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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. If you are referring to your Linden Home, those will not be increasing in size - at least not to anyone's knowledge at this time. You can either stay with the Linden Home at the size it is or ditch it and buy your own land to apply your 1024 TIER towards.
  2. Then the only benefit the extra 512 of Tier will do you is if you want to help out some group and donate it to them.
  3. Ahhh, now I get it. You are talking about the Linden Homes. They are all 512 and as of yet there is no information about any 1024 ones coming out. You can either stay with the 512 Linden Home or go buy a 1024 plot and put your own home on it. There are actually quite a few plots of mainland available for pretty cheap.
  4. Ahh. If you mean that you only own 512 sqm parcel and want 1024 sqm - well, you have to buy more land. Either buy another 512 sqm piece of land or sell the one you have and buy a 1024 sqm. Instead, if you have donated your 512 to a group that owns land and you want to increase that donation - pull up the Group Profile, go to the Land tab and increase your 512 amount to 1024 and click Save. Or am I still missing something and you are talking about something else?
  5. This says you are allowed 1024 sqm (at your current monthly cost or L$0), that you currently either own 512 or have donated 512, and you can get another 512 sqm. Thus the change is there for you. Where inworld are you seeing 512 where you think it should now be 1024?
  6. Go to your Dashboard, Account / Account Summary. Look at Land Holdings on the right, bottom of the info. What does it say for Allowed Holdings?
  7. What do you mean by "still at 512 inworld"? Do you mean that your group contribution is still limited to 512 or something else?
  8. There was definitely an increase in demand yesterday afternoon and evening (US time). I've been casually looking at parcels for a few weeks. Yesterday was the first time I had multiple parcels bought while I was standing on them considering if I wanted them. Everywhere I went last night there seemed to be people looking at almost every parcel I TPd to -- or in some cases, the parcel was not for sale anymore despite what inworld search or the map showed.
  9. There are non-mesh folks that do take care of themselves and dress themselves with quality clothing, but just don't want a mesh body. There are many of us that have a mesh body, but don't like the current mesh heads and thus don't want one yet. So non-mesh does not mean the av is wandering around disheveled. Being non-mesh does not mean the person is lazy either. This assumes that everyone wants to get mesh. I don't think people are complaining about mesh users in general, but about some mesh users thinking that all non-mesh users are inferior to them.
  10. Sometimes LL Support truly is atrocious and it seems like you are dealing with idiots. Sorry for you frustrations. Unfortunately, there is nothing that us forum folks can do.
  11. Sell a package that contains only a notecard providing details - sell if for L$0. Be sure the item description states very clearly that the user will only be getting a notecard providing the details of your services being offered, but that there are not actual services being sold for that L$0 amount.
  12. A state of panic trying to find a specific hair? That must be one special hair.
  13. Actually you are supposed to be able to, based on another post somewhere, but there looks to be a bug in that process right now. If you get the Linden home first, then you can donate the other 512. However, if you are already using/donating the 512, the system gives an error when you try to get a Linden home.
  14. You donate tier to a group -- your 1024. The group gets a 10% bonus, so you get an extra 102 tier available in the group for a total of 1126 sqm. It doesn't really help much at small levels because you typically will not find a plot that is 1126 sqm, but you never know.
  15. Well, with the tier changes, I got the final incentive to go out land shopping. I've been planning on getting a bigger plot for some time now and the premium increase to 1024 each finally made it really worthwhile. I ended up bumping up quite a bit in land size, deciding to go ahead and pay additional like I had planned before. Now comes the extremely difficult and tedious task of landscaping it, deciding on a new house, and furnishing the house -- all tasks that I hate with a passion. While I am fairly good at decorating, I hate the shopping that goes with it and I truly suck at landscaping. Guess I'll have to spend more time spying on my neighbors for ideas.
  16. From looking at the buying activity on the grid today, it just might. There were a few times while I was looking at a plot that someone bought it while I was standing there. I bought new land, more than doubling what I did have.
  17. Hubby and I miss our Huskies, but the timing is not good right now for replacing them. *sigh*
  18. Yes - The big announcement about Premium members now getting 1024 sqm tier instead of 512 and tier prices themselves dropped 10%. Thus, there apparently is lots of land buying going on - though some were having difficulties and LL just rolled out a patch for that.
  19. I went back with another alt. The only way I could get it to work: Log out of SL Log in to dashboard, go to Land Use Fees, click Save button (without any changes) Log back in to SL and increase the donation to the group and Save. I logged out and back in and the donation is still there and it shows on the Group Land page off the dashboard. Oddly enough, it does not yet show up to me when I list Members in the group profile. I am still seeing this one alt as having donated 512. However, the 'Land available' on the Land/Assets tab does reflect the additional 512.
  20. While this might have worked in the past, it does not now. I just tested with an alt. I had her block me and then paid her L$1. What my transaction history shows is MY location at the time of the payment. I TPd around to a few places, paying her L$ a few times and the tran history consistently shows my location every time.
  21. The picture that blog post linked to is showing the Total tier INCLUDING your free tier. The Land Use Fees page is showing the cost of any tier ABOVE your free tier. i.e. The post shows 1024 free w/ Premium and 1536 will cost $4 and 1024 will cost $7. Remove your free 1024 from those numbers and you get 512 for $4 and 1024 for $7, which matches the Land Use Fees page. Hopefully that makes a bit more sense. I had to stare at it for a short bit to figure out what they had done with those charts. The way I actually figured it out is that there really is not a tier level for 1536, 3072, 5120, etc... yet those are the levels they show in their chart. So this is showing the cost you would have based on the TOTAL tier being used (and compares old to now): Whereas this is how much it will cost to add tier ABOVE your Premium allotment:
  22. And per conversations in the other thread, apparently (until a fix is rolled out), you still have to first go to your Land Fees page and click that Save button.
  23. I understand the desire for mesh with regards to an avi that you'll be having an intimate relationship with, especially if you'll be doing the SLex thing. Hell, the only purpose for actually putting the avs on the pose balls is for the visual aspect. Otherwise, folks would just IM ether in proximity or not. I can only understand the 'mesh for a shopping buddy' thing if we are talking specifically about shopping for things that can only be used on a mesh body or head. There is still a lot of mesh clothing out there that can be worn by classic and mesh bodies. Otherwise, as long as the system av takes care in looking good (which really does mean mesh feet if not wearing pants), I do see a mesh requirement as being shallow, snobbish, whatever you want to call it. If people want to be that way, then they are entitled to do so. They just aren't likely the type of person I will want to spend much time with -- and they wouldn't like me anyway because I still use a system head.
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