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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I would check my Gmail, but it's been years, and all I ever get is emails from Second Life telling me someone quoted me in a forum topic, lol. I so do not have the time to go clean all that out. XD
  2. Nice office. They get pretty sunsets there.
  3. I saw a photograph of my father as a toddler once. He was wearing a dress made out of a flour sack. Seeing that was good for me, I think. Made it easier to cope with not getting to have Underoos, anyway.
  4. *raises hand* I do these too. I even give out presents. If anyone has a way of helping me remember my own rez day, that'd be cool, too.
  5. I agree with this. If you're in a venue for social events and its a social event, probably best to be social. I mean yeah, everyone talking at once can be too much, but a full-on DJ set with nobody talking is just a crap go, IMO. I mean yeah, I spend a lot of time AFK when I'm actually inworld, but I'm usually hovering somewhere around 4000 meters up away from the public areas when I do it. And building isn't always the most social thing, but I'll totally chat with someone while I build. Especially if they're standing right there watching me build. I think a lot of times people are a little passive-aggressive, and when they snap at people for trying to talk to them it's because they were trying too hard not to be rude by saying they didn't feel like talking to that person right then, and it ended up turning rude anyway. Me, if someone's just trying to talk to me or ask me questions, or even needs help with something, I'll drop everything and talk to them most of the time. I get why most people don't, but yeah, it's just kinda politer to be a little social, at least for a few minutes, even if I'm busy. Besides, being polite means they're more likely to be polite back to me when after 10 minutes or so I say, "oh darn, I gotta get back to this project I'm working on."
  6. This kinda poop right here. First sign of having your own will, and they get nasty-mean. Who would ever want to be with someone like that? Do they even realize it's why they're so lonely in the first place?
  7. This is what happens when I take the braids out and don't wash my hair for a week. Eh, I can live with it.
  8. He's one of my two friends online that I consider a family person, and the only person in SL who knows my typist's real name and home address. So yeah, he shows up, I drop down and say hi. We're real friends. Caught one of those rare midair sunsets. When I put the camera away, it was already gone. I love SL.
  9. Delight of the Day: This will take a moment to unfold properly. Here goes: I don't normally hang out around many other people who play kids in SL. I don't go to a lot of kid places, and although I support the community and believe everyone has the right to play a kid if they want, a lot of SL kids really are just not my kind of people. I like being a kid. Not being a grownup in a kid costume, feeling like I'm getting away with some weird joke or something, but, rather, feeling like a kid again and having fun the way I used to as a kid. A lot of SL kids do not strike me as really wanting to play kids, if that makes sense (which to me it doesn't). Never mind those weird playgrounds where everyone stands around like mannequins in thongs. Most of them seem to have sensed this, and for the most part they all just leave me alone now. 8 years is long enough for people to realize you're just not a big part of their overall culture/scene, I guess. So, I don't meet many fulltime SL kids anymore. My grownup friend who owns the sim I live on introduced me to a newcomer who has showed up since I've been (mostly) offline, and who plays a kid, and she neither ran away nor openly expressed dislike for me, and I felt no waves of revulsion coursing through me as I stood and chatted with her. She mentioned a certain "newcomer friendly" sim's residents not liking her, and I found that very relatable, actually. So, in a weird Pheeby kind of way, I mark this day with a white stone. Met another kid, we got along. We might end up being friends, and I would probably be okay with it. Not a totally crappy day.
  10. I know I'm late to the game here, but this thread is incredibly interesting, and I'm glad I found it. If anyone ever felt I was infringing anything of theirs, I'd do away with the item completely. Not that I would (knowingly) infringe on anyone's anything anyway, but still. I don't think things should ever even have to come to legal blows in most cases; people should just be able to admit when they're wrong and pay for the thing or service or rights like everyone else has to. I sell things, but I'm also big on open-source stuff. Part of me wishes everyone could just use anything from anywhere and do anything because freedom, w00t, but at the same time, yeah. Just because I'm broke doesn't mean others aren't entitled to their fair share for the work they've done. And I've seen plenty of people seeking to profit off of others' hard work, without even giving them credit for it, let alone supporting them in any real way. To the best of my knowledge, even most lawsuits don't really result in anyone winning, because at some point someone realizes they f'ed up and have to make good, and they settle out of court, but I'd certainly be interested in seeing more on this topic if anyone has it. I participate in another field where intellectual property is considered a huge big deal thing too, and it's a community rife with theft of creative works. In many cases, others are at least happy to see someone give them credit for their original ideas and work, but more often than not, a twenty-something comes along and claims to have invented something all the 50-90 year-olds have been doing for decades, and all the other twenty-somethings fall for it and think it's new and original, and nobody gets credit for their work. In the stage magic career field, I believe two people (one of them was Teller, the other was David Copperfield) have ever successfully won an intellectual property/copyright lawsuit. So, yeah. I'm very interested in the SL side of all of this. I'd probably never bother suing anyone for anything myself anyway, but it's worth knowing about at least, I think.
  11. Grown men who scream in all caps when I disagree with them. People who are 50 kinds of nice until they find out I'm never going to have cybersex with them, and then suddenly talk to me like I'm a piece of garbage. Mesh vajayjay + no underwear + "guy" sit poses, especially when everyone else is just there to talk about old books and Star Trek. When I show someone something I'm working on and they try to do things to it while I'm trying to edit it. I can see your particle cloud, yo. If you want a copy maybe try asking. (Naturally this doesn't apply to anyone who's allowed to edit my objects; I kinda expect them to futz with anything I rezz in front of them.) Showing up to an event at my home sim on your first visit, and insinuating that maybe I, who have been there about 6 years, just shouldn't be there because you don't like my avatar. This has happened a few times. Fortunately, everyone else usually starts talking out loud about how awesome I am, and how great it is to see me, and I never actually have to pick up a building and hit anyone with it.
  12. "Hello Kitty Waterpark Astralia" in Places Search. It's a whole Hello-Kitty-themed region, the waterpark is just part of it. Careful though, last time I got there via Search, I ended up in the ocean outside, lol. I think they forgot to reset their landing point. Just find a nice spot and take a landmark, yadda yadda. It's literally my favorite region besides my home sim, and the two places are nothing alike at all. XD
  13. I prefer the sort of things kids say without realizing how it discombobulates grownups to hear it come out of a kid's mouth. Kids say the darndest things, just ask anyone who went to church with my family. They literally made me stand outside during services, to stop me making the grownups fall apart laughing. Well, that and I was like, 4 years old and kept interrupting to correct the pastor. He really didn't like that. Edit: I guess it makes sense that I wound up working in entertainment, instead of joining the clergy. Fat lot of good my doctorate in theology did me, huh.
  14. I made a skybox once with this for the wallpaper.
  15. I like finding whole regions of sims I've never explored before, so I can drop in and freak whole new legions of norms now and then. That link will be most useful. I'll bring my motorcycle.
  16. If I'm hanging around with other avatars, or where they are, and they're talking, I'll talk. If someone I really like shows up on the sim I'm hovering around, I'll TP over to them and say hi. If I have to be AFK for a while, or think I might have to, I tell people I'll be hovering for a while and will be back later, and go hover in the sky somewhere. I don't go talk to just anyone who's around, though. I think of SL as sort of like being on a boat. Some people go boating to relax and do nothing, some go adventuring and exploring, some go fishing. Some who go fishing are very proactive about it, and some don't care if they get any fish. I believe some people also tend to go out on their boat when they should be doing things like mowing the lawn, or making dinner, or working. Fortunately, they can still do those things, they just tend to forget they're also out on a boat at the moment, sometimes. As for people being AFK driving away or discouraging new users, well, I guess it depends on the quality of the users. I've had times where I'd be building, go hit the bathroom, and come back to find some n00b vainly trying to vandalize me. If they were looking for a friendly chat, that's the wrong way to have one with me. Great way to get a free demonstration of my latest combat play system, though.
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