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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Yes, that does appear to be what happened - and I'm guessing it was when the password box popped up after requesting the L$ buy (that 'please give us your password to confirm you are really you before we take your money' thing). If a password works in multiple places, but not in one place - and the entire community isn't screaming about a problem - then Support will very likely tell you to do one of two things. 1) retype your password "very carefully" or 2) reset it. Support can't fix a problem that is only user error.
  2. Side note on this -- these days it is not considered a good idea to clear your cache on a regular basis. Clearing the cache real often can cause as many or more problems that it fixes.
  3. The OP did come back and say it was prob him/her. In any case, for all password issues, the first step is to go through the password reset process. The OP did say that they successfully logged into the MP afterwards. So in this particular case it was very likely the typo problem. The above link should be saved by everyone though, just in case.
  4. In my case, I already had extra tier in the group, so when the 512 was pulled out, it simply reduced the extra tier that the group had. In any case, supposedly, if the group tier ever goes negative, at some point after that LL charges the 'group owner' for the extra tier. As far as I know, it never gets charged to Liabilities.
  5. If you don't feed the animal, it dies. However, I think the clock only ticks when the animal is rezzed. Thus it won't die in inventory. Since I've never played the 'breedables' thing, I'm not totally sure on that. Anytime I rez a gift of any sort that ends up being a breedable, I promptly delete the item.
  6. A good friend that was donating tier to my group but didn't log in very often ended up forgetting to update their credit card info when the card expired. Thus when their Premium membership tried to renew, the billing failed. If memory serves correctly, it was some few months after that when their tier donation disappeared from my group. Due to a variety of RL issues, the person still didn't try to log in for a while. When they finally contacted LL, I believe they needed to give LL good billing info to pay for the Premium that had failed billing. I think they were given the option of only paying the monthly (or maybe quarterly) rate to cover those first few months when the tier was still in my group. This was all quite a few years back, so I'm a bit foggy on some of the specifics, but I think that was how it all went down. In this person's case, they were only using the 512 that came with their membership, so there wasn't any monthly tier that was also in arrears. If there had been land involved, my guess is that LL might have reclaimed it within a few months of the billing not working (similar to the time frame when they took my friend's tier out of my group), so there would only be those few months of tier to be paid, in addition to the monthly/quarterly premium fee to cover the same time period. Maybe similar if a person is donating more than their 512 tier to a group rather than owning the land right out. There could also be a secondary time frame though. If a group's tier falls under what is needed to cover the land, the group gets some amount of time to get it fixed. Supposedly, at some point, the group owner would then get billed for any negative tier that the group needed. If the group owner couldn't be billed due to lack of current valid billing info, then the land would get reclaimed. If the group owner was the same person that had the billing issue to begin with, there could be a few more months of tier due if LL allowed the group to be negative in tier for a few months before reclaiming the land.
  7. 512 (Linden home) plus 1152 (new purchase) = 1664 minus 1024 (premium benefit) = 640. 640 is more than the 512 level, so you pay for the 1024 level, which is $7. The way you read the chart is: Anything UP TO the noted level is charged at that amount. The minute you are one sqm over a given level, you are bumped to the next level.
  8. Treat it like a RL bill and make sure you pay it when you are supposed to. If you fail to pay for other bills in RL, there are consequences for that. Holding your account hostage is the only leverage LL has to get its money.
  9. After you purchase your mainland, you pay monthly tier (tax) to LL - BUT only for any amount over the 1024 limit that comes with your Premium account. So if you only own 1024 or less, you only pay for the initial purchase and your continual Premium membership.
  10. It really is your SL password that they want (not paypal) and I can pretty much guarantee that there is no bug -- or tons of people would be screaming. I would say that no matter how careful you were, you must have typed it wrong. You can always type it into a Notepad and then copy from there and paste it into the password field.
  11. After the announcement about tier increase, many Linden home owners came to the forums asking how they upgrade their Linden home to take advantage of the new 1024 amount. At the time, we actually speculated that Linden homes wouldn't change. It could be that not only are they going to upgrade the home designs, but they may actually increase them to 1024 sqm lots. At this point, anything is possible.
  12. Reading it is quite entertaining.
  13. TIL that the US military has an emergency plan for the Zombie Apocalypse. (probably old news to some, but new news to me)
  14. Well that was sure a short bit of excitement we had out there. Can't figure out if LL is mopping up yet or not.
  15. On the other hand, since my alts only need access to the 1024 sqm tier and don't care about the other Premium benefits, I'm now thinking it might be better to wait and see what the rate would be for just tier/mainland ability. I wish they had given a more concrete timeline of these new items.
  16. I was debating the same thing. I just upgraded an alt a few days ago. I've considered upgrading a few more to help offset my tier increases due to increased land holdings. And personally, I don't give a rat's a$$ if the alts get proper last names or not -- since we don't really know which of those items are coming in what order.
  17. In thinking more on this, I could definitely see the price going up for the complete package that we get now. I'm pretty sure that the yearly Premium fee has not increased in all the time that I have been premium.
  18. Yeah, I was just a bit surprised at the mention of increasing the LindenX and cash-out fees again since it really hasn't been that long since the last increase. Maybe the goal all along was a huge increase in all those fees but they figured we'd swallow it easier if they broke it into a few tiny increases over many months or so.
  19. Attachments (non-HUD) can be detected, but I'm pretty sure there isn't anything that can detect worn system layers or mesh appliers.
  20. If you derender it, does it stop the snowflakes? Then again, nvm, since that would only impact you seeing the snowflakes and not the visitors to you place.
  21. " In the coming months some other fees may increase, including Marketplace commissions, Linden Dollar exchange fees, and cashout fees. " Yikes - we've already had quite a few increases there lately. " we will soon announce new tiered Premium membership offerings that allow Residents to choose the membership level that provides the benefits most important to them. " This could prove to be quite interesting and possibly bring on more Premiums that don't give a fart about Mainland ownership. By the same token, it might end up costing more for the full scope of benefits that a Premium gets now.
  22. Good possibility. It was quoted twice and any other picture that was quoted was only quoted once.
  23. Yes. I've often wondered how it decided what picture to show when thread links are posted in other places. At first I thought it was specific to the link - whether it was the main thread or a comment, but that doesn't seem to always be the case.
  24. Ahhhh - The action price must have been where my memory was pulling the L$0.5 per sqm. Thanks for the clarification.
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