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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. You need to edit your post and remove the picture. You are not allowed to name specific people in the forums.
  2. Have you actually "signed in" to the marketplace? It doesn't retain sign-ins always. Once you've signed in, you should see the option:
  3. How high do you want to go. I know you can go as high as 4096. There are actually quite a few things up in the 1500-2500 range.
  4. I accidentally triggered one of those once trying to check out a gal's dress. I simply responded in chat "Oh my, so sorry, I was intending to slap you a$$".
  5. She does say that she is already Premium and has a Linden Home.
  6. To buy something - after abandoning your Linden home, if you want -- pull up the map inworld and look for parcels for sale. Or you can use the inworld Land Search option. Then TP to the land, click on the land and 'Buy'. Most people TP around to many parcels before deciding on one. Or you can check out an auction and try to buy something there. https://usd.auctions.secondlife.com/lin/auction/auction/list/
  7. I have RL critters that demand food on a regular basis, so I personally have no desire to have to pay money to feed something regularly when inworld. For me, personally, I find them as silly and annoying as prim/mesh/whatever babies inworld.
  8. These calcs have been mentioned a few times. It totally depends on how you view things and how you look at the L$300 stipend that you would get weekly - and whether or not you are in the US or might have VAT and/or international transaction fees. L$300 per week for a year is L$15,600. If you assume roughly L$250 per US $1, then that is $62.50 per year. If you actually cash it out to pay for the yearly fee, you need to subtract out the 3.5% 'sell L$' fee and that results in $60.22 per year. Thus, if paying for Premium yearly, it will cost roughly US $1 per month, which would be approx. L$250 per month. If you don't actually sell those L$, then you are still getting approx. $62.50 of your fee back in money to spend inworld. For a 1024 sqm piece of mainland, you'll get 350 LI/prims (or 700 if a double-prim lot). You'll also need to take into account the price of actually buying a piece of mainland. Then compare all of that to the price of renting, along with whether you have a preference or not for Mainland vs Estate living. The Premium will also give you up to 60 groups (if you care), access to private sandboxes (if you care), access to 90 days of transaction history instead of 30 days (if you care), access to Live Chat rather than just support tickets, and a few other things. Only you can decide if any of those things matter to you.
  9. This - Only in the past few months have I started paying attention to LOD when I demo hair and clothing.
  10. Wait - there is a new event for furniture? I just upgraded my land size a lot and have to find a house and furniture and new landscaping and ......
  11. I've been saying this for 11 years now. It has yet to actually happen.
  12. "ETA: Oh yes, I forgot that since the hovering effect is local to my viewer, anyone else sees me properly on the ground. So if I used the setting to lower me, they would see me buried," from:
  13. That is what I always thought, which is why that comment in another thread threw me.
  14. A comment in another thread brought this to mind for me. The comment was that the 'hover effect' is local to my viewer. Now I know there are a variety of things that control your feet in relation to the ground --- the 'shoe' height clothing item, the actual mesh shoe, the hover slider, etc.. Do all of those things only impact what I see or do some (or all) of them impact what others see?
  15. While cleaning inventory, I came across one that was 260K once. It had a lot of alpha textures in it, thus the high CI.
  16. A lot of my newer ones are coming in under 10k, but I still wear a lot of my 30-35k ones. For new stuff, I wouldn't buy it if it is over 30k, and would probably think a bit harder on the purchase decision if it was over 20k. However, I think it also depends on what your typical outfit is like. If you tend to wear a lot of really low CI clothes/shoes, then you have more room for higher CI in the hair - IMO. I simply try to keep my total CI at 50k or lower, though I do sometimes go above (not counting special stuff for picture shoots).
  17. What is available to you as a Premium member is 1024 sqm TIER. This means that after you buy land -- on the mainland -- you do not have to pay any TIER (monthly fee) on the first 1024 sqm of it. However, you must still buy the land yourself. As to prims / land impact: On a regular parcel you get 175 LI per 512 sqm. There are some areas that are double prim, so 350 LI per 512 sqm on those.
  18. The red blob is because she turned on 'highlight transparencies' or something like that. Normally, the shields are invisible, but since it covers the whole body, that is what it looks like when the invisible is highlighted.
  19. For day to day living, Moderate land works just fine and is much cheaper.
  20. LMAO - Absolutely best description of that icon ever
  21. I'm using Chrome, but I don't have that option. Is it a specific setting or extension?
  22. You should have sent them a list of everything they are wearing, with a smiley face of course.
  23. I had been looking off and on for quite a while before the benefit change was announced. When the change came, I spent hours looking at the map and TPing around before I found something that I liked at a price I was willing to pay. Things were a bit crazy at that point - some plots had multiple people on them and some were purchased while I was standing on them. I do think things will settle down a bit after the current batch of sellers figure out that for the most part buyers are not going to pay those sky rocketed prices just because they are getting more tier benefit and lower tier prices overall.
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