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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Whether or not LL would act on it, if you get no response I would probably report it as parcel encroachment.
  2. The team was actually named after one of their co-founders, Paul Brown
  3. Yeah, I don't click on the thumbnails if I'm anywhere where I might be concerned about what I see. Though there are a few that you can tell sort of what they are in the thumbnail size (or at least enough to know not to click). Yikes
  4. Maybe different browsers and phones show things differently. Via my browser, when I'm on the About page, the RL photo is still a tiny thumbnail. The pics on the Feed are actually larger and could possibly be seen by someone else if they were fairly close to the computer. I have seen RL nudes on the inworld profiles - and those promptly get reported.
  5. Pussycat Catnap's is probably an example of one with a NSFW pic at the top of her current Feed, but it still isn't a huge pic. If you're worried, just be sure to click Picks really fast when the page pops up -- the Picks pictures are tiny thumbnails and nobody can see anything from those without clicking on them.
  6. Typically, the pictures that you see via the browser are pretty tiny until you click on one to enlarge it, so folks around me would seldom ever actually see anything bad.
  7. The first time I saw that, I immediately wondered if AFK cannibalism places was a thing in SL and if they were a plagued on the SL society / environment.
  8. No, LL usually sells it to a specific person for anywhere from L$0.5 - L$1.0 per sqm. You can sell to a specific person for any amount. Qie was simply meaning if you want to sell it for L$0, you MUST specify a person.
  9. When you set land to sale, there is a drop down to specify it is for sale to anyone or a specific person. I wonder if that was added as safety precaution. I remember many, many years ago folks new to selling land would intend to sell to a person for L$0, but set it to anyone/everyone and a land bot would sweep in and buy it right away.
  10. I wonder if the 'set to sale directly rather than auction' would apply if one didn't already own any land in the sim with the desired abandoned parcel. I always find the auction a hassle to keep up with and it always seemed that whatever I'm interested in would be ignored by everyone else until the last bit of time and then someone will bid it up.
  11. The "Allowed holdings" of 17,408 is because you apparently have your radio button set to the 16,384 size and if you add your Premium 1024 freebie to that, then you get 17,408. You currently only personally own 512 - that would be your Linden Home. Since there is only 8192 "Available for purchase", that implies that you still have stuff donated to one or more groups. i.e. 17408 total allowed minus 8192 available = 9216 being used. The group amount should total 8704, which is the 9216 Peak usage minus the 512 'current holdings'. Check your Land Manager / Group Land page on the Dashboard for that info. If you drop the radio button down (on the Land Use Fees page), then those numbers won't show so much extra. Side note -- You will not be paying more than the $35.00. That screen will always show you what your next payment will be based on all max usage in the current billing period.
  12. And I was LittleMe Jewell for so long before display names even became available that I can't imagine going by anything other than my username. All a matter of what we get used to.
  13. Tier fees are always for the 'maximum every held at a single time during the billing month'. So as long as you abandon the Linden home before buying, they you'll be fine. Your monthly maximum is currently 512 and will become 1024 once you buy a 1024 plot. Side note - November 3rd will actually be your annual Premium billing date. You also have a monthly tier billing date - that started on the day that you first used any tier, even when the bill ends up being $0. See the bottom of your Account Summary page for that date. However, it won't matter in this case if you do Abandon the Linden home first. If you ever decide to go above the 1024, that date will simply let you know what day of each month you will be billed.
  14. I like this. I am constantly looking at people's profile from the forums. I have the default page (https://my.secondlife.com/) bookmarked and then all I have to do is add their name to the end, but a click from their forum profile would be awesome.
  15. I'm getting ready to dive right in to the Twisted Hunt End Game
  16. If I'm exploring, I'll typically use the region settings. If I'm shopping, hunting, or trying things on, I'll set to either CalWL or one of the AvatarOpt settings so that I have more neutral settings to better see colors and such.
  17. Things become more of a pain if the thread goes past the first page and there happens to be a lot of up/down voting going on. Sorting by date will toss you back to the first page and then you have to scroll through everything to find the post that you last read.
  18. Nós não somos LL Support aqui - apenas residentes regulares como você. Você pode enviar um tíquete para o Suporte aqui: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  19. We are not LL Support here - just regular Residents like you. You can submit a ticket to Support here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  20. I'm bring this up again because it seems to be not only annoying to me, but confusing to some of the new forum folks visiting the Answers section. So, is there any way you can do one of the following in the Answers section: 1) Change the default sort to 'by date' 2) Change it to remember our last specified sort order (so we don't have to change it for every single thread we go in to ) 3) Do away with the voting entirely, since that is what messes up the sort and the voting gets abused anyway and thus is not always relevant.
  21. There isn't an actual "Gift Cards" category that I see. The only place I could find where they might thus fit would be "Everything Else" or top level of "Miscellaneous". Is there a Gift Card category somewhere that I'm not seeing?
  22. In the US, you could have: 1) A bank debit card (not prepaid, draws directly from your bank account) 2) A prepaid debit card (buy it and you often can periodically reload it) 3) A prepaid credit card (also called a secured card, funded by you providing your 'limit' up front - over time this one can become a real regular credit card - it is often used by people with poor or no credit history to build up a credit history). I don't know if the prepaid debit card could be used to "verify" a PayPal account, whereas I believe both of the other two could. I'm pretty sure all three can be used to fund a PayPal account.
  23. Hunts are where you get a list of locations and you pop to each one and look for a hidden object, usually with a clue given to help you. Sometimes the objects are really easy to find and sometimes not. Sometimes you get pretty nice things in the hunt and sometimes you get misc trinkets. Most of them run for roughly a month, but lengths do vary. They'll typically involve anywhere from a single store to 100 or so stores across the grid. A few places to find listings of most of the hunts is https://huntsl.com/ https://slhunts.wordpress.com/ and http://seraphimsl.com/category/recurring-events/weekly/weekly-hunt-survival-guide/
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