers (for Billing issues) Available 5am to 3pm PST US/Canada: 800-294-1067 FREE France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 800-724-4552 FREE Japan: 800-100-3060 FREE Brazil: 800-878-3076 FREE Spain: 90-083-9074 UK: 0800-086-9081 FREE Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  5. There is another recent thread where someone complained that their web profile correctly shows Payment info, but inworld does not and someone else confirmed via a script that inworld thinks there is No payment info. Something odd definitely going on lately.
  6. Yes, it will work for SL viewer. It is possible that the SLURL association got borked, especially if you installed multiple viewers or possibly even because the latest SL viewer is 64-bit and the previous was a 32-bit app. Totally free app and easy to install and very lightweight, so worth a try anyway.
  7. I just might have to pick up a few of these. You never know when they might come in handy.
  8. When you bought your L$ - from the below picture, did you use the left side or the right side? If you used the right side, your request to buy is waiting for the price point to be met. On the far left, under "Linden Exchange", click Manage and then click "LindeX Order History". From there you can cancel that order. Then return to the Buy L$ screen and use the "Instant Buy (Market Buy)" option.
  9. There has been an issue with that info not always showing correctly lately on the inworld profiles. The web profile shows 'Payment info on file'. Or actually, I guess the issue has been that those two profiles are out of sync, but I'm not totally sure that the inworld one is always the wrong one. It has been in a few cases lately, but it is possible that in this case the web profile is the wrong one.
  10. Have you tried installing the SLURL Proxy app that the Firestorm folks created? It fixed all my SLURL issues.
  11. Makes no difference to me - inventory is inventory. You get bonus points for every item named "object" over 1000
  12. I had at the very least planned on sending my two female alts over for the full version Valentina body.
  13. I have actually me Prok inworld, though I doubt he remembers. I rented from Ravenglass in my first year of SL - though I don't remember specifcally why I met Prok during that time.
  14. Well, I guess I don't need to go then. I was mostly just interested in maybe picking up a few fantasy skins for a few looks I wanted to put together. Since I would still need a classic skin due to no mesh head, that doubly lets me out.
  15. Prok is female in RL, but last I knew the avi was male, thus I usually use male pronouns when referring to the avi. Occasionally, I forget and use the RL persona.
  16. Not a chance. They may both be extremely blunt and very, very passionate about their beliefs, but they are very different. Klytyna is mostly saracastic about 'things' and sometimes about certain 'types of people', but also quite knowledgeable about various things. Whereas Prok is just downright nasty to any person that does not agree with him and most of his posts are nothing but rants.
  17. That doesn't really look like a lot of snow, so if school's are closed I'm guessing it is an unusual amount for your location?
  18. I'm glad he tolerates it. It looks much more comfortable than those icky plastic cones. One of our huskies even managed to chew through the edge of a plastic cone once to get at a foot wound. Persistent little bugger he was.
  19. Apparently, Altamura is going to have a full version of the Valentina Bento body available at the Skin fair for only L$300, though you do have to be a group member to purchase it. If you aren't a member of the group, that will cost you another L$50. Quite a few of us picked up the free Valentina a while back for our alt accouts and this sounds like a pretty cheap upgrade to a full version of it. By 'full version', I'm assuming that means it will be Omega compatible.
  20. Yep, as Moira says, just pull a new copy of the body and HUD from your original box. If you don't have the original box, go to the store and get a redelivery.
  21. Why? To keep him/her from bothering a wound or ??? Our huskies would have been out of that simple of a thing in no time at all. If to protect a wound, we always had to use the plastic cones.
  22. Current setup that we are now tearing down so that we can do a complete remodel of the office. And where we are setting up a temporary office in the bar
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