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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Have you relogged since they announced it? Grumpity mentioned that in another thread.
  2. In theory, anyone should now be able to donate their full 1024 to a group -- either an initial 1024 donation or increase a previous 512 to 1024. If the avi was logged on when they rolled out the change (and possible fixes), they might need to relog before it will work.
  3. I was just now able to increase an alt's donation to the land group from the original 512 to 1024 and have it stick with no messages about increased tier or any other issues.
  4. I also just got logged in with my alt (that previously had donated 512 to the land group) and was able to increase my donation to the 1024 amount without any problems or messages about increased tier. And per the account summary page, billing still shows $0 to be charged for tier.
  5. Per the other thread, they did find a problem and were working on getting a fix out. This sounds like maybe the fix is in, but the other thread also mentioned a relog might be needed to pick up these changes.
  6. I like picture #2 best - I like the eyes looking down. If there is supposed to be a shape difference between the two, then my eyes are good enough to detect it.
  7. Overall, I am definitely happy about getting double the tier allotment and the reduction of fees for the various tier levels. Yet I'd still really like to see more levels in the tier structure. I did notice that they have added a 3/4 region level, the half-way mark between 1/2 and full that was not there before. However I'd like to see some more half-way levels at some of the lower levels. I'd like to not jump from 8192 all the way to 16384.
  8. I have 1024 donated to a group -- was paying L$5 before. Going to the Land Fees page, it has the 1024 button checked, thus showing my new fee at US $7. I had to click the radio button next to 0 and save that to get it back to showing everything correctly. The info on the Account Summary (which is what shows real billing info) is correct and does show the increase.
  9. What is a "render" and what does using such actually mean? What do I look for so that I am aware?
  10. Call Billing Support back and specifically tell them this. Reference the ticket and ask them why a 'verified Skrill with funds already in it' would have problems. Side note - The people dealing with the tickets are not all on the same level of expertise with things and so sometimes, you don't really get the "full correct response" on something.
  11. The story of most of my picture outfits. I have a terrible time figuring out the elements to go with a specific outfit for a shot. I get a fuzzy idea in my head, but can't seem to pull it off inworld very often. I have roughly a dozen partial setups in my 'Take Picture' folder right now.
  12. Apparently you are only reading the parts you wish to read. I specifically said "all with the SL viewer" It is if you are the only one experiencing this issue. Based upon my trials by many of my accounts and Theresa's comments, I'd say that there are at least multiple accounts and viewers that are not experiencing the same thing. From a technical perspective that does imply that it has something to do with your viewer setup / preferences.
  13. My latest 'wish' -- I just signed in to my dashboard and then clicked the Marketplace link under Shopping. One would normally assume that the log in that I just did would carry to the MP, but instead I had to log in there also. Thus -- please carry the logins from one LL/SL web page to another.
  14. Even the folks in the north don't refer to themselves or use the term anymore. It is leftover from many, many years ago.
  15. Pizza is often referred to as 'pie'. A geek friend of my daughter opened up a pizza shop called Infinitus Pie and their symbol is:
  16. Then something is off with your viewer or settings. Every time I open the edit window, it opens exactly wherever it was when I last closed it, even across relogs. I edited, moved the window, closed, relogged, edited, and closed many times -- all with the SL viewer and the only time the window opened over the object was when I edited an object directly under where the edit window last was.
  17. If you'll step back and take a short break from being nasty and assuming that everyone else is just out to get you -- what was originally said was " the edit menu pops up in the last position it was". Look at your last two pictures. The edit window is in the EXACT SAME POSITION -- i.e. over to the left of your screen. Thus it opened in the same spot where YOU LEFT IT. Now, I realize that is not what you want, but it is exactly what Theresa said - thus your snide comments are COMPLETELY WRONG. The real problem is that you don't really have a clue how much anyone else logs in or edits things. Definitely a fine ego you have though.
  18. National Pi Day is a really big nerd thing over here - and for not nerds that just like Pie. 4-20 is no biggie anymore in Colorado, since it is now legal to smoke recreationally here.
  19. Welcome to SL and the Forums (where the cool kids live)
  20. The system does not always like special fonts. Try a font that is a bit more normal and I'll bet that it does not revert back.
  21. It's just our natural rebellion against the mother country.
  22. When I'm date stamping files, I always use this format (usually without the dashes though). That way listings by name always sort them properly. If the year is at the end, it just totally messes up the sorting, yet I see file backups named mmddyy or ddmmyy all the time.
  23. This is what I think of when I hear 'spoon with serrated edge' or 'grapefruit spoon' - I actually have a couple of these.
  24. Shopping for poses (as if I need any more). BellePoses has all of their non-Bento ones on sale for 50% off through the 18th. Most of the fat packs are running L$35-50, but I found a few for L$5 for 6 poses each.
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